

  • 专念创造力

    作者:[美] 埃伦·兰格(Ellen J.L

    ●《专念创造力:学学艺术家的减法创意》以积极心理学家的专业知识和艺术家的敏锐力为你解开创意的密码,用专念创造力踢开阻碍创意的绊脚石。评价的魔咒、天赋的迷思、规则的怪圈……在埃伦·兰格6项艺术减法的启发之下,你不会再惧怕艺术创作,不会难以成为创意生活的主人。《专念创造力:学学艺术家的减法创意》帮助你通过当下的事情更接近自己、回归真我,开启创意之门。 ●我们不为艺术而艺术,而是为生活而艺术。学学艺术家的减法创意,感受专念创造思维的力量,为生活的艺术开启幸福之门!
  • 积极心理学


    积极心理学是上世纪末首先在美国兴起的一场心理学运动,发起者是美国当代著名心理学家赛里格曼。积极心理学倡导人类要用一种积极的心态来对人的许多心理现象(包括我们常说的许多心理问题)做出新的解读,并以此来激发每个人自身所固有的某些实际的或潜在的积极品质和积极力量,从而使每个人都能顺利地走向属于自 己的幸福彼岸。因此,积极心理学主张以人的积极力量、善端和美德为研究对象,强调心理学不仅要帮助处于某种“逆境”条件下的人们知道如何求得生存和发展,更要帮助那些处于正常境况下的人们学会怎样建立起高质量的个人生活与社会生活。
  • 輕鬆駕馭意志力

    作者:Kelly McGonigal

    如果你認為IQ、EQ很重要,現在,你該把眼光轉向WQ! Willpower=意志力,才是決勝的關鍵! 《商業周刊》第1290期精采書摘 史丹佛的棉花糖實驗證明, 小時候就懂得延遲享受的人,長大後成就出眾。 現在,史丹佛的意志力課程將告訴你, 擁有「延遲享受的能力」,就擁有更多可能! 「支配意志力,你將帶領你的軀體邁進極限,並獲得驚奇的能量。 我們的一生,永遠都是和另一個自己挑戰!」--超馬選手 陳彥博 提升心理素質,強化你每天都用得上的意志力! 史丹佛大學的「意志力科學」課程,是該校最受歡迎的課程之一。2008年第一次開課時,為了容納不斷加選的學生,換了四次教室。有學生每星期從舊金山租車趕來上課。有學生上過課之後,戒掉了30年的甜食癮、不再對小孩子發脾氣、開始規律運動。超過八成的學生認為,這門課強化了他們的意志力,改變了他們的人生! 意志力不是一種美德,而是心理能力與生理能力的結合。更棒的是,意志力像肌肉一樣可以鍛鍊!但不必懸梁刺骨,也不必臥薪嚐膽,只要掌握意志力的本質,就可以在該去做的時候積極行動,該拒絕的時候堅定說不。它,比IQ、EQ,對你的人生影響更大! 正如EQ可以改善,意志力也可靠許多方法增強! ◎累了嗎?光是短暫補眠或好好睡上一晚,就有助提升意志力。 ◎壓力大時請用真正有效的方式紓壓,例如運動、呼吸冥想、聽音樂、與親友相聚,而不是放縱自己吃大餐、喝酒抽菸、看電視。 ◎遇上誘惑,要求自己忍耐十分鐘。十分鐘後,破戒的欲望多半已消失無蹤。 ◎知恥近乎勇?錯!罪惡感和羞恥心容易導致自暴自棄。懂得寬恕自己,你才會更有自制的動力。 ◎設法認識「未來的自己」,例如給未來的自己寫封信,這樣當你面對眼前享受,就會提醒自己未來的苦果。 ◎把意志力堅定的人當成榜樣,你可以輕鬆「感染」他們的自制力! 關於意志力,你可能不知道: 在排隊買咖啡時打手機簡訊,會讓你不小心點了熱量比較高的摩卡奶昔,而不是預定的黑咖啡。 →分心會削弱意志力,使行為受到衝動的支配。 慣性熬夜不是因為你不累,而是你累到無力抗拒電影台的誘惑。 →疲倦會削弱意志力,使人更容易屈服於誘惑。 一整天沒吸菸的癮君子,狂吃冰淇淋的機率大增。正在努力節食的人,外遇的機率大增! →意志力是有限的資源,這邊用掉,那邊就不夠用。 光是「考慮」捐錢給慈善機構,就會提高人們上街購物犒賞自己的欲望。 →覺得自己做了件好事,對自己滿意,接下來就會信任自己的衝動而放縱。 求職時愈想讓面試官留下好印象,就愈可能脫口說出不得體的話。 →過於壓抑會造成反彈。 托兒所向家長收取晚接孩子的罰款,結果晚接孩子的情況反而增加。 →家長花錢買了遲到的權利,罪惡感消除,反而更理直氣壯遲到。 要求家戶節能省電,最有效的訴求不是「愛地球」,而是「你的鄰居都在這樣做」。 →意志力的高低,會與旁人互相感染,所以交朋友要小心!
  • 过你想过的生活:101个让你幸福的方法

