

  • Pro Git (Second Edition)

    作者:Scott Chacon,Ben Str

    Scott Chacon is a cofounder and the CIO of GitHub and is also the maintainer of the Git homepage ( git-scm.com ) . Scott has presented at dozens of conferences around the world on Git, GitHub and the future of work. Ben Straub is a developer, long time contributor to Libgit2, holder of a Masters degree, international speaker and Git teacher, avid reader, lifelong explorer, and student of the art of making fine software. He lives with his wife and two children in Portland, Oregon.
  • Disorder in the Court

    作者:Charles M. Sevilla

    Sit back and enjoy a collection of verbatim exchanges from the halls of justice, where defendants and plaintiffs, lawyers and witnesses, juries and judges, collide to produce memorably insane comedy. The Court: "The charge here is theft of frozen chickens. Are you the defendant, sir?" Defendant: "No, sir, I'm the guy who stole the chickens."
  • Our Kids

    作者:Robert D. Putnam

    A groundbreaking examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of Bowling Alone: why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. It’s the American dream: get a good education, work hard, buy a house, and achieve prosperity and success. This is the America we believe in—a nation of opportunity, constrained only by ability and effort. But during the last twenty-five years we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge. Americans have always believed in equality of opportunity, the idea that all kids, regardless of their family background, should have a decent chance to improve their lot in life. Now, this central tenet of the American dream seems no longer true or at the least, much less true than it was. Robert Putnam—about whom The Economist said, “his scholarship is wide-ranging, his intelligence luminous, his tone modest, his prose unpretentious and frequently funny”—offers a personal but also authoritative look at this new American crisis. Putnam begins with his high school class of 1959 in Port Clinton, Ohio. By and large the vast majority of those students—“our kids”—went on to lives better than those of their parents. But their children and grandchildren have had harder lives amid diminishing prospects. Putnam tells the tale of lessening opportunity through poignant life stories of rich and poor kids from cities and suburbs across the country, drawing on a formidable body of research done especially for this book. Our Kids is a rare combination of individual testimony and rigorous evidence. Putnam provides a disturbing account of the American dream that should initiate a deep examination of the future of our country.
  • 身边的数学


    本书最为难能可贵的是始终贯穿着强烈的应用意识,即把数学理论紧密地与政治、经济、体育、艺术、医学、生物、科技、环境等实际问题相结合,这在国内外数学教科书中是不多见的。本书内容包括集合论、数理逻辑、图论、运筹、统计、概率、排列组合、代数、几何和矩阵等。书中每一章的开始提出实际问题,然后发展必要的数学工具,解决问题,从而在应用中进一步加强对数学的理解。讨论的问题涉及日常生活,如信用卡购物、年利率计算、运动队成绩的评价等;也有著名的数学问题,如四色问题等;还有数学在高新技术中的应用。众多的应用问题使本书变得趣味横生。   本书主要可作为非理工类专业师生的教科书,也可作为理工类师生、工程技术人员、管理人员的参考书。
  • The End of Power

    作者:Naim, Moises

    We know that power is shifting: From West to East and North to South, from presidential palaces to public squares, from once formidable corporate behemoths to nimble startups and, slowly but surely, from men to women. But power is not merely shifting and dispersing. It is also decaying. Those in power today are more constrained in what they can do with it and more at risk of losing it than ever before. In "The End of Power," award-winning columnist and former "Foreign Policy" editor Moises Naim illuminates the struggle between once-dominant megaplayers and the new micropowers challenging them in every field of human endeavor. Drawing on provocative, original research, Naim shows how the antiestablishment drive of micropowers can topple tyrants, dislodge monopolies, and open remarkable new opportunities, but it can also lead to chaos and paralysis. Naim deftly covers the seismic changes underway in business, religion, education, within families, and in all matters of war and peace. Examples abound in all walks of life: In 1977, eighty-nine countries were ruled by autocrats while today more than half the world's population lives in democracies. CEO's are more constrained and have shorter tenures than their predecessors. Modern tools of war, cheaper and more accessible, make it possible for groups like Hezbollah to afford their own drones. In the second half of 2010, the top ten hedge funds earned more than the world's largest six banks combined. Those in power retain it by erecting powerful barriers to keep challengers at bay. Today, insurgent forces dismantle those barriers more quickly and easily than ever, only to find that they themselves become vulnerable in the process. Accessible and captivating, Naim offers a revolutionary look at the inevitable end of power--and how it will change your world.
  • 分析性写作

