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  • 管理学


    《管理学(第9版)》在全世界名列基础管理学教材的榜首。自上世纪90年代引进我国以来,深受管理学界和企业界的好评,成为国内最受欢迎和采用量最大的管理学教材。今天,管理者面对的世界已经发生了很大的改变,而且未来会继续发生改变。管理是一门动态的学科,这一学科的教科书也应该反映那些变化,以帮助管理者在这种条件下做好从事管理的准备。为此,《管理学(第9版)》有了很大的变化,从内容到形式都做了颇多调整,表现出了内容详实、观点新颖、视野广阔、方式灵活的特点。本版旨在帮助读者最大可能地理解,管理者所面对的这些变化意味着什么,管理者在实践中又应该如何应对这些变化。 点击链接进入: 管理学(第11版) 点击链接进入英文版: Principles of Economics
  • Marketing Management

    作者:Phil Kotler,Kevin Ke

    Kotler/Keller is the gold standard in the marketing management discipline because it continues to reflect the latest changes in marketing theory and practice.Topics covered include brand equity, customer value analysis, database marketing, e-commerce, value networks, hybrid channels, supply chain management, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and integrated marketing communications.For marketing professionals who place special emphasis to creativity and imagination in marketing management.
  • Manage It!

    作者:Johanna Rothman

    This book is a reality-based guide for modern projects. You'll learn how to recognize your project's potholes and ruts, and determine the best way to fix problems - without causing more problems. Your project can't fail. That's a lot of pressure on you, and yet you don't want to buy into any one specific process, methodology, or lifecycle. Your project is different. It doesn't fit into those neat descriptions. Manage It! will show you how to beg, borrow, and steal from the best methodologies to fit your particular project. It will help you find what works best for you and not for some mythological project that doesn't even exist. Before you know it, your project will be on track and headed to a successful conclusion.
  • The Starbucks Experience

    作者:Joseph Michelli

    在线阅读本书 Book Description WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SUCCESS! You already know the Starbucks story. Since 1992, its stock has risen a staggering 5,000 percent! The genius of Starbucks success lies in its ability to create personalized customer experiences, stimulate business growth, generate profits, energize employees, and secure customer loyalty-all at the same time. The Starbucks Experience contains a robust blend of home-brewed ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that have made Starbucks one of the world's “most admired” companies, according to Fortune magazine. With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli discovered that the success of Starbucks is driven by the people who work there-the “partners”-and the special experience they create for each customer. Michelli reveals how you can follow the Starbucks way to Reach out to entire communities * Listen to individual workers and consumers * Seize growth opportunities in every market * Custom-design a truly satisfying experience that benefits everyone involved * Filled with real-life insider stories, eye-opening anecdotes, and solid step-by-step strategies, this fascinating book takes you deep inside one of the most talked-about companies in the world today. For anyone who wants to learn from the best-and be the best-The Starbucks Experience is a rich, heady brew of unforgettable user-friendly ideas. From Publishers Weekly In this paean to "one of the truly exceptional American success stories," Michelli convinces the reader that Starbucks is a great company, but he stumbles when trying to extract "precepts that can enhance your business and your personal life." He explores the various levels on which Starbucks succeeds, from its generous HR policies and lively work environment to its attention to detail and genuine concern for social causes—all of which highlight how singular a company it is. (Michelli throws in the word "unique" as often as twice a sentence.) But when it comes to advice for businesspeople, his "simple, yet not simplistic" tenets are too vague to be very helpful. Michelli notes that he has no personal stake in Starbucks: "I am not here to sell you on the company." But his enthused exclamations—"It is difficult to imagine all the great things that are yet to come for Starbucks"—give The Starbucks Experience the ring of an authorized book. Still, the company's practices are undeniably innovative and inspiring, and even if most of them aren't directly relevant, there's surely something in this book that's applicable to most businesses. (Nov.) From the Back Cover “Keen insight on the transformational power of Starbucks.”-Dr. Jackie Freiberg, bestselling coauthor, Guts! and Nuts! “Practical, proven ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately.”-Brian Tracy, bestselling author of Million Dollar Habits How did Starbucks turn a cup of coffee into a worldwide business phenomenon? With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli isolated the 5 key leadership principles that transformed an ordinary idea into an extraordinary experience. Principle 1: Make It Your Own Principle 2: Everything Matters Principle 3: Surprise and Delight Principle 4: Embrace Resistance Principle 5: Leave Your Mark Book Dimension length: (cm)21.1                 width:(cm)13.7
  • The Effective Executive

