

  • How to Change the World

    作者:David Bornstein

    How to Change the World provides vivid profiles of social entrepreneurs. The book is an In Search of Excellence for social initiatives, intertwining personal stories, anecdotes, and analysis. Readers will discover how one person can make an astonishing difference in the world. The case studies in the book include Jody Williams, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for the international campaign against landmines she ran by e-mail from her Vermont home; Roberto Baggio, a 31-year old Brazilian who has established eighty computer schools in the slums of Brazil; and Diana Propper, who has used investment banking techniques to make American corporations responsive to environmental dangers. The paperback edition will offer a new foreword by the author that shows how the concept of social entrepreneurship has expanded and unfolded over the last few years, including the Gates-Buffetts charitable partnership, the rise of Google, and the increased mainstream coverage of the subject. The book will also update the stories of individual social entrepreneurs that appeared in the cloth edition.
  • 做好设计

    作者:[加] 戴博曼 ( David B. B

    这是由一位坚信“个人可以改变世界”的加拿大资深平面设计师撰写的小书。作者用游记式的行文,希图改造后工业文明中我们对于“造物”那咄咄张狂但又窃窃嗫嚅的可笑面貌的执迷不悟。其内的诸多故事,也紧紧围绕着作者从业30年来在“设计制度”,特别是与平面创意表现领域内的社会伦理和行为规范构建相关的种种行迹。 而对于专业和社会诸多缠绊的思考,在阅读此书之后,不同层次的每一位设计师都将获得一种新的挣脱的力量。 引言 1 创意之本:削减“大规模欺骗性武器” 4 第1章 现在开始 7 第2章 超越“绿色”:就手的谎言 21 第3章 波普风景 31 第4章 武器:视觉骗局,被制造出来的需要 49 第5章 真实所在:险境 61 第6章 酒,女人与水 73 第7章 诸感顿失 85 设计解决:便利的真实 102 第8章 为何当下最适时? 105 第9章 怎样扯淡,又怎样讲真话 121 第10章 做好事才是好设计 129 第11章 职业风气之变 135 “誓言做好” 146 第12章 一位(任何)专业人士能做些什么?牢记! 148 附录A 《“要事为先”宣言》 159 附录B 《GDC道德规约》摘要 160 附录C 《AIGA职业标准》摘要 161 附录D 挪威及中国之路 162 注释 165 问题讨论 176 致谢:一小群与此相关的公民 177 关于作者 178