    作者:罗森瓦塞尔 (David Rosenwa

  • 文化之旅法国

    作者:Barry Tomailin

    很多人从未踏上过法国的土地,却深深地迷恋这个国家。这是一个矛盾的民族,冷漠与热烈兼具,善于表达浪漫的激情,也崇尚哲学、逻辑与思辨之美;这是一个感官的乐园:香水的芬芳,香槟的甜美,香颂的缠绵;这是一个艺术的圣殿,卢浮宫的馆藏浩如烟海,塞纳河左岸的现代艺术生生不息;这是一个田园生活和奢靡时尚并行不悖的秀场,T台上款款而行的模特儿,南部乡村里悠然自得的农夫……的确,法国散发出特别而暧昧的气息,勾起人们进一步探究的欲望。 这本小书笔触流畅,从细微处入手,举重若轻。书的前几章全面地介绍了法国的土地和国民、历史和现实、法国人的价值观和生活态度、风俗和传统等等方面;接下来的内容对初到法国的访客尤为重要:如何结交朋友,法国人的居家生活,工作之余的消遣玩乐;最后三章则阐述了旅行、商业交流以及人际沟通领域的须知事项和敏感问题。客观介绍之外,作者将法国生活的细节娓娓道来,读者可以看到法国人傲慢的外表下可亲可爱的一面。
  • Vincent Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings


    The complete van Gogh Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. He lived an unhappy and difficult life during which his work received almost no appreciation—finally killing himself by a bullet to the chest, so great was his despair—and is now widely considered one of the most important painters of all time, his works fetching record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) represents a rarity in art history: a detailed monograph on his life and art combined with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings. This volume also reproduces most of van Gogh's paintings in color for the first time.
  • Holy Bible


  • Ten Great Works of Philosophy


    在线阅读本书 From ancient Greece to nineteenth-century America, this collection traces the history of our civilization through the seminal works of its most influential thinkers. Perfect for anyone interested in understanding the progression of Western thought, this volume includes: Plato : Apology, Crito, and Death of Socrates from Phaedo Aristotle : Poetics St. Anselm : The Ontological Proof of St. Anselm, from Proslogium St. Thomas Aquinas : St. Thomas' Proofs of God's Existence, from The Summa Theologica René Descartes : Meditations on the First Philosophy David Hume : An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding Immanuel Kant : Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics John Stuart Mill : Utilitarianism William James : The Will to Believe
  • The Story of Philosophy

    作者:Will Durant

    The Story of Philosophy chronicles the ideas of the great thinkers, the economic and intellectual environments which influenced them, and the personal traits and adventures out of which each philosophy grew.
  • 西方哲学史

    作者:Samuel Enoch Stumpf,

    哲学史在很多方面就像史诗式的小说。可敬的先哲们位增慧后学,经过痛苦的思想砥砺,缔造了哲学传统。 在这巨大的哲学家族中总会有一些“不安分子”(blacksheep)频生事端、搅动倪墙,甚至触怒当政者。哲学流派之间也经常针锋相对、势同水火,但却从未真正分出胜负。这些对峙随着传奇一起代际相传,表现为一种发展的进程。旧论弃如敝屣,新调登堂入室,尽管有时候只是风行一时而已。 因此,正像一个大哲所说的,哲学史势观念的历险,这本书就是试图勾勒出这出大戏的线索。
  • Six Thinking Hats

