

  • A Stranger in the Mirror

    作者:Sidney Sheldon

  • 白衣女人

    作者:(英)科林斯(William Wilki

    本书是英国神秘故事小说家科林斯(William Wilkie Collins 1824-1889)的第一部主要作品。故事讲的是青年画师沃尔特・哈特莱特,应聘到费尔利家当家庭教师。临去前,他月夜从乡下返回伦敦寓所,途中遇见一个全身白色穿戴的年轻妇女向他问路,看情形她刚从疯人院逃出来。沃尔特帮助她躲开跟踪追来的人。 沃尔特的学生劳拉,是主人弗雷德里克的长兄菲利普的女儿,温柔美貌,纯洁善良。她的同母异父姐姐玛丽安,容貌丑陋,但聪慧能干。沃尔特发现劳拉外貌酷肖他路上所遇的白衣女人。根据玛丽安提供的情况,他断定那白衣女人就是菲利普・费尔利夫人生前曾经关心照顾过的安・卡塞里克。 沃尔特不久就对劳拉产生了爱情。但是玛丽安告诉他,劳拉的父亲临终时已将劳拉许给珀西瓦尔・格莱德准男爵,准男爵即将前来商定婚事。这对沃尔特是极大的打击。这时白衣女人突然出现,试图阻止劳拉和珀西瓦尔的婚事。沃尔特暗中跟她见面后,对珀 西瓦尔的品德产生怀疑。为了劳拉,他有心查明真相,但终于无能为力,黯然离去。不久经玛丽安的朋友介绍,他参加了一支去中美洲的考古探险队。 拍西瓦尔来后,劳拉心情极度矛盾。她对珀西瓦尔毫无感情,但又不愿违背父亲的遗命。虽然她坦诚告诉珀西瓦尔,自己心中已另有所爱,但珀西瓦尔虚伪地表示劳拉的高洁心地更加深了他的爱慕。几个月后,他们举行了婚礼。玛丽安随劳拉移居珀西瓦尔家。 婚后,珀西瓦尔毫不掩饰他娶劳拉纯然为了占有她继承的巨额财产。他逼迫劳拉交出全部财产的处置权,劳拉拒绝签宇。这时白衣女人再次出现。她要告诉劳拉关于珀西瓦尔的一件不可告人的秘密,以帮助劳拉对付他。但是没有说出秘密,就受惊仓皇逃走。珀西瓦尔以为劳拉已经掌握秘密,就凶狠地把她禁闭起来. 劳拉的姑父福斯克伯爵,为人极端狡诈,为了从劳拉的财产中捞得一份,极力为珀西瓦尔出谋划策。两人定计制造劳拉“死亡”的骗局,以便攫取她的财产。玛丽安黑夜冒雨窃听到他们的密谈,但是未来得及采取行动就因受寒病倒。 福斯克找到安,把她骗到家中。安受到惊吓,心脏病突发而死。珀西瓦尔把安当作劳拉埋葬在费尔利夫人墓旁。与此同时。福斯克夫妇把劳拉接到家中,将其麻醉后送进疯人院,冒称就是逃走的安。劳拉的财产落人珀西瓦尔和福斯克之手。 玛丽安病愈后,四处寻访劳拉的下落,终于将她从疯人院中救出。但是冷酷自私的弗雷德里克声称侄女已死,将劳拉拒之门外。劳拉身心受到严重摧残.丧失记忆,无法证明自己的身份. 正在此时,沃尔特回到英国,得知劳拉蒙受奇冤,决心为她申雪。他找到安的母亲,探悉珀西瓦尔的底细。原来珀西瓦尔的父母没有正式结婚,他无权承袭爵位。他曾收买安的母亲,协助他伪造了父母的婚姻登记。后来他以为安知道了他的秘密,怕她泄漏出去,就伙同她母亲把她关进疯人院。沃尔特还了解到,安和劳拉实际是同父异母姐妹。 珀西瓦尔觉察到沃尔特正在追查他的秘密后,黑夜潜入教堂,企图销毁罪证,不料烛火引起大火,自己葬身火窟。 沃尔特转而查访福斯克的底细,弄清此人本是意大利一个秘密革命团体的成员,叛变后当了政府密探。沃尔特找到福斯克,以宣布他的身份相威胁,迫使他写下坦白书,交待他和珀西瓦尔合谋借尸夺产,迫害劳拉的罪行。劳拉终于恢复了合法身份,并和沃尔特结为伉俪。 福斯克最终未能逃脱秘密团体的惩罚,被暗杀在巴黎。
  • 苔丝


