

  • 蓝胡子




    有一天,一位冒失、活泼、好奇心旺盛的寡妇突然闯入了他的生活 ,逼迫着他 回顾自己的前半生,纠缠着他打开自己的秘密仓库,说出他一生的故事……



    ★ 一本恶作剧式的自传小说 一个艺术学徒的绝响之作

    ★ 冯内古特晚年重要杰作,简体中文版首度问世。


    ★ 冯内古特——村上春树、格雷厄姆·格林、诺曼·梅勒等20世纪重量级作家一致推崇的文学偶像,与马克·吐温齐名的黑色幽默作家。

    ★ 在20世纪60年代的美国大学校园里,冯内古特的小说几乎人手一册,他是“几代美国青年的偶像”。

    ★ 在小说中,冯内古特假借一个美国前抽象表现主义画家的自传的形式,叙述了他尴尬的艺术生涯,最后完成了作为艺术学徒的绝响之作。

    ★ 用笑比哭还难受的黑色幽默,书写了“二战”“亚美尼亚大屠杀”等历史大事件如何左右个体的命运。

    ★ 本书虽不是美国抽象表现主义画派的信史,却真实地反应了杰克逊·波洛克、马克·罗斯科等一群美国艺术大师的艺术创造和生活。正如作者所说,在书中“我没有让他们做任何这些人实际上不会做的事情”。

    ★ 融合冯内古特早期小说中的众多主题,包括个人身份、艺术家的社会角色、家庭的重要性、美国的等级制度,以及战争中付出的肉体与情感的代价等等,堪称是作家一生“总结性”的一次伟大创作。





    我上大学的时候喜欢读冯内古特和布劳提根的书,他们都很有幽默感,但同时也写严肃题材,我喜欢那种类型的书。第一次读他们的作品时,令我惊异的是,竟然还有这样的书,那种感觉就像发现了一个新世界。 ——村上春树





























  • 暴雨下在病房里





  • 大海,大海

    作者:[英] 艾丽丝·默多克


  • 马利亚的自白

    作者:[爱尔兰] 科尔姆·托宾

    ★ 爱尔兰文学大师科尔姆·托宾三度入围布克奖的惊人之作

    ★ 给圣母马利亚,这位在十字架下沉默的妇人一次发声的机会

    ★ 奥斯卡影后梅丽尔·斯特里普献声录制有声书

    ★ 同名戏剧在纽约、伦敦、都柏林、芝加哥等地巡演,入围托尼奖最佳编剧奖

    圣母马利亚的形象透过西方绘 画和雕塑深入人心,可是除了《圣经》里的只字片语和一些宗教研究著述,几乎没有作品以文学艺术的手法刻画过这位西方历史上最著名的母亲。











  • Everyone Worth Knowing

    作者:Lauren Weisberger

    Bette is 27, smart, pretty, fun – and bored. When she splits up with her long–term boyfriend, she decides it's time for a change. A chance meeting propels her into a new role as a party planner. Running with the cool Manhattan pack, Bette can hardly believe her luck. Suddenly, the greatest city in the world is her own personal playground and boy, the toys are incredible! But quicker than you can say Manolo Blahnik, everything starts to fall apart. Bette finds herself the prey of a notorious playboy – and suddenly the lead item of the society gossip columns. Her new boss couldn't be more thrilled, but Bette's family and old friends are less so. The girl they know and love, with a penchant for dodgy romance novels, cheesy '80s music and junk food, is in danger of turning into just another Park Avenue princess. As Bette struggles to keep both her old and new lives from imploding, she finds salvation in an unlikely form. But can she say goodbye to the glamour and the Gucci, the Prada and the parties, and step back into the real world – and into the arms of a genuine Prince Charming?
  • Bringing Down the House

    作者:Ben Mezrich

    #1 National Bestseller! The amazing inside story about a gambling ring of M.I.T. students who beat the system in Vegas -- and lived to tell how. Robin Hood meets the Rat Pack when the best and the brightest of M.I.T.'s math students and engineers take up blackjack under the guidance of an eccentric mastermind. Their small blackjack club develops from an experiment in counting cards on M.I.T.'s campus into a ring of card savants with a system for playing large and winning big. In less than two years they take some of the world's most sophisticated casinos for more than three million dollars. But their success also brings with it the formidable ire of casino owners and launches them into the seedy underworld of corporate Vegas with its private investigators and other violent heavies. Filled with tense action, high stakes, and incredibly close calls, Bringing Down the House is a nail-biting read that chronicles a real-life Ocean's Eleven. It's one story that Vegas does not want you to read.
  • Eleven Minutes