    作者:Edward de Bono

  • Search Inside Yourself

    作者:Chade-Meng Tan

    From the ground-breaking offices of Google, 'Search Inside Yourself' is a personal growth program that focuses on developing emotional intelligence through mindfulness, making its participants more productive at work and better leaders, while becoming more peaceful, happy and compassionate individuals. Famed for its innovative and unusual, yet highly successful working culture, Google is more than just a search engine. One such innovation is the' Search Inside Yourself' program, created for Google by a diverse group of individuals including a Zen Master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and author Daniel Goleman, it's been a life changing program for many participants, contributing to great improvements in both their personal and professional lives. 'Search Inside Yourself' has been taught in Google since 2007 producing dramatic results. Some participants have found new meaning and fulfilment in their jobs (one person changed her mind about leaving the company after taking the course!) Some have become much better at what they do; one engineering manager discovered the importance of giving himself quality time and reduced his working hours to four days a week. After he did that, he got promoted! Some have become more effective managers, learning to listen and communicate better and bringing a calm attitude to every situation. Not surprisingly, many people found 'Search Inside Yourself' to be beneficial in their personal lives as well. Many participants found they were happier and less-stressed, their marital relationships improved and some even said the program helped them deal with personal crises. This book will show you how to apply the principles of 'Search Inside Yourself' to you, your business and everyday life. Whether you are a junior team member or a senior manager, a secondary school teacher or a bus driver these valuable lessons have the potential to dramatically improve your life. Written by Chade-Meng Tan, the first engineer in Google's history to leave the Engineering department and join their Peoples Ops Group, where he leads this and other personal-growth programs. It also includes a foreword by Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence and introduction from Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are.
  • 普通心理学


    《普通心理学》(第6版)具有以下一些特点:   第一,内容全面而且具有近时性。该书不仅涵盖了心理学的基本概念、基本原理和基本理论,而且还包含应用研究的内容。从引用的文献来看,在这本教材中引用自2000年以来的参考文献就有近一千条。   第二:结构新颖且有助于学生自主学习。作者根据自己的教学经验富有创意地在课文中设计了一系列提示性短文或专栏,如开场白、预习、关键概念、及时互动、21世纪应用心理学、探索多元化、成为明智的心理学用户、回忆/评价/反思、浏览专业词汇表、回顾与结束语等,渗透着作者提出的P.O.W.E.R(即预习Prepare,组织Organize,实践Work,评价Evaluate,反思Rethink)学习模式。   第三:语言简练,清新自然,生动形象且富有激情。
  • 梦的解析


  • 人类的故事


  • 30,000 Years of Art

    作者:Editors of Phaidon

    30,000 YEARS OF ART: THE STORY OF HUMAN CREATIVITY ACROSS TIME AND SPACE is the follow-up to Phaidon's phenomenally successful THE ART BOOK. This is an accessible, fun and informative compendium of world art that offers a fresh perspective on the whole of art history, from 28,000 BC to the present day. It debunks art historical classifications and hierarchies by presenting 1,000 masterworks of art in simple chronological order, demonstrating what was being created all over the globe at the same time. Only here can you find the Venus de Milo next to a mural from the Mayan civilization, or Velazquez' Las Meninas next to a painting from the Chinese Ming Dynasty, an Indian jade wine cup, a ritual Nepalese plaque, a Korean portrait, and Vermeer's Milkmaid. Each work has been chosen for its unique place in the history of art, and as a representative example of the art of its culture. By juxtaposing works of art from different cultures throughout time, this is the first book to offer a balanced appraisal of world art history, revealing the huge diversity of and similarity between man's artistic achievements. Each entry includes a full-page color image of the work and a concise descriptive text that sets the work in context, explaining its contribution to the development of art and the medium in which it was created. A comprehensive index, illustrated timelines, and a glossary of terms and movements make this book an invaluable reference tool and teaching resource.
  • A History of Knowledge

    作者:Charles Van Doren

    A one-voume reference to the history of ideas that is a compendium of everything that humankind has thought, invented, created, considered, and perfected from the beginning of civilization into the twenty-first century. Massive in its scope, and yet totally accessible, A HISTORY OF KNOWLEDGE covers not only all the great theories and discoveries of the human race, but also explores the social conditions, political climates, and individual men and women of genius that brought ideas to fruition throughout history. "Crystal clear and concise...Explains how humankind got to know what it knows." Clifton Fadiman Selected by the Book-of-the-Month Club and the History Book Club
  • The Story of Art