    作者:Peter F. Drucker

    《卓有成效的管理者》告诉我们:一群平凡人,能做出不平凡的事业吗?这是完全可以做到的。只要我们组织中的每一个人都能做到卓有成效。卓有成效可以学会吗?卓有成效是可以学会的。每个人都必须卓有成效吗?卓有成效是管理者必须做到的事,但是在所有的知识组织中。每一位知识工作者其实都是管理者一即使他没有所谓的职权。只要他能为组织做出突出的贡献。管理者的成效往往是决定组织工作成效的最关键因素;并不是只有高级管理人员才是管理者,所有负责行动和决策而又有助于提高机构工作效能的人,都应该像管理者一样工作和思考。如何卓有成效?记录并分析时间的使用情况,把眼光集中在贡献上,充分发挥人的长处,要事优先,有效决策。 What makes an effective executive? The measure of the executive, Peter F. Drucker reminds us, is the ability to "get the right things done." This usually involves doing what other people have overlooked as well as avoiding what is unproductive. Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge may all be wasted in an executive job without the acquired habits of mind that mold them into results. Drucker identifies five practices essential to business effectiveness that can, and must, be learned: Managing time Choosing what to contribute to the organization Knowing where and how to mobilize strength for best effect Setting the right priorities Knitting all of them together with effective decision-making Ranging widely through the annals of business and government, Peter F. Drucker demonstrates the distinctive skill of the executive and offers fresh insights into old and seemingly obvious business situations. 点击链接进入中文版: 卓有成效的管理者(珍藏版)
  • The McKinsey Mind

    作者:Ethan Rasiel,Paul N.

    在线阅读本书 McKinsey is the 800-pound gorilla on the consulting block. In the best-selling The McKinsey Way>/I>, Ethan Raisel provided a through-the-keyhole perspective on the way this worldwide consulting institution approaches--and solves--the myriad professional problems encountered by its high-powered clientele. His goal in that book was simple: to communicate "new and useful skills to everyone who wants to be more useful in their business." The McKinsey Way used recollections and anecdotes of problem-solving techniques of the world's most successful consulting firm. The McKinsey Mind uses the same combination of insider knowledge and lucid prose to go a step farther: where The McKinsey Way showed readers what to do, The McKinsey Mind will show readers how to do it. The outline of the book will follow the same format as The McKinsey Way . It uses the same "lesson headings" as the original ("Don't Reinvent the Wheel," "Feel Free to be MECE"), but with a different focus. And that is where the similarity ends. The headings will be reorganized into a structure that focuses on implementation and expands upon lessons of The McKinsey Way with examples, parables, and exercises. The book can be used together with The McKinsey Way , or as a stand-alone, ensuring that both fans of The McKinsey Way and new readers will take-away important skills from the book.
  • The Art of Project Management

    作者:Scott Berkun

    The Art of Project Management covers it all--from practical methods for making sure work gets done right and on time, to the mindset that can make you a great leader motivating your team to do their best. Reading this was like reading the blueprint for how the best projects are managed at Microsoft... I wish we always put these lessons into action!" --Joe Belfiore, General Manager, E-home Division, Microsoft Corporation "Berkun has written a fast paced, jargon-free and witty guide to what he wisely refers to as the 'art' of project management. It's a great introduction to the discipline. Seasoned and new managers will benefit from Berkun's perspectives." --Joe Mirza, Director, CNET Networks (Cnet.com) "Most books with the words 'project management' in the title are dry tomes. If that's what you are expecting to hear from Berkun's book, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's about project management. But it's also about creativity, situational problem-solving, and leadership. If you're a team member, project manager, or even a non-technical stakeholder, Scott offers dozens of practical tools and techniques you can use, and questions you can ask, to ensure your projects succeed." --Bill Bliss, Senior VP of product and customer experience, expedia.com In The Art of Project Management, you'll learn from a veteran manager of software and web development how to plan, manage, and lead projects. This personal account of hard lessons learned over a decade of work in the industry distills complex concepts and challenges into practical nuggets of useful advice. Inspiring, funny, honest, and compelling, this is the book you and your team need to have within arms reach. It will serve you well with your current work, and on future projects to come. Topics include: How to make things happen Making good decisions Specifications and requirements Ideas and what to do with them How not to annoy people Leadership and trust The truth about making dates What to do when things go wrong
  • The Daily Drucker

