

  • Latte Art 咖啡拉花:Espresso与牛奶的完美邂逅


    杯口的拉花讓咖啡身價倍漲 在歐洲“ Latte“是牛奶的意思,利用牛奶倒入咖啡後產生藝術般的圖案線條就是“ Latte Art“。由此延伸出更廣泛的意義 — 只要是在沖煮完的咖啡表面,製作藝術化的圖案線條,就算是“ Latte Art“,不一定侷限於拿鐵咖啡(Latte),只要是在咖啡表面形成藝術般圖案的咖啡飲品,都可以稱之為“ Latte Art“。一杯沒有拉花的拿鐵咖啡,35元咖啡店就買得到;有著各種咖啡拉花變化的卡布奇諾,130元都非常值得!杯口的拉花不只讓咖啡身價倍漲,更直接展現了吧台裡咖啡師的功力。 咖啡冠軍vs拉花大師的唯一著作 「Latte Art咖啡拉花--- Espresso與牛奶的完美邂逅」收錄了本書作者---林東源,也是台灣咖啡師大賽冠軍、自創出:蝴蝶、海螺、蘋果…等許多獨特拉花圖案,被譽為台灣創意咖啡及咖啡拉花達人,多年來關於咖啡及拉花所有的知識與經驗。分為三個部分: ◎咖啡拉花的基本知識與技術:咖啡拉花的起源、分類及正確觀念/ 相關機器設備、器具與材料。 ◎咖啡拉花的成功關鍵:義式濃縮咖啡Espresso的沖煮技術/ 製作綿密細緻的牛奶泡/ 咖啡與牛奶泡的完美融合。 ◎所有咖啡拉花技術 基礎&進階&高難度:拉花?種 / 詳細配方及步驟圖解。 ◎咖啡理想的具體實踐GaBee.。對於喜愛咖啡拉花的讀者,或是開業經營咖啡館的朋友,都可從本書中得到毫不藏私、最新,也最實用的咖啡拉花技巧。
  • 幸福密码


  • This Diary Will Change Your Life 2009

    作者:Henrik Delehag,Ben C

    This Diary will Change Your Life contains 52 weekly instructions to make the year 2009 more interesting for you than for other, lesser people.Dope your imagination and let the true you shine forth, blinding everyone in your vicinity. Book List: 1 Make an entirely new “New Year Resolution” 2 Open a home restaurant 3 Subvert consumer society from within 4 Recruit a celebrity to the Benrik cult 5 Swearing Week 6 Find suspicious activity and report it 7 Extreme Valentine Week 8 Hand out a calling card to strangers this week 9 Mutiny Week:Rise up against your leaders 10 Secret Admirer Week 11 Protest against everything 12 Grant someone three wishes 13 Eat wrong 14 Spring clean the streets 15 Taliban Week:Impose your values on everyone else 16 Everything has a price:Find out what it is 17 Apply to your secret service 18 Follow opposite gender magazines' instructions 19 No Small Talk Week 20 “Who's Who”Week:Apply for inclusion 21 Rat Race Week:Be ultra-competitive 22 “Change one life”Week 23 Treat people according to how much money they have 24 Window Art Week 25 Share your every thought with others 26 Blackmail someone on the inetrnet 27 Epidemic Week:Everyone develop a mystery illness 28 Benrik Charter Flight Week:Go on holiday together 29 Insider Trading Week 30 Ugly Week:Uglify yourself 31 Squatting Week 32 Embrace marketing 33 “Cheers”Week 34 “Manana Manana”Week:Slow society down 35 Lifelong Education Week 36 Hire a prostitute for a non-sexual purpose 37 Positive Spamming Week 38 Open yourself up to criticism 39 Communism Week 40 Godfather Week 41 Synchronize society's watches 42 Live beyond your means 43 Foot Fetish Week 44 Benrik Babysitting Week:Reprogramme a child 45 Make a suggestion to a billionaire 46 Dig your own grave 47 Non-verbal Communication Week 48 Make friends with an insect 49 Let Benrik track your location via your mobile phone 50 Closure Week 51 Save the planet at any cost 52 Send anonymous Christmas presents
  • 中国牛市

    作者:[美] 吉姆·罗杰斯

  • For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness

    作者:Julian Germain

    "I met Charles Albert Lucien Snelling on a Saturday in April, 1992. He lived in a typical two up two down terraced house amongst many other two up two down terraced houses . . . it was yellow and orange. In that respect it was totally different from every other house on the street. Charlie was a simple, gentle, man. He loved flowers and the names of flowers. He loved color and surrounded himself with color. He loved his wife. Without ever trying or intending to, he showed me that the most important things in life cost nothing at all. He was my ...
  • 跑步


