

  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street

    作者:Burton G. Malkiel

    点击链接进入中文版: 漫步华尔街(原书第9版)
  • 制度与行为经济学


    本书是美国密歇根州立大学终身教授阿兰·斯密德(allana.schmid)博士的*新力作。作者以非凡的勇气对新古典经济学的众多观点提出了质疑,扩大了人们对现实经济运行的认识的视野,向读者展示了新颖的观点。 本书内容丰富多彩,既有对行为经济学、制度与组织的分析,又有人类相互依赖的根源、方法论、市场、技术与增长及劳动制度的阐述,更有对宏观经济制度、政治制度变迁分析的展望。作者从信息不完全性,有限理性等假设入手,采用其建立的独特的研究制度与绩效之间关系的范式——ssp范式,即状态—结构—绩效范式,并把它作为一个通用范式的应用到政治制度、宏观经济制度、劳动力制度、技术制度等方面,为开展制度分析提供了很好的制度框架。 作者不仅构造出完整的理论框架,而且采用了大量的案例分析,案例包括了一些对中国经济体制改革等方面的制度分析,因此中国读者阅读此书可能倍感亲切。 制度问题在中国的学术界并不陌生,但是从行为经济学的角度探讨制度则还是比较新的学问。研究制度将朝两个相反的方向发展。一个是更宏观的方面,比如研究宪法、道德和文化。另外一个发展方向就是更微观的方面,即行为经济学。根据该书作者阿兰·斯密德的解释,制度经济学就是建立在行为科学的基础上的。只有将从宏观到微观的全过程作全面研究,我们才能对制度有透彻的了解。所以本书既讨论国家、市场、宪法等问题,也讨论刺激、信仰、暗示等心里过程,在中间层还研究交易费用、囚徒困境、环境保护等等。本书的出版一定会对我国制度科学的进一步研究产生积极的作用。 ——茅于轼 中国著名经济学家 制度究竟是如何起源的?这一问题一直困扰着制度经济学家。斯密德在这本前沿著作中初步给出了一个出乎意料的回答。他认为,制度研究必须引入心理学基础。从制度结构、当事人行为、绩效之间的关系中探求制度的起源和演化。为此,斯密德给出了一个制度的行为经济学理论解释。这本书代表了制度经济学研究的*前沿探索,诺思、维持、威廉姆森等代表人物近来纷纷转向这一领域,足见作者的高屋建瓴。 ——周业安 中国人民大学经济学院教授 心里行为层面的讨论及立宪性秩序层面的讨论,应当是推进制度经济学发展的两个*为重要的基础点,制度经济学的*前沿进展也基本体现在这两个层面的讨论上。而本书则把这两个层面的讨论融合在一起,构建了制度经济学的*新框架,有志于进入制度经济学领域的读者,确实焘该首先读一读这本书。 ——唐寿宁 中国社会科学院经济研究所研究员
  • The Economic Naturalist

    作者:Robert H. Frank

    Have you ever wondered why there is a light in your fridge but not in your freezer? Or why 24-hour shops bother having locks on their doors? Or why soft drink cans are cylindrical, but milk cartons are square? The answer is simple: economics. For years, economist Robert Frank has been encouraging his students to ask questions about the conundrums and strange occurrences they encounter in everyday life and to try to explain them using economics. Now in this bestselling book, he shares the most intriguing – and bizarre – questions and the economic principles that answer them to reveal why many of the most puzzling parts of everyday life actually make perfect (economic) sense.
  • 《经济学》小品和案例


    《经济学》小品和案例,ISBN:9787300029023,作者:(美)斯蒂格利茨(Joseph E.Stiglitz)著;王尔山,肖倩等译;王尔山译
  • Triumph of the City

