Political order and political decay

Political order and political decay

作者:Francis Fukuyama




出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux

标签: 政治 


CONTENTS Title Page Copyright Notice Epigraph Introduction: Development of Political Institutions to the French Revolution PART I: THE STATE 1. What Is Political Development? 2. The Dimensions of Development 3. Bureaucracy 4. Prussia Builds a State 5. Corruption 6. The Birthplace of Democracy 7. Italy and the Low-Trust Equilibrium 8. Patronage and Reform 9. The United States Invents Clientelism 10. The End of the Spoils System 11. Railroads, Forests, and American State Building 12. Nation Building 13. Good Government, Bad Government PART II: FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS 14. Nigeria 15. Geography 16. Silver, Gold, and Sugar 17. Dogs That Didn’t Bark 18. The Clean Slate 19. Storms in Africa 20. Indirect Rule 21. Institutions, Domestic or Imported 22. Lingua Francas 23. The Strong Asian State 24. The Struggle for Law in China 25. The Reinvention of the Chinese State 26. Three Regions PART III: DEMOCRACY 27. Why Did Democracy Spread? 28. The Long Road to Democracy 29. From 1848 to the Arab Spring 30. The Middle Class and Democracy’s Future PART IV: POLITICAL DECAY 31. Political Decay 32. A State of Courts and Parties 33. Congress and the Repatrimonialization of American Politics 34. America the Vetocracy 35. Autonomy and Subordination 36. Political Order and Political Decay


福山在书中分析了政治机构在社会发展中的责任,探讨了法国大革命等历史问题,并从历史的视角着重讨论了美国政治遇到的深层障碍。此外,福山在书中还就当下一些国家和地区的快速发展进行了分析。 福山大胆提出假设,认为美国根深蒂固的政治瘫痪(entrenched political paralysis)在全球中产阶级崛起的环境下,将面临更多难题。


1、Political order and political decay是作者Francis Fukuyama创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