    作者:Peter F. Drucker

    Revered management thinker Peter F. Drucker is our trusted guide in this thoughtful, day-by-day companion that offers his penetrating and practical wisdom. Amid the multiple pressures of our daily work lives, The Daily Drucker provides the inspiration and advice to meet the many challenges we face. With his trademark clarity, vision, and humanity, Drucker sets out his ideas on a broad swath of key topics, from time management, to innovation, to outsourcing, providing useful insights for each day of the year.

    These 366 daily readings have been harvested from Drucker's lifetime of work. At the bottom of each page, the reader will find an action point that spells out exactly how to put Drucker's ideas into practice. It is as if the wisest and most action-oriented management consultant in the world is in the room, offering his timeless gems of advice. The Daily Drucker is for anyone who seeks to understand and put to use Drucker's powerful words and ideas.

  • 组织的管理


    ★全球管理者必读的经典之作!    ★深刻影响全球商界、政界高层人士的著作    彼得.德鲁克论述了管理的新范式如何改变和如何继续改变我们对管理实践和管理理论的基本认识。书中不乏远见卓识和超前思维,它集丰富的知识、广泛的实践经验、深邃的洞察力、精辟的分析和拨云见雾般的常识于一身,这些都是德鲁克著作的精髓和“管理学的里程碑”。   ——《哈佛商业评论》 [德鲁克的影响]   我们身边耳熟能详的人物,无论是第五项修炼的倡导者彼得.圣吉、市场营销之父菲利浦.科特勒、领导力大师约翰.科特,还是英特尔公司总裁安迪.格鲁夫、微软董事长比尔.盖茨、通用电气公司CEO 杰克.韦尔奇……他们在管理思想和管理实践方面都受到了彼得.德鲁克的启发和影响。 [大师中的大师]   德鲁克先生被称为大师中的大师,不仅因为他是现代管理学的奠基人,目标管理的创建者,他在市场、创新、变革、战略、知识管理、21世纪管理者的挑战等方面的真知灼见,也让诸多管理大师和成功企业家从中受益。海尔集团张瑞敏同样深受教益:“我也成了德鲁克迷,到处搜集他的著作。读他的书是一种享受,因为常常使人有茅塞顿开之感。这本《卓有成效的管理者》我更是爱不释手,不知读了多少遍,常读常新。尤其是面对变幻莫测的市场和全球化竞争的困惑时,总能从书中得到新的启示。” [内容介绍]   本文集由三本书组成:《个人的管理》、《组织的管理》和《社会的管理》、由日本长期担任德鲁克著作日文翻译的笃男植田先生选编,选编的内容均为德鲁克所有著作中,特别是近10年来的新著中的精华。本文集论述内容全面,它系统地浓缩了德鲁克先生的管理思想,可谓“三叶乃尽知秋”,因此得到了德鲁克先生本人的首肯及褒扬。本文集在日本推出后,立即成为该国当时的管理学畅销书之一。 [德鲁克的其他著作] 查看德鲁克的全部著作
  • 战略