  • The Monocle Guide to Better Living


    Full of writing, reports, and recommendations, The Monocle Guide to Better living is original, informative, entertaining, and comprehensive. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas built to treasure and last. Monocle is one of the most successful magazines to be developed in the past decade. Armed with an unmistakable sense of aesthetics and journalistic tenacity, its team -- led by editor-in-chief tyler Brûlé --has created an intelligent publication that continually inspires a global readership who are interested in everything from diplomacy to design. For its first-ever book, the editorial team looks at one of their core themes: how to live well. The result is The Monocle Guide to Better living, an original, informative, and entertaining collection of writing, reports, and recommendations. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas meant to be treasured and last. Structured into chapters on the city, culture, travel, food, and work, the book also provides answers to some key questions. Which cities offer the best quality of life? How do you build a good school? How do you run a city? Who makes the best coffee? And how do you start your own inspirational business? The Monocle Guide to Better living works as a guide but also includes 10 essays that explore what makes a great city, why craft is desirable, how to run your own hotel, and why culture is good for you. This is not a book about fashion or the next big thing. It's a book about finding enduring values --from a career you want to keep to furniture that will last a lifetime. It's a book designed to stay relevant, loved, and used. An indispensible guidebook to contemporary life, The Monocle Guide to Better living embodies everything that makes the magazine such a success: easy style and journalistic substance.
  • How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life

    作者:Alan Lakein

    《如何掌控自己的时间和生活》告诫人们,一定要记住,这个世界上根本不存在“没时间”这回事。如果你跟很多人一样,也是因为“太忙”而没时间完成自己的工作的话,那请你一定记住,在这个世界上还有很多人,他们比你更忙,结果却完成了更多的工作。这些人并没有比你拥有更多的时间。他们只是学会了更好地利用自己的时间而已!有效地利用时间是一种人人都可以掌握的技巧,就像驾驶一样,有效利用时间,不是成为时间的奴隶,而是实现自己的人生目标。一切完全取决于是否能够成功管理自己的时间,这就是所有成功的秘诀所在。 由于在时间控制方面的卓越见解,该书所倡导的时间管理系统已经成为不少当今世界著名企业采用,如A.T.&T.、美国银行、IBM、标准石油;一些繁忙的知名人士也把本书看作是安排生活的指导,如歌星尼尔•迪亚蒙德、女权主义者、作家格劳里亚•斯坦纳姆、设计师米尔顿•格拉塞尔等;此外,还有成千上万名执行官、专职业人士、学生等,他们都有一个共同的特征,已经成功,或者正在追求成功。 读这本书,你将换来的是: 如何有效地完成自己的工作和学业,帮助你学会区分那些重要和不重要的活动; 摆脱毫无成就的生活,停止拖拉,立即行动; 更好地在压力下工作,准确及时地完成计划; 更好地赚钱,更好地利用时间; 为企业获得更多的利润。 更为重要的是,它将教会你如何更加聪明地(而不是更加努力地)工作。 有更多的时间与家人或朋友在一起; 有更多的时间去完成你以前因为“没有时间”而推迟的梦想; 不再受制于外界因素,学会控制这些因素, 树立自己的个性、人生目标和对于未来的规划。 一旦学会掌握自己的时间和生活,你将从生活中获得更大的自由。 就从你拿起本书的今天开始! A famous expert reveals his professional secrets. Learn how to build your willpower, how to waste time for pleasure and profit, and how to work smarter, not harder. A practical nononsense guide to managing your personal and business time. Paper. 注:2种封面随机采购。 点击链接进入中文版: 如何掌控自己的时间和生活
  • The Rules of Life

    作者:Richard Templar

  • How to Simplify Your Life

    作者:Werner Tiki Kustenma

    在线阅读本书 Practical wisdom on work, money, health, and relationships The international bestseller How to Simplify Your Life offers concrete advice on achieving happiness in a time of economic contraction and uncertainty. The book explains, in seven steps, how to get rid of unnecessary stuff and unload the burdens of modern life--and points the way back to what we know is important but have forgotten. By following the path outlined in the book, readers will learn to organize their time (and their desks), change the way they think about money, improve their health and relationships, and find meaning in their lives. The book shows readers how to: Eliminate chaos in the workplace Cut back on activities and slow down Get rid of money hang-ups and get out of debt Balance private life with career life Make room for relationships
  • The Happiness Project

    作者:Gretchen Rubin

    Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project. In this lively and compelling account of that year, Rubin carves out her place alongside the authors of bestselling memoirs such as Julie and Julia , The Year of Living Biblically , and Eat, Pray, Love . With humor and insight, she chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. Rubin didn't have the option to uproot herself, nor did she really want to; instead she focused on improving her life as it was. Each month she tackled a new set of resolutions: give proofs of love, ask for help, find more fun, keep a gratitude notebook, forget about results. She immersed herself in principles set forth by all manner of experts, from Epicurus to Thoreau to Oprah to Martin Seligman to the Dalai Lama to see what worked for her—and what didn't. Her conclusions are sometimes surprising—she finds that money can buy happiness, when spent wisely; that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that "treating" yourself can make you feel worse; that venting bad feelings doesn't relieve them; that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference—and they range from the practical to the profound. Written with charm and wit, The Happiness Project is illuminating yet entertaining, thought-provoking yet compulsively readable. Gretchen Rubin's passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire you to start your own happiness project.
  • The Dip