    作者:[美] 泰勒•本-沙哈尔

    在现代生活中,每个人都疲于奔命,为工作、为家庭、为各种琐事忙得焦头烂额,我们很少有时间能够静下心来细细品味生活中的幸福,而是常常感到力不从心、压力甚大…… 作为积极心理学领域的权威专家,泰勒•本-沙哈尔继超级畅销书《幸福的方法》后,带来了这部力作。 沙哈尔博士认为,人生是由大大小小的选择构成的。我们只有做出正确的选择,才能获得真正的幸福。这些“选择”不仅指重大的人生选择,而且包括生活中那些细微的貌似不起眼的选择。作者通过阐述101个简单实用的方法,帮助我们主动寻找并创造人生中的各种可能性,同时打破自己的思维定势,改变固有的思维模式,为我们的生活带来意想不到的积极改变,从而拥有真正的幸福。 是的,你的生活你做主!
  • 幸福的神话

    作者:[美] 索尼娅•柳博米尔斯基(Sonja

    翻开这本书,请您回答下面这道幸福题: 当_____时,我就会幸福; 当_____时,我就会不幸福。 你的答案是什么? 婚姻与爱情,还是成功与财富?…… 《幸福的神话》一书中列举出人生中十大最常见的幸福神话:是不是独身一人就注定不幸?是不是得到一份好工作便一生风顺?是不是那些拥有财富之人离幸福更近些?是不是清贫注定与幸福无缘?…… 对于幸福,我们一直抱有深深的误解。心理学领域最著名的实验心理学家索尼娅•柳博米尔斯基想说的是,与其不停追问幸福的真意、神话幸福,不如让数据自己来说话。 柳博米尔斯基通过大量经过验证的科学数据,颠覆了很多我们自以为是的幸福观,原来那些你以为可以带来幸福的,最终会令你失望;那些你以为让你不幸的,其实是人生路上最深厚的祝福…… 作者在书中提供了各种经过科学验证的工具,赋予你应对危机的勇气、力量和方法,让你知道幸福在哪里,不在哪里。 用心理学解读那些起起伏伏的幸福人生。 [各方赞誉] ——————米哈里•希斯赞特米哈伊 心流之父 柳博米尔斯基与大多数自助书籍作者的不同至少有三点:她是一名学者,她在幸福研究领域的大量研究是开创性的;她所要说的都以极为明晰优雅的文字表达了出来;她提供的生活建议简单、可行。 ——————马丁•塞利格曼 积极心理学之父 如何才能更加幸福?如果你想得到一些经过验证的科学建议,那你选对书了。 ——————巴里•施瓦茨 畅销书《选择的悖论》《遗失的智慧》作者,社会心理学教授 柳博米尔斯基运用最前沿的心理学研究结论,给了我们大量有效可行的幸福忠告。尽管在收获幸福的道路上需要大量付出,但读一读这本书会让你少走很多弯路。 ——————丹尼尔•吉尔伯特 哈佛大学“幸福教授” 每个人对幸福都有各自不同的见解,对读者来说,最不幸的莫过于很多幸福书籍莫衷一是。其实,我们只需要一本书:它来自最权威的科学家,它的文字都源于最棒的实验数据,那些大行其道的伪专家和假权威会因它而备感焦虑,读者却因它而获益良多。幸运的是,《幸福的神话》就是这样一本书。
  • 你可以拥有想要的一切


