War and Peace tells the story of five families struggling for survival during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Among its many unforgettable characters is Prince Andrey Bolkonsky, who, despising the artifice of high society, joins the army to achieve glory. The novel's other hero, the bumbling Pierre Bezukhov, tries to find meaning in life through a series of philosophical systems. He at last discovers the Tolstoyan truth that wisdom is to be found not in systems but in the ordinary processes of daily life. Both an intimate study of individual passions and an epic historical novel, War and Peace is nothing less than a complete portrait of human existence.
1、War and Peace是作者Leo Tolstoy创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!
- 1 我准备好了,变老也没关系
- 2 神器有命
- 3 故国曾在
- 4 当代中国社会分层与流动研究手册
- 5 古籍鉴定与保护
- 6 远西旅人
- 7 金钱、道德和做派
- 8 大庆
- 9 三国前夜
- 10 他们涉海而来