    本书是哈代最杰出的作品,也是英语文学中最伟大的作品之一。小说主人公苔丝这一形象是哈代对人类世界的最伟大贡献,她已成为世界文学长廊中最优美迷人的女性形象之一。生活贫困的苔丝因貌美而被地主少爷亚利克玷污了贞节。因此,苔丝曾一度精神不振。后来,经过时间的洗涤,苔丝重振精神开始新的人生。她遇上了年轻、英俊的克莱尔,两人情投意合。然而,就在结婚的当天,克莱尔知道了苔丝的过去……本书为英文版。 苔丝是一位善良淳朴的农村姑娘,她的命运却极其悲惨。她遭人诱奸,却背负了所谓的罪名。她想重新开始,却在新婚之夜被丈夫抛弃,理由就是她不再纯洁。万般无奈之下,她投靠曾经欺辱自己的人,却等来了丈夫迟来的忏悔。最终,绝望的苔丝杀死了让自己饱受欺凌的人,而等待她的将是无情的绞刑。
  • Next

    作者:Michael Crichton

    Is a loved one missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? Humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes; is that why a chimp fetus resembles a human being? And should that worry us? There's a new genetic cure for drug addiction--is it worse than the disease?

    What's coming Next? Get a hint of what Michael Crichton sees on the horizon in this short video clip: high bandwidth or low bandwidth

    We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps, a time when it's possible to sell our eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars and to test our spouses for genetic maladies. We live in a time when one fifth of all our genes are owned by someone else, and an unsuspecting person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes... Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a new world where nothing is what it seems and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn. Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of morality. Balancing the comic and the bizarre with the genuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assumptions and reveals shocking new choices where we least expect. The future is closer than you think.

  • Memoirs of a Geisha

    作者:Arthur Golden

    A literary sensation and runaway bestseller, this brilliant debut novel tells with seamless authenticity and exquisite lyricism the true confessions of one of Japan's most celebrated geisha. Speaking to us with the wisdom of age and in a voice at once haunting and startlingly immediate, Nitta Sayuri tells the story of her life as a geisha. It begins in a poor fishing village in 1929, when, as a nine-year-old girl with unusual blue-gray eyes, she is taken from her home and sold into slavery to a renowned geisha house. We witness her transformation as she learns the rigorous arts of the geisha: dance and music; wearing kimono, elaborate makeup, and hair; pouring sake to reveal just a touch of inner wrist; competing with a jealous rival for men's solicitude and the money that goes with it. In Memoirs of a Geisha, we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl's virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the most powerful men; and where love is scorned as illusion. It is a unique and triumphant work of fiction—at once romantic, erotic, suspenseful—and completely unforgettable.
  • The Time Traveler's Wife

    作者:Audrey Niffenegger

  • 简·萨默斯的日记


  • The Pearl

    作者:John Steinbeck

    A fisherman finds the great pearl, only to lose it again. Re-issue of Steinbeck's classic.
  • The Power and the Glory