    作者:Paulo Coelho

    Book Description This gripping and daring novel by the author of the bestselling "The Alchemist" sensitively explores the sacred nature of sex and love. "Sensual . . . for-adults-only fairytale."                            --"Washington Post." Book Dimension length: (cm)20.4                 width:(cm)13.5
  • Band of Brothers

    作者:Stephen E. Ambrose

    在线阅读本书 Through soldiers' journals and letters, describes Easy Company's contributions to the campaigns in western Europe and recounts their stories of survival. Amazon.co.uk Review As grippingly as any novelist, preeminent World War II historian Stephen Ambrose uses Band of Brothers to tell the horrifying, hallucinatory saga of Easy Company, whose 147 members he calls the nonpareil combat paratroopers on earth circa 1941-45. Ambrose takes us along on Easy Company's trip from gruelling basic training to Utah Beach on D-day, where a dozen of them turned German cannons into dynamited ruins resembling "half-peeled bananas", on to the Battle of the Bulge, the liberation of part of the Dachau concentration camp, and a large party at Hitler's "Eagle's Nest", where they drank the his (surprisingly inferior) champagne. Of Ambrose's main sources, three soldiers became rich civilians; at least eight became teachers; one became Albert Speer's jailer; one prosecuted Robert Kennedy's assassin; another became a mountain recluse; the despised, sadistic CO who first trained Easy Company (and to whose strictness many soldiers attributed their survival of the war) wound up a suicidal loner whose own sons skipped his funeral. The Easy Company survivors describe the hell and confusion of any war: the senseless death of the nicest kid in the company when a souvenir Luger goes off in his pocket; the execution of a GI by his CO for disobeying an order not to get drunk. Despite the gratuitous horrors it relates, Band of Brothers illustrates what one of Ambrose's sources calls "the secret attractions of war ... the delight in comradeship, the delight in destruction ... war as spectacle".               --Tim Appelo Amazon.com Audibook Review The men of E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne, volunteered for this elite fighting force because they wanted to be the best in the army--and avoid fighting alongside unmotivated, out-of-shape draftees. The price they paid for that desire was long, arduous, and sometimes sadistic training, followed by some of the most horrific battles of World War II. Actor Cotter Smith--a veteran of numerous TV movies and Broadway plays--spins Stephen Ambrose's tale with almost laconic ease. Anecdote by anecdote, he lets the power of the story build. By the time the company has gotten through D-day and seized Hitler's Eagle's Nest in Bavaria, we feel we know as much about the men and their missions as we do about our own brothers. (Running time: 5 hours, 4 cassettes) --Lou Schuler Book Dimension  Height (mm) 234      Width (mm) 157
  • Thirteen Reasons Why

    作者:Jay Asher

    Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker--his classmate and crush--who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list. Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.
  • The Five People You Meet in Heaven

    作者:Albom, Mitch

    “这是一则你在热恋时会手不释卷的寓言。这是一个你在迷惘时能常伴左右的故事。这是一部你会再三阅读的小说,因为它具备一种罕见的魔力,能让你审视自己和整个世界的角度焕然一新。这本书是赠给灵魂的礼物。” ——谭恩美,著名美籍华裔作家,著有《喜福会》等    “在《你在天堂里遇见的五个人》中,米奇·阿尔博姆把我们引领到了一个新境界。你能在这本书里找到那些经典著作——比如《奥德赛》——的回响,这种特质使得阿尔博姆的作品成为我们最好的伙伴。” 这个叫爱迪的男人,瘸着一条腿,为救一个孩子死了。他在天堂遇见了五个人。他是不是把孩子救了出来,是不是在天堂乐不思蜀,这要看了书才知道。情节都在书中,写得很有章法,我不能抢先代作者透露。我可以说的是,爱迪在天堂,如同一个人得到珍贵的地图,终于看明白自己走了一生的道路,原来是那样勾连的。 Book Description Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret. Then, on his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden, but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever. One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his earthly life. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life: Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure? The answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you've ever thought about the afterlife - and the meaning of our lives here on earth. With a timeless tale, appealing to all, this is a book that readers of fine fiction, and those who loved Tuesdays with Morrie, will treasure.
  • Great Expectations

