

  • Full Dark, No Stars

    作者:Stephen King

    Eerie twists of fate drive the four longish stories in King's first collection since Just After Sunset (2008). In "1922," a farmer murders his wife to retain the family land she hopes to sell, then watches his life unravel hideously as the consequences of the killing suggest a near-supernatural revenge. "Big Driver" tells of an otherwise ordinary woman who discovers her extraordinary capacity for retribution after she is raped and left for dead. "A Good Marriage" explores the aftermath of a wife's discovery of her milquetoast husband's sinister secret life, while "Fair Extension," the book's most disturbing story, follows the relationship between a man and the best friend on whom he preternaturally shifts all his bad luck and misfortune. As in Different Seasons (1982), King takes a mostly nonfantastic approach to grim themes. Now, as then, these tales show how a skilled storyteller with a good tale to tell can make unsettling fiction compulsively readable.
  • Mr. Mercedes

    作者:Stephen King

    In a mega-stakes, high-suspense race against time, three of the most unlikely and winning heroes Stephen King has ever created try to stop a lone killer from blowing up thousands. In the frigid pre-dawn hours, in a distressed Midwestern city, hundreds of desperate unemployed folks are lined up for a spot at a job fair. Without warning, a lone driver plows through the crowd in a stolen Mercedes, running over the innocent, backing up, and charging again. Eight people are killed; fifteen are wounded. The killer escapes. In another part of town, months later, a retired cop named Bill Hodges is still haunted by the unsolved crime. When he gets a crazed letter from someone who self-identifies as the “perk” and threatens an even more diabolical attack, Hodges wakes up from his depressed and vacant retirement, hell-bent on preventing another tragedy. Brady Hartsfield lives with his alcoholic mother in the house where he was born. He loved the feel of death under the wheels of the Mercedes, and he wants that rush again. Only Bill Hodges, with a couple of highly unlikely allies, can apprehend the killer before he strikes again. And they have no time to lose, because Brady’s next mission, if it succeeds, will kill or maim thousands. Mr. Mercedes is a war between good and evil, from the master of suspense whose insight into the mind of this obsessed, insane killer is chilling and unforgettable. #该内容有淘宝网乐读书屋提供# http://l-books.taobao.com
  • Different Seasons

    作者:King, Stephen

    Four mesmerizing novellas from the magical pen of Stephen King, including: -- "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"-- "Apt Pupil"-- "The Body"-- "The Breathing Method"
  • The Stand 斯蒂芬·金

    作者:Stephen King

    在线阅读本书 Arguably the greatest horror novel ever written by the greatest horror novelist, this is a true Modern Classic that was first published in 1978, and then re-published in 1990, complete and unabridged, with 150,000 words cut from the first edition restored, and now accompanied by unusual and imaginative line art. The total copies for both editions, in hardcover and paperback, exceeds 4 million worldwide. The Stand is a truly terrifying reading experience, and became a four-part mini-series that memorably brought to life the cast of characters and layers of story from the novel. It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil. Stephen King is a brilliant storyteller who has the uncanny gift of putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, giving readers an experience that chills and thrills on every page. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • The Mist

