

  • 算法交易员

    作者:[韩] 权容禛

    本书是在纽约当地积极发展的韩国宽客讲述的华尔街人工智能机器人之战。在形同战场的华尔街,宽客们在世界金融市场翻云覆雨,书中形象生动地描述了他们过去和现在的种种手段。同时,预测了与人工智能一起急速变化的金融业的未来。本书获第三届Brunchbook Project优秀作品奖,累计查询次数超过100万次,希望读者通过本书能够更好地应对第四次工业革命。

  • Inside the Black Box

    作者:Rishi K. Narang

    New edition of book that demystifies quant and algo trading In this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style-supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes-a reliable resource takes you on a detailed tour through the black box. He skillfully sheds light upon the work that quants do, lifting the veil of mystery around quantitative trading and allowing anyone interested in doing so to understand quants and their strategies. This new edition includes information on High Frequency Trading. Offers an update on the bestselling book for explaining in non-mathematical terms what quant and algo trading are and how they work Provides key information for investors to evaluate the best hedge fund investments Explains how quant strategies fit into a portfolio, why they are valuable, and how to evaluate a quant manager This new edition of Inside the Black Box explains quant investing without the jargon and goes a long way toward educating investment professionals.
  • 期市截拳道


  • 量化投资


    《量化投资—策略与技术》是国内第一本有关量化投资策略的著作,首先介绍了量化投资大师西蒙斯的传奇故事(连续20年,每年赚60%);然后用60多个案例介绍了量化投资的各个方面的内容,主要分为策略篇与理论篇两部分,策略篇主要包括:量化选股、量化择时、股指期货套利、商品期货套利、统计套利、期权套利、算法交易和资产配置等。理论篇主要包括:人工智能、数据挖掘、小波分析、支持向量机、分形理论、随机过程及it技术等;最后介绍了作者开发的d-alpha量化对冲交易系统,该系统全球市场验证显示具有长期稳健的收益率。 《量化投资—策略与技术》适合基金经理、证券分析师、普通散户及有志于从事金融投资的各界人士阅读。
  • Quantitative Trading

    作者:Ernie Chan

    By some estimates, quantitative (or algorithmic) trading now accounts for over one-third of trading volume in the United States. While institutional traders continue to implement this highly effective approach, many independent traders—with limited resources and less computing power—have wondered if they can still challenge powerful industry professionals at their own game? The answer is "yes," and in Quantitative Trading, author Dr. Ernest Chan, a respected independent trader and consultant, will show you how. Whether you're an independent "retail" trader looking to start your own quantitative trading business or an individual who aspires to work as a quantitative trader at a major financial institution, this practical guide contains the information you need to succeed. Organized around the steps you should take to start trading quantitatively, this book skillfully addresses how to: * Find a viable trading strategy that you're both comfortable with and confident in * Backtest your strategy—with MATLAB®, Excel, and other platforms—to ensure good historical performance * Build and implement an automated trading system to execute your strategy * Scale up or wind down your strategies depending on their real-world profitability * Manage the money and risks involved in holding positions generated by your strategy * Incorporate advanced concepts that most professionals use into your everyday trading activities * And much more While Dr. Chan takes the time to outline the essential aspects of turning quantitative trading strategies into profits, he doesn't get into overly theoretical or sophisticated theories. Instead, he highlights the simple tools and techniques you can use to gain a much-needed edge over today's institutional traders. And for those who want to keep up with the latest news, ideas, and trends in quantitative trading, you're welcome to visit Dr. Chan's blog, epchan.blogspot.com, as well as his premium content Web site, epchan.com/subscriptions, which you'll have free access to with purchase of this book. As an independent trader, you're free from the con-straints found in today's institutional environment—and as long as you adhere to the discipline of quantitative trading, you can achieve significant returns. With this reliable resource as your guide, you'll quickly discover what it takes to make it in such a dynamic and demanding field.