Black Edge

Black Edge

作者:Sheelah Kolhatkar




出版社:Random House

标签: 金融  投资 


The story of billionaire trader Steven Cohen, the rise and fall of his hedge fund SAC Capital, and the largest insider trading investigation in history for readers of The Big Short, Den of Thieves, and Dark Money

Steven A. Cohen changed Wall Street. He and his fellow pioneers of the hedge fund industry didn't lay railroads, build factories, or invent new technologies. Rather, they made their billions through speculation, by placing bets in the market that turned out to be right more often than wrong and for this, they gained not only extreme personal wealth but formidable influence throughout society. Hedge funds now oversee more than $3 trillion in assets, and the competition between them is so fierce that traders will do whatever they can to get an edge.

Cohen was one of the industry's biggest success stories, the person everyone else in the business wanted to be. Born into a middle-class family on Long Island, he longed from an early age to be a star on Wall Street. He mastered poker in high school, went off to Wharton, and in 1992 launched the hedge fund SAC Capital, which he built into a $15 billion empire, almost entirely on the basis of his wizard like stock trading. He cultivated an air of mystery, reclusiveness, and excess, building a 35,000-square-foot mansion in Greenwich, Connecticut, flying to work by helicopter, and amassing one of the largest private art collections in the world. On Wall Street, Cohen was revered as a genius: one of the greatest traders who ever lived.

That image was shattered when SAC Capital became the target of a sprawling, seven-year investigation, led by a determined group of FBI agents, prosecutors, and SEC enforcement attorneys. Labeled by prosecutors as a magnet for market cheaters whose culture encouraged the relentless pursuit of edge and even black edge, which is inside information SAC Capital was ultimately indicted and pleaded guilty to charges of securities and wire fraud in connection with a vast insider trading scheme, even as Cohen himself was never charged.

Black Edge offers a revelatory look at the gray zone in which so much of Wall Street functions. It's a riveting, true-life legal thriller that takes readers inside the government's pursuit of Cohen and his employees, and raises urgent and troubling questions about the power and wealth of those who sit at the pinnacle of modern Wall Street.


1、Black Edge是作者Sheelah Kolhatkar创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 小猪飞天的评论
    作者只是sac的一个associate,跟steve cohen根本说不上什么话,结果就是书比较肤浅,只能描述一个结果,却无法解释Steve的想法,因为人家根本不会理他
  • [已注销]的评论
  • Wind Rider的评论
  • 啊兔飞飞的评论
    1)Our job was to play. You buy, man. It was deal mania, and every rumor was true. 2)Edge is the water, and they are swimming in it. And you should pride yourself on hiring the most determined swimmers. @Flight To Hong Kong
  • 爱吃鱿鱼的猫的评论
  • Hoxx的评论
  • Sheryl的评论
  • hipresario的评论
    Let's see Cohen's return in 2018.
  • coldsea的评论
    其实对于Steve Cohen的刻画没有很立体。倒是Martoma的刻画很让人印象深刻。所以后面着重讲Martoma的部分还挺好看的。
  • monomania的评论
    In other words, the rise and fall and soon-to-be rise again of Steve Cohen.
  • 千堂的评论
  • young的评论
  • Ein的评论
    billions season 3还没出,就当先看看番外篇吧!inside info做到专业,真的是比CIO还了解自己的公司。Martoma的经历编进剧里绝对会非常好看的……
  • 马里兰蓝蟹的评论
    3.5星,内容蛮有趣的,可惜写得很一般,东一段西一段,然后全文只是叙述而不是有加入自己什么思考或者引起读者思考的东西。而且作者为什么那么喜欢title drop,随便出来个什么人物都从人家毕业院校和以前工作地方开始讲起,全书至少出现五个HLS毕业生只被提起过三句话就消失了...最后Point 72和Boies的office现在就在上下楼,就在我们楼下,Cohen你可以每天和Boies吃饭了,也许还会遇到来我们所的那个prosecute你们案子的prosecutor呢!(画面感
  • 肿么办的评论
    最appalling的大概是政府的不作为 这本书其实一篇长一点的ny times也够了。。。新信息比较少
  • 00的评论
  • omega sun的评论
  • stephen的评论
  • 胡想富贵花想容的评论
  • 月亮鱼的评论