    作者:E.H. Gombrich

    Book Description New Format and Redesign of the World's Best Selling Art Book "Gombrich (1909-2001) had a gift for clear, conversational language, a narrative approach, and an interest in pop culture--he even included mass media and cartoons in The Story of Art. The book, which receives high praise in the CAA report [a recent assessment of art history textbooks by the College Art Association], is today the world's best selling art history textbook, with total sales of 8 million copies." -Art News, February 2006 E.H. Gombrich's warm, lively, opinionated--yet never patronizing--authorial voice brings history to life in a way that attracts both adults and young readers alike. Last year the first English translation of A Little History of the World, originally written in 1935 in German, was a surprise publishing success. Yet, this isn't even Gombrich's most popular work. The Story of Art has sold over 8 million copies, has been translated into more than 30 languages and served as the standard introduction to art history for students around the world for the past century. Now, the book will be available in a new affordable format, in wide release for the general public, just in time for the holidays. Phaidon Press is pleased to announce the publication of THE STORY OF ART: POCKET EDITION by E.H. Gombrich, a re-designed, re-formatted compact edition of one of the best-known and best-loved books on art ever written. This new edition combines smoothly flowing text with a clear, simple design in a convenient and accessible format. The new edition allows this classic work to continue its triumphant progress for another generation, and to remain the first choice for all newcomers to art. Phaidon Press commissioned Gombrich during World War II to write a history of art for young people. In 1950, The Story of Art was published and so a classic was born. Gombrich dictated the whole text from memory, using illustrations from books in his library as prompts. The outcome was a seminal work of criticism and one of the most accessible introductions to the visual arts. Starting with the cave paintings at Lascaux and stretching as far as Postmodernism, the whole of art history is presented as a chronological narrative. Using vivid imagery, storytelling and sly humor, Gombrich's voice draws in all--the student, connoisseur, or amateur. The Story of Art has always been admired for two key qualities: it is a pleasure to read and a pleasure to handle. The pocket edition is no exception. With this new edition this classic work is now as accessible as the story inside. Gombrich's extraordinary knowledge and wisdom will continue to teach and inspire generation after generation. From Library Journal Phaidon Press has produced a much-improved edition of Sir Ernst Gombrich's classic narrative study of art history, which was first published in 1950. Among the many competing introductory texts?the central monuments of which are H.W. Janson's History of Art (Prentice, 1986. 4th. ed.) and Helen Gardner's Art Through the Ages (4th ed. o.p.)?Gombrich's venerable work has inhabited a unique niche, having been created specifically for newcomers to art. As his title indicates, he presents the whole of art history as a chronological narrative. Gombrich's voice is lively, opinionated, and almost conversational, yet his erudition shines through to make a book that is both accessible and informative. His premise, that the love of art, not the love of history, is the appropriate basis for its study is communicated directly with his irrepressible enthusiasm for certain masters and his passionate exasperation with 20th century nonobjective artists. While much of the text is unchanged, the format has been completely redesigned with vastly expanded illustrations, improved captions, better charts and an excellent index. This book belongs on every art-lover's bedside table, and even those libraries owning an earlier edition would not regret adding this refinement of an already first-rate work. Douglas F. Smith, Oakland P.L., Cal. From Booklist Gombrich's The Story of Art has been a treasured standard in the field, selling more than 4 million copies since its first edition in 1950. Now in its 16th edition and available for the first time in paperback, this comprehensive look at Western art from prehistoric times on up to the present has been completely redesigned and extensively revised and updated. In addition, the illustrations have all been enhanced, and a total of 443 are now in color. Gombrich is more than an authority, he's an advocate, and his love and deep respect for art infuse his invigorating text. In his discussion of twentieth-century art, for instance, Gombrich explains how even the most experimental contemporary art is connected in some way to what has gone before. Gombrich tells the story of art "as the story of a continuous weaving and changing of traditions in which each work refers to the past and points to the future." Gombrich's invaluable history is a veritable celebration of this "living chain." Donna Seaman Midwest Book Review Enjoy the most famous book on art ever published: an overview which covers the entire subject, from early cave paintings to modern experimental art. This has been revamped for the first time since 1972, offering larger illustrations, more color, and improved text and coverage. Highly recommended. Book Dimension length: (cm)18.5                 width:(cm)10.7