

  • The Rainbow (Modern Library Classics)

    作者:D.H. Lawrence

    Pronounced obscene when it was first published in 1915, The Rainbow is the epic story of three generations of the Brangwens, a Midlands family. A visionary novel, considered to be one of Lawrence’s finest, it explores the complex sexual and psychological relationships between men and women in an increasingly industrialized world. “Lives are separate, but life is continuous—it continues in the fresh start by the separate life in each generation,” wrote F. R. Leavis. “No work, I think, has presented this perception as an imaginatively realized truth more compellingly than The Rainbow.”
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

    Originally published abroad in 1928, and unavailable in Britain until 1960 when it was the subject of an infamous obscenity trial, Lady Chatterley's Lover is now regarded as one of the pivotal novels of the 20th century. Lawrence's determination to explore every aspect—sexual, social, psychological—of Lady Chatterley's adulterous liaison with the gamekeeper Oliver Mellors makes for a profound meditation on the human condition, the forces of nature, and the social constraints that people struggle to overcome. Lawrence's final novel—here presented in the more explicit 1927 version which he described as "so improper that it'll never be printed"—confirms his standing as one of the most eminent fiction writers that England has produced.
  • The Rocking-Horse Winner

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

  • The Rainbow


    劳伦斯(1885-1930)是二十世纪英国最独特和最有争议的作家之一。他生于诺丁汉一个矿工家庭,二十一岁时入诺丁汉大学学习,一生中创作了四十余部小说、诗歌、游记等作品。《彩虹》(1915)作为劳伦斯最著名的作品之一,描写了自耕农布兰文的三代家史,描写19世纪中叶以来大工业吞食小农经济的过程,猛烈抨击了金钱 罪恶和帝国主义战争。 The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel chronicles the lives of three generations of the Brangwen family of Nottinghamshire. It is a metaphysical enquiry into the possibilities that human relationships hold amid the uncompromizing circumstances of industrial culture, which Lawrence continued in "Women in Love". In this 1915 saga of several generations of a Midlands family, Lawrence expresses an almost mystical tie between sex and the "rhythm of eternity." Peter Jeffrey communicates this and the superb, complex characterizations with resonance, clarity, maturity and finesse. He's a superb narrator. He misses the author's sinewy virility but otherwise delivers a more interesting story than Lawrence wrote. Y.R. length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • Sons and Lovers

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

    The marriage of Gertrude and Walter Morel has become a battleground. Repelled by her uneducated and sometimes violent husband, delicate Gertrude devotes her life to her children, especially to her sons, William and Paul - determined they will not follow their father into working down the coal mines. But conflict is evitable when Paul seeks to escape his mother's suffocating grasp through relationships with women his own age. Set in Lawrence's native Nottinghamshire, "Sons and Lovers" (1913) is a highly autobiographical and compelling portrayal of childhood, adolescence and the clash of generations.
  • 查太莱夫人的情人

    作者:[英]D.H.劳伦斯,D. H. Law

  • 野爱


  • Sons and Lovers

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

    Since its publication in 1913, D. H. Lawrence's powerful and passionate third novel stands as one of the greatest autobiographical novels of the twentieth century. Here is the story of artist Paul Morel as a young man, his powerful relationship with his possessive mother, his passionate love affair with Miriam Leivers, his intense liaison with married Clara Dawes. Here, too, England's Derbyshire springs to life with both is sooty mining villages and deep green pastures, a setting as full of contrasts as the deep emotions that rule this remarkable book. Sons and Lovers is rich with universal truths about relationships; moreover, it brims with what Alfred Kazin has called Lawrence's "magic sympathy, between himself and life." Continues Mr. Kazin: "No other writer of his imaginative standing has in our time written books that are so open to life...Since for Lawrence the great subject of literature was not the writer's own consciousness but consciousness between people, the living felt relationship between them, it was his very concern to represent the 'shimmer' of life, the 'wholeness'...that made possible his brilliance as a novelist." With an Introduction by John Gross
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover

    作者:D.H. Lawrence

    Lyric and sensual, D.H. Lawrence's last novel is one of the major works of fiction of the twentieth century. Filled with scenes of intimate beauty, explores the emotions of a lonely woman trapped in a sterile marriage and her growing love for the robust gamekeeper of her husband's estate. The most controversial of Lawrence's books, Lady Chatterly's Lover joyously affirms the author's vision of individual regeneration through sexual love. The book's power, complexity, and psychological intricacy make this a completely original work—a triumph of passion, an erotic celebration of life.
  • Women in Love

