

作者:Alan Moore,Dave Gibb




出版社:DC Comics

标签: 漫画  AlanMoore  美国  反乌托邦  DC  科幻  graphic_novel  Comic 


Has any comic been as acclaimed as Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen? Possibly only Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, but Watchmen remains the critics' favorite. Why? Because Moore is a better writer, and Watchmen a more complex and dark and literate creation than Miller's fantastic, subversive take on the Batman myth. Moore, renowned for many other of the genre's finest creations (Saga of the Swamp Thing, V for Vendetta, and From Hell, with Eddie Campbell) first put out Watchmen in 12 issues for DC in 1986-87. It won a comic award at the time (the 1987 Jack Kirby Comics Industry Awards for Best Writer/Artist combination) and has continued to gather praise since. The story concerns a group called the Crimebusters and a plot to kill and discredit them. Moore's characterization is as sophisticated as any novel's. Importantly the costumes do not get in the way of the storytelling; rather they allow Moore to investigate issues of power and control--indeed it was Watchmen, and to a lesser extent Dark Knight, that propelled the comic genre forward, making "adult" comics a reality. The artwork of Gibbons (best known for 2000AD's Rogue Trooper and DC's Green Lantern) is very fine too, echoing Moore's paranoid mood perfectly throughout. Packed with symbolism, some of the overlying themes (arms control, nuclear threat, vigilantes) have dated but the intelligent social and political commentary, the structure of the story itself, its intertextuality (chapters appended with excerpts from other "works" and "studies" on Moore's characters, or with excerpts from another comic book being read by a child within the story), the finepace of the writing and its humanity mean that Watchmen more than stands up--it keeps its crown as the best the genre has yet produced. --Mark Thwaite


1、Watchmen是作者Alan Moore,Dave Gibb创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • 武汉荣美书房的评论
    【诗 127:1】 若不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力;若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。 【Psm 127:1】 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. 读圣经 | 诗篇11...
  • Rorschach-Wilson的评论
    watchmen里罗夏的一段独白,用了变音之后就立刻变成batman的声音了,哈哈秒拍视频 (Recorded with #Flash Show#)
  • 梁进刚的评论
    正在听《守望者》,所以今天的#彩蛋#:“笑匠”扮演了托马斯·韦恩;一代“丝魂”为氪星版Siri配音;“夜枭”为电话上的美国总统配音;蝙蝠侠扔下超人时前景的墙上用拉丁语写着“Who Watches The Watchmen?” 我猜蓝光出来还能找到笑脸。
  • 暖暖含光的评论
    5 我等候耶和华,我的心等候,我也仰望他的话。 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. 6 我的心等候主,胜于守夜的等候天亮,胜于守夜的等候天亮。 My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.
  • 克瑞斯-拖延症晚期没救了的评论
    @镭射眼是对的_开脑洞的村 亲爱的,你觉得我是先读watchmen的书还是先看watchmen的电影呢……
  • 来自中世界的评论
  • 米迦乐_Mee的评论
    #Zack Snyder# 在#Watchmen#守望者里客串一位海豹突击队员。大哥,我说你戏服都换上了,为什么不给我们露个正脸!!!你这样很不厚道你造吗!!!!
  • catfisher的评论
  • wenwen_inWonderland的评论
  • 锡葚的评论
  • sunni14的评论
    另外Man of Steel 跟Watchmen 里面两大神: 超人的地球爸跟洛夏, 都他妈真. 宁死不屈... 太感人了!
  • lluvia_peng的评论
    #watchmen# 看bvs的时候以为Zack Snyder是不会讲故事,原来他是就喜欢这样讲故事。
  • GoodeInc工作室的评论
    Before and After:我才发现梦想与现实间的差别...... #Matthew Goode# #Watchmen# 网页链接
  • Dextterr的评论
    #守望者Watchmen# And you are telling me these two were not copycating the "Dynamic Duo"...[笑cry]
  • 嘉嘉育的评论
    看过《守望者》 我的评分:★★★ 娱乐0分立意满分的超级英雄大片。who watch watchmen 是片子想要探讨的,立意深刻但仍挡不住困意袭来~3个半小时的终极剪辑版看了三天才拉完~ 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
  • 桂林花糕的评论
    #敬业每一天# 刚才搜到一个很棒的解谜游戏(应该是我孤陋寡闻)the black watchmen.它是真的会和你的生活有互动的游戏,你需要通过查找维基百科来获取线索,会收到邮件,甚至会接到电话。虚拟现实的未来并不是在虚拟中体验现实,而是把虚拟和现实结合起来,才是真正的棒极,你就看某go好了。
  • GoodeInc工作室的评论
    欧,古德耐特。#Matthew Goode##Watchmen#
  • 小孔_Ninjutsu仓鼠藏的评论
    我只是心血来潮,想把之前翻译过的视频捞一下。【Cinema Sins】 细数电影N宗罪之 守望者(Watchmen) #哔哩哔哩动画# 【Cinema Si...
  • 魔贱的评论
  • DC安利控的评论
    #今日DC美甲推荐# 主题《watchmen》 副标题:"who watches the watchmen?" [馋嘴][馋嘴] 前三款我都超喜欢诶~DC妹子粉你们喜欢哪一款?#watchmen# #dc#