    作者:Stephen King

  • 寵物墳場


    「好的恐怖小說通常是以詭異的氣氛和令人窒息的劇情節奏,來引導觀眾的情緒,《寵物墳場》在該點便營造得十分成功,它絕對會讓你感受到史蒂芬‧金最具代表性的恐怖敘事功力,只要你有勇氣看完的話……」──【史蒂芬‧金網站站長】林尚威 「讓人喘不過氣來,意象栩栩如生……衝擊力道驚人……是史蒂芬‧金到目前為止最棒的作品!」──【匹茲堡快報】 「瘋狂!劇力萬鈞!令人極度不安!」──【華盛頓郵報】 「絕讚的一本小說!史蒂芬‧金的故事總能化不可能為可能!」──【底特律新聞報】 當生命中的至愛被硬生生奪走時, 你會選擇放手,還是不計代價去挽回? ●入選誠品書店讀者票選「最令人懷念的絕版經典」! ●改編電影,由史蒂芬‧金親自編劇並客串演出,被譽為最驚悚的影史傑作! ●派拉蒙影業已展開重拍計畫,預計2010年上映! 【史蒂芬‧金網站站長】林尚威◎專文導讀 【名作家】Div、【名作家】何致和、【文字工作者】臥斧、【名作家】鍾靈、【名作家】盧郁佳◎強力推薦 來吧,沿著小徑來看看吧, 只要爬上這最後的四十五級石階, 你將發現,死亡再也不是生命的完結…… 路易斯因為新工作,帶著全家從芝加哥搬到了緬因州的鄉下小鎮。位在高速公路旁的新家一切都好,除了不時呼嘯而過的大卡車。當五歲女兒艾琳的愛貓啾吉被撞死時,苦惱的路易斯不知道要如何才能安慰傷心的寶貝。但新家後面森林深處的那座印第安古葬場,卻給了他一個不同的選擇……令人驚異地,被埋進「寵物墳場」的啾吉竟然活生生地回來了!只是復活後的啾吉似乎變得有點不一樣! 一日趁著天氣正好,路易斯帶著兒子到附近的草地上玩耍,三歲的凱奇笑咯咯地邁開小腿去追風箏,陽光下的一切是這麼美好,路易斯願意付出所有,只要能讓這一刻永遠停留。但是,公路上疾駛而過的大卡車卻毀了這個願望。當凱奇小小的身軀被放入棺木裡時,悲傷又自責不已的父親只聽到通往「寵物墳場」的那條小徑正不斷地發出魔力的召喚…… 如果死亡可以逆轉,在痛失最親愛的人時會是多麼大的誘惑?!史蒂芬‧金的經典名作《寵物墳場》訴說了一個關於失去、關於死亡的故事,探討了人性中最脆弱的一面。因為渴望幸福而墜入黑暗的深淵,加上神秘的古葬場傳說,帶給讀者冷冽入骨的空前戰慄感受!
  • The Shining

    作者:Stephen King

  • The Shining

    作者:King, Stephen

    The Overlook Hotel is more than just a home-away-from-home for the Torrance family. For Jack, Wendy, and their young son, Danny, it is a place where past horrors come to life. And where those gifted with the shining do battle with the darkest evils. Stephen King's classic thriller is one of the most powerfully imagined novels of our time. The Shining
  • Different Seasons

    作者:[美]斯蒂芬·金 Stephen Kin

    Different Seasons,中文译名《四季奇谭》,是美国作家斯蒂芬·金于1982年出版的短篇小说集。《四季奇谭》包含四部短篇小说:《芮塔·海华丝与肖申克的救赎——春天的希望》、《纳粹高徒——夏日沉沦》、《总要找到你——不再纯真的秋天》、《呼·吸·呼·吸——暮冬重 生》。 前三部短篇都被改编成电影,其中以《肖申克的救赎》最为知名,深受广大影迷厚爱,并在1994年第67届奥斯卡电影金像奖上提名包括最佳电影在内的七项大奖,最终惜败给《阿甘正传》。《总要找到你》于1986年翻拍成电影,电影主题曲Stand By Me传唱至今,甚至红过电影本身。 《四季奇谭》的故事主题稍显沉重、严肃,与斯蒂芬·金见长的恐怖小说有些不同,但同样十分精彩。1982年出版,便一举拿下《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜冠军,至今在全球范围内已被翻译成30余种语言。
  • The Shawshank Redemption

    作者:Stephen King

  • 布莱泽

    作者:(美) 巴克曼,Richard Bach

  • 11/22/63

    作者:Stephen King

    11/22/63 is a novel by Stephen King about a time traveler who attempts to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy which occurred on November 22, 1963 (the date of the novel's title). The novel was announced on the author's official site on March 2, 2011.[1] A short excerpt was released online on June 1, 2011,[2] and another excerpt was published in the October 28, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly[3] The novel was published on November 8, 2011,[4] and quickly became a number-one bestseller. It stayed on the list for an additional seventeen weeks. 11/22/63 won the 2011 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller and the 2012 International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel,[5][6] and was nominated for the 2012 British Fantasy Award for Best Novel[7] and the 2012 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.[8] The novel required deep research to accurately portray the late 1950s and early 1960s.[9] King commented on the amount of research it required, saying "I've never tried to write anything like this before. It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes."[9] The novel's time-travel premise marks it as science fiction, specifically the alternative history subgenre, although the extensive period research undertaken by King, dealing with real-life events and people between 1958 and 1963, gives it a strong feeling of historical fiction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11/22/63
  • Finders Keepers