    作者:Charles Dickens

    Dickens’ epic literary Masterpiece From the agony of Charles Dickens’ disenchantment with the Victorian middle class comes a novel of spellbinding mystery and a profound examination of moral values—this is the story of the orphan Pip’s trials and tribulations among London’s high society circles.
  • The Undomestic Goddess

    作者:Sophie Kinsella

    Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. She’s made a mistake so huge, it’ll wreck any chance of a partnership. Going into utter meltdown, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train, and ends up in the middle of nowhere. Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, she’s mistaken for an interviewee and finds herself being offered a job as housekeeper. Her employers have no idea they’ve hired a lawyer–and Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. She can’t sew on a button, bake a potato, or get the #@%# ironing board to open. How she takes a deep breath and begins to cope–and finds love–is a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake. But will her old life ever catch up with her? And if it does…will she want it back?
  • Shanghai Girls

    作者:Lisa See

    In 1937, Shanghai is the Paris of Asia, a city of great wealth and glamour, the home of millionaires and beggars, gangsters and gamblers, patriots and revolutionaries, artists and warlords. Thanks to the financial security and material comforts provided by their father’s prosperous rickshaw business, twenty-one-year-old Pearl Chin and her younger sister, May, are having the time of their lives. Though both sisters wave off authority and tradition, they couldn’t be more different: Pearl is a Dragon sign, strong and stubborn, while May is a true Sheep, adorable and placid. Both are beautiful, modern, and carefree . . . until the day their father tells them that he has gambled away their wealth and that in order to repay his debts he must sell the girls as wives to suitors who have traveled from California to find Chinese brides. As Japanese bombs fall on their beloved city, Pearl and May set out on the journey of a lifetime, one that will take them through the Chinese countryside, in and out of the clutch of brutal soldiers, and across the Pacific to the shores of America. In Los Angeles they begin a fresh chapter, trying to find love with the strangers they have married, brushing against the seduction of Hollywood, and striving to embrace American life even as they fight against discrimination, brave Communist witch hunts, and find themselves hemmed in by Chinatown’s old ways and rules. At its heart, Shanghai Girls is a story of sisters: Pearl and May are inseparable best friends who share hopes, dreams, and a deep connection, but like sisters everywhere they also harbor petty jealousies and rivalries. They love each other, but each knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt the other the most. Along the way they face terrible sacrifices, make impossible choices, and confront a devastating, life-changing secret, but through it all the two heroines of this astounding new novel hold fast to who they are–Shanghai girls.
  • Nothing Lasts Forever

    作者:Sidney Sheldon

    Three young doctors-their hopes, their dreams, their unexpected desires... Dr. Paige Taylor: She swore it was euthanasia, but when Paige inherited a million dollars from a patient, the D.A. called it murder. Dr. Kat Hunter: She vowed never to let another man too close again-until she accepted the challenge of a deadly bet. Dr. Honey Taft: To make it in medicine, she knew she'd need something more than the brains God gave her. Racing from the life-and-death decisions of a big major hospital to the tension-packed fireworks of a murder trial, Nothing Lasts Forever lays bare the ambitions and fears of healers and killers, lovers and betrayers. And proves once again that no reader can outguess Sidney Sheldon, the master of the unexpected. 温馨提示:两种封面,随机发货。
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's

    作者:Truman Capote

  • The Da Vinci Code

    作者:Dan Brown

    在线阅读本书 As millions of readers around the globe have already discovered, is a reading experience unlike any other. Simultaneously lightning-paced, intelligent, and intricately layered with remarkable research and detail, Dan Brown's novel is a thrilling masterpiece—from its opening pages to its stunning conclusion.
  • A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers

    作者:Xiaolu Guo

    Twenty-three-year-old Zhuang (or Z as she calls herself) arrives in London to spend a year learning English. Struggling to find her way in the city, and through the puzzles of tense, verb and adverb; she falls for an older Englishman and begins to realise that the landscape of love is an even trickier terrain...
  • In Cold Blood