  • The Power of Full Engagement

    作者:Jim Loehr,Tony Schwa

    在线阅读本书 The number of hours in a day is fixed, but the quantity and quality of energy available to us is not. This fundamental insight has the power to revolutionize the way you live. As Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in their groundbreaking New York Times bestseller, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. Their Full Engagement Training System is grounded in twenty-five years of working with great athletes -- tennis champ Monica Seles and speed-skating gold medalist Dan Jansen, to name just two -- to help them perform more effectively under brutal competitive pressures. Now this powerful, step-by-step program will help you to: · Mobilize four key sources of energy · Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal · Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do · Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully. It provides a clear road map to becoming more physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned -- both on and off the job.
  • 消极时代的积极人生


    本书作者赵昱鲲是国内最早思考用科学的方法来追求幸福的学者之一。他师承积极心理学之父塞利格曼,并联合创办了全球华人积极心理学协会,担任副主席。 为什么《消极时代的积极人生》一书认为,这是一个消极的时代?书中分析了三个深刻的原因,并逐一提供了解决之道。在《消极时代的积极人生》中,作者将幸福的5个组成对应为5种营养成分:快乐VS糖,成就VS脂肪,投入VS蛋白质,人际关系VS纤维素,人生意义VS维生素、矿物质。 这本《消极时代的积极人生》汇集了十几位世界著名心理学家数十年的研究成果,结合中国当下的状况,将西方的原汁原味的积极心理学进行了中国化。在《消极时代的积极人生》中,提供了15个简单、新颖、贴近生活的幸福练习,帮助读者提升心理能量,提升幸福力。可以说,《消极时代的积极人生》是一本为中国人量身定制的、非常实用的幸福心理学著作。
  • WOOP思维心理学


    在我们的日常生活中,到处充斥着“积极思维”这样的心灵鸡汤。它们的中心思想都千篇一律:着眼于事物好的一面,在逆境中保持乐观心态,守住梦想。不论是打算减肥,谋求升职,还是准备去跑马拉松,我们总会一遍遍听到这样的话:心想就能事成。 加布里埃尔•厄廷根教授用了20多年时间研究内心的动力,进而证明了“积极思维”这一传统思维方式的不足之处。 厄廷根教授提出了一种全新的思维方式“WOOP” ,即“心理比对”——W(愿望,Wish)→O(结果,Outcome)→O(障碍,Obstacle)→P(计划,Plan),并对如何在日常生活中使用这种思维方式提供了具体建议和练习方法。 通过这种思维方式,那些参加了厄廷根教授调查研究的人员在戒烟、减肥、提高学习成绩、培养良好的人际关系、提高商业经营效率等方面都有了显著转变。 不论你是正在应对棘手问题、郁郁不乐,还是只是想有所改善、有所发现、寻求机遇,本书将会加深你对人类内心动力的理解,帮助你无所畏惧地绘制前进的路线。 1.《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《今日心理学》等众多权威媒体转载报道。 2.诺贝尔经济学奖(2000年)得主詹姆斯•赫克曼、2007年奥斯卡金像奖最佳外语片导演弗洛里安•唐纳斯马克、哈佛大学心理学教授丹尼尔•吉尔伯特、斯坦福大学心理学教授卡罗尔•德威克等数十位权威专家联袂推荐。 3.美国纽约大学&德国汉堡大学心理学教授加布里埃尔•厄廷根教授综合20年实验研究成果提出WOOP思维理论:W(愿望,Wish)→O(结果,Outcome)→O(障碍,Obstacle)→P(计划,Plan),为你揭开梦想与成功的心理学秘密。
  • 快乐竞争力

    作者:[美] 肖恩·埃科尔

    《快乐竞争力:赢得优势的7个积极心理学法则》内容简介:1、快乐就是竞争力——一次成功的探索之旅,一场工作理念的革命。 大部分人认为“成功会促成快乐”,但来自哈佛的著名心理学者、幸福课设计者肖恩•埃科尔认为——“先有快乐,然后才有成功,快乐是最强的生产力与竞争力”。肖恩•埃科尔这一观念绝不是空穴来风和心灵鸡汤,来自48个国家、275 000人、225个子课题的数据有力证明,快乐可以给组织与个人带来巨大变革:组织生产力平均提高31%,企业的客户满意度平均提高12%,工作效率提高16%,工作投入程度高出32%,工作满意度高出46%。此外,更快乐的员工甚至因更多走进领导的办公室进行积极沟通,而多赢得588美金的薪酬! 2、“幸福感”培训——美国十大幸福企业的共同选择。 2008年金融危机席卷全球,肖恩•埃科尔将“快乐竞争力”的理念带进全球500强企业中。他的足迹遍及全球,从华尔街、硅谷到中国上海、中国香港,再到瑞士和南非。美国十大幸福企业正在践行“快乐竞争力”的工作理念,美国运通、Google、IBM、毕马威、西南航空、瑞银、摩根士丹利,“幸福感”培训正在成为越来越多企业的共同选择。 3、实用7条快乐法则:魔力数字2.9013、俄罗斯方块效应、每日的关键“20秒”,让你赢得竞争优势。 以20余年的积极心理学研究为依据,配以丰富的咨询实践经验,肖恩•埃科尔发现了7个积极心理学法则:“魔力数字2.9013”、潜能的“阿基米德定律”、积极的“俄罗斯方块效应”、更好的“反事实”、成功的“内控点”、“关键20秒”以及“社会资本”。《快乐竞争力:赢得优势的7个积极心理学法则》是一次对成功的探索之旅,是一场工作理念的革命。帮助我们获取将积极情绪转化为生产力,为组织和个人赢得竞争优势。 海报:
  • Finding Flow

