

  • Autograf: New York City's Graffiti Writers

    作者:Peter Sutherland,Rev

    With an eye for style, Sutherland captures all of the gritty glory and glamour of the graffiti world and its warriors. Collected for the first time in Autograf: New York City’s Graffiti Writers , Sutherland presents a never-before-seen chronicle of the people and places that populate New York’s famed graf scene. Featuring old-school legends FUTURA, STAY HIGH 149, LADY PINK and DOZE, as well as new-school writers COPE 2, CLAW, KR, CYCLE, KAWS, SACER, EARSNOT, SERF, RATE, CINIK, UFO, and DSENSE, among many others, each one of the fifty-three portraits is authentically tagged by the individual writers using the same paint markers that brought them fame. Complemented by one hundred sixty landscape photographs and featuring handwritten text by legendary recluse REVS, Autograf is the only book to showcase New York City’s graffiti scene as it was created and defined by some of the most prolific artists of our time.
  • Wall and Piece


    ◎聯合推薦:王志弘、張鐵志、詹偉雄 橫掃全球的藝術暢銷書,塗鴉教父Banksy唯一官方作品集! Banksy改變了藝術的定義。 他是創作天才,作品屢屢震驚世人,令全球為之瘋狂、媒體及好萊塢明星趨之若鶩,但本人卻從不公開露面,連真名都是個謎。 他是惡名昭彰的塗鴉創作者,讓塗鴉成為藝術品,卻仍執著於塗鴉的創作形式--任何人都可以在街頭上免費看到這些動輒賣到百萬、千萬天價的畫作。他讓世人試同,塗鴉是最誠實、最公平的藝術形式,而不只是滿足創作者的一己之欲。 他是驚世駭俗的政治行動主義者,反戰、反階級、反精英、反隔離,為此屢次出入險地,被許多人尊為英雄。 這是Banksy的官方作品集。一向行事神祕低調,從不接受任何訪問的作者,在這本親自執筆的書中站了出來,披露他的創作歷程、他如何看待塗鴉、他如何用行動顛覆藝術界,也讓我們看到作者本人一如他的作品,既幽默又挑釁,驚世駭俗卻又說出許多人心底的聲音。 本書收錄了他歷年來的創作,其中有許多都已絕版或遭銷毀。
  • 涂鸦


    涂鸦是一个世界性的现象,我们在世界的许多城市中发现了涂鸦的足迹,而且我们了解到,很早以前的涂鸦就在各个地方存在着。 而且其中也存在着反叛的概念,对抗那些已经发展成熟的传统艺术机制。如今这一种新的产业正在成长:许多涂鸦艺术家正在建立自己的品牌,销售着代表这种生活方式的产品。 一种遍及世界的以城市墙壁为画布的原生艺术,它迅速扩张,渗透到流行文化的各个层面,包括时尚、设计、音乐,甚至纯艺术领域,以及危险、诱惑、破坏规则的快感,对传统艺术机制的反叛,构成着涂鸦艺术的无穷魅力!
  • Wall and Piece


    Artistic genius, political activist, painter and decorator, mythic legend or notorious graffiti artist? The work of Banksy is unmistakable, except maybe when it’s squatting inthe Tate or New York’s Metropolitan Museum. Banksy is responsible for decorating the streets, walls, bridges and zoos of towns and cites throughout the world. Witty and subversive, his stencils show monkeys with weapons of mass destruction, policeman with smiley faces, rats with drills and umbrellas.If you look hard enough you’ll find your own. His statements, incitements, ironies and epigrams are by turns intelligent and cheeky comments on everything from the monarchy and capitalism to the war in Iraq and farm animals. His identity remains unknown, but his work is prolific. And now for the first time, he’s putting together the best of his work – old and new in a fully illustrated colour volume.