

作者:Stephen Mitchell




出版社:Free Press

标签: 史诗  宗教+神话+经典  神话  Classics 


Gilgamesh is considered one of the masterpieces of world literature, and although previously there have been competent scholarly translations of it, until now there has not been a version that is a superlative literary text in its own right. Acclaimed translator Stephen Mitchell's lithe, muscular rendering allows us to enter an ancient masterpiece as if for the first time, to see how startlingly beautiful, intelligent, and alive it is. His insightful introduction provides a historical, spiritual, and cultural context for this ancient epic, showing that Gilgamesh is more potent and fascinating than ever. Gilgamesh dates from as early as 1700 BCE -- a thousand years before the Iliad. Lost for almost two millennia, the eleven clay tablets on which the epic was inscribed were discovered in 1853 in the ruins of Nineveh, and the text was not deciphered and fully translated until the end of the century. When the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke first read Gilgamesh in 1916, he was awestruck. "Gilgamesh is stupendous," he wrote. "I consider it to be among the greatest things that can happen to a person." The epic is the story of literature's first hero -- the king of Uruk in what is present-day Iraq -- and his journey of self-discovery. Along the way, Gilgamesh discovers that friendship can bring peace to a whole city, that a preemptive attack on a monster can have dire consequences, and that wisdom can be found only when the quest for it is abandoned. In giving voice to grief and the fear of death -- perhaps more powerfully than any book written after it -- in portraying love and vulnerability and the ego's hopeless striving for immortality, the epic has become a personal testimony for millions of readers in dozens of languages.


1、Gilgamesh是作者Stephen Mitchell创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 吖摇要加油的评论
    First Day of Disney Trail Opening[心][心][心][宝藏湾—加勒比海盗沉没宝藏之战]史上最赞[good][good][good]感谢亲爱的@闪闪Gilgamesh闪闪 做了我一天的导游,不能更爱你[爱你] 上海·上海迪士尼乐园
  • Archangel浅夏的评论
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    ∮CP∮ 双王 Saber&Gilgamesh
  • 张小河Vendetta的评论
    话说炸酱面最近在干啥 难道放暑假了@西野七晴 @冯大琪Gilgamesh
  • 我是殷宇航我是殷宇航我是殷宇航的评论
    据说脸大的都在后面,还好我机智的用了剪刀手,吸引注意力@Gilgamesh_Jia @ZzZhong钟 @梧桐下的小牛
  • Blueblue-楊lucy的评论
    这个CP我挺喜欢[馋嘴]@Gilgamesh_小妮子 @DLee7r
  • 庄生是庄主的评论
    手是第二张脸,那腿和手腕呢?@Gilgamesh_小妮子 Ps:你的明信片我星期二收到了,别问我为什么在这里告诉你,我只是正好想起来了
  • real_凡子姐姐的评论
    和电赛的学长学姐一起吃饭 他们毕业前最后的聚餐 很开心[不好意思]希望你们毕业快乐[哈哈]希望我期末考的棒棒哒[不好意思]希望以后我们还有这样的聚餐[哈哈](另附三个啃鸡翅的毕业森[挖鼻]@Gilgamesh-EX @a雯小青年 )
  • 七年择夏槿凉汐的评论
    武汉的火锅,我只爱吃海底捞,讲真,是不是以后找男票的标准,一定要在海底捞工作过才行噢……ps:最后一个…真的不怕打嘛……@想改名的小xx @Gilgamesh_Q