

作者:Weike Wang





标签: 成长  女性 


Three years into her graduate studies at a demanding Boston university, the unnamed narrator of this nimbly wry, concise debut finds her one-time love for chemistry is more hypothesis than reality. She's tormented by her failed research--and reminded of her delays by her peers, her advisor, and most of all by her Chinese parents, who have always expected nothing short of excellence from her throughout her life. But there's another, nonscientific question looming: the marriage proposal from her devoted boyfriend, a fellow scientist, whose path through academia has been relatively free of obstacles, and with whom she can't make a life before finding success on her own. Eventually, the pressure mounts so high that she must leave everything she thought she knew about her future, and herself, behind. And for the first time, she's confronted with a question she won't find the answer to in a textbook: What do I really want? Over the next two years, this winningly flawed, disarmingly insightful heroine learns the formulas and equations for a different kind of chemistry--one in which the reactions can't be quantified, measured, and analyzed; one that can be studied only in the mysterious language of the heart. Taking us deep inside her scattered, searching mind, here is a brilliant new literary voice that astutely juxtaposes the elegance of science, the anxieties of finding a place in the world, and the sacrifices made for love and family.


1、Chemistry是作者Weike Wang创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 机智勇敢昭昭昭的评论
  • 莽草酸的评论
    聪明 刻薄 懦弱 敏感 犹豫 不是一本控诉的书 栖身在学术共同体下 作为标签的身份“华裔”“女性”都是无趣无用的 不愿放低标准 却也没有明确的选择 我们首先面对的 还是作为一个人的挣扎
  • 杨阳羊的评论
    170613 12 号被推荐,13 号读完。这本书读起来太感同身受,看哭了少说也有五六次,在地铁上流眼泪流得我都不好意思了,真是没法评价。同时我很生气后面的 recommanded reading list 居然有 maxine hong kingston 的 the wom
  • 小鹿想念书的评论
    Weike Wang和李翊云都是化学/生物博士转行写小说
  • Ms.Ahnon的评论
    比起最早看的New Yorker上面的短篇,中篇小说不够击中我 但还是很多共鸣,有的时候想想这类根深蒂固的asian concept是不是从一开始就让人fucked up了呢
  • TH的评论
    如果说这是一个quarter life/identity crisis的故事,那也太片面了。如果问为什么她要有那么多的挣扎和拉扯,困惑和消极,那只能说,if you have to ask the question, then you most likely won't understand the answer.
  • fatou的评论
    每个字都感同身受. 作者是世上更有才华的一个我
  • Mia的评论
  • 我是学渣渣渣的评论
  • Millie~豆的评论
  • Moonmous的评论
    全是共鸣,呜哇一下哭了。it's a bitter heartbreak warped in science and humour.
  • Soo Yung的评论
    Too casual as a novel about Chinese American identity. Too boring as a love story. Too pretentious as a chemist. SY 8/7
  • Anfield的评论
    要对看心理医生的女主产生共鸣当然容易:博士生涯萌生退意、和第一代移民的严父慈母太多隔阂、无法感知表达爱意最终逼走男友。亚裔文学中的affectlessness恰好是连接作品和读者的affective trope。
  • 薛定谔的毛的评论
    萌姐半个月读完的书,我和大姐读了四个月……最后还是个sad story……谢萌姐以大姐的名义慷慨赠书!
  • Annieisastar的评论
  • 瑞尔的评论
    Loved it.
  • M.的评论
    Always so fascinated by the interaction between science and art. Sometimes one would think maybe it’s enough to spend the days with a dog, smart or not.
  • 抹茶桃子酱的评论
    一边读一边在回忆,当你与作者见过聊过吃过饭 但又了解不深时,整个故事都不一样了
  • miyabi的评论
  • UnderTheWater的评论
    太戳了 生活中的repetition比化学中不完美得多