

  • The Beautiful and Damned

    作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald's second novel, a devastating portrait of the excesses of the Jazz Age, is a largely autobiographical depiction of a glamorous, reckless Manhattan couple and their spectacular spiral into tragedy. Published on the heels of "This Side of Paradise," the story of the Harvard-educated aesthete Anthony Patch and his willful wife, Gloria, is propelled by Fitzgerald's intense romantic imagination and demonstrates an increased technical and emotional maturity. "The Beautiful and Damned" is at once a gripping morality tale, a rueful meditation on love, marriage, and money, and an acute social document. As Hortense Calisher observes in her Introduction, "Though Fitzgerald can entrance with stories so joyfully youthful they appear to be safe--when he cuts himself, you will bleed
  • All The Sad Young Men

    作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald

    This volume of the Cambridge Fitzgerald Edition includes the original nine stories selected by Fitzgerald for All the Sad Young Men, together with eleven additional stories, published between 1925 and 1928, which were not collected by Fitzgerald during his lifetime. This edition is based on extensive surviving manuscripts and typescripts. The volume contains a scholarly introduction, historical notes, a textual apparatus, illustrations, and appendices. The complex history of composition for 'The Rich Boy' is untangled, and Fitzgerald's thorough revision of 'Winter Dreams' is described. Important passages of sexual innuendo and tabloid-style scandal in 'Jacob's Ladder', 'The Love Boat', and 'Magnetism' - removed by editors at the Saturday Evening Post - are restored to the Cambridge texts.
  • Great Gatsby

    作者:F Scott Fitzgerald

  • The Great Gatsby

    作者:F.Scott Fitzgerald

    《了不起的盖茨比》是美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德(1896-1940)最著名的代表作。《了不起的盖茨比》的主要内容包括:二十世纪二十年代的美国,空气里弥漫着欢歌与纵饮的气息。一个偶然的机会,穷职员尼克闯入了挥金如土的大富翁盖茨比隐秘的世界,惊讶地发现,他内心惟一的牵绊竟是对河岸那盏小小的绿灯:灯影婆娑中,住着心爱的黛西。然而,冰冷的现实容不下缥缈的梦,到头来,盖茨比心中的女神只不过是凡尘俗世的物质女郎。当一切真相大白,盖茨比的悲剧人生亦如烟花般,璀璨只是一瞬,幻灭才是永恒。一阕华丽的“爵士时代”的挽歌,在菲茨杰拉德笔下,如诗如梦,在美国当代文学史上留下了墨色浓重的印痕。二十世纪末,美国学术界权威在百年英语文学长河中选出一百部最优秀的小说,《了不起的盖茨比》众望所归,高居第二位,傲然跻身当代经典行列。 Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach! Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel.
  • The Great Gatsby

    作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald

    F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby brilliantly captures the disillusion of a society obsessed with wealth and status. Young, handsome and fabulously rich, Jay Gatsby appears to have it all, yet he yearns for the one thing that will always be out of his reach, the absence of which renders his life of glittering parties and bright young things ultimately hollow. Gatsby's tragic pursuit of his dream is often cited as the Great American Novel.
  • The Great Gatsby

    作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald

    This is the definitive, textually accurate edition of a classic of twentieth-century literature, The Great Gatsby. The story of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby and his love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan has been acclaimed by generations of readers. But the first edition contained a number of errors resulting from Fitzgerald's extensive revisions and a rushed production schedule. Subsequent printings introduced further departures from the author's words. This edition, based on the Cambridge critical text, restores all the language of Fitzgerald's masterpiece. Drawing on the manuscript and surviving proofs of the novel, along with Fitzgerald's later revisions and corrections, this is the authorized text -- The Great Gatsby as Fitzgerald intended it.
  • 爵士时代的故事


    菲氏创作生涯的里程碑 定义爵士时代的经典文本 那是奇迹频生的年代,那是艺术的年代,那是挥霍无度的年代,那是嘲讽的年代。 那时,在年轻的我们眼前,一切都像镀上了玫瑰红,浪漫无比,因为此后,对于周遭的环境,我们将永远不会再如此感同身受。 ——F·S·菲茨杰拉德 《爵士时代的故事》是菲茨杰拉德第二部短篇小说集,1922年9月由斯克里布纳出版公司出版,一共包括十一个短篇:《橡皮糖》、《骆驼的后背》、《五一节》、《瓷浴盆与粉红色》、《一颗像里兹饭店那么大的钻石》、《返老还童》、《齐普赛街的塔昆》、《啊,赤褐色的女巫!》、《幸福的辛酸》、《黏糊先生》、《山里姑娘杰米娜》。篇篇情节生动,寓意深刻,艺术感强烈,记录并描绘了年轻一代的梦想、追求、爱情、痛苦、失望、艰辛、迷茫等复杂的人生经历,折射出光彩夺目的爵士时代的异彩,高度戏剧化地表现了现代意识和传统观念之间的剧烈矛盾冲突。有些如《骆驼的后背》、《返老还童》等,经过改编之后还被好莱坞拍成了电影。 《爵士时代的故事》里的每个短篇都在当时最时髦的杂志《星期日晚邮报》《时髦人士》上登过,广受好评,折射出爵士时代的异彩。
  • 夜色温柔


    菲茨杰拉德最呕心沥血的自传体长篇小说 现代文库评选的二十世纪最伟大的百部英语作品之一 女电影演员露丝玛利在戛纳海滩上遇见了主人公狄克·戴弗,一位精神病医生。他妻子妮珂是他过去的病人,患有精神分裂症。他温文尔雅,待人彬彬有礼,露丝玛利很快就迷上了他。尽管她一再对他表明心迹,狄克却始终不为所动。回巴黎后,他对妻子妮珂的忠诚看似没有动摇,事实上却情不自禁地被露丝玛利吸引。为摆脱对露丝玛利的幻想,狄克开始撰写专著,对复发癔症、精神状态仍不稳定的妮珂尽可能温柔体贴。在阿尔卑斯山度假期间,他遇到昔日好友佛朗兹,并用妻子可观财产中的一部分与他合伙办了一家诊所。此时,妮珂收到一封指责狄克与病人通奸的信,病情加剧,在郊游中故意撞毁汽车。狄克沮丧万分,独自外出度假散心,途中与罗丝玛利偶遇,却只是意识到他们短暂的爱情已无可挽回。最终他借酒浇愁,妻子也离他而去。他曾是这个浪漫时代的缩影,最终却沦为一个顾影自怜的失败者。小说见证了菲茨杰拉德虚度了大半生的“爵士乐时代”的幻灭,在很大程度上实现了作者本人所谓的“对人生透彻、惨痛的了解”。