

作者:Stephenie Meyer




出版社:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

标签: twilight  吸血鬼  小说  爱情  英文原版小说  暮光之城  英文  美国 


The #1 New York Times bestseller is available for the first time in a mass market paperback edition, featuring a striking movie tie-in cover.Bella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Bella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Bella, the person Edward holds most dear. Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite.


1、Twilight是作者Stephenie Meyer创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!




  • Sarielsie吃不吃的评论
    第一次摘隐形 15分钟 原来我的眼珠这么灵活哭飞速旋转[看看][看看][看看]哦其实这个颜色的美瞳好像Twilight里吸血鬼喝饱了血啊……
  • 宾俊东的评论
    JJ快来看看,顺便给我们翻译一下,人家都感动成这样了@林俊杰 【林俊杰 不为谁而作的歌 海外观看反应 JJ Lin Twilight Live Reaction】,你也来一起看看吧!分享自优酷Android客户端林俊杰 不为谁而作的... 广州·沙头街区
  • 怪蜀黍盐牛牛牛_的评论
    你脑子秀逗了吗呀呀呀 红红火火恍恍惚惚575 啊邱秋秋 Twilight朴 有机会一起嗨[爱你]
  • EXO中文网的评论
    #朴灿烈# [心]#朴灿烈1127种打开方式# [心]《Twilight》吸血鬼大人帅飞起 cr xxxcxxyx 秒拍视频
  • 三弦女俠的评论
    我听过这张专辑《Celtic Twilight Vol.7》 -Various Artists ★★★★★:Celtic&New Age是本命,这张比较神圣庄严,仿若远古天际而来的吟唱,普照大地。#Cover很棒 网页链接
  • 葬鹅的评论
    我听过这张专辑《Tales Of Ancient Prophecies》 -Twilight Force ★★★ 网页链接
  • 姚亦琛的评论
    "I love three things in this world.Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever."——The twilight saga
  • 挥手自兹的评论
    I love three things in the world, the sun, the moon, and you. the sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever [樱花] ——Twilight
  • 庆山梦的评论
    我最近总是做梦请你来家里吃螃蟹喝白酒…@茗香Twilight 这么痛快的事多谢有你才让我梦里享受几回[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]
  • 你的芒果我帮你吃的评论
  • 六封信Steffanieee的评论
    What's with the "still a better love story than twilight" lmao[眼泪][眼泪][眼泪] 想看,远远的看看就好哈哈
  • 祈时_贾维斯夫人的评论
    still a better love story than twilight[笑cry] //@Percivalian:最后的妹子怎么做到的。。。 //@九尾是个Omega:我就问一下,最后那个妹纸是不是俄罗斯人[笑cry]//@四儿爱吃小金鱼:这不就是瑟兰迪尔的坐骑么[doge]//@博物杂志:中国大兴安岭也有驼鹿啊,以前不叫驼鹿,叫“犴达罕(满语)”简称犴hān
  • Becky_郑璐的评论
    Wished for a rose in December. If you remember my voice. A little little bit of love in my seventeen so sweet. Once again longing for a breeze. For a rose and kisses. When you appear and my own dream in the twilight. Come figure me out in this sweet melody of the rain.
  • BALROG__的评论
    满满都是回忆 ♫我正在收听这首单曲:The Twilight Saga-Cold♫Cold (来自@QQ音乐 听手机QQ音乐,QQ等级加速升!)
  • PS教程网的评论
    #Photoshop教程#逆光人像教程~前后期教程 LR+PS调色,简单粗暴,转给喜欢的朋友吧!作者:(作者 @慕歌Twilight)
  • Jason-Wu概念设计馆的评论
    In the twilight of his life, a generation of unfortunate people in the dark wandering: some people die in the struggle; some people fall into the abyss; all the opportunity, hope and hatred lashed the bound by prejudice of the people; in the dark and muddy road also walk to those