    作者:D.H. Lawrence,Mark K

    Women in Love was written in the years before and during World War I. Criticized for its exploration of human sexuality, the novel is filled with symbolism and poetry--and is compulsively entertaining. The story opens with sisters Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen, characters who also appeared in The Rainbow, discussing marriage, then walking through a haunting landscape ruined by coal mines, smoking factories, and sooty dwellings. Soon Gudrun will choose Gerald, the icily handsome mining industrialist, as her lover; Ursula will become involved with Birkin, a school inspector--and an erotic interweaving of souls and bodies begins. One couple will find love, the other death, in Lawrence's lush, powerfully crafted fifth novel, one of his masterpieces and the work that may best convey his beliefs about sex, love, and humankind's ongoing struggle between the forces of destruction and life.
  • 恋爱中的女人


    本书是名家名译彩色插图本《世界文学名著经典文库》中的一本。该文库译者是国内外享有盛誉的著名翻译家,其译本是质量一流、影响很大、各界公认的优秀译本,代表了该名著在我国的翻译水平和译者的创作水平。每部名著都配以插图,有作者、作品和时代背景的珍贵图片,也有作品情节插图。通过这些插图,不仅为读者营造出一个亲切轻松的阅读氛围,而且使读者全面、具象地理解世界文学名著的丰富内涵。本部小说被西方文学界公认为是劳伦斯创作高峰时期的重要作品之一,他本人则认为它是“他的最佳作品”。他的创作主题和表现手法在这部小说中得到全面、充分的体现。小说里劳伦斯揭示了资本主义现代机械文明对人性的摧残和人的畸形心理状态,从而否定了这个没有人性的社会。   《恋爱中的女人》是劳伦斯最伟大、最有代表性、最脍炙人口的两部长篇小说之一(另一部是《虹》),他本人也认为这是他的“最佳作品”;它以英国小说中前所未有的热情与深度探索了有关恋爱的心理问题,代表了劳伦斯作品的最高成就,因此它同《虹》成为了现代小说的先驱。   劳伦斯是英国小说家、诗人、散文家,20世纪英国最重要和最有争议的小说家之一,20世纪世界文坛上最有天分与影响力的人物之一。他与福斯特、乔伊斯、理查森、伍尔芙同是20世纪英国小说的创始人,是中国读者最熟悉与喜爱的西方作家之一。   入选1998年美国蓝登书屋根据读者投票选出的“20世纪100部最佳英文小说”之列。
  • 查特莱夫人的情人


  • Women in Love

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

    Lawrence's finest, most mature novel initially met with disgust and incomprehension. In the love affairs of two sisters, Ursula with Rupert, and Gudrun with Gerald, critics could only see a sorry tale of sexual depravity and philosophical obscurity. Women in Love is, however, a profound response to a whole cultural crisis. The 'progress' of the modern industrialised world had led to the carnage of the First World War. What, then, did it mean to call ourselves 'human'? On what grounds could we place ourselves above and beyond the animal world? What are the definitive forms of our relationships - love, marriage, family, friendship - really worth? And how might they be otherwise? Without directly referring to the war, Women in Love explores these questions with restless energy. As a sequel to The Rainbow, the novel develops experimental techniques which made Lawrence one of the most important writers of the Modernist movement.
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover

    作者:D.H. Lawrence

    Inspired by the long-standing affair between Frieda, Lawrence’s German wife, and an Italian peasant who eventually became her third husband, Lady Chatterley’s Lover is the story of Constance Chatterley, who, while trapped in an unhappy marriage to an aristocratic mine owner whose war wounds have left him paralyzed and impotent, has an affair with Mellors, the gamekeeper. Frank Kermode calls the book Lawrence’s "great achievement" and Anaïs Nin describes it as "artistically . . . his best novel." This Modern Library Paperback Classics edition includes the transcript of the judge's decision in the famous 1959 obscenity trial that allowed the novel to be published in the United States.
  • Sons and Lovers

