

  • WTF?

    作者:Tim O'Reilly

  • The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

    作者:Dale Carnegie

    Good public speakers are made, not born - or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage, enthusiasm and self-confidence. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively the quick and easy way; earning the right to talk; vitalising your talk; and sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation, presentation and other skills. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • Three Scientists and Their Gods

    作者:Robert Wright

  • The McKinsey Mind

    作者:Ethan Rasiel,Paul N.

    在线阅读本书 McKinsey is the 800-pound gorilla on the consulting block. In the best-selling The McKinsey Way>/I>, Ethan Raisel provided a through-the-keyhole perspective on the way this worldwide consulting institution approaches--and solves--the myriad professional problems encountered by its high-powered clientele. His goal in that book was simple: to communicate "new and useful skills to everyone who wants to be more useful in their business." The McKinsey Way used recollections and anecdotes of problem-solving techniques of the world's most successful consulting firm. The McKinsey Mind uses the same combination of insider knowledge and lucid prose to go a step farther: where The McKinsey Way showed readers what to do, The McKinsey Mind will show readers how to do it. The outline of the book will follow the same format as The McKinsey Way . It uses the same "lesson headings" as the original ("Don't Reinvent the Wheel," "Feel Free to be MECE"), but with a different focus. And that is where the similarity ends. The headings will be reorganized into a structure that focuses on implementation and expands upon lessons of The McKinsey Way with examples, parables, and exercises. The book can be used together with The McKinsey Way , or as a stand-alone, ensuring that both fans of The McKinsey Way and new readers will take-away important skills from the book.
  • Investments

    作者:Zvi Bodie,Alex Kane,

    Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments" sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. It blends practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and a clear writing style. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. It is also the only graduate "Investments" text to offer an online homework management system, 'McGraw-Hill's Connect Finance'.
  • 成功写作入门

    作者:吉恩·埃里克(Jean Wyrick)

    成功写作入门(第10版),ISBN:9787301142509,作者:埃里克(Jean Wyrick) 著
  • Then We Came to the End

    作者:Joshua Ferris

  • The 4-Hour Work Week

    作者:Ferriss, Timothy

    Tim Ferriss has trouble defining what he does for a living. Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: ‘I race motorcycles in Europe’ ‘I ski in the Andes’ ‘I scuba dive in Panama’ ‘I dance tango in Buenos Aires’ He has spent more than five years learning the secrets of the ‘New Rich’, a fast-growing subculture that has abandoned the ‘deferred-life plan’ and instead mastered the new currencies – time and mobility – to create a new way of living. Why wait a lifetime for your retirement when you can enjoy luxury now? Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing first class world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with no management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. Join Tim Ferriss as he teaches you: - How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want - How blue chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs - How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist - How exchange your career for life for short work bursts and frequent ‘mini-retirements’ - How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it’s beyond repair - How to cultivate selective ignorance – and create time – with a low-information diet - How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50-80% off - How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office Learn about this and more to live the life you want – now.
  • The First 90 Days

    作者:Michael Watkins

    Book Description This is a short, concise, hands-on manual for managers at all levels - a handbook for a leader's first 90 days in office. This work contains lots of practical tools and questions for self-assessment. Written in a friendly and accessible tone, it offers a broad-gauged coverage of many aspects and kinds of transitions at all levels. It includes new topics such as working with new bosses, building teams, and aligning the strategy, structure, systems and skills of organizations. Written by noted leadership transition expert Michael Watkins, The First 90 Days outlines proven strategies that will dramatically shorten the time it takes to reach what Watkins calls the "breakeven point": the point at which your organization needs you as much as you need the job. Based on three years of research into leadership transitions at all levels and hands-on work designing transition programs for top companies. From Publishers Weekly This earnest guide to career transition periods-when a new job or promotion puts an employee in an unfamiliar role-asserts, reassuringly, that navigating the all-important first 90 days is a "teachable skill." Business professor Watkins, co-author of Right From the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role, lays out a "standard framework" for leadership transitions, based on "five fundamental propositions," "ten key challenges," and a four-fold typology of situations that new managers find themselves in. Fortunately, Watkins balances the theorizing with practical steps managers can take to get on top of things and initiate changes, including elaborate self-assessment checklists, planning exercises and meticulous guidelines on how to have conversations with underlings and bosses. His advice, if not very original, is sound. He warns managers not to assume that their existing skills will suffice for new roles, advises them to pursue small-scale "early wins" to boost credibility, and admonishes workplace Machiavellis to "avoid pressing for closure until you are confident the balance of forces acting on key people is tipping your way." Watkins's penchant for cut-and-dried schematizations sometimes goes overboard, especially in the book's plethora of elementary graphs, tables, diagrams and matrices (novice orators are informed that "classic values invoked to convince others to embrace potentially painful change are summarized in table 8-1," while the oceanic topic of "Intersecting Cultural Dimensions" gets boiled down to a three-ring Venn diagram). But if the content of Watkins's counsel is not always obviously helpful, his systematized approach to thinking will at least help panicky executives keep their wits about them. From Booklist In these days of the public's microscopic scrutiny of corporate C-level executives, it's a wonder anyone would aspire to the CEO position. Amazingly enough, many eager managers are still climbing--and Harvard Business School professor and author (Right from the Start [1999]) Watkins helps prepare them for career moves, accelerating their transitions. This is, essentially, practical advice about undertaking new opportunities and understanding new vulnerabilities, quickly and without much upheaval. Different steps--sometimes simultaneously, sometimes sequential-- define success in the first three months, from promoting yourself (i.e., taking charge fast) to keeping your balance. Anecdotes enliven the checklists and sample learning plans; in fact, one specific case--Douglas Ivester of Coca-Cola--underscores the absolute necessity to adapt and change rapidly in new positions. Much content is human resources related, based on self-discipline, team building, and the availability of trusted advice and counsel. Would that every newly elected president of the U.S. heeded this practice.                               Barbara Jacobs Book Dimension: length: (cm)23.5               width:(cm)15.5
  • Shopaholic & Sister