    作者:Graham Greene,John

    Unabridged on mp3 audio disk. How does good spoil, and how can bad be redeemed? In his penetrating novel The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene explores corruption and atonement through a priest and the people he encounters. In the 1930s one Mexican state has outlawed the Church, naming it a source of greed and debauchery. The priests have been rounded up and shot by firing squad--save one, the whisky priest. On the run, and in a blur of alcohol and fear, this outlaw meets a dentist, a banana farmer, and a village woman he knew six years earlier. For a while, he is accompanied by a toothless man--whom he refers to as his Judas and does his best to ditch. Always, an adamant lieutenant is only a few hours behind, determined to liberate his country from the evils of the church. On the verge of reaching a safer region, the whisky priest is repeatedly held back by his vocation, even though he no longer feels fit to perform his rites: "When he was gone it would be as if God in all this space between the sea and the mountains ceased to exist. Wasn't it his duty to stay, even if they despised him, even if they were murdered for his sake? even if they were corrupted by his example?" As his sins and dangers increase, the broken priest comes to confront the nature of piety and love. Still, when he is granted a reprieve, he feels himself sliding into the old arrogance, slipping it on like the black gloves he used to wear. Greene has drawn this man--and all he encounters--vividly and viscerally. He may have said The Power and the Glory was "written to a thesis," but this brilliant theological thriller has far more mysteries--and troubling ideals--than certainties. --Joannie Kervran Stangeland
  • Cat's Eye

    作者:Margaret Atwood

    From the Backcover of the book: Cat's Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to TOronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal. Elaine must come to terms with her own identity as a daughter, a lover, an artist, and a woman -- but above all she must seek release from her haunting memories. Disturbing, hilarious, and compassionate, Cat's Eye is a breathtaking novel of a woman grappling with the tangled knot of her life.
  • Lord of the Flies

    作者:William Golding

    A plane crashes on an uninhabited island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. In this, his first novel, William Golding gave the traditional adventure story an ironic, devastating twist. The boys' delicate sense of order fades, and their childish fears are transformed into something deeper and more primitive. Their games take on a horrible significance, and before long the well-behaved party of schoolboys has turned into a tribe of faceless, murderous savages. First published in 1954, Lord of the Flies is now recognized as a classic, one of the most celebrated of all modern novels. - See more at: http://www.faber.co.uk/catalog/lord-of-the-flies/9780571056866#sthash.CWBll4FV.dpuf
  • 了不起的盖茨比

    作者:[美] F. 司各特·菲茨杰拉德 原著,

    盖茨比不仅是美国现实生活中幻想与现实冲突的具体体现,也是美国浪漫主义英雄的化身和“美国梦”的追随者。为了追求黛西而拼命赚钱的盖茨比始终坚信“通过个人努力可以取得成功”的美国梦,但这却无法挽回黛西的爱。他毕生追求的一切最终成了泡影。黛茜是盖茨比奋斗的动力与源泉,在他的心中,她象征着上流社会一切美好的东西。但实际上,黛西和其他的上流社会的人一样,追逐财富,道德堕落,沉溺享受,内心空虚。为了自己的利益,她和汤姆合谋策划, 让盖茨比充当了她的替罪羊, 使他惨遭枪杀, 做了他们的替死鬼。 这部小说在艺术上的成就是十分杰出的, 就连曾对小说猛烈抨击的批评家门肯也不得不承认:尽管故事平庸,但文笔玲珑剔透,丝丝入扣,光彩夺目。没有陈词滥调,句子流畅通达,如行云流水,熠熠发光,又变幻无穷。显然每一行都灌注了作者的智慧和艰辛……
  • The English Patient


    Whereas I am the man who fasts until I see what I want. 我是个一直斋戒的人,直到我看到我喜欢的... I carried Katharine Clifton into the desert, where there is the communal book of moonlight. We were among the rumour of wells. In the palace of winds. 我抱着凯塞琳-克里福藤走入沙漠,那里有苍天下淌满月光的书,我们被关于井的谣言包围着.风的宫殿.
  • Something Borrowed

    作者:Giffin, Emily

    "Something Borrowed" tells the story of Rachel, a young attorney living and working in Manhattan. Rachel has always been the consummate good girl---until her thirtieth birthday, when her best friend, Darcy, throws her a party. That night, after too many drinks, Rachel ends up in bed with Darcy's fiance. Although she wakes up determined to put the one-night fling behind her, Rachel is horrified to discover that she has genuine feelings for the one guy she should run from. As the September wedding date nears, Rachel knows she has to make a choice. In doing so, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren't always neat, and sometimes you have to risk all to win true happiness. "Something Borrowed" is a phenomenal debut novel that will have you laughing, crying, and calling your best friend.
  • 大卫·科波菲尔德