    作者:D. H. Lawrence

    《儿子与情人(Sons and Lovers)》是劳伦斯以他的童年和青少年时代生活为蓝本而写成的一部成名作。小说主人公保罗的父母莫瑞尔夫妇在一次舞会上一见钟情,缔结婚姻。但莫瑞尔是矿工,而莫瑞尔太太出身中产阶级。两人的生活理念截然不同,妻子面对丈夫的浑浑噩噩,深感希望破灭。对丈夫的失望、不满和怨恨使莫瑞尔太太把自己的感情和希望都倾注到儿子身上。她先是寄希望于长子威廉,然而长子早逝。她又寄希望于次子保罗,希望他能够出人头地,实现她的理想。她爱儿子,鼓励他成名成家,跻身于上流社会;她又从精神上控制儿子,使他不能钟情于别的女人。这使得保罗在以后的感情问题上迷茫、困惑、无所适从。和女友米莉安的交往使年轻的保罗经历了精神痛苦的过程。然而和他的母亲一样,米莉安也试图从精神上占有保罗,使保罗感到窒息。后来他们分手了。保罗身边还有一个与丈夫分居的名叫克拉拉的女人。保罗从她那里得到了肉体上的满足。不过最终克拉拉结束了和保罗的感情生活,回到丈夫身边。最后莫瑞尔太太病逝,保罗和米莉安也未能重归于好。他依旧孑然一人,四处漂流,继续着他精神上的挣扎。 The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This semi-autobiographical novel explores the emotional conflicts through the protagonist, Paul Morel, and the suffocating relationships with a demanding mother and two very different lovers. It is a Freudian exploration of love and possessiveness. Amazon.com Sons and Lovers was the first modern portrayal of a phenomenon that later, thanks to Freud, became easily recognizable as the Oedipus complex. Never was a son more indentured to his mother's love and full of hatred for his father than Paul Morel, D.H. Lawrence's young protagonist. Never, that is, except perhaps Lawrence himself. In his 1913 novel he grappled with the discordant loves that haunted him all his life--for his spiritual childhood sweetheart, here called Miriam, and for his mother, whom he transformed into Mrs. Morel. It is, by Lawrence's own account, a book aimed at depicting this woman's grasp: "as her sons grow up she selects them as lovers--first the eldest, then the second. These sons are urged into life by their reciprocal love of their mother--urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, they can't love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives." Of course, Mrs. Morel takes neither of her two elder sons (the first of whom dies early, which further intensifies her grip on Paul) as a literal lover, but nonetheless her psychological snare is immense. She loathes Paul's Miriam from the start, understanding that the girl's deep love of her son will oust her: "She's not like an ordinary woman, who can leave me my share in him. She wants to absorb him." Meanwhile, Paul plays his part with equal fervor, incapable of committing himself in either direction: "Why did his mother sit at home and suffer?... And why did he hate Miriam, and feel so cruel towards her, at the thought of his mother. If Miriam caused his mother suffering, then he hated her--and he easily hated her." Soon thereafter he even confesses to his mother: "I really don't love her. I talk to her, but I want to come home to you." The result of all this is that Paul throws Miriam over for a married suffragette, Clara Dawes, who fulfills the sexual component of his ascent to manhood but leaves him, as ever, without a complete relationship to challenge his love for his mother. As Paul voyages from the working-class mining world to the spheres of commerce and art (he has fair success as a painter), he accepts that his own achievements must be equally his mother's. "There was so much to come out of him. Life for her was rich with promise. She was to see herself fulfilled... All his work was hers." The cycles of Paul's relationships with these three women are terrifying at times, and Lawrence does nothing to dim their intensity. Nor does he shirk in his vivid, sensuous descriptions of the landscape that offers up its blossoms and beasts and "shimmeriness" to Paul's sensitive spirit. Sons and Lovers lays fully bare the souls of men and earth. Few books tell such whole, complicated truths about the permutations of love as resolutely without resolution. It's nothing short of searing to be brushed by humanity in this manner.  --Melanie Re From Kirkus Reviews When Sons and Lovers was first seen by its reading public in 1913, its publishers had in fact, out of caution and timidity, shortened Lawrence's originally submitted version by about ten percent--cuts that are restored in this new "uncensored and uncut" edition. Complexity of characterization, intensity of characters' confrontations, and sexual frankness are now, say the publishers, as the author intended them. Example: "He could smell her faint perfume" returns to its original, "He could smell her faint natural perfume, and it drove him wild with hunger." The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Semiautobiographical novel by D.H. Lawrence, published in 1913. His first mature novel, it is a psychological study of the familial and love relationships of a working-class English family. The novel revolves around Paul Morel, a sensitive young artist whose love for his mother, Gertrude, overshadows his romances with two women: Miriam Leivers, his repressed, religious girlfriend, and Clara Dawes, an