

  • 服饰零售采购


  • 服装企业买手模式


    《服装企业买手模式》讲述服装买手是21世纪服饰运作模式,目前这种经营思想正在国内悄然升起,尤其在服装制作生产密集的长江三角洲及珠江三角洲地带。然而作为买手制度的使用并不是单纯地买进模仿,为了让国内意向建立和已经建立买手体制的服饰企业能有完善的制度与体制,《服装企业买手模式》主要从买手的产生、特点,如何进行买手市场运作(包括:市场的划分、终端销售市场的操作、产品生命周期的确定、产品开发的独特流程),买手型企业间如何进行联合与协作、如何进行技术的贩卖以及中国服装买手的职业发展前景等几个方面进行了阐述。相信《服装企业买手模式》对服饰企业如何最大化地减少库存, 如何让自己的产品一夜之间成为市场的主流,如何建立广泛的市场网络,如何将传统的服饰经营运作模式转为买手制运做模式会有较强的指导意义。
  • The Teen Vogue Handbook

    作者:Teen Vogue

    TEEN VOGUE grants budding stylistas an all-access pass into the high-profile and glamorous world of fashion in THE TEEN VOGUE HANDBOOK: An Insider's Guide to Careers in Fashion. With superb photos, interviews with industry icons such as Marc Jacobs, Bruce Weber, and Patrick Demarchelier, and six sections that include information from editors and assistants, the handbook serves as a link between the style-conscious girl and the seemingly impenetrable fashion world. Fashion Designer, Karl Lagerfeld says, "Ask yourself, Are you sure this world is for you? And are you sure you are the right person to survive in this world--the world of fashion, a world with no rules, no laws?" Vogue Editor in Chief Anna Wintour says, "Do your homework, go online, visit every museum, and intern. You just need to have a love for what you're doing. It's not about thinking that it's the cool thing; it's about really believing in it." For more advice and anecdotes, as well as behind-the-scenes secrets about industry stars, pick up THE TEEN VOGUE HANDBOOK . A must-read for anyone interested in fashion.
  • Chanel

    作者:Danièle Bott

    A lush visual selection from the Chanel archive—essential reading for fashionistas and design aficionados everywhere. Chanel's combination of tradition, originality, and style has always made it the most seductive of fashion labels. Here the House of Chanel opens its private archives, revealing a galaxy of brilliant designs created by Coco Chanel from 1920 onwards. Dazzling clothes, intricate accessories, beautiful models, and timeless design leave no doubt as to the lasting fame of her name and embody everything that has come to symbolize the magic of Chanel. The book explores five central themes—the suit, the camellia, jewelry, makeup and perfume, the little black dress—and follows the threads from past to present to show how these key items have been rediscovered and reinvented by new designers. It includes many previously unpublished archive photographs and original drawings by Karl Lagerfeld, as well as glorious images from some of the greatest names in fashion photography. 139 illustrations, 83 in color.
  • 買與不買都上癮: 從Armani到Zara的時尚行銷


    ◎ 徐莉玲(學學文創志業董事長)、李欣頻(知名作家暨廣告文案)上癮推薦 ◎ 第一本深度探討時尚品牌的行銷專書。 你買的不是『衣服』,而是一種『身份』──時尚産業,是行銷「慾望」的產業。 不管買,還是不買,每個人都欣羨時尚與品牌。 世界越扁平,時尚越普及。 廣告媒體改變了流行概念,衣著配件創造了時尚慾望, 作者馬克‧敦格將全球的品牌趨勢與行銷哲學優雅地解構。 這個龐大的產業是由許多複雜的行銷與品牌技巧所驅動,每一項都值得深入研究分析。 過去,時尚是社會菁英才負擔得起的奢侈品;如今卻人人皆可享受。Zara、 Topshop以及 H&M等大眾流行服飾的出現,使得學生族和消費大眾皆可穿上具有Gucci 和Prada價值的衣著。媒體將服裝設計師塑造成為另一種品牌明星,把運動品牌轉型為「時髦風尚」,連對運動毫無興致的人也深受吸引。 這些轉變是怎麼產生的? 「服飾」如何轉化成為充滿神祕力量的「慾望標的」? 本書探討了時尚的普及化,分析廣告和媒體如何改變我們的時尚概念,及時尚的各個元素,包括品牌、商標、廣告及心理學等,也涵括知名時尚品牌大師的訪談。 本書帶領著我們,進行一場時尚產業的幕後之旅,一探華麗世界的魔力推手── ◎ 把奢華品做成大事業──誰發明時尚品牌的名字? ◎ 我不追隨趨勢,我的工作是創造趨勢──名牌設計師的功力何在? ◎ 創意驅動消費──氛圍+貼心+數字的店面行銷。 ◎ 相機才是最終的裁判──模特兒與攝影師呈現的第一眼品牌觀感。 ◎ 男士們不買時尚──男性消費者為何是最難搞定的目標市場? 「敦格在這本優雅的著作裡,粹取了現代時尚產業的所有重要要素。人人必讀之書!」 ——羅傑‧崔德 (Roger Tredre),Worth Global Style Network(WGSN) 總編輯 「作者沿著行銷的角度,剖析了時尚品牌的本質。」 ——安東尼拉‧維洛 (Antonella Viero),Diesel 溝通部門主管。
  • 7!百变女王