    作者:Mihaly Csikszentmiha

    Part psychological study, part self-help book, Finding Flow is a prescriptive guide that helps us reclaim ownership of our lives. Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, Finding Flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives. Our inattention makes us constantly bounce between two extremes: during much of the day we live filled with the anxiety and pressures of our work and obligations, while during our leisure moments, we tend to live in passive boredom. The key, according to Csikszentmihalyi, is to challenge ourselves with tasks requiring a high degree of skill and commitment. Instead of watching television, play the piano. Transform a routine task by taking a different approach. In short, learn the joy of complete engagement. Thought they appear simple, the lessons in Finding Flow are life-altering.
  • 幸福的方法

    作者:[以] 泰勒·本-沙哈尔|者:汪冰//刘

  • 培养高情商的孩子

    作者:约翰 戈特曼

     这是一本“婚姻教皇”、人际关系大师、著名心理学家约翰•戈特曼指导父母进行情绪管理训练的实战手册,告诉父母当孩子情绪激动时,该如何进行沟通?如何教孩子更有效的处理问题,建立健康、稳固的人际关系?如何成为孩子的情绪导师?  这是一本培养父母教育素质的指南,每位父母都能从中受益。戈特曼博士通过一项历时20年、119个家庭和孩子共同参与的心理学调查,洞察了4种教养方式对孩子情商的长期影响,了解到0岁到青春期孩子教养的本质。  中国教育风云人物孙云晓主编推荐:本书最大的魅力在于论证的严密性、案例的丰富性和方法的可操作性,是值得天下父母和教师用心来读的好书。情商之父丹尼尔•戈尔曼专文推荐:约翰• 戈特曼给我们提供了有科学依据而又非常实用的指导,帮助父母教给孩子受用一生的情绪调整能力。
  • The Happiness Hypothesis

    作者:Jonathan Haidt

    http://finance.sina.com.cn/xiaofei/consume/20060817/18052832122.shtml 你觉得下面两个人谁更幸福呢:一个是鲍勃(Bob),他是白种人,是个35岁的单身知识分子,喜好运动、英俊,住在阳光明媚的加利福尼亚,拿着10万美元的薪水,他在业余时间读书,或者去博物馆;另外一个是玛丽(Mary),65岁,她喜好交际,是个超重的普通黑人,要依靠透析。玛丽把她大部分的空余时间花在教堂活动中,与她的丈夫生活在纽约州多雪地带,全家收入为4万美元。 1. 婚姻和牢固的社会关系更为重要 在我开始阅读一些所谓的“幸福研究”方面的新书之前,我可能已经打赌鲍勃更幸福。但是,根据弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)心理学家乔纳森•海德特(Jonathan Haidt)的研究,我可能错了。海德特将鲍勃和玛丽的案例写进了他的著作《幸福假设》(The Happiness Hypothesis)。海德特表示,在他的有关幸福的研究中,最重要的发现之一,就是在环境和人口结构层面的优势——诸如鲍勃的健康、财富、年轻和阳光——并非我们想象得那么重要。婚姻和牢固的人际关系更为重要。因此,玛丽有可能比鲍勃更幸福。
  • 幸福之源