    作者:刘守英 主编

  • Leading Change

    作者:John P. Kotter

    What will it take to bring your organization successfully into the twenty-first century? The world's foremost expert on business leadership distills twenty-fiveyears of experience and wisdom based on lessons he haslearned from scores of organizations and businesses to write this visionary guide. The result is a very personal book that is at once inspiring, clear-headed, and filled with important implications for the future. The pressures on organizations to change will only increase over the next decades. Yet the methods managers have used in the attempt totransform their companies into stronger competitors -- total quality management, reengineering, rightsizing, restructuring, cultural change, and turnarounds -- routinely fall short, says Kotter, because they fail to alter behavior. Emphasizing again and again the critical need for leadership to make change happen, Leading Change provides the vicarious experience and positive role models for leaders to emulate. The book identifies an eight-step process that every company must go through to acheive its goal, and shows where and how people -- good people -- often derail. Reading this highly personalbook is like spending a day with John Kotter. It reveals what he has seen, heard, experienced, and concluded in many years of working with companies to create lasting transformation. The book is an inspirational yet practical resource for everyone who has a stake in orchestrating changes in their organization. In Leading Change we have unprecedented access to our generation's master of leadership.
  • 客服圣经


  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

    作者:Patrick Lencioni

    在线阅读本书 In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni once again offers a leadership fable that is as enthralling and instructive as his first two best–selling books, The Five Temptations of a CEO and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. This time, he turns his keen intellect and storytelling power to the fascinating, complex world of teams. Kathryn Petersen, Decision Tech′s CEO, faces the ultimate leadership crisis: Uniting a team in such disarray that it threatens to bring down the entire company. Will she succeed? Will she be fired? Will the company fail? Lencioni′s utterly gripping tale serves as a timeless reminder that leadership requires as much courage as it does insight. Throughout the story, Lencioni reveals the five dysfunctions which go to the very heart of why teams even the best ones–often struggle. He outlines a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome these common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team. Just as with his other books, Lencioni has written a compelling fable with a powerful yet deceptively simple message for all those who strive to be exceptional team leaders.
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

    作者:Patrick Lencioni

    在线阅读本书 In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni once again offers a leadership fable that is as enthralling and instructive as his first two best–selling books, The Five Temptations of a CEO and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. This time, he turns his keen intellect and storytelling power to the fascinating, complex world of teams. Kathryn Petersen, Decision Tech′s CEO, faces the ultimate leadership crisis: Uniting a team in such disarray that it threatens to bring down the entire company. Will she succeed? Will she be fired? Will the company fail? Lencioni′s utterly gripping tale serves as a timeless reminder that leadership requires as much courage as it does insight. Throughout the story, Lencioni reveals the five dysfunctions which go to the very heart of why teams even the best ones–often struggle. He outlines a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome these common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team. Just as with his other books, Lencioni has written a compelling fable with a powerful yet deceptively simple message for all those who strive to be exceptional team leaders.
  • How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

    作者:Arnold Bennett

    This classic personal time-management book originally published in 1908 has inspired generations of men and women to live deliberate lives. Not just another collection of time saving tips, this book is more of a challenge to leave behind mundane everyday concerns, focus on pursuing one's true desires, and live the fullest possible life. Reflection, concentration, and study techniques make it easier to accomplish more truly rewarding undertakings than anyone ever dreamed possible.
  • 大道与匠心