    作者:Sophie Kinsella

    What’s a round-the-world honeymoon if you can’t buy the odd souvenir to ship back home? Like the twenty silk dressing gowns Becky found in Hong Kong…the hand-carved dining table (and ten chairs) from Sri Lanka…the, um, huge wooden giraffes from Malawi (that her husband Luke expressly forbade her to buy)… Only now Becky and Luke have returned home to London and Luke is furious. Two truckloads of those souvenirs have cluttered up their loft, and the bills for them are outrageous. Luke insists Becky go on a budget. And worse: her beloved best friend Suze has found a new best friend while Becky was away. Becky’s feeling rather blue—when her parents deliver some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister! Becky is thrilled! She’s convinced her sister will be a true soulmate. They’ll go shopping together, have manicures together.…Until she meets Jessica for the first time and gets the shock of her life. Surely Becky Bloomwood’s sister can’t…hate shopping? Sophie Kinsella is a former financial journalist and the author of the bestselling novels Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Can You Keep a Secret?, and The Undomestic Goddess . She lives in England, where she is at work on her next book.
  • Matilda


    Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers.

    作者:Anne Brontë,introduc

    在线阅读本书 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, the second and final novel by Anne Bront?, is concerned with the story of a woman who leaves her abusive, dissolute husband, and who must then support herself and her young son. Originally published in June of 1848, it challenged the prevailing morals of the time; a critic went so far as to pronounce it "utterly unfit to be put into the hands of girls". It is considered to be one of the first feminist novels. This work is a sometimes violent and brutal tale of love and betrayal, separation and reconciliation, set in the familiar Bronte landscape of bleak houses in moorland settings. This new edition is taken from the 1848 second edition of the text, with corrections made to that text. From AudioFile Helen Graham has taken up residence in the bleak Wildfell Hall with her young son to escape her alcoholic and philandering husband. The story is narrated both by Helen and the man who falls in love with her. Frederick Davidson and Nadia May take the roles of the storytellers, and they do an excellent job of portraying both the male and female voices. May reads Helen's diary and correspondence. May's voice is young, fresh and naive, well-suited to Helen as a young woman; the voices of the men are excellent as well. Her laughter sounds genuine, and her portrayal of drunken men is perfect. She moves the narrative along crisply, with just the right touch of drama. Davidson's voicing is also excellent, but he tends to overdramatize at times, and his tempo is just a shade too fast. The choice to use both male and female narrators was a good one, enlivening the story and underlining the differences between the sexes in Victorian England. S.S.R. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Erica Bauermeister Of the three Bronte sisters, Emily and Charlotte are better known, yet it is Anne's work which carries some of the strongest feminist themes. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall a devout young woman named Helen falls in love with a man who is handsome, but whose values are questionable; willing to believe she can alter his character, she marries him. Her marriage becomes a misery she has no power to change until she devises a bold plan to take control. Her story comes through two voices - her own and that of Gilbert Markham, a man who falls in love with Helen later in her life - and is told through journals and letters written over a period of time. Because of the privacy and immediacy of these narratives, the reader sees personal changes and attitudes Helen and Gilbert are often unaware of at the time: we witness Helen's first naive protestations of passion for her husband and follow her through her eventual disillusionment; we recognize Gilbert's early, unconscious egotism. While the plot continues and mysteries are unraveled, what Helen and Gilbert say - as well as what they don't say - provides another story to follow, which reinforces Anne Bronte's indictment of the sexual double standards of nineteenth-century Britain. Book Dimension Height (mm) 198                      Width (mm) 126
  • Bjork