    作者:Truman Capote

    《冷血》(英文:In Cold Blood)是美国作家楚门·卡波特于1966出版的小说,详述1959年一起位于堪萨斯州霍尔库姆,优渥农人赫伯特·克拉特一家遭灭门的残暴凶杀案。卡波特获悉此事后,与好友作家哈波·李决定一同前往当地进行调查。他们访问了当地居民与该案的调查人员,摘记了上千页的纪录。凶手狄克与贝利在犯案后不久被逮捕,卡波特随后耗尽六年心血著成此书。《冷血》被公认是非虚构小说鼻祖及新新闻主义先驱,同时也成了卡波特的经典代表作之一。 Controversial and compelling, In Cold Blood reconstructs the murder in 1959 of a Kansas farmer, his wife and both their children. Truman Capote's comprehensive study of the killings and subsequent investigation explores the circumstances surrounding this terrible crime and the effect it had on those involved. At the centre of his study are the amoral young killers Perry Smith and Dick Hickcock, who, vividly drawn by Capote, are shown to be reprehensible yet entirely and frighteningly human. The book that made Capote's name, In Cold Blood is a seminal work of modern prose, a remarkable synthesis of journalistic skill and powerfully evocative narrative.
  • Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (Perennial Classics)

    作者:Aldous Huxley

    In 1958, Aldous Huxley wrote what might be called a sequel to his novel Brave New World, published in 1932, but it was a sequel that did not revisit the story or the characters, or re-enter the world of the novel. Instead, he revisited that world in a set of 12 essays. Taking a second look at specific aspects of the future Huxley imagined in Brave New World, Huxley meditated on how his fantasy seemed to be turning into reality, frighteningly and much more quickly than he had ever dreamed. That he had been so prophetic in 1931 about the dystopian future gave Huxley no comfort. He was a far more serious man in 1958 -- at the age of 64 -- and the world was a very different place, transformed by the catastrophe of World War II, the advent of nuclear weapons and the grip of the Cold War. Looking behind the Iron Curtain, where people were not free but dominated by totalitarian power, Huxley could only bow to the grim prophecy of his friend (and, briefly, his student at Eton) George Orwell in the novel 1984. In the free world, however, the situation seemed even more to be one for despair. For it seemed to Huxley that people were well on their way to giving up their freedom and the sanctity of their individualism, in exchange for the illusions of comfort and sensory pleasure -- just as they had in Brave New World. Huxley heard, in 1958, a world full of the noise of what he called singing commercials, flooding the mass media, much like the hypnopaedia that shaped conscious thought in the world of the novel. He saw people everywhere in greater numbers taking tranquilizer drugs, to surrender to the unacceptable aspects of modern life -- not unlike the drug called soma that everyone takes in the novel. The power of propaganda, he believed, had been validated by the rise of Hitler, and the postwar world was using it effectively to manipulate the masses. Overpopulation was already a critical issue in 1958, and Huxley saw the emergence of an overpopulated world in which the chaos was, more and more, being countered by centralized control -- closer, it seemed, to the future of Brave New World, where the ultimate controlling capitalist of Huxley´s early years, Henry Ford, had become the equivalent of God. In the end, Brave New World Revisited despairs of what has come to pass, primarily modern humankind´s willingness to surrender freedom for pleasure. Huxley quotes from the episode of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov -- ´For nothing,´ the Inquisitor insists, ´has ever been more insupportable for a man or a human society than freedom.´ Huxley worried that the cry of "Give me liberty or give me death" could easily be replaced by "Give me television and hamburgers, but don´t bother me with the responsibilities of liberty." He saw hope in the form of education, even the most pious, orthodox and inefficient kind of education -- education that can teach people to see beyond the easy slogans, efficient ends and anesthetic influences of propaganda. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for every long, Huxley concluded. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them.
  • Different Seasons

    作者:[美]斯蒂芬·金 Stephen Kin

    Different Seasons,中文译名《四季奇谭》,是美国作家斯蒂芬·金于1982年出版的短篇小说集。《四季奇谭》包含四部短篇小说:《芮塔·海华丝与肖申克的救赎——春天的希望》、《纳粹高徒——夏日沉沦》、《总要找到你——不再纯真的秋天》、《呼·吸·呼·吸——暮冬重 生》。 前三部短篇都被改编成电影,其中以《肖申克的救赎》最为知名,深受广大影迷厚爱,并在1994年第67届奥斯卡电影金像奖上提名包括最佳电影在内的七项大奖,最终惜败给《阿甘正传》。《总要找到你》于1986年翻拍成电影,电影主题曲Stand By Me传唱至今,甚至红过电影本身。 《四季奇谭》的故事主题稍显沉重、严肃,与斯蒂芬·金见长的恐怖小说有些不同,但同样十分精彩。1982年出版,便一举拿下《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜冠军,至今在全球范围内已被翻译成30余种语言。