    在造型师陈孙华的衣橱里,轮番进驻着各大品牌推出的流行单品,也陆续挂上蔡依林、孙燕姿、周杰伦、S.H.E、飞轮海、黄晓明、萧亚轩等巨星们的衣服,他的衣橱是一场匆促的服装秀……但永远不变的是他对时尚的热情。 他却不鼓励你这么做。 了解流行真相的他,认为所有千变万化的美丽造型,其实都是从这7件经典单品开始的。 白衬衫、牛仔裤、黑色平口洋装、黑色圆裙、卡其风衣、白T恤、开襟毛衣。 这就是你的衣橱里最该放的7样单品。 不要再当盲目的流行追随者,不要再花费大笔预算去拼凑美丽。跟着孙华教你的:从选对7件经典基本款开始,再运用他玩美公开的神奇穿搭术,就可以变换出非常多适合你的美丽造型。 时尚本来就该这么简易而平民, 欢迎你加入这场从7变成7的N次方的奇妙旅程。
  • Style

    作者:Kate Spade

    A few lucky women have been born with style -- think Diana Vreeland and Jacqueline Onassis -- but for most of us, style is something that comes with time and experience. Above all, style begins with a sense of who you are and your self-confidence. Style comes from opening yourself to the world around you -- to books and movies, art, music, travel, and especially to other people. In this upbeat and engaging book, designer Kate Spade talks about the many people and experiences that have inspired her. For Kate, movies as varied as The Swimmer and The Red Balloon have influenced her vision of style, as have such places as Mexico (where she and her husband, Andy, vacation each year), Napa Valley, and her hometown of Kansas City. In the pages of Style, you'll find a large section devoted to the colors Kate most loves and suggestions for combining them. Accessories, which are the backbone of her wardrobe, are given full treatment here, including shoes, handbags, hats, gloves, and jewelry; and a portfolio of Kate's personal favorites from her own closet is showcased. Style in the office, evening style, even ideas for style when you travel and when you play are all featured here. The last section of Style focuses on maintaining your wardrobe, including tips on organizing your closet, caring for vintage clothes, and keeping your jewelry in good condition. Style, with 230 watercolor illustrations, is a wonderfully personal and friendly book intended for readers of all ages and style temperaments. If there's one rule Kate espouses, it's that true style comes when you follow your own rules. Moreover, as the writers William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White once wrote, "To achieve style, begin by affecting none."
  • Style A to Zoe

    作者:Rachel Zoe,Rose Apod

  • Lessons from Madame Chic

    作者:Scott, Jennifer L.

    This self-published success is now an attractively packaged gift book for Francophiles determined to achieve that certain je ne sais quoi that all French women have. Have you ever wondered what everyday life is like inside a modern, aristocratic Parisian household? The French are notoriously secretive when it comes to their private lives, but Jennifer L. Scott’s Lessons from Madame Chic uncovers the very secrets and lifestyle traits that allow Parisians to live such fulfilling and passionate lives. Each chapter reveals a valuable lesson Jennifer learned while living behind Famille Chic’s doors in the exclusive sixteenth arrondissement in Paris. After the lesson is revealed, she provides tips for incorporating the lesson into your own life, no matter the size of your budget. Embracing the classically French aesthetic of quality over quantity, aspiring Parisiennes will learn to master the art of eating (deprive yourself not), dressing (the ten item wardrobe), grooming ( voilÀ Le No-Makeup Look), and living À la franÇaise . Beautifully packaged and illustrated throughout, this essential guide to French style is sure to top the wish lists of would-be jet-setters and women simply looking to add a little joie de vivre to their daily lives.
  • 风格白痴