    An intimate look at one of the most creative artists at work today. When it comes to making music, Björk needs no introduction. She has always been at the vanguard, exploding convention and leading her listeners down the uncharted paths of a haunting and harmonic trip through sound. Last year, she starred in Lars von Trier's acclaimed Dancer in the Dark, and took home the coveted Best Actress award at Cannes. A true artist whose work has consistently transcended creative and geographic borders, Björk turns every medium she touches to gold. Her next project is a gorgeously produced, stunningly beautiful collection of photographs and text that is being published simultaneously around the world. Designed by Björk and m/m, the celebrated Paris design firm that has already collaborated Balenciaga, Visionaire, and Yohji Yamamoto, the book boasts contributions from the world's top photographers, fashion designers and video makers as well as original writing and artwork by Björk herself. A breathtaking photographic odyssey through Björk's career, a stunning visual and literary companion to one of the most original performers of our time, Björk promises to be like no book you've ever seen. Coinciding with the release of her new album, Vespertine, and the supporting tour, this book is a must-have for Björk's admirers as well as anyone craving a touch of beauty for their bookshelf.
  • Rage of Angels

    作者:Sidney Sheldon

  • Mini Shopaholic

    作者:Sophie Kinsella

    Nothing comes between Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) and her bargains. Neither act of God nor budget crunch can shatter her dreams of wall-to-wall Prada. Every milestone in her well-shopped life (travel, long-lost sister, marriage, pregnancy) inspires new vistas to explore in the name of retail therapy. But now she faces her greatest little challenge yet: Becky’s two-year-old daughter, Minnie. While motherhood has been everything Becky dreamed it would be—Baby Dior, Little Marc Jacobs, and Dolce & Gabbana for toddlers—adorable Minnie is wreaking havoc everywhere she goes, from Harrods to her own christening. Her favorite word is “MINE!” and her penchant for Balenciaga bags, Chanel sunglasses, and online purchases has no rival under age five. Becky is at her wits end. On top of this, she and her husband Luke are still living with her parents. Thankfully it appears house buying attempt number four is a go! Until a huge financial crisis causes panic everywhere, and nobody wants to shop—not Becky’s personal shopping clientele, not her friends, nobody. And with Luke in the doldrums, it’s time for Becky to step in—with a party: A surprise birthday party for Luke (on a budget) is the perfect antidote to everyone’s woes. At first. Will Becky manage to keep the party of the year a surprise? Can she hire jugglers, fire-eaters, and acrobats at a discount? Will enlisting the help of Luke’s unflappable assistant to convince him to have another baby realize her dream of matching pom-poms? Will Minnie find a new outlet for her energetic and spirited nature (perhaps one with sixty percent markdowns)? She is, after all, a chip off the old shopping block. And everyone knows a committed shopper always finds a way.
  • Feminism

    作者:Margaret Walters

    This is an historical account of feminism, looking at the roots of feminism, voting rights, the liberation of the sixties, and analysing the current situation of women, across Europe and the United States, and elsewhere in the world (in particular in Third World countries). Walters examines the difficulties and inequities that women still face, more than forty years after the 'new wave' of 1960s feminism -- difficulties, particularly, in combining domesticity, motherhood and work outside the house. How much have women's lives really changed? In the West women still come up against the 'glass ceiling' at work, most earning considerably less than their male counterparts. What are we to make of the now commonplace insistence that feminism deprives men of their rights and dignities? And how does one tackle the issue of female emancipation in different cultural and economic environments - in, for example, Islam, Hinduism, the Middle East, Africa, and the Indian sub-continent?
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

  • Life After Life

    作者:Kate Atkinson

  • Still Alice

    作者:Lisa Genova

  • Lipstick Jungle

    作者:Candace Bushnell

    The new novel that fans of the bestselling author have been waiting for, about three sexy, powerful career women who will do anything to stay at the top of their fieldsVictory Ford is the darling of the fashion world. Single, attractive, and iconoclastic, she has worked for years to create her own signature line. As Victory struggles to keep her company afloat, she learns crucial lessons about what she really wants in a relationship.Nico O+Neilly is the glamorous, brilliant editor of Bonfire Magazine-the pop-culture bible for fashion, show business, and politics. Considered one of the most powerful women in publishing, she seems to have it all. But in a mid-life crisis, she suddenly realizes this isn+t enough. Wendy Healy+s chutzpah has propelled her to the very top of the cut-throat movie industry. When it becomes clear that a competitor is trying to oust her, something has to give-and Wendy must decide between her career and her marriage.In Lipstick Jungle, Bushnell once again delivers an addictive page-turner of sex and scandal that will keep readers enthralled and guessing to the very last page.