    为什么别人总是比自己更幸福?为什么我们会被诱惑?为什么我们需要给予和索取?与幸福相关的一切谜底,将在本书中一一解开。在国际权威心理学家斯特凡?克莱因的引导下,你将游走于世界顶尖的科学研究实验室,体验一次特殊的发现之旅,找到幸福的发源地:我们自己。 产生幸福感的条件与遗传有关。但天生不容易快乐起来的人,可以学着在脑中设定“快乐程序”。 学习新事物会引发幸福感。但脑子很容易习惯新事物,一旦习惯,就会僵在不快乐的状态中。 身体和精神上的幸福感是密不可分的。 积极比游手好闲更能让人幸福。 一颗清醒的心会提高幸福感,即使它只是在观察。 长久的不快乐是因为脑子充斥了太长时间的负面情绪。不幸福的人是因为他不愿意学习幸福。 在这本畅销德国的幸福之书中,你会了解到爱与性、富裕与工作,认识与幸福相关的种种情绪产生的原因及其控制之道,在作者生动的科学分析与对心理的阐述中,最终找到获得幸福的方法。 想幸福就会幸福,只要你行动!
  • Beyond Boredom and Anxiety

    作者:Mihaly Csikszentmiha

    Now in a special 25th anniversary edition and filled with brilliant wisdom and insights, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety offers a timeless introduction to the concept of flow and the scientific basis behind it-all through the work of one of the field's great scientists, Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi. Through real-life examples, discover how enjoyable activities provide a common experience-a satisfying, often exhilarating, feeling of creative accomplishment and heightened functioning-and under what conditions 'serious' work can also provide this intrinsic enjoyment.
  • Positive Psychology At The Movies

    作者:Ryan M. Niemiec,Dann

    Movies are a powerful and enjoyable medium for learning. This book shows exactly how to use film to learn about the concepts and the real-life benefits of positive psychology, both for self-improvement and in classes or seminars.Positive psychology is a science concerned with strengths and virtues, particularly those that lead to fulfillment, connectedness, and meaning in life. Drawing on the authors' vast experience of teaching, movie discussion groups, and with patients, "Positive Psychology at the Movies" combines research-based advice on how to improve life and flourish with clear explanations of the scientific background - using movies to exemplify, illuminate, and inspire.Positive psychology and its "founding fathers" Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Christopher Peterson, and Martin Seligman have identified 6 "virtues" and 24 "strengths" that are nearly universal across cultures. This book leads systematically through them, in each case outlining key concepts, relevant research, an exemplar from a key movie, other movie portrayals (including international cinema), antitheses, key enablers and inhibitors, practical applications, and summary. Readers or classes are invited to consider key issues - and the book also provides a syllabus for positive psychology courses based on movies."Positive Psychology at the Movies" is uniquely suited for: individuals or groups wanting to understand the concepts of positive psychology and thus improve their own lives; and for teaching the concepts and practical benefits of positive psychology, in university/college, work, or other settings.
  • 积极组织行为学


    《积极组织行为学》从基本背景和心理资本的概念入手。阐明了如何进行积极、高效、令人愉悦的企业管理,从激发员工的全情投入,到塑造最适宜的领导角色。最大程度地发挥企业优势,提高绩效水平,是该领域的奠基与经典著作之一。 积极组织行为学是21世纪以来新兴的一门学科。受积极心理学的影响,积极组织行为学由Luthans于2002年正式提出,强调对人类心理优势的开发与管理,重点探讨如何运用积极的方法发挥员工优势,以提高组织的绩效水平。随着人们对积极心理学热情的升温.积极组织行为学也越来越为人们所关注。积极组织行为学的研究标准是必须能够应用于管理实践,对管理者和员工进行开发、训练,最终实现提高组织绩效的目标。
  • A Primer in Positive Psychology

    作者:Christopher Peterson

    Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life, from birth to death and at all stops in between. It is a newly-christened approach within psychology that takes seriously the examination of that which makes life most worth living. Everyone's life has peaks and valleys, and positive psychology does not deny the valleys. Its signature premise is more nuanced, but nonetheless important: what is good about life is as genuine as what is bad and, therefore, deserves equal attention from psychologists. Positive psychology as an explicit perspective has existed only since 1998, but enough relevant theory and research now exist to fill a textbook suitable for a semester-long college course. A Primer in Positive Psychology is thoroughly grounded in scientific research and covers major topics of concern to the field: positive experiences such as pleasure and flow; positive traits such as character strengths, values, and talents; and the social institutions that enable these subjects as well as what recent research might contribute to this knowledge.Every chapter contains exercises that illustrate positive psychology, a glossary, suggestions of articles and books for further reading, and lists of films, websites, and popular songs that embody chapter themes. A comprehensive overview of positive psychology by one of the acknowledged leaders in the field, this textbook provides students with a thorough introduction to an important area of psychology.

