

  • 尼采和他的超人哲学


  • 电影、形式与文化(第三版)


    电影教学,就是对影像的控制,并将这种掌控力传授给学生的过程。 ——罗伯特•考尔克 经典级的电影入门教材,作者三十年教学经验结晶 全面丰富的知识梳理,从最基本的镜头,剪辑、构图和声音逐步深入至电影的形式结构,再到类型、性别和文化等宏观议题。 详尽剖析文化、政治的和经济的力量如何影响并塑造电影的制作以及观众对它们的接受。 大量精彩的案例对照分析,由此提纲挈领地带出有关类型片的演变、发展的华彩段落。 独创的交互式DVD教学光盘,提供更为细致直观的分析式观摩体验。 读完本书,你会以全新的方式观看电影。
  • 电影剧本的创作


  • 一个人的影像


  • 看电影读小说你就能懂经济学

    作者:(美)米丽卡 Z布克曼,亚利桑德拉 S

  • 日本电影在台湾


  • 離席


    為什麼看電影? 為什麼要把本來就繁花盛開的人生擺到一旁而非得進電影院不可? 為什麼非得去過陌生人的人生、去淌陌生人的愛恨情仇渾水不可? 關於看電影,到底有什麼好理由呢? 電影裡的人生總是充滿著各種式樣的情節與場面調度,是現實與虛構的擴大夢境,從Mise-en-scene到Mise-en-abyme,人們在其中滲進滲出,我們實際上是難以退出這些調度所留下的殘局,而黃以曦透過離席、走位、停格、特寫、放大的筆法……給予人性一個具有縱深的所在,是為了引領我們掉入一個比電影場景還要更大的深淵。 一場電影的開頭總有幾個建立鏡頭,能讓我們掉入故事之中;而一個電影作者卻總能夠用他所發明的幻術,在影片正文的凝視中間重建鏡頭,組裝出一種全新視野、搭造出一座異托邦,並開啟了我們對戲中人物所不自知那種的殘酷眼光,甚至是對自身所處俗常位置的省思,而在觀眾席上坐立不安。十年來,黃以曦在台灣電影界用她的文字,一次又一次捕捉每部影片所體現出來的人生處境,像是意識流交錯那樣或像是重覆曝光那樣多次在同一位置顯影,如浮水印或羊皮紙那樣揭示著暗語,她總是提供我們對這些人生困境的嶄新角度與可能的解答。 有時候我們看完一部電影後步出戲院,我們的世界觀也因為那部電影而改變,讀黃以曦的文字也是如此,我們甚至不用看過那部她在談的電影作品,也可以知曉她筆下人生的種種思慮和不安。如果說一個文學作家力圖建立的是一個迷宮及其逃逸路線,那麼一個電影導演卻是在建立沒有出口的迷宮,只進不出,一鏡到底。而影評人黃以曦便這樣的迷宮引路人,帶著我們逡行在超載著悲劇的惡托邦地域,直至末日,the end。 電影院燈亮,但電影卻未真正結束。黃以曦告訴我們,只有徹底知曉一個電影作者教條中所暗藏的嚴苛紀律與靈魂秘密,我們才能真正離席,用著電影給出來的目光,重新認識自己,在人生中重新入座。 如果說要找到人生的這一個新的位置,黃以曦首先要我們離開原本習以為常的位置。離席,可以是對自我的片面否定,也可以是安靜地走向他方,但最終,都是在這個世界中,找回那個失落已久的觀看位置:反思自身,省察我與他人的關係,還有我們那些已經被電影演繹出和尚未被銀幕映射出來的共同命運。 離開電影院後,電影還沒結束……40個「影想力」的關鍵詞,讓你接上「電影術語」與「哲學絮語」的脈動,黃以曦用她靜謐悠長的文字,細緻地告訴我們「為什麼看電影?」的真正原因。
  • 妮可·基德曼传


    《妮可•基德曼传》简介:妮可·基德曼:全世界最美丽的女子,优雅而性感,内敛而妖娆的结合体,她的多样戏路及生活中的情感纠葛吸引着众多影评人和影迷的注意。《妮可•基德曼传》为您历数妮可·基德曼其人、其事、其电影,她如何从一位默默无闻的澳洲演员成长为举世瞩目的好莱坞超级明星,当然还包括她与好莱坞大帅哥汤姆·克鲁斯的情生与情变…… 妮可·基德曼锐利的眼神中,难掩女性迷离的温柔;高大曼妙的身体曲线,迸发着成熟女人依然活力性感的气息…… 妮可·基德曼出生于美国夏威夷,但她却是澳大利亚人,家庭生活富足优良。基德曼从小就表现出对艺术的强烈爱好,3岁起开始学习芭蕾舞,10岁就受到专业的表演艺术训练,她的惊人天赋使她的学习既轻松而又进展神速。4岁时,她第一次登上了银幕。 1985年,她荣获澳大利亚电影学院最佳女演员奖,终于成为演艺圈中的明星名人。1989年的惊粟片《飞越地平线》,她的上乘演技令她受到美国影坛的注意。同年她与克鲁斯热恋并结婚,使她一夜成名。基德曼是个细腻、认真,善于学习的好演员,在她尝试改变戏路的影片《情深到来生》(《To die for》中,她入乡随俗,改变欧洲风格,出色地表现出一种美国式的亲切温和,成功地刻画了一位贤妻的形象,受到美国观众的热情欢迎和喜爱。 尽管和世界级帅哥靓汤情已逝,尽管《红磨坊》(又译《梦断花都》)在欧洲毁誉参半,但也阻止不了人们争相涌进影院,欣赏妮可的香艳表演。看来,妮可仿佛开始了她单飞的自由甜密生活。
  • The Mind of the Modern Moviemaker