    作者:Seth Godin

    The old saying is wrong-winners do quit, and quitters do win. Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out exciting and fun. Then it gets harder and less fun, until it hits a low point-really hard, and not much fun at all. And then you find yourself asking if the goal is even worth the hassle. Maybe you're in a Dip-a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it's really a Cul-de-Sac, which will never get better, no matter how hard you try. According to bestselling author Seth Godin, what really sets superstars apart from everyone else is the ability to escape dead ends quickly, while staying focused and motivated when it really counts. Winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt-until they commit to beating the right Dip for the right reasons. In fact, winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can become number one in your niche, you'll get more than your fair share of profits, glory, and long-term security. Losers, on the other hand, fall into two basic traps. Either they fail to stick out the Dip-they get to the moment of truth and then give up-or they never even find the right Dip to conquer. Whether you're a graphic designer, a sales rep, an athlete, or an aspiring CEO, this fun little book will help you figure out if you're in a Dip that's worthy of your time, effort, and talents. If you are, The Dip will inspire you to hang tough. If not, it will help you find the courage to quit-so you can be number one at something else. Seth Godin doesn't claim to have all the answers. But he will teach you how to ask the right questions.
  • 生命,请签收


    《神秘的快递家族(1生命请签收)》是两色风景所著的一部儿童文学作品。 《神秘的快递家族(1生命请签收)》讲述:少年夏一跳拥有蜘蛛侠般飞檐走壁的超能力,并且当上了神秘人白尼的快递员,在深夜递送不知名的货物。夏一跳无意中发现,白尼让他传送的东西竟是一团神秘的火焰——“生命之火”……是不是只要有钱,连生命也可以拿来买卖?神秘快递的使命,是传递善念与人心,还是以超自然的手段助纣为虐?夏一跳能否夺回被白尼掠走的父亲及好友的生命之火?
  • The Importance of Living

    作者:Lin Yutang

  • A Gift to My Children

    作者:Jim Rogers

    He’s the swashbuckling world traveler and legendary investor who made his fortune before he was forty. Now the bestselling author of A Bull in China, Hot Commodities , and Adventure Capitalist shares a heartfelt, indispensable guide for his daughters (and all young investors) to find success and happiness. In A Gift to My Children , Jim Rogers offers advice with his trademark candor and confidence, but this time he adds paternal compassion, protectiveness, and love. Rogers reveals how to learn from his triumphs and mistakes in order to achieve a prosperous, well-lived life. For example: • Trust your own judgment: Rogers sensed China’s true potential way back in the 1980s, at a time when most analysts were highly skeptical of its prospects for growth. • Focus on what you like: Rogers was five when he started collecting empty bottles at baseball games instead of playing. • Be persistent: Coming to Yale from rural Alabama, and in over his head, Rogers never stopped studying and wound up with a scholarship to Oxford. • See the world: In 1990, Rogers traveled through six continents by motorcycle, gaining a global perspective and learning how to evaluate prospects in rapidly developing countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China. • Nothing is really new: anything deemed “innovative” or “unprecedented” is usually just overhyped, as in the case of the Internet or TV, airplanes, and railroads before it • And not a bit off the subject, and very important: Boys will need you more than you’ll need them! Wise and warm, accessible and inspiring, A Gift to My Children is a great gift for all those just starting to invest in their futures. 点击链接进入中文版: 投资大师罗杰斯给宝贝女儿的12封信
  • A Short Guide to a Happy Life

    作者:Anna Quindlen

    "Life is made of moments, small pieces of silver amidst long stretches of tedium. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves now to live, really live...to love the journey, not the destination." In this treasure of a book, Anna Quindlen, the bestselling novelist and columnist, reflects on what it takes to "get a life"—to live deeply every day and from your own unique self, rather than merely to exist through your days. "Knowledge of our own mortality is the greatest gift God ever gives us," Quindlen writes, "because unless you know the clock is ticking, it is so easy to waste our days, our lives." Her mother died when Quindlen was nineteen: "It was the dividing line between seeing the world in black and white, and in Technicolor. The lights came on for the darkest possible reason....I learned something enduring, in a very short period of time, about life. And that was that it was glorious, and that you had no business taking it for granted." But how to live from that perspective, to fully engage in our days? In A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Quindlen guides us with an understanding that comes from knowing how to see the view, the richness in living.
  • Life Without Limits

    作者:Nick Vujicic

  • Psychology and life

    作者:Richard Gerrig,Phili

    This classic book is built around the central theme of presenting psychology as a science and applying that science to our daily lives. Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-based presentation that demonstrates that this research has immediate in daily life. For Intro Psychology students, or anyone with an interest in the subject.
  • Life

    作者:Editors of Life Maga

  • 成就爱


    本书是果子从患病到离开近三年的生命见证,收录了她的日记、博客、未竞书稿,及其爱人的部分“看护日记”。 粉红丝带部落的创办人牧野凉说,许多乳癌病友自己上网下载了果子的文字,打印装订成册,在病房里传阅......