  • A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

    作者:Marina Lewycka

    For years, Nadezhda and Vera, two Ukrainian sisters, raised in England by their refugee parents, have had as little as possible to do with each other - and they have their reasons. But now they find they'd better learn how to get along, because since their mother's death their aging father has been sliding into his second childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered his life. Valentina, a bosomy young synthetic blonde from the Ukraine, seems to think their father is much richer than he is, and she is keen that he leave this world with as little money to his name as possible.If Nadazhda and Vera don't stop her, no one will. But separating their addled and annoyingly lecherous dad from his new love will prove to be no easy feat - Valentina is a ruthless pro and the two sisters swiftly realize that they are mere amateurs when it comes to ruthlessness. As Hurricane Valentina turns the family house upside down, old secrets come falling out, including the most deeply buried one of them all, from the War, the one that explains much about why Nadazhda and Vera are so different. In the meantime, oblivious to it all, their father carries on with the great work of his dotage, a grand history of the tractor.
  • Divergent

    作者:Veronica Roth

    She turns to the future in a world that's falling apart. For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice. Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs. Shocked by the brutality of her new life, Tris can trust no one. And yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her. The hardest choices may yet lie ahead!. A debut novel that will leave you breathless.
  • The Call of the Wild

    作者:London, Jack

  • Dubliners

    作者:James Joyce

    Book Description "Don't you think there is a certain resemblance between the mystery of the Mass and what I am trying to do?...To give people some kind of intellectual pleasure or spiritual enjoyment by converting the bread of everyday life into something that has a permanent artistic life of its own."     -- James Joyce, in a letter to his brother With these fifteen stories James Joyce reinvented the art of fiction, using a scrupulous, deadpan realism to convey truths that were at once blasphemous and sacramental. Whether writing about the death of a fallen priest ("The Sisters"), the petty sexual and fiscal machinations of "Two Gallants," or of the Christmas party at which an uprooted intellectual discovers just how little he really knows about his wife ("The Dead"), Joyce takes narrative places it had never been before. The text of this edition has been newly edited by Hans Walter Gabler and Walter Hettche and is followed by a new afterword, chronology, and bibliography by John S. Kelly. Also included in a special appendix are the original versions of three stories as well as Joyce's long-suppressed Preface to Dubliners. From Library Journal Joyce's classic has been recorded before, of course, but in this new version, each of the 15 stories will be read by a different person, including writers Frank McCourt, Malachy McCourt, and Patrick McCabe, and actors Ciaran Hinds and Colm Meaney. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.4                 width:(cm)10.8
  • The Reader