    作者:Horowitz, Josh

  • Dancing Ledge

    作者:Derek Jarman

    The filmmaker noted for Sebastiane and Edward II , among other works, discusses his life and art, detailing his sexual awakening, the libidinous excesses of the sixties, his experiences in gay culture, and more.
  • The Gangster Film Reader (Softcover)


    In the 1930s the gangster film in the United States coincided with a very real and very sensational gangsterism at large in American society. Little Caesar (1931), The Public Enemy (1931), and Scarface (1932) borrowed liberally from the newspapers and books of the era. With the release of just these three motion pictures in barely more than a year's time, Hollywood quintessentially defined the genre. The characters, the situations, and the icons-from fast cars and tommy-guns to fancy fedoras and fancier molls-established the audience expectations associated with the gangster film that remain in force to this day. As with their Film Noir Reader series, using both reprints of seminal articles and new pieces, editors Silver and Ursini have assembled a group of essays that presents an exhaustive overview of this still vital genre. Reprints of work by such well-known film historians as Robin Wood, Andrew Sarris, Carlos Clarens, Paul Schrader, and Stuart Kaminsky explore the evolution of the gangster film through the 1970s and The Godfather. Parts 2 and 3 comprise two dozen newer articles, most of them written expressly for this volume by Ursini and Silver. These case studies and thematic analyses, from White Heat to the remake of Scarface to "The Sopranos," complete the anthology.
  • Stop Motion

    作者:Barry J C Purves

    In-depth discussion of the creativity behind making stop motion animated films from the masters of the craft - including Tom Brierton, Adam Elliot, Mark Hall, Peter Lord, Ken Priebe, David Sproxton and many others.
  • 剧场翻译及电影改编:一位实际工作者的观点


  • The Films of Luc Besson

    作者:Hayward, Susan (EDT)

    This fascinating collection looks at the career and films of Luc Besson, one of the most acclaimed figures in international cinema. Contributions have been assembled from all over the world, and their different approaches reflect this geographical diversity. Films covered range from Besson's first feature, La Dernier Combat, to the international blockbusters The Fifth Element and Joan of Arc. The essays range from looking at costume design to musical scores, and the final chapter offers a transcript of a previously unpublished interview with the man himself. He is the only French director to have crossed over successfully during the 1990s into the blockbuster spectacular we associate with Hollywood cinema and yet this is only the second book in English on this major international director. *The films of Luc Besson* will make fascinating reading for anyone interested in the career and films of the 'master of spectacle'.
  • "The Godfather"

    作者:Lewis, Jon

    This is a study in the "BFI Film Classics" series of Francis Ford Coppola's auteurist masterpiece, which reinvented the gangster movie and came to represent a high point of the 'New Hollywood'. This is the first single-authored study of this key film, widely acknowledged as one of the best films of all time. The author has carried out archival research into the film's development and production history. It is richly illustrated with stills from the BFI collection and screengrabs from the film. It is suitable for fans of the film; followers of Coppola/Brando/Pacino; Students of American Studies and Film Studies: Courses on Hollywood Cinema, the 'New Hollywood', and, Gangster and Crime Movies. "The Godfather" marked a transition in American filmmaking, and its success, as a work of art, as a creative 'property', as a model for other filmmakers, changed Hollywood forever. Jon Lewis places the film in the context of 1970s Hollywood and the gangster film genre, examining its status as a critique of the American dream.
  • Tim Burton

    作者:Baecque, Antoine de

    Tim Burton is one of the most popular and innovative creative forces working in Hollywood today. From his first films as a cinema obsessed adolescent to his most recent Hollywood blockbusters like Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland, this new monograph by acclaimed author and film critic Antoine de Baecque, takes readers on a behind the scenes journey through Burton's eccentric career. Featuring interviews with Burton himself that reveal quirky personal anecdotes, exhaustively researched and gorgeously illustrated with film stills, set photographs and a wide selection of Burton's drawings, this vivid account of one of American cinema's greatest stars will delight fans and critics alike.
  • 影视非线性编辑


  • 文艺复兴


  • The Woman in the Dunes

    作者:Kobo Abe

    One of the premier Japanese novels of the twentieth century, The Women in the Dunes combines the essence of myth, suspense, and the existential novel. In a remote seaside village, Niki Jumpei, a teacher and amateur entomologist, is held captive with a young woman at the bottom of a vast sand pit where, Sisyphus-like, they are pressed into shoveling off the ever-advancing sand dunes that threaten the village.