    作者:提姆·冈恩(Tim Gunn),凯特·莫

    时尚可以用金钱买到,但风格则是一个人本身必须具备的。电视节目“天桥骄子”为我们引介了一位新的时尚权威:提姆•冈恩。身为Bravo频道节目中的时装指导以及帕森设计学院时装设计系的前主任,提姆提出了坦白、明智、权威的设计建议,深受观众赞赏。 读者可透过本书,获得提姆•冈恩对流行时尚与穿着风格的精辟见解。他以风趣幽默的笔调,侃侃而谈关于营造和维持个人风格的方方面面:不同场合的穿着方式、如何聪明购物(从设计师的精品店、连锁服饰店到二手商店)、如何选择适合自已的时尚导师、如何改善自已的仪态,以及如何真正找到适合自已的服装等。但最重要的是,提姆•冈恩会教你如何找出自己的风格,定义它、加强它,塑造自己的风格,而不是盲从名人或流行的风潮。
  • Young Asian Fashion Designers

    作者:Dora Chan

    Asia is moving rapidly into new social, political and economic dimensions. While catching up with the Western world one the one hand, it is struggeling to stay true to itself, to its traditions and costumes on the other. The line between Asian and Western fashion is beginning to blur. Moreover Asian cities are competing hard to become the premier fashion capital in the region. This race has a big impact: The design avantgarde from more developped countries like Japan, South Korea or Australia has to deal with rising labour costs and shop rents. But it is also finally freeing itself from the fads and dogmas, so that it can now find new inspirations in its own culture. In less-developped countries such as China, India and Thailand the markets are flooded by fashion imitations of famous designers. But driven by the force of urbanization and the consumer revolution young designers in these countries are creating new, progressive and daring styles. This book presents about 50 Young Asian Fashion Designers with images of their thrilling designs and a short characteristic. An index with contact information of the Designers is enclosed.
  • Unseen Vogue

    作者:Robin Derrick,Robin

  • high fashion no.313


    SPECIAL EDITION    STYLE OF ACTRESS    She is so Glamorous    特集 : 女優とモード。 036 グッチ / ジョルジオ アルマーニ / イヴ・サンローラン / ディオール 宮原夢画=写真 046 '50年代のシネマモードのように。 菊地 哲=写真   ブルガリ / ダナ キャラン コレクション / モスキーノ / ルイ・ヴィトン / シャネル / セルジオ・ロッシ   クリスチャン・ラクロワ / ドルチェ&ガッバーナ / フェンディ / プラダ / ランバン / ジバンシィ   ヴァレンティノ / マウリツィオ ペコラーロ / ボッテガ・ヴェネタ / アクアスキュータム / ロエベ   女優とモード。そのグラマラスな輝き。 060 ハリウッドの1950年代のスターたち。 和久本みさ子=文 068 ハリウッド・グラマーとは何か―ヴァレリー・スティールにきく。 森 光世=文 070 夢のアメリカ。ニューヨークの1950年代。井伊あかり=文 072 アレクセイ・ブロドヴィッチと「ハーパース・バザー」の黄金時代。 成実弘至=文 074 女優とモード、ヨーロッパ1950年代。 佐藤久理子=文 076 映画に愛されたブルガリ。 矢島みゆき=文 078 デザイナーが語る、私の好きな女優。   アルベルタ・フェレッティ / アニエスべー / アナ・スイ / マウリツィオ・ペコラーロ CULTURE 179 PASSAGE 9 建築、本、アート、音楽、舞台、映画   五十嵐太郎 ARCHITECTURE / 佐伯 誠 BOOKS / 阿部日奈子 BOOKS / 椹木野衣 ART    幅 允孝 VISUAL BOOKS / 保母大三郎 MUSIC / 渡辺美和子 STAGE / 樋口泰人 CINEMA PEOPLE 172 パリのネクストエージたち : 14 堀 海斗 古舘 郁(コムーン) ジャンジャック・ピカール=文 174 後藤繁雄の非定型対談14 後藤繁雄×蔡國強 鈴木 親=写真 198 グローバルチャット。   クリストフ・ブランケル / Rynshu / 日米英ファッション用語イラスト事典 / エムエム・パリス 188 デザイナーのワークスペース。   ランバンのメンズを再構築する   ルカ・オッセンドライバーのパリのアトリエ。豊田哲也=写真 佐藤 久理子=文 COLLECTIONS 160 Les Collections de la HAUTE COUTURE    de Paris Automne-Hiver 2007-'08    2007-'08 秋冬パリ・オートクチュールコレクション。シンシン、上仲正寿=写真 171 リポート。減少するオートクチュールメゾンの行方。 水戸真理子=文 FASHION 030 クールで贅沢なバイカーモード。エルメス。三枝崎貴士=写真 086 プリングル オブ スコットランド。豊かな伝統が生み出すラグジュリーなコレクション。戎 康友=写真 092 クレア・ワイト・ケラーが創出する新しいプリングル。富岡秀次=写真 正岡雅子=文 094 ナチュラルなモードに混在する、イノセンス & クール。クロエ。藤田一浩=写真 096 ヴィクトリアンとポップアートのミックス。アナ スイ。藤田一浩=写真 098 4人のアクターが着る、ミハラヤスヒロ。 りょう / 柴本 幸 / 瑛太 / 浅野忠信 田島一成=写真 106 レディスアイテム。ノーブルなトラッドスタイル。荒井俊哉=写真 123 ポール・スミスの最新ワードローブ。 128 ラフ・シモンズ。未来へのノスタルジー。守本勝英=写真 132 クラシックスーツの現在形。 荒井俊哉=写真 138 ミュウ ミュウ。アドバンストトラッドスタイル。片桐史郎=写真 142 今月のメンズアイテム。トラッド & フューチャースタイル。平郡政宏=写真 150 エン・ジーンズ オレンジレーベル、イタリアでのショー。 158 ローマで開催されたヴァレンティノの回顧展。水戸真理子=文 CONTEST 115 ITS#SIX ディーゼルがサポートするインターナショナルなファッションコンテスト。シンシン=写真 BEAUTY 154 グラフィカルなライン、クラシカルなニュアンス。“ザ・メーキャップ”。角田みどり=写真 200 BEAUTY NEW COLORS FOR AUTUMN DEPARTMENT 023 RELEASE : A B 113 ゴージャスなメンズのハイカットスニーカー。 119 小村和久がクリエートする2つのブランドのレザーアイテム。 121 マリテ+フランソワ・ジルボーのウィットに富んだジーンズ。 195 FASHION COLUMNS ET CETERA 202 NEWS 208 PRESENTS & BACK ISSUES 210 NEXT 211 INFORMATION & COLLECTION INDEX 218 ENGLISH TEXT
  • Blood & Dishonour