    作者:Bernhard Schlink

    Originally published in Switzerland, and gracefully translated into English by Carol Brown Janeway, The Reader is a brief tale about sex, love, reading, and shame in postwar Germany. Michael Berg is 15 when he begins a long, obsessive affair with Hanna, an enigmatic older woman. He never learns very much about her, and when she disappears one day, he expects never to see her again. But, to his horror, he does. Hanna is a defendant in a trial related to Germany's Nazi past, and it soon becomes clear that she is guilty of an unspeakable crime. As Michael follows the trial, he struggles with an overwhelming question: What should his generation do with its knowledge of the Holocaust? "We should not believe we can comprehend the incomprehensible, we may not compare the incomparable.... Should we only fall silent in revulsion, shame, and guilt? To what purpose?" The Reader, which won the Boston Book Review's Fisk Fiction Prize, wrestles with many more demons in its few, remarkably lucid pages. What does it mean to love those people--parents, grandparents, even lovers--who committed the worst atrocities the world has ever known? And is any atonement possible through literature? Schlink's prose is clean and pared down, stripped of unnecessary imagery, dialogue, and excess in any form. What remains is an austerely beautiful narrative of the attempt to breach the gap between Germany's pre- and postwar generations, between the guilty and the innocent, and between words and silence. --R. Ellis YA. Michael Berg, 15, is on his way home from high school in post-World War II Germany when he becomes ill and is befriended by a woman who takes him home. When he recovers from hepatitis many weeks later, he dutifully takes the 40-year-old Hanna flowers in appreciation, and the two become lovers. The relationship, at first purely physical, deepens when Hanna takes an interest in the young man's education, insisting that he study hard and attend classes. Soon, meetings take on a more meaningful routine in which after lovemaking Michael reads aloud from the German classics. There are hints of Hanna's darker side: one inexplicable moment of violence over a minor misunderstanding, and the fact that the boy knows nothing of her life other than that she collects tickets on the streetcar. Content with their arrangement, Michael is only too willing to overlook Hanna's secrets. She leaves the city abruptly and mysteriously, and he does not see her again until, as a law student, he sits in on her case when she is being tried as a Nazi criminal. Only then does it become clear that Hanna is illiterate and her inability to read and her false pride have contributed to her crime and will affect her sentencing. The theme of good versus evil and the question of moral responsibility are eloquently presented in this spare coming-of-age story that's sure to inspire questions and passionate discussion.?Jackie Gropman, Kings Park Library, Burke, VA Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. After falling ill on the street in the German town where he lives, 15-year-old Michael is helped by a woman named Hanna. When he returns to her apartment to thank her several months later, he begins a passionate love affair with her. In time, she demands that he read aloud to her before they make love, and they essay some of Germany's and the world's great literature together. One day, however, Hanna disappears without saying farewell, and Michael grieves and believes it to be his fault. He finds her again years later when, as a law student, he encounters her as the defendant in a court case. To reveal more of the plot would be unfair, but this very readable novel by German author Schlink probes the nature of love, guilt, and responsibility while painting a sympathetic portrait of Michael and an achingly complex picture of Hanna. Recommended for most collections.?Michael T. O'Pecko, Towson State Univ., Md. Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. The Reader ($20.00; June 1997; 224 pp.; 0-679-44279-0): A compact portrayal of a teenaged German boy's love affair with an emotionally remote older woman, and the troubled consequence of his discovery of who she really is and why she simultaneously needed him and rejected him. Seven years after their intimacy, university student Michael Berg accidentally learns that (now) 40ish Hannah Schmitz had concealed from him a past that reaches back to Auschwitz and had burdened her with nightmares from which her young lover was powerless to awaken her. Toward its climax, the novel becomes, fitfully, frustratingly abstract, but on balance this is a gripping psychological study that moves skillfully toward its surprising and moving conclusion. -- Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. "A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel." -- Los Angeles Times "Arresting, philosophically elegant, morally complex. . . . Mr. Schlink tells his story with marvelous directness and simplicity." -- The New York Times "Haunting. . . . What Schlink does best, what makes this novel most memorable, are the small moments of highly charged eroticism." -- Francine Prose, Elle "Moving, suggestive and ultimately hopeful. . . . [The Reader] leaps national boundaries and speaks straight to the heart." -- The New York Times Book Review "A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel." -- "Moving, suggestive and ultimately hopeful. . . . [] leaps national boundaries and speaks straight to the heart." -- "Arresting, philosophically elegant, morally complex. . . . Mr. Schlink tells his story with marvelous directness and simplicity." -- "Haunting. . . . What Schlink does best, what makes this novel most memorable, are the small moments of highly charged eroticism." --Francine Prose, -- Review "A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel." —Los Angeles Times "Moving, suggestive and ultimately hopeful. . . . [] leaps national boundaries and speaks straight to the heart." —The New York Times Book Review "Arresting, philosophically elegant, morally complex. . . . Mr. Schlink tells his story with marvelous directness and simplicity." —The New York Times "Haunting. . . . What Schlink does best, what makes this novel most memorable, are the small moments of highly charged eroticism." —Francine Prose, Elle