

  • Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth

    作者:Chris Ware

    This first book from Chicago author Chris Ware is a pleasantly-decorated view at a lonely and emotionally-impaired "everyman" (Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth), who is provided, at age 36, the opportunity to meet his father for the first time. An improvisatory romance which gingerly deports itself between 1890's Chicago and 1980's small town Michigan, the reader is helped along by thousands of colored illustrations and diagrams, which, when read rapidly in sequence, provide a convincing illusion of life and movement. The bulk of the work is supported by fold-out instructions, an index, paper cut-outs, and a brief apology, all of which concrete to form a rich portrait of a man stunted by a paralyzing fear of being disliked.
  • Ghost World

    作者:Daniel Clowes

    One of the best-selling and critically-acclaimed graphic novels of all-time telling the story of two supremely ironic, above-it-all teenagers facing the thrilling uncertainty of life after high school. As they attempt to carry their life-long friendship into a new era, the careful dynamics of their inseparable bond are jolted, and what seemed like a future of endless possibilities looks more like an encroaching reality of strip malls, low-paying service jobs and fading memories. Already one of the most heavily-publicized graphic novels in history, this new edition (featuring new covers by Clowes) should make the book more popular than ever. With lengthy write-ups in Time, Newsweek, Publisher's Weekly, Details, Vogue, Jane, and many others, press interest in the book and film promises to be higher than ever this spring.
  • Building Stories

    作者:Chris Ware

    4-time 2013 Eisner Award Winner: Best Lettering, Best Publication, Best Writer/Artist and Best Graphic Album New York Times Book Review, Top 10 Books of the Year Time Magazine, Top Ten Fiction Books of the Year Publishers Weekly, Best Book of the Year Kirkus Reviews, Top 10 Fiction of 2012 Newsday, Top 10 Books of 2012 Entertainment Weekly, Gift Guide, A+ Washington Post, Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2012 Minneapolis Star Tribune, Best Books of the Year Cleveland Plain Dealer, Top 10 Fiction Books of the Year Amazon, Best Books of the Year/Comics Boing Boing, Best Graphic Novel of the Year Time Out New York, Best of 2012 Entertainment Weekly, Best Fiction of 2012 Everything you need to read the new graphic novel Building Stories: 14 distinctively discrete Books, Booklets, Magazines, Newspapers, and Pamphlets. With the increasing electronic incorporeality of existence, sometimes it’s reassuring—perhaps even necessary—to have something to hold on to. Thus within this colorful keepsake box the purchaser will find a fully-apportioned variety of reading material ready to address virtually any imaginable artistic or poetic taste, from the corrosive sarcasm of youth to the sickening earnestness of maturity—while discovering a protagonist wondering if she’ll ever move from the rented close quarters of lonely young adulthood to the mortgaged expanse of love and marriage. Whether you’re feeling alone by yourself or alone with someone else, this book is sure to sympathize with the crushing sense of life wasted, opportunities missed and creative dreams dashed which afflict the middle- and upper-class literary public (and which can return to them in somewhat damaged form during REM sleep). A pictographic listing of all 14 items (260 pages total) appears on the back, with suggestions made as to appropriate places to set down, forget or completely lose any number of its contents within the walls of an average well-appointed home. As seen in the pages of The New Yorker, The New York Times and McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Building Stories collects a decade’s worth of work, with dozens of “never-before-published” pages (i.e., those deemed too obtuse, filthy or just plain incoherent to offer to a respectable periodical). Winner of the 2013 Eisner Awards for Best Graphic Album-New, Best Lettering, and Best Publication Design. Chris Ware is the winner of 2013 Eisner Award for Best Writer/Artist for Building Stories. One of the New York Times Book Review's Top 10 Books of 2012
  • American Born Chinese

