Say It Like Obama

Say It Like Obama

作者:Shel Leanne,Shelly L





标签: 演讲 


在线阅读本书 《跟奥巴马学演讲》讲述的是说服的艺术、表达的力量和有效的沟通技巧。从如何构建强有力的论点和逻辑,到如何处理棘手的话题,再到如何激发你的团队和员工 的创造力与生产力,作者精选美国当选总统奥巴马的演讲实例。通过传授关键的演讲技巧,为各行各业的领导者提供了推动变革的演讲工具。这些技巧具体包括如 何: ·创造深刻的第一印象 ·运用肢体语言和声音控制 ·建立共同立场 ·赢得信赖,树立信心 ·赢得人心 ·言达意指 ·以反复出现的图景和语句传达愿景 ·创造高潮和留下难以磨灭的最后印象 无论你是经理人、企业高管、企业主。还是政府官员、教师、社区领导人,你都能从《跟奥巴马学演讲》中学到演讲时所需要的关键技巧,从而激励和动员你所面对的不同数量、不同背景的听众。 通过一次次演讲,曾经名不见经传的奥巴马成功了!他用激动人心的愿景、催人奋进的语言、令人痴狂的风格点燃了千百万支持者心中的热情。他杰出的沟通技巧帮 助他发起了一场前所未有的政治运动。为他成功击败强劲的竞选对手、赢得美国民主党总统候选人提名、最终当选美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统提供了最重要的助 力。 但是,激励和说服成千上万名听众的演讲才能并不是与生俱来的。奥巴马也是经过了对演讲技能多年的磨练,才成为一名无论是在几十名还是在几十万名听众面前都 能打动人心的演讲者的。这些演讲技巧不仅是政治家获得成功的强大助力,也是帮助商界精英、企业高管、学术大师和其他各行各业的领袖们赢得成功的关键技能。 . Includes Obama's historic acceptance speech from the Democratic National Convention . In speech after speech, Barack Obama has �fired up� millions of enthusiastic supporters with his inspiring vision, rousing rhetoric, and charismatic presence His outstanding communication skills gave rise to an unprecedented political movement and fueled Obama's success in becoming the first African American presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party. . But inspiring and persuading millions isn't simply a product of innate ability.Barack Obama honed techniques that made him a highly effective speaker before audiences numbering thirty to 200,000. These techniques are vital not only in the political arena, but also for business executives, managers, and leaders from all walks of life. . This book is about the art of persuasion, the power of presentation, and the most effective techniques of communication. From building strong arguments and facing tough issues to inspiring a team or workforce to new levels of innovation and productivity, Say It Like Obama gives you the tools you can use to instill positive change at every level of your organization by learning how to:. . Make a strong first impression. Use body language and voice. Establish common ground. Gain trust and confidence. Win hearts and minds. Drive your points home. Convey your vision through imagery and words that resonate. Build to a crescendo and leave a lasting impression. . Whether you are a manager, executive, or public speaker, a teacher, business owner, or community leader, Say It Like Obama will provide you with presentation techniques that have inspired and mobilized audiences of every size. .


1、Say It Like Obama是作者Shel Leanne,Shelly L创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

