

作者:Xiaomei Chen




出版社:Rowman & Littlefield

标签: 西方主义  文化研究  西方学  海外汉学 


This revised and expanded edition of the first comprehensive study of Occidentalism in post-Mao China includes a new preface, foreword, and chapter on Chinese diaspora writings in the Chinese language. Xiaomei Chen offers an insightful account of the unremittingly favorable depiction of Western culture and its negative characterization of Chinese culture in post-Mao China since 1978. She examines the cultural and political interrelationship between the East and West from a vantage point more complex than that accommodated by most current theories of Western imperialism and colonialism. Going beyond Edward Said's construction in Orientalism of cross-cultural appropriations as a defining facet of Western imperialism, Chen argues that the appropriation of Western discourse-what she calls "Occidentalism"-can actually have a politically and ideologically liberating effect on contemporary non-Western culture. She maintains that simplistic allegations of Orientalism frequently found in current critical discourses seriously underestimate the complexities of intercultural and multicultural relationships. Using China as the focus of her analysis, Chen examines a variety of cultural media, from Shakespearean drama, to modernist poetry, to contemporary Chinese television and popular fiction. She thus places sinology in the general context of Western theoretical discourses, such as Eurocentrism, postcolonialism, nationalism, modernism, feminism, and literary hermeneutics, showing that it has a vital role to play in the study of Orient and Occident and their now unavoidable symbiotic relationship. Occidentalism presents a new model of comparative literary and cultural studies that reenvisions cross-cultural appropriation. It will be indispensable to future discussions of Orientalism, Occidentalism, and postcolonialism, as well as subaltern studies, Asian studies, comparative literature, cultural studies, and non-Western drama.


1、Occidentalism是作者Xiaomei Chen创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 萌大大坦的评论
    #浮皮潦草·政治#《西方的太阳下山了》by FT“正如伊恩•布鲁马和阿维沙伊•马加利特在《西方主义》(Occidentalism)一书中解释的那样,烦扰非西方人的不只是我们的炮舰,还有我们的资本主义、说教(在一团糟的伊拉克战争后才宣告消停)和性自由。”网页链接
  • 印度史学_怀民的评论
    "Occidentalism 和 Orientalism 在思想上同样有害。或者我们也可以说没有一个homegeneous 的西方,比如19世纪英国国内对鸦片贸易的批判。对奴隶制的批判也是始于西方社会内部的。重要的是保持一个社会内部的非一统性,这对任何社会都是关键。" - Istoria 葉 #历史# #学术# #东方主义#
  • 茹雷_XAFA的评论
    早晚得衍生出来一个Occidentalism。里面的泰西净土跟美欧什么的一点关系没有,全是中国的倒影。给东方主义不同,这个不在意是不是能代表或掌控他者,只是不甘心自我的状态,把理想交给距离感,省得自己身体力行去变革。//@刘洋tiger://@舒阳的微博: 转发微博
  • Chloooooe的评论
    Japanese Occidentalism has driven me crazy. [抓狂] 某種程度上,日本人的洋化還蠻讓人討厭的。哼!
  • sleepycat的评论
    想讀The West As the Other A Genealogy of Chinese Occidentalism,看看與史書美的論述有何不同。//@acornpicker: 《高家村-近代中國農村生活素描》与《「受苦人」的講述-驥村歷史與一種文明的邏輯》并举,左右互博可以对读啊!
  • DhrZhang的评论
    "If Messiaen, Stockhausen, or LouHarrison had been selective and utilitaristic in their use of Asian elements, so in turn are LamBunChing, TanDun, ZhuJian-er, and PanShiji in their use of Western elements. ORIENT THUS MEETS OCCIDENT and ORIENTALISM IS ANSWERED BY OCCIDENTALISM."
  • 宋思恩的评论
    orientalism, occidentalism, endo-colonialism, neocolonialism, postcolonialism, postmodernism……ism你妹啊ism……[晕晕]
  • 燨扬的评论
  • 不怕猫的鱼儿叫Nick的评论
  • 穎思Charissa_C的评论
    Occidentalism 怎么讲好呐…求灵感。