    作者:Stephen King

    A masterful, intensely suspenseful novel about a reader whose obsession with a reclusive writer goes far too far—a book about the power of storytelling, starring the same trio of unlikely and winning heroes King introduced in Mr. Mercedes. “Wake up, genius.” So begins King’s instantly riveting story about a vengeful reader. The genius is John Rothstein, an iconic author who created a famous character, Jimmy Gold, but who hasn’t published a book for decades. Morris Bellamy is livid, not just because Rothstein has stopped providing books, but because the nonconformist Jimmy Gold has sold out for a career in advertising. Morris kills Rothstein and empties his safe of cash, yes, but the real treasure is a trove of notebooks containing at least one more Gold novel. Morris hides the money and the notebooks, and then he is locked away for another crime. Decades later, a boy named Pete Saubers finds the treasure, and now it is Pete and his family that Bill Hodges, Holly Gibney, and Jerome Robinson must rescue from the ever-more deranged and vengeful Morris when he’s released from prison after thirty-five years. Not since Misery has King played with the notion of a reader whose obsession with a writer gets dangerous. Finders Keepers is spectacular, heart-pounding suspense, but it is also King writing about how literature shapes a life—for good, for bad, forever.
  • 黑暗的另一半

    作者:[美] 斯蒂芬·金

    《黑暗的另一半》曾是1989年美国第二大畅销书,1993年被搬上银幕,是一部融入了作家自我经历的恐怖小说名作。斯蒂芬•金早期曾以“理查德•巴克曼”为笔名发表小说;双重身份“暴露”后,便创作了这部作品,以此作为自己的“现身”。 恐怖小说家赛德在胎儿时期就在其母体内吞噬了自己的孪生兄弟,于是那个未出生便已死亡的兄弟成了他黑暗的另一半。黑暗的另一半试图用暴力和血腥来取代真实作家的位置,制造了一起起惨绝人寰的凶案,再现书中情节。如何才能杀死一个从未出生过的人?如何才能把它送回到本应属于它的黑暗世界?恐怖小说家面临着一群奇特的灵魂摆渡者……
  • 卡拉之狼


    《黑暗塔》系列是斯蒂芬·金1970年在缅因大学读书时开始创作的,曾有评论家指出《黑暗塔》,是流俗文学和严肃文学合流的一部史诗。人民文学出版社方表示,引进《黑暗塔》系列中文版前后耗时30多年,最先出版的两卷是《枪侠》和《三张牌》,将在两周内上架。《黑暗塔》系列共有七卷,300多万字,后面五部《荒原》、《巫师与玻璃球》、《卡拉之狼》、《苏珊娜之歌》、《黑暗之塔》的中译本也将以两个月出一卷的速度陆续出版。 《黑暗塔》写到三个不同的世界,内界、中界、末界,分别代表我们现实生活、“末日”后的现实和虚拟相结合的宇宙,以及“黑暗塔”象征的时空终端。主人公罗兰是“内界”硕果仅存的挎枪孑遗,在“中界”跋涉,循迹追击黑衣人复仇,直至“末界”塔楼。 据该系列中文版策划吴文娟介绍,《黑暗塔》汲取了西方骑士文学、美国西部电影、现代科幻文体的营养,也加入埃及神话、日本武士道、“披头士”、星球大战,蜘蛛侠等内容,甚至将他本人在先前作品中的人物一并拉来客串,以造成时光交错的效果。 在英文原版的《黑暗塔》序言中,斯蒂芬·金坦言,“我对别的事情毫无兴趣,一心只想突破读者的防线,用我的故事冲击他们,让他们沉迷、陶醉,彻底改变他们。” 《卡拉之狼》 罗兰、埃蒂、杰克和苏珊娜致力于保卫边远地区的小山村卡拉。这个山村很奇特,盛产双胞胎。某一时期,装扮成狼人的强盗经常蜂拥而至,从暗处袭击该村,每一户人家都会被掠走一个孩子。几个星期之后,孩子会被送回来,但他们已经变成痴呆,而且不久就会夭折。
  • 巫师与玻璃球