    作者:Nigel Wingrove

    Stunning Unique Women Laid Bare in Words and Pictures The Satanic Sluts are 666 of the world's most attitudinal, creative and original women, who are linked by a shared interest in all things dark, sexual and Satanic, and by their membership of this exclusive group. Now, for the first time ever, 48 members of this gorgeous, exclusive and elite legion are presented in all their glory - raw, uncut, uncensored, sometimes bloody, sometimes bound, but never bowed. Here, in a series of striking photographic portraits and personal statements, elite members of the Satanic Sluts display their sexual fantasies, Satanic lusts and twisted ideologies to the wider public for the first time. Blood & Dishonour presents a series of amazing images and gorgeous layouts that will grant the reader privileged witness to the perverse machinations of Satanic Sluts members like Dominick Destruction, Violet Eyes, Poisoned Venus, Assisted Suicide, Dischordia, Sadistik Virgin, Morrigan Hel, Gothness, Gashley Darcane and their sisters-in-arms, who have bared their all for the first time in this unique publication. Focusing on the creativity and individuality of the Satanic Sluts, Blood & Dishonour is a provocative and intimate portrait of these unique women, represented by images they themselves have chosen. Instead of dictating how these women should be photographed, or what they should and should not wear, the book reveals their real attitudes and personalities - including their own feelings on everything from music and fashion to abortion, war and politics. The result is a striking snapshot of the 21st Century alternative female - this is feminism's 'Year Zero'!
  • La Cambre Modes, 1986-2006

    作者:Tony Delcampe

  • Dior Couture

    作者:Ingrid Sischy (Autho

    Dior was started in Paris by designer Christian Dior in 1946. In addition to haute couture, Dior also produces ready-to-wear, men’s couture, accessories, and perfume. Patrick Demarchelier is one of the best-known fashion photographers in the world. His work appears in top fashion magazines, including Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Glamour, and Marie Claire. He also shoots advertising campaigns for couture houses, including Dior, Chanel, YSL, Ralph Lauren, and Calvin Klein. Ingrid Sischy is the former editor-in-chief of Interview magazine and the international editor for Vanity Fair’s European editions.
  • 100 Contemporary Fashion Designers

