Only Love Is Real

Only Love Is Real

作者:Brian Weiss




出版社:Grand Central Publishing

标签: 心理学  人生  灵修 


HAVE YOU LOVED -- AND LOST -- SOMEONE ACROSS TIME? In Brian Weiss's bestseller Many Lives, Many Masters, nearly one and a half million readers met Catherine. In a hypnotic trance, Dr. Weiss's young patient summoned memories of many past lifetimes, demonstrated an astonishing ability to transmit transcendental messages, and turned the life of a respectable psychiatrist upside down. CAN YOU FIND YOUR SOULMATE AGAIN? Now Dr. Weiss takes his research one breathtaking step further. He portrays two strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries -- until fate brings them together again. He shows how each and every one of us has a soulmate whom we have loved in past incarnations and who waits to reunite with us now. And he opens up entirely new worlds for all of us everywhere, based on a single, powerful truth...


1、Only Love Is Real是作者Brian Weiss创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