    作者:Edward Glaeser

    A pioneering urban economist offers fascinating, even inspiring proof that the city is humanity's greatest invention and our best hope for the future. America is an urban nation. More than two thirds of us live on the 3 percent of land that contains our cities. Yet cities get a bad rap: they're dirty, poor, unhealthy, crime ridden, expensive, environmentally unfriendly... Or are they? As Edward Glaeser proves in this myth-shattering book, cities are actually the healthiest, greenest, and richest (in cultural and economic terms) places to live. New Yorkers, for instance, live longer than other Americans; heart disease and cancer rates are lower in Gotham than in the nation as a whole. More than half of America's income is earned in twenty-two metropolitan areas. And city dwellers use, on average, 40 percent less energy than suburbanites. Glaeser travels through history and around the globe to reveal the hidden workings of cities and how they bring out the best in humankind. Even the worst cities-Kinshasa, Kolkata, Lagos- confer surprising benefits on the people who flock to them, including better health and more jobs than the rural areas that surround them. Glaeser visits Bangalore and Silicon Valley, whose strangely similar histories prove how essential education is to urban success and how new technology actually encourages people to gather together physically. He discovers why Detroit is dying while other old industrial cities-Chicago, Boston, New York-thrive. He investigates why a new house costs 350 percent more in Los Angeles than in Houston, even though building costs are only 25 percent higher in L.A. He pinpoints the single factor that most influences urban growth-January temperatures-and explains how certain chilly cities manage to defy that link. He explains how West Coast environmentalists have harmed the environment, and how struggling cities from Youngstown to New Orleans can "shrink to greatness." And he exposes the dangerous anti-urban political bias that is harming both cities and the entire country. Using intrepid reportage, keen analysis, and eloquent argument, Glaeser makes an impassioned case for the city's import and splendor. He reminds us forcefully why we should nurture our cities or suffer consequences that will hurt us all, no matter where we live.
  • 新兴古典经济学与超边际分析


  • The Philosophy of Money

    作者:Georg Simmel

    With a new foreword by Charles Lemert . 'Its greatness...lies in ceaseless and varied use of the money form to unearth and conceptually reveal incommensurabilities of all kinds, in social reality fully as much as in thought itself.' - Fredric Jameson . In The Philosophy of Money, Georg Simmel puts money on the couch. He provides us with a classic analysis of the social, psychological and philosophical aspects of the money economy, full of brilliant insights into the forms that social relationships take. He analyzes the relationships of money to exchange, human personality, the position of women, and individual freedom. Simmel also offers us prophetic insights into the consequences of the modern money economy and the division of labour, in particular the processes of alienation and reification in work and urban life. . An immense and profound piece of work it demands to be read today and for years to come as a stunning account of the meaning, use and culture of money.
  • Global Capitalism

    作者:Jeffry A. Frieden

    In 1900 international trade reached unprecedented levels and the world's economies were more open to one another than ever before. Then as now, many people considered globalization to be inevitable and irreversible. Yet the entire edifice collapsed in a few months in 1914. Globalization is a choice, not a fact. It is a result of policy decisions and the politics that shape them. Jeffry A. Frieden's insightful history explores the golden age of globalization during the early years of the century, its swift collapse in the crises of 1914-45, the divisions of the Cold War world, and the turn again toward global integration at the end of the century. His history is full of character and event, as entertaining as it is enlightening. 点击链接进入中文版: 20世纪全球资本主义的兴衰
  • Peddling Prosperity

    作者:Paul Krugman

  • Development as Freedom

    作者:Amartya Sen

    By the winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics,  an essential and  paradigm-altering framework for understanding economic development--for both rich and poor--in the twenty-first century. Freedom, Sen argues, is both the end and most efficient means of sustaining economic life and the key to securing the general welfare of the world's entire population. Releasing the idea of individual freedom from association with any particular historical, intellectual, political, or religious tradition, Sen clearly demonstrates its current applicability and possibilities. In the new global economy, where, despite unprecedented increases in overall opulence, the contemporary world denies elementary freedoms to vast numbers--perhaps even the majority of people--he concludes, it is still possible to practically and optimistically restain a sense of social accountability. Development as Freedom is essential reading.
  • Why Globalization Works

    作者:Martin Wolf

    Presents the political and economic case for a global market economy and analyses the history of globalization. Puts into perspective the threats to globalization, including terrorism, and suggests a way towards a better global market economy. DLC: Globalization--Economic aspects.
  • 加尔布雷思文集


  • Selling China

    作者:Yasheng Huang

  • The Rise of the Creative Class

    作者:Richard Florida

    Gives us a provocative new way to think about why we live as we do today-and where we might be headed. Weaving storytelling with masses of new and updated research, Richard Florida traces the fundamental theme that runs through a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society.
  • 制高点


    中国在制高点时代非常具有代表性。所谓“制高点”,是对政府直接控制经济中具有战略意义的领域――甚至更多的领域――这种体系的简称。今天,中国正在生机盎然、信心百倍地从一个国家曾试图控制经济制高点的时代迈向一个新纪元――发展民营企业、放松监管、提倡市场和竞争将逐步占领世界经济观念的制高点。从各个方面看,其结果都不失革命性,曾一度固步自封、因循守旧的中国现在已经一跃成为世界经济最重要的参与者和缔造者。 但在这历史性变革之际,中国也面临着沉重的问题。如何开展国有经济领域的改革,如何建立起适合于市场经济的“游戏规则”――这里指的是机构和法制基础,中国应该如何并以多快的速度融人世界经济大家庭中去,如何应付转制过程中出现的失业、创造就业机会和社会责任等庞大的负担和艰巨的挑战等等。本书通过把这些问题放到世界思潮转变的历史背 景中,为问题的解答提供一定帮助,世界上总有国家在以某些形式为同样的问题寻找着答案,《制高点》讲述的是关于政治和商业的故事,关于一些沉浮于历史旋涡中的人的故事,也是关于思维进化观念纷争纠葛的故事。
  • China's Superbank

