

  • Professional Baking

    作者:Gisslen, Wayne

    Gisslen's 6th edition of Professional Baking continues to educate hundreds of thousands of readers with clear, detailed instructions in the theory and techniques necessary to meet the demands of the professional kitchen. The text continues to comprehensively cover baking basics while also offering enhanced coverage of higher-level techniques such as pastry, chocolate, and sugar work. Balancing theory and practice, Professional Baking provides both the understanding and performance abilities needed to progress and develop in a successful baking career.
  • The Bread Baker's Apprentice

    作者:Peter Reinhart

    Co-founder of the legendary Brother Juniper’s Bakery, author of the landmark books Brother Juniper’s Bread Book and Crust & Crumb , and distinguished instructor at the world’s largest culinary academy, Peter Reinhart has been a leader in America’s artisanal bread movement for over fifteen years. Never one to be content with yesterday’s baking triumph, however, Peter continues to refine his recipes and techniques in his never-ending quest for extraordinary bread. In The Bread Baker’s Apprentice , Peter shares his latest bread breakthroughs, arising from his study in several of France’s famed boulangeries and the always-enlightening time spent in the culinary academy kitchen with his students. Peer over Peter’s shoulder as he learns from Paris’s most esteemed bakers, like Lionel Poilâne and Phillippe Gosselin, whose pain à l’ancienne has revolutionized the art of baguette making. Then stand alongside his students in the kitchen as Peter teaches the classic twelve stages of building bread, his clear instructions accompanied by over 100 step-by-step photographs. You’ll put newfound knowledge into practice with 50 new master formulas for such classic breads as rustic ciabatta , hearty pain de campagne , old-school New York bagels, and the book’s Holy Grail–Peter’s version of the famed pain à l’ancienne . En route, Peter distills hard science, advanced techniques, and food history into a remarkably accessible and engaging resource that is as rich and multitextured as the loaves you’ll turn out. This is original food writing at its most captivating, teaching at its most inspired and inspiring–and the rewards are some of the best breads under the sun.
  • 专业烘焙


    韦恩·吉斯伦(Wayne Gisslerl)的专业烹饪和烘焙教材已经培养出了成千上万的专业厨师。如果你对烘焙相当严肃认真,那么你就会想加盟成千上万的烘焙师和面点师,应用由韦恩·吉斯伦编写的《专业烘焙》来学习基础理论。新版本的《专业烘焙》拥有比以往更多的信息和更多的配方,这本杰出的著作将可以使您拥有完整的理论基础来制作糕饼、蛋糕、甜点和精美的面包。 您将可以找到详尽具体的信息,关于正确选材、搅拌及烘焙技巧,关于装饰和组装,关于修饰和装盘摆饰,等等。清楚准确、按部就班的步骤解释,700余种经典且富于创造力的配方——其中250种为新增配方——这些都将对您提高技巧和建立自信大有帮助。同时,本书还配有数百张关于技法和成品的彩色图片,既是进行具体指导的宝贵资料又是激发灵感的源泉。 本版的一大特色就是世界著名烹饪学院——法国蓝带厨艺学院——的加盟。大师级的面点师提供了175种配方,从经典的煎蛋薄饼和千层饼,到妙趣横生的现代衍生产品,如西番莲巴伐利亚和橘味冰冻蛋奶酥。本书序言由蓝带厨艺学院校长,安德烈·J.君度(Andre J C0intrean)亲自撰写。 《专业烘焙》最大的优点在于它不仅向您展示了什么方法好用,还解释了它们为什么好用以及如何在每次都取得最好的效果。本书自始至终的清新明快的版式使得读者可以快速找到所需信息,这样您就可以花费很少的时间阅读,而有更多的时间在厨房中设计制作产品。 众所周知,工欲善其事,必先利其器——《专业烘焙》为您提供了最好的起点。