    作者:Richard Carlson

    【Book Description】 Over the past five years, Richard Carlson has shown countless families, lovers, and workers how to live in a more calm and productive manner. Now he turns his attention to men, with numerous simple strategies and life lessons that blend humor, warmth, and uncommon wisdom. Carlson invites men of all ages to enjoy the benefits of simplification and discover what so many of us already know: that its a stressful world out there, but it doesnt have to be. 【Excerpted from Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Men : Simple Ways to Minimize Stress in a Competitive World by Richard Carlson. Copyright © 2001. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.】 1. Have an Affair I thought the title of this strategy would grab your attention and would be a great place to begin this book! Okay, not that kind of affair! The kind of affair I'm talking about is a love affair with life. If there's one thing I've noticed that seems to be lacking in many men, it's a passion for life. It seems that many of us have lost that sense of wonder and awe for the incredible gift of life itself. We've become lost in the multitude of responsibilities, ambitions, drive, and commitments. We've become very serious and heavyhearted. Many of us have lost our sense of humor and our perspective. We've lost our compassion, as well. Instead of marveling at it all, we take life for granted. We become stuck in the mundane and succumb to boredom. It's as if we're doing nothing more than putting in time and going through the motions. Life is slowly passing us by. Without a genuine sense of enthusiasm, a zest for life and a lighthearted spirit, we take our problems and obstacles too seriously. We become uptight and a drag to be around. More than anything else, we start sweating the small stuff. Life starts to bother us instead of amusing us. People are seen as burdens instead of as gifts. Challenges are dreaded instead of seen as opportunities. The solution to all of this is to have an affair with life. The idea is to reignite your passion for living, and to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Remind yourself how precious and how short this adventure really is. I read a great book called A Parenthesis in Eternity. What a great way to think about the duration of your life -- as a blip on a passing screen. We're here for a moment in time -- and then we're gone. Why waste one second on self-pity, frustration, irritation, and all the rest? Our lives are so much more important than that. It's shocking what happens to the quality of your life when you put it into this perspective. All of a sudden, the things that seemed so big seem small. And the things that seemed so small -- and the things we postpone and take for granted -- seem so big! We see that, for the most part, we usually prioritize in reverse order. But we can change all that in a moment. We can make a shift right now. The things that we so often attach importance to are important, but it's a question of degree. Success, perfection, achievement, money, recognition -- you can have them all, but they're not everything. In fact, without a passion and appreciation for life, they don't amount to much. I was talking to a group of men about this subject. A few days later, I received a call from one of them that sums up the essence of this strategy. He said that while we were talking, he had thought that my "intentions" were good, but that I didn't really understand how serious and important his "role" was to everyone. As fate would have it, while driving home that evening, his life changed in a single moment. He was nearly clipped by a huge truck on the freeway. He wasn't hurt, but it was a very close call. The near miss brought forth the insight that he hadn't spent virtually any time with any of his three children in several years, and that they were growing up very quickly. For the first time in years, tears came down his face as he realized that he was missing the point of life -- as well as his chance to live it. When he arrived at home, he sat down with his family and told them that he was going to be making some changes in his life, beginning with appreciating his family. He had had a major change of heart. Although this type of realization often has to do with family, it's not just about family. It's even larger than that. Recognizing the miracle of life -- and having an affair with it -- means that you being to attach great value to the moments of everyday life. The people you live and work with -- and, for that matter, go grocery shopping with -- all take on far more importance. Nature appears more beautiful, life is more precious, "things" and conveniences are more appreciated. You become, not less effective, but less demanding on others and on yourself, because you better understand the relative importance and significance of the events around you. Things won't get to you so much, and you won't be sweating the small stuff -- at least, not as often! An affair with life is real, and it can happen to anyone at any time. All it takes is the commitment to reflect upon the miracle of life itself and to remember, each day, how lucky we are to be alive. Think about what it means to wake up in the morning and have "another day to live". Some day, that won't be the case. In the meantime, live each day like it really matters -- because it does. One final note on this subject. Needless to say, an affair with life will never get you into any trouble with your wife or girlfriend. On the contrary, they will appreciate your change of heart as much as you do. So have fun. Copyright © 2001 Richard Carlson, Ph.D.