    作者:Henry Sanderson,Mich

    China's rise as a global economic superpower, the success of its top companies, and its continuing domestic boom is intricately tied to China Development Bank (CDB). This less-than-transparent institution, which is wholly owned by the Chinese government, has become the financial enabler of this nation's growth and is arguably the most powerful bank in the world. While development banks have long existed to finance political projects, infrastructure, and other initiatives, nothing comes close to CDB in scope. In China's Superbank, authors Henry Sanderson and Michael Forsythe—both Bloomberg journalists working in Beijing—combine on-the-scene reporting and interviews from across the world with numbers crunched from Chinese bond prospectuses to put CDB in perspective, and help you understand the economic phenomenon that is China. Along the way, you'll not only become familiar with the growing accomplishments and influence of CDB, but you'll also gain valuable insights into the darker side of this political-financial institution—one that has never had to answer to anyone apart from its state shareholders. You'll also discover how China's seemingly unstoppable banking system could potentially be saddled with bad debt from trillions of yuan invested in projects with questionable economic value both at home and abroad. Throughout the book, the authors: Explore CDB's hallmark innovation—the system of local government finance—which has transformed China's landscape in just over a decade by pumping trillions of yuan into various domestic projects Profile Chen Yuan, the Chairman of CDB since 1998, and discuss how he's been instrumental in reasserting the Communist Party in China's economy, while managing to preserve enough independence from the government to make decent investment decisions and function as a commercially driven institution Analyze CDB's China-Africa Development Fund—China's largest private equity fund investing in Africa—and its attempts to stimulate manufacturing in Ethiopia, and CDB's lending to Ghana Address CDB's work to secure a steady flow of oil and gas to China through loans-for-energy deals around the world, particularly to Venezuela Examine CDB's lines of credit that have helped new Chinese firms in telecom and alternative energy win significant global projects, as well as how the bank is developing a new form of private equity financing through CDB Capital. As China's influence continues to grow around the world, many people are asking how far it will extend. China's Superbank addresses this vital question, looking at the institution at the heart of its growth. Praise for China's Superbank "The phenomenal economic rise of China and its growing global role have been driven by a unique mix of political and economic actors. China Development Bank has been at the center of much of this growth especially as the principal banker in China's overseas commodity investments. Henry and Michael's timely book, China's Superbank, details for the first time the role that CDB has played under the focused leadership of its Chairman Chen Yuan. This book is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand how China funds its growth but it also raises important questions as to whether CDB's strategy will be sustainable over the long term." —Fraser Howie, Managing Director, CLSA Singapore and co-author of Red Capitalism "Combining in-depth knowledge of China with hard-nosed economic analysis and first-rate journalism, Sanderson and Forsythe have written an astonishingly detailed yet lively portrait of China's muscular state capitalism. This important work tells us in concrete terms how China is expanding its influence around the world, not through military force, but through writing checks. This is a must-read for all those who take an interest in China's rising influence in the world—and its increasingly vulnerable financial system." —Victor Shih, Associate Professor, Northwestern University "In China's Superbank Henry and Michael shed a much-needed light on the operations and people behind China Development Bank, an apparent policy bank that in a brief decade has in many ways surpassed the power and functions of the country's Ministry of Finance. The tale of how this formerly moribund institution ignited China's local debt crisis while financing China's foreign policy initiatives is a must for anyone seeking to understand China's opaque financial system." —Carl Walter, former COO of JP Morgan China, independent consultant and co-author of Red Capitalism "American Cabinet members say the global reach and growth of China Development Bank keeps them up at night. After reading this book, they might not go to sleep at all. For all the tsunami of news about China's rise in recent years, the country's political and financial institutions remain vastly undereported and little understood. Mike Forsythe and Henry Sanderson's book helps correct that with remarkable detail and insights about the bank that laid the financial foundations for China's economic miracle at home, before then finding a formula to spread its money abroad." —Richard McGregor, Financial Times reporter and author of The Party

