The Introvert Advantage

The Introvert Advantage

作者:Marti Olsen Laney Ps




出版社:Workman Publishing Company

标签: 心理学  Introvert  心理  自我成长  成长  psychology  Advantage  智慧 


One out of every four people feels overwhelmed at the thought of a business meeting, dreads walking into a party, hates having to make small talk with strangers, feels alone in a crowd - and always prefers to sit on the sidelines and observe. They're introverts, and now comes the book to buttress their resolve and help them find understanding and success living in an extrovert world. After dispelling common myths about introverts - they're not antisocial, they're not necessarily shy or aloof - BEING AN INTROVERT IN AN EXTROVERT WORLD explains the real issues. Introverts are hardwired from birth to focus inward, so outside stimulation can easily become "too much" - chitchat, phone calls, parties, office meetings can all be overwhelming, sending introverts fleeing for a quiet corner.


1、The Introvert Advantage是作者Marti Olsen Laney Ps创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

