The Undomestic Goddess

The Undomestic Goddess

作者:Sophie Kinsella



出版时间:19 July, 2005

出版社:The Dial Press

标签: SophieKinsella  小说  英文原版  novel  Kinsella  外国文学 


Workaholic attorney Samantha Sweeting has just done the unthinkable. She’s made a mistake so huge, it’ll wreck any chance of a partnership. Going into utter meltdown, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train, and ends up in the middle of nowhere. Asking for directions at a big, beautiful house, she’s mistaken for an interviewee and finds herself being offered a job as housekeeper. Her employers have no idea they’ve hired a lawyer–and Samantha has no idea how to work the oven. She can’t sew on a button, bake a potato, or get the #@%# ironing board to open. How she takes a deep breath and begins to cope–and finds love–is a story as delicious as the bread she learns to bake. But will her old life ever catch up with her? And if it does…will she want it back?


1、The Undomestic Goddess是作者Sophie Kinsella创作的原创作品,下载链接均为网友上传的网盘链接!

