

作者:Rice, Anne




出版社:Ballantine Books

标签: AnneRice  小说  Vampire-Chronicles 


Anne Rice, creator of the Vampire Lestat, the Mayfair witches and the amazing worlds they inhabit, now gives us the first in a new series of novels linked together by the fledgling vampire David Talbot, who has set out to become a chronicler of his fellow Undead. The novel opens in present-day Paris in a crowded café, where David meets Pandora. She is two thousand years old, a Child of the Millennia, the first vampire ever made by the great Marius. David persuades her to tell the story of her life. Pandora begins, reluctantly at first and then with increasing passion, to recount her mesmerizing tale, which takes us through the ages, from Imperial Rome to eighteenth-century France to twentieth-century Paris and New Orleans. She carries us back to her mortal girlhood in the world of Caesar Augustus, a world chronicled by Ovid and Petronius. This is where Pandora meets and falls in love with the handsome, charismatic, lighthearted, still-mortal Marius. This is the Rome she is forced to flee in fear of assassination by conspirators plotting to take over the city. And we follow her to the exotic port of Antioch, where she is destined to be reunited with Marius, now immortal and haunted by his vampire nature, who will bestow on her the Dark Gift as they set out on the fraught and fantastic adventure of their two turbulent centuries together. From the Hardcover edition.


1、Pandora是作者Rice, Anne创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 日月星云2007的评论
    我在#喜马拉雅#上刚更新了新节目《04. The Pandora》,快来听吧!04. The Pa...(分享自@喜马拉雅FM)
  • 田心--古月的评论
    冒个泡,new Pandora,like it[爱你][爱你][爱你]
  • 我不是王梅的评论
    First Pandora for one year anniversary of new life.
  • yi冰淇淋菂甜蜜的评论
    谢谢亲爱哒给我のsurprise[害羞] 特地从Europe第一时间给我邮寄哒礼物[礼物]哟[鼓掌]
  • 不会写诗的吃货的评论
  • 不想和小黄同音的小王酱的评论
  • 烦人出名的评论
    #猴年马月今天是最后一天#减肥成功考试全过然后回家浪@MAOOOaix 就这么点儿心愿@Pandora占星小巫 葫芦岛·辽宁财贸学院...
  • 吃土也得买买买的评论
    #买买买预告# 新的一周又来了 一晃又到月底[doge]关注我和电阻@朕下海了 转发本条微博并艾特一位基友 7.3抽Pandora雪花戒指一枚[哆啦A梦吃惊]goodluck[好爱哦]
  • CB录制的评论
    【Andy Star做客Pandora Yume Entra Na Sala Part 1】内容大概是出道经历、厂牌条例、家常趣事等等,听不懂葡语,你们自己猜内容[doge]Part 2很逗也很污,不知道发上来会不会被吸秒拍视频
  • US同學會_美澳欧代購的评论
    潘多拉pandora 今天采购啦 现在跑了几家店 16、18、19cm都有货 17cm缺 喜欢的抓紧 澳洲已经没有啦 欧洲还能买 可以拼邮回来~
  • 若尘venus的评论
    @Pandora不好奇 想要爽,还是要命,选一个![挖鼻]从事食品行业的人,绝不会吃哪些食品? - 1185 个回答,51846 人关注,从事食品行业的人,绝...(想看更多?下载知乎 App:知乎)
  • 女神范插旗哇的评论
    这段时间烈日暴晒迎着风雨学驾驶,今天雨中完成了驾驶考试??????新月许愿实现一个闹闹女巫店 塔羅星座艾菲爾老師 Alex是大叔 今日来还愿??????余下的定会一个接一个慢慢实现??????努力Pandora占星小巫
  • LinPANda的评论
  • 巴萨之家-欧洲代购的评论
    #PANDORA# 很多配饰可供自己搭配[爱你][爱你][爱你][good][good][good]
  • 楽唔陆_是耳朵的陆的评论
  • AYAMITU3的评论
  • 西溪曦强势回归的评论
    之前对它嫌弃的要死,现在却感到少女心炸裂,疯狂爱上了pandora。[思考]想快点养活自己给自己create一个pandora 的故事。[爱心]️ 人是会这样的吧?不知道哪一天突然会有个转变,谁又知道未来会发生什么呢?
  • 菲菲_没头脑的评论
    @ 新斗记 喝完早茶去产检,Pandora你倒是给我动起来啊,昨晚打牌赢钱的时候你那么兴奋,这会儿我吃了那么多好吃的你咋啥反应都没了
  • 竹子山洋的评论
  • 长金衡衡的评论
    #冒个泡#美美哒@PANDORA珠宝 [doge][doge][doge]