    作者:James McGregor

    In the past three decades, China has risen from near collapse to a powerhouse -- upending nearly every convention on the world stage, whether policy or business. China is now the globe’s second largest economy, second largest exporter, a manufacturing machine that has lifted 500 million of its citizens from poverty while producing more than one million US dollar millionaires. Then why do China’s leaders describe the nation’s economic model as “unstable and unsustainable”? Because it is. James McGregor has spent 25 years in China as a businessman, journalist and author. In this, his latest highly readable book, he offers extensive new research that pulls back the curtain on China’s economic power. He describes the much-vaunted “China Model” as one of authoritarian capitalism, a unique system that, in its own way, is terminating itself. It is proving incompatible with global trade and business governance. It is threatening multinationals, which fear losing their business secrets and technology to China’s mammoth state-owned enterprises. It is fielding those SOEs – China’s “national champions” -- into a global order angered by heavily subsidized state capitalism. And it is relying on an outdated investment and export model that’s running out of steam. What has worked in the past, won’t work in the future. The China Model must be radically overhauled if the country hopes to continue its march toward prosperity. The nation must consume more of what it makes. It must learn to innovate. It must unleash private enterprise. And the Communist Party bosses? They must cede their pervasive and smothering hold on economic power to foster the growth, and thus social stability, that they can’t survive without. Government must step back, the state-owned economy must be brought to heel, and opportunity must be freed. During the Tang Dynasty, an official in the imperial court observed: “No ancient wisdom, no followers.” He was lamenting that regime was headed alone into dangerous and uncharted waters without any precedent for guidance. Again today – as McGregor makes clear – this is China’s greatest challenge.
  • Special Interest Politics

    作者:Gene M. Grossman,Elh

    This landmark theoretical book is about the mechanisms by which special interest groups affect policy in modern democracies. Defining a special interest group as any organization that takes action on behalf of an identifiable group of voters, Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman ask: How do special interest groups derive their power and influence? What determines the extent to which they are able to affect policy outcomes? What happens when groups with differing objectives compete for influence?The authors develop important theoretical tools for studying the interactions among voters, interest groups, and politicians. They assume that individuals, groups, and parties act in their own self-interest and that political outcomes can be identified with the game-theoretic concept of an equilibrium. Throughout, they progress from the simple to the more complex. When analyzing campaign giving, for example, they begin with a model of a single interest group and a single, incumbent policy maker. They proceed to add additional interest groups, a legislature with several independent politicians, and electoral competition between rival political parties. The book is organized in three parts. Part I focuses on voting and elections. Part II examines the use of information as a tool for political influence. Part III deals with campaign contributions, which interest groups may use either to influence policy makers' positions and actions or to help preferred candidates to win election.
  • Political Game Theory

    作者:Nolan McCarty,Adam M

    Political Game Theory is a self-contained introduction to game theory and its applications to political science. The book presents choice theory, social choice theory, static and dynamic games of complete information, static and dynamic games of incomplete information, repeated games, bargaining theory, mechanism design and a mathematical appendix covering, logic, real analysis, calculus and probability theory. The methods employed have many applications in various disciplines including comparative politics, international relations and American politics. Political Game Theory is tailored to students without extensive backgrounds in mathematics, and traditional economics, however there are also many special sections that present technical material that will appeal to more advanced students. A large number of exercises are also provided to practice the skills and techniques discussed. Contents 1. Introduction; 2. The theory of choice; 3. Choice under uncertainty; 4. Social choice theory; 5. Games in the normal form; 6. Bayesian games in the normal form; 7. Extensive form games; 8. Dynamic games of incomplete information; 9. Repeated games; 10. Bargaining theory; 11. Mechanism design and agency theory; 12. Mathematical appendix.
  • Political Economics

    作者:Torsten Persson,Guid

    What determines the size and form of redistributive programs, the extent and type of public goods provision, the burden of taxation across alternative tax bases, the size of government deficits, and the stance of monetary policy during the course of business and electoral cycles? A large and rapidly growing literature in political economics attempts to answer these questions. But so far there is little consensus on the answers and disagreement on the appropriate mode of analysis.Combining the best of three separate traditions--the theory of macroeconomic policy, public choice, and rational choice in political science--Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini suggest a unified approach to the field. As in modern macroeconomics, individual citizens behave rationally, their preferences over economic outcomes inducing preferences over policy. As in public choice, the delegation of policy decisions to elected representatives may give rise to agency problems between voters and politicians. And, as in rational choice, political institutions shape the procedures for setting policy and electing politicians. The authors outline a common method of analysis, establish several new results, and identify the main outstanding problems.