Killers of the Flower Moon

Killers of the Flower Moon

作者:David Grann





标签: 历史  政治 


From New Yorker staff writer David Grann, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Lost City of Z, a twisting, haunting true-life murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history

In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, they rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.

Then, one by one, the Osage began to be killed off. The family of an Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, became a prime target. Her relatives were shot and poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more and more members of the tribe began to die under mysterious circumstances.

In this last remnant of the Wild West—where oilmen like J. P. Getty made their fortunes and where desperadoes like Al Spencer, the “Phantom Terror,” roamed—many of those who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered. As the death toll climbed to more than twenty-four, the FBI took up the case. It was one of the organization’s first major homicide investigations and the bureau badly bungled the case. In desperation, the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including one of the only American Indian agents in the bureau. The agents infiltrated the region, struggling to adopt the latest techniques of detection. Together with the Osage they began to expose one of the most chilling conspiracies in American history.

In Killers of the Flower Moon, David Grann revisits a shocking series of crimes in which dozens of people were murdered in cold blood. Based on years of research and startling new evidence, the book is a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, as each step in the investigation reveals a series of sinister secrets and reversals. But more than that, it is a searing indictment of the callousness and prejudice toward American Indians that allowed the murderers to operate with impunity for so long. Killers of the Flower Moon is utterly compelling, but also emotionally devastating.


1、Killers of the Flower Moon是作者David Grann创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 思考的猫的评论
  • 翔如飞飞的评论
  • Anderson的评论
  • Jean的评论
  • 滿君_Alex的评论
    Breathtaking and heartbreaking |用侦探小说的写法,抽丝剥茧的讲述了那段不为人知却也鲜血淋漓的故事:惊人财富带来的是systematic and coordinated slaughter.而这样惊人的阴谋背后展现的,是white people’s discrimination against the Indians, 是整个执法体系的失灵与不作为(Tom White这样的人太难得,what happens to me explains the meaning of miracle),是人性中可怕的六亲不认的贪婪。
  • Sunny的评论
  • 喜喜的评论
  • 沙拉勺子的评论
  • 已注销的评论
    很冷门的一本书,貌似会拍成电影。用一个真实的故事带出FBI的成立过程。the Reign of Terror对于Osage这个印第安人部落来说不只是夺走了24条人命,作者在走访,调查,查证的期间发现了更多为了headrights而谋杀Osage印第安人的案件,而这些凶手一直没有受到法律惩罚……现在Osage部落的人已经剩下几千人,一百年前先人的早逝,对于后代来说是一个心结。时隔一个世纪,许多人证物证已经无从考究,后人只能继续坚强活下去。
  • aloyou19的评论
  • hanena的评论
  • 的评论
    论一群白人团结起来是如何第一次force migration欺负人没发现有石油所以没欺负好,再系统毒杀欺负第二次的 recommended by Dr. Law
  • peppy vamp的评论
    #FBI2##LeoDicaprio#lazyass me been reading this for ages (Marc podcast里提到今年夏天开机
  • Grape变女神的评论
  • 浪迹天涯肖卿欣的评论
  • quatremer的评论
    震撼!手不释卷!Tom White泪目!
  • 毛姆闷闷舅舅的评论
    非常佩服David Grann的调查和写作能力,当然这跟一个开放和自由的环境是密不可分的。另外,就跟他另外的两本书The Lost City of Z和The Old Man and the Gun一样,这本书也要改编成电影了。
  • R的评论
    So disturbing all the evilness...
  • 人在鹭洲的评论
  • 虞章的评论