    作者:Terry Jones

    This two-volume compilation brings together highlights from TASCHEN's first two volumes of our renowned Fashion Now! books for a comprehensive study of fashion design around the world at the beginning of the 21st century. Up-and-coming fashion designers tomorrow's superstars are featured alongside the field's most respected practitioners: Haider Ackermann, Azzedine Alaia, Giorgio Armani, Agnes B, Christopher Bailey (Burberry), Neil Barrett, Luella Bartley, Veronique Branquinho, Thom Browne, Consuelo Castiglioni (Marni), Dean and Dan Caten (DSquared), Roberto Cavalli, Hussein Chalayan, Maria Cornejo (Zero), Francisco Costa (Calvin Klein), Giles Deacon, Christophe Decarnin (Balmain), Ann Demeulemeester, Dolce & Gabbana, Alber Elbaz (Lanvin), Silvia Venturini Fendi, Alberta Ferretti, Limi Feu, Tom Ford, Dai Fujiwara (Issey Miyake), John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier (JPG, Hermès), Nicolas Ghesquire (Balenciaga), Frida Giannini (Gucci), Katharine Hamnett, Ann Valérie Hash, Desiree Heiss & Ines Kaag (Bless), Lazaro Hernandez & Jack McCollough (Proenza Schouler), Tommy Hilfiger, Emma Hill (Mulberry), Margaret Howell, Marc Jacobs, Rossela Jardini (Moschino), Wolfgang Joop (Wunderkind), Christopher Kane, Donna Karan, Rei Kawakubo (Comme des Garçons), Adam Kimmel, Sophia Kokosalaki, Michael Kors, Tao Kurihara, Christian Lacroix, Karl Lagerfeld, Ralph Lauren, Christophe Lemaire (Lacoste), Julien MacDonald, Hanna Macgibson (Chloe), Tomas Maier (Bottega Veneta), Martin Margiela (Maison Martin Margiela), Antonio Marras, Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen, Angela Missoni, Roland Mouret, Kate and Laura Mulleavy (Rodarte), Richard Nicoll, Lucas Ossendrijver (Lanvin), Rick Owens, Bruno Pieters (Hugo Boss), Stefano Pilati (YSL), Zac Posen, Miuccia Prada, Gareth Pugh, John Richmond, Narciso Rodriguez, Sonia Rykiel, Jil Sander (Uniqlo), Jonathan Saunders (Pollini), Marios Schwab, Jeremy Scott, Raf Simons (Jil Sander), Martine Sitbon (Rue du Mail), Paul Smith, Anna Sui, Jun Takahashi (Undercover), Olivier Theyskens (Nina Ricci), Justin Thornton & Thea Bregazzi (Preen), Aitor Throup, Riccardo Tisci (Givenchy), Jean Touitou (APC), Giambattista Valli, Kris Van Assche, Walter Van Beirendonck, Dries Van Noten, AF Vandevorst, Donatella Versace, Stuart Vevers (Loewe), Viktor & Rolf, Milan Vukmirovic (Trussardi), Alexander Wang, Junya Watanabe, Vivienne Westwood, Bernhard Willhelm, Matthew Williamson (Emilio Pucci), Yohji Yamamoto and Italo Zuccheli (Calvin Klein).
  • Fashion of the 20th Century

    作者:Alison A Nieder,Jim

    Passion For Fashion The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed—then and now.
  • Historical Fashion in Detail

    作者:Avril Hart,Susan Nor

    Now available from Abrams, this popular book offers a rare, close-up look at the exquisite, labor-intensive details seen in fine historical clothing. Perfect decorative seams, minute stitching, knife-sharp pleats, and voluptuous drapery--all are here, alongside more unusual techniques such as stamping, pinking, and slashing. Most of these effects cannot be replicated by machine, yet many of today's fashion designers take their inspiration from the past, adapting these details to a more contemporary idiom, and to the realities of modern manufacturing. Drawing from the Victoria and Albert Museum's world-famous collections, the book contains a gallery of exquisite photographs, accompanied by clear line drawings showing the construction of the complete garment and a text that sets each in the context of its time. This book will appeal to anyone interested in fashion, historical costume, or textile history, from cut and construct to fabric and trimmings.
  • Fruits

    作者:Shoichi Aoki

    Fruits is a collection of Tokyo street fashion portraits from Japan's premier street fanzine of the same name. 'Fruits' was established in 1994, by photographer Shoichi Aoki, initially as a project to document the growing explosion in street fashion within the suburbs of Tokyo. Over the last five years, the magazine has grown to cult status and is now avidly followed by thousands of Japanese teenagers who also use the magazine as an opportunity to check out the latest styles and trends. The average age of the kids featured in the magazine is between 12 and 18, and the clothes that they wear are a mixture of high fashion - Vivienne Westwood is a keen favourite - and home-made ensembles which when combined create a novel, if not hysterical, effect. This extensive collection of portraits represents a unique documentation of the changing face of street fashion throughout the last decade. Colourful, fascinating and funny, this is the first time these cult images have been published outside Japan.