    作者:Yang, Gene Luen/ Pie

    围绕三条线索展开: 美猴王大闹天宫是中国家喻户晓的神话故事,而《美生中国人》展现的是一个新鲜的美国版本,有练功,有复仇,有挑战,有失败,有救赎:美猴王有着与生俱来的王者气魄,精通玄妙的功夫和法术,为猴子猴孙敬仰,是世界上最伟大的猴子。但是他不甘心做只猴子,他大闹天宫,想要成为受人朝拜的天神。 美国的华裔少年王谨,在听妈妈讲完“孟母三迁”的中国古代故事之后,跟随父母从住了9年的旧金山唐人街搬到了纯粹的白人社区。他发现自己是学校里唯一的华裔,受尽了欺负,几乎没有朋友。更糟糕的是,他还爱上了一个白人女孩…… 中国人钦西是美国人眼中刻板的中国佬形象,聪明而粗俗,令人生厌。他每年都会从中国去看望美国的表弟丹尼,扰乱他的生活。而丹尼是一名篮球运动员,学校的风云人物,每年都不得不转学以逃避钦西带来的羞耻。这一年,情况更糟了…… 到最后,三条看似毫不相干的线索神奇地融合在一起,令人赞叹地形成了一个融入中国功夫和校园风云的现代寓言,喧闹而发人深醒。这本了不起的漫画线条简单流畅.糅合了中西画风,在东方化的动作和对白设计中,又处处散发出西式幽默。这个以崭新手法讲述ABC少年痛苦,艰辛的身份认同的故事,这趟情节起伏跌宕、峰回略转的自我发现之旅,引起读者的不断喝彩,使越来越多的人坚信:作者杨谨伦是个天才。 《美生中国人》是第1本进入美国小学课本的漫画书;第1本入围美国国家图书奖的漫画书;第1本荣获美国普林兹文学奖的漫画书。 亚马逊网站2006年度最佳漫画书 《出版人周刊》2006年度最佳图书、最佳漫画书、鲁本奖2006年最佳漫画书奖。 埃斯纳奖2007年最佳漫画新书奖。 天才画家用五年心血打造的自传体漫画,借美国版《西游记》诉说美国华人的困境! 中英文双语版方便学习地道校园美语,告诉你一个华裔美国梦的真实侧面,考托福、送孩子出国前一定要看《美生中国人》!
  • Blankets

    作者:Craig Thompson

    At 592 pages, Blankets may well be the single largest graphic novel ever published without being serialized first. Wrapped in the landscape of a blustery Wisconsin winter, Blankets explores the sibling rivalry of two brothers growing up in the isolated country, and the budding romance of two coming-of-age lovers. A tale of security and discovery, of playfulness and tragedy, of a fall from grace and the origins of faith. A profound and utterly beautiful work from Craig Thompson. The New Printing corrects 3 small typos, widening the spine graphics, but otherwise is identical to the first printing.
  • Watchmen

    作者:Alan Moore,Dave Gibb

    Has any comic been as acclaimed as Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen? Possibly only Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, but Watchmen remains the critics' favorite. Why? Because Moore is a better writer, and Watchmen a more complex and dark and literate creation than Miller's fantastic, subversive take on the Batman myth. Moore, renowned for many other of the genre's finest creations (Saga of the Swamp Thing, V for Vendetta, and From Hell, with Eddie Campbell) first put out Watchmen in 12 issues for DC in 1986-87. It won a comic award at the time (the 1987 Jack Kirby Comics Industry Awards for Best Writer/Artist combination) and has continued to gather praise since. The story concerns a group called the Crimebusters and a plot to kill and discredit them. Moore's characterization is as sophisticated as any novel's. Importantly the costumes do not get in the way of the storytelling; rather they allow Moore to investigate issues of power and control--indeed it was Watchmen, and to a lesser extent Dark Knight, that propelled the comic genre forward, making "adult" comics a reality. The artwork of Gibbons (best known for 2000AD's Rogue Trooper and DC's Green Lantern) is very fine too, echoing Moore's paranoid mood perfectly throughout. Packed with symbolism, some of the overlying themes (arms control, nuclear threat, vigilantes) have dated but the intelligent social and political commentary, the structure of the story itself, its intertextuality (chapters appended with excerpts from other "works" and "studies" on Moore's characters, or with excerpts from another comic book being read by a child within the story), the finepace of the writing and its humanity mean that Watchmen more than stands up--it keeps its crown as the best the genre has yet produced. --Mark Thwaite