    这个系列是斯蒂芬·金最负盛名的小说,他耗时三十余年才完成这部史诗般的奇幻巨著。根据斯蒂芬·金披露:他是受了托尔金《指环王》的启示后才决定写这部历史上最长的通俗小说的。这个糅合了传奇、西部故事和奇幻等多种元素的系列多年来受到众多读者的追捧,在他漫长的创作过程中,许多读者一直在孜孜不倦地讨论书中令人琢磨不透的情节,还有狂热的“黑暗塔”迷写信恳求他揭晓谜底,甚至有人称自己将不久于人世,恐怕等不到这个系列的最后一本出版,试图以此说服斯蒂芬·金提前将故事的结局透露给他。 罗兰和同伴来到堪萨斯州的托皮卡,那里大多数的居民已死于瘟疫。罗兰向同伴讲述了自己的故事:他失去了自己所爱的人和他们尚未出生的孩子。他们从堪萨斯继续前行,来到通向水晶宫的路,水晶宫如同《绿野仙踪》中法师奥斯的世界,但等待他们的是新的战斗。
  • 三张牌


    这个系列是斯蒂芬·金最负盛名的小说,他耗时三十余年才完成这部史诗般的奇幻巨著。据斯蒂芬·金披露:他是受了托尔金《指环王》的启示后才决定写这部历史上最长的通俗小说的。这个糅合了传奇、西部故事和奇幻等多种元素的系列多年来受到众多读者的追捧,在他漫长的创作过程中,许多读者一直在孜孜不倦地讨论书中令人琢磨不透的情节,还有狂热的“黑暗塔”迷写信恳求他揭晓谜底,甚至有人称自己将不久于人世,恐怕等不到这个系列的最后一本出版,试图以此说服斯蒂芬·金提前将故事的结局透露给他。 《三张牌》是长篇小说《黑暗塔》的第二部。《黑暗塔》的故事灵感在某种程度上来自罗伯特·勃朗宁的叙事诗《去黑暗塔的罗兰少爷归来》(其实这部作品亦受莎士比亚剧作《李尔王》的影响)。 罗兰继续寻找“黑暗塔”的征程。途中他遭到各种神秘生物的袭击,并将一个纽约的瘾君子埃蒂·迪恩带回自己的世界,成了朋友。他们结伴同行,遇到了一个有自闭症的非洲裔女士奥黛塔,以及奥黛塔自我的邪恶一面黛塔。四人继续上路,而奥黛塔和黛塔也逐渐合二为一,成为一个新人苏珊娜,并同艾迪共结连理。
  • 荒原


  • 撒冷镇

    作者:[美] 斯蒂芬·金

    作家本·米尔斯回到阔别多年的故乡撒冷镇,发现阴森鬼魅的马斯登老宅依旧矗立在山崖上俯瞰小镇,儿时的梦靥不断浮上心头。随着神秘的房客入住马斯登老宅,小镇立刻陷入了莫名的不安:格立克兄弟分别离奇失踪、死亡,老文的猎犬被剖尸……失踪和死亡接连不断地光顾耶路撒冷林苑镇,邪恶的因子在空气中蠢蠢欲动。 “德拉库拉”的尖牙正步步逼近,唯有本和身边的几个朋友嗅到了黑暗的气息……撒冷镇是否还能恢复往昔的宁静,黑夜过后,一切都将揭晓。
  • 枪侠


    这个系列是斯蒂芬·金最负盛名的小说,他耗时三十余年才完成这部史诗般的奇幻巨著。据斯蒂芬·金披露:他是受了托尔金《指环王》的启示后才决定写这部历史上最长的通俗小说的。这个糅合了传奇、西部故事和奇幻等多种元素的系列多年来受到众多读者的追捧,在他漫长的创作过程中,许多读者一直在孜孜不倦地讨论书中令人琢磨不透的情节,还有狂热的“黑暗塔”迷写信恳求他揭晓谜底,甚至有人称自己将不久于人世,恐怕等不到这个系列的最后一本出版,试图以此说服斯蒂芬·金提前将故事的结局透露给他。 《黑暗塔》的第一部《枪侠》,交代了罗兰作为一个“转换”了的世界的最后一名枪侠,最后逮住了那个黑衣人……一个他追踪了很久的巫师——至于多久我们不得而知。这黑衣人原来是一个名叫沃特的家伙,他荒称在昔日的世界转换之前曾与罗兰的父亲有过交情。 来自“中世界”的最后一位“枪侠”罗兰穿越荒野追踪他的死敌——黑衣人,途中他结识了一位美丽的女士爱丽丝和来自人间的小男孩杰克。最终罗兰同黑衣人狭路相逢,并抽取了预示了他未来命运的七张塔罗牌。很快他就要面临一个痛苦的抉择:他应该抓住黑衣人以取得关于“黑暗塔”的情报,还是挽救小男孩杰克的生命……