    《大道与匠心》首次解秘方太企业20年成功之道 管理的大道至简,产品的极致匠心 不做500强,要做500年 《大道与匠心》中国本土企业有温度的商业案例 高端厨电领导品牌方太是一家知名但低调的企业,它精致产品背后蕴含的价值内核是什么,少有人知。《大道与匠心》讲述了方太从创业 到腾飞的历程,分析了方太多年来的创新与经营管理之道,揭秘了其产品在极致追求背后灌注的价值力量。 方太通过20年的匠心耕耘,由一个初创企业成长为高端厨电领导者。在《大道与匠心》中,方太开诚布公地讲述了自己的故事,比如如何应对价格战,以及在扩大产能时怎么处理与代工厂商的关系等。方太的企业文化、运营方法、管理秘诀已形成一个有机的方太模式,为中国本土企业提供了很好的借鉴经验;方太对于企业长青的探索、致力于将中国儒家文化融入公司管理的实践,也给国内管理者带来了丰富的启示。 ----------------------------------------------------- 《大道与匠心》首次揭秘方太的创新、管理与经营之道。管理的大道至简,产品的极致匠心! 1. 《大道与匠心》首次解秘方太企业20年成功之道。详述我国高端厨电领导者方太的企业文化、运营方法、管理秘诀。 2. 《大道与匠心》有温度地还原中国民营企业从创业到飞腾的全过程。回答方太为何秉承不做500强,要做500年,永不上市的理念。 3. 《大道与匠心》是一份有深度的商业案例。管理的大道至简,产品的极致匠心,探寻中国企业稻盛和夫式的长青智慧。 ------------------ 方太的经营之道: 品牌与渠道的博弈; 与经销商之间的合作与共赢关系; 高端定位原则。 ------------------ 方太的管理之道: “全员身股制”,把企业利润分享给全部员工; 儒家文化与现代企业的融合。 ------------------ 方太的创新之道: 绿色厨房; 发明专利与工匠精神; 高端厨电市场消费的升级。 ----------------------------------------------------- 方太是万科重要的合作伙伴。一直以来,方太不仅用高品质的产品、领先的技术向万科业主提供高端厨电,还以高标准的工程施工和成熟的流程管理,确保了每一个精装修项目完美交付。我一直对茅忠群先生创造性地将儒家文化理论与现代企业管理模式相结合充满了敬重与好奇,《大道与匠心》为我答疑解惑,从中获益良多。 ——丁长峰 万科集团高级副总裁 方太是浙江大学的老朋友,我一直以为自己对方太很熟悉。但从《大道与匠心》里,我读到了一些闻所未闻的新东西,我越来越感受到,方太的经营理念、管理实践和企业文化已经逐渐发展成为一个有机的、具有强大生命力的整体,而赋予这一整体以活力的,就是在茅理翔、茅忠群两代企业家身上体现的创业精神和社会责任感。正如方太已经成为中国厨房电器的领导者一样,企业经营管理的方太模式同样值得我们认真学习和借鉴。 ——陈凌 浙江大学管理学院副院长、浙江大学企业家学院院长 创新是企业发展永恒的主题。我一直关注并高度评价方太集团将中国儒家文化成功运用于现代企业经营。《大道与匠心》以文化为主线,系统梳理了方太20年的发展史,让读者深入了解方太文化的缘起、成形和创新,对各类管理者更好地融汇东西方管理思想有很好的启示。 ——苏勇 复旦大学东方管理研究院院长 研究“新儒家管理”正成为一股全球风潮。《大道与匠心》以儒家管理的典范方太为研究对象,形成了比较完整的理论体系,具有很强的操作性,希望本书成为企业、咨询机构和公益组织等期待看到的方法论、指导书。 ——汪涛 武汉大学经济与管理学院副院长
  • 社会的管理

    作者:德鲁克 , 彼得

  • Arts Management

    作者:Chong, Derrick

    Presenting this critical overview, at a time when interest in aesthetics and managements studies is rapidly increasing, Derrick Chong explores a vital sub-discipline: arts management. Using a diverse range of sources that include contributions from contemporary artists, prominent management theorists and the experience of arts managers, the topics discussed include: arts research; cultural entrepreneurship; collaborations in the arts; artistic leadership; institutional identity; arts marketing; and, creative approaches to financing organizational forms and dynamics. The book makes a concerted effort to address the artistic, managerial and social obligations of arts and cultural organisations operating in contemporary urban environs. As such, it is a must-read for students and scholars of business, management and art.
  • MBA十日读


    本书在手,你不用丢掉两年的时间和薪水,更不必付出昂贵的学费,在没有压力的环境下,敲开美国前10年著名商学院的大门。本书集美国哈佛、斯坦福、西北、弗吉尼亚、宾夕法尼亚、芝加哥等著名商学院教材之精华,能使读者: 读懂财务报表 准备综合实用的营销计划 理解会计原则和方法 理顺同老板的关系 制定公司战略 理解净现值概念 计算内部收益率 用数量分析技巧分析项目 评估股票和债券及期货投资 学会华尔街杠杆收购分析方法 获取竞争对手信息 推荐有价值的经营改进方案 掌握MBA最常用的术语 读者每天读一章,便可愉快地掌握本书的内容,熟悉专用术语,使你在当今竞争激烈的商场,具备领先他人一步的专业知识和自信。