

  • 白洲次郎

    作者:北 康利

  • Welcome to My World

    作者:Johnny Weir

    An unconventional memoir in the mold of sTORI Telling by 3-time US Championship figure skater who electrified the 2010 Winter Olympics, Johnny Weir.
  • 李白传


  • An Education

    作者:Lynn Barber

    当记者林恩•巴博尔16岁在一个公车站被一个有魅力的老男人请进他的跑车时,她的生活彻底被毁了。她原本是一个朝着牛津大学努力的阳光自信女孩。与这个男人的情人关系意外地得到了她在郊区的传统的父母的支持,也让她走进了60年代初声名狼藉的伦敦西部的半犯罪世界。她深陷堕落,直到有一天她幡然醒悟。 《教育》,做为这一令人入迷的回忆录的开篇,首次在格兰塔杂志上发表时获得了高度评价,英国广播公司正在根据尼克•霍恩比改编的剧本将其搬上荧幕。 根据林恩•巴博尔的回忆录改编的电影《教育》的预演将于10月底发行。 Lynn Barber's true story is now a major film of the same name scripted by Nick Hornby. At 16, Lynn Barber was an ambitious schoolgirl working towards a place at Oxford, when she was picked up at a bus-stop by an attractive older man in a sports car. So began a relationship that almost wrecked her life. Barber's fascinating memoir takes us beyond this bizarre episode, revealing how it left her with an abiding mistrust of men which paradoxically led her to a promiscuous life-style at university until she met her husband-to-be. "An Education" tells how she went on to work for seven years at daring (for the times) men's magazine "Penthouse' before beginning her starry days as the Demon Barber - Britain's most entertaining and most feared interviewer. The book ends with an extraordinarily moving account of the early death of her husband. Her writing is refreshingly frank and funny.
  • 电影行话手册


  • 坐看重围


  • 电影学导论


  • 一生要看的50部电影


  • 电影美学

    作者:王志敏 编

  • Painting with Light

    作者:Alton, John; Bailey,

    Few cinematographers have had as decisive an impact on the cinematic medium as John Alton. Best known for his highly stylized film noir classics "T-Men", "He Walked by Night", and "The Big Combo", Alton earned a reputation during the 1940s and 1950s as one of Hollywood's consummate craftsmen through his visual signature of crisp shadows and sculpted beams of light. No less renowned for his virtuoso color cinematography and deft appropriation of widescreen and Technicolor, he earned an Academy Award in 1951 for his work on the musical "An American in Paris". First published in 1949, "Painting With Light" remains one of the few truly canonical statements on the art of motion picture photography, an unrivaled historical document on the workings of postwar American cinema. In simple, non-technical language, Alton explains the job of the cinematographer and explores how lighting, camera techniques, and choice of locations determine the visual mood of film. Todd McCarthy's introduction provides an overview of Alton's biography and career and explores the influence of his work on contemporary cinematography and the foreword, written expressly for this edition by award-winning cinematographer John Bailey, explores Alton's often contentious relationships with colleagues, the American Society of Cinematographers, and the movie industry itself.
  • 坏孩子的天空


  • 寺山修司幻想劇集


    本著作は一九八三年五月、 劇書房より刊行されたものです 目次 レミングーーー世界の涯まで運れてって 說教節による見世オペラ 身毒丸 地球空洞說 盲人書簡(上海篇) 疫病流行記 阿呆船 奴婢訓 解題 寺山修司
  • 全球華語影視產業與管理


    本書由天地圖書有限公司與香港浸會大學電影電視系合作出版。 文稿源自「全球華語電影產業與管理高層論壇」之講稿。論壇分為兩次,時間從05年11月至06年4月結束,分別邀請21位嘉賓:香港藝術發展局主席馬逢國、香港導演會永遠名譽會長吳思遠、寰亞電影公司行政總裁莊澄、東方影業總裁黃百嗚、安樂影片公司江志強、香港有線電視節目執行董事徐小明、嘉禾娛樂事業集團陳鄒重珩、洲立電影發行公司翁楝良、英皇電影行政總裁利雅博、美亞電影集團李國興、香港沙龍電影公司汪長禹、美國Lion Rock負責人張家 振、特納國際亞太區副總裁陳永光、北京保利博納電影發行公司總經理于冬、中國電影集團耿西林、北京紫禁城電影公司書記閻于京與總經理張強、廣東省電影公司總經理趙軍、台灣名製片家徐立功、新加坡媒體發展管理局電視電影發展司長文樹森、新傳媒星霖電影公司總裁雲暉翔等,就他們各自管理公司多年的親身經驗,作了有系統的闡述,對現實問題作出了反思,並且對未來的發展作了前瞻性的預測。
  • 好莱坞战争风云


  • Screen Deco

    作者:Mandelbaum, Howard/

  • 香港電影海報選錄


  • Theorizing World Cinema

    作者:Dudrah, Rajinder 编

    This groundbreaking and innovative book is about the place of World Cinema in the cultural imaginary. It also repositions World Cinema in a wider discursive space than is usually the case and treats it as an object of theoretical inquiry, rather than as a commercial label. The editors and distinguished group of contributors, including Laura Mulvey, John Caughie, Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, Ashish Rajadhyaksha, and Paul Julian Smith, offer a range of approaches and case studies whose organizing principle is the developing idea of polycentrism as applied to cinema. They refine and redefine key concepts in film studies, including identification, representation and identity, narrative and realism, allegory and the national project, auteurism and the popular, art and genre. They re-evaluate how cinema shapes and responds to the philosophical, cultural, and political effects of transnationalism and cosmopolitanism in the age of the moving image, and explore the interconnectedness of films produced worldwide, as well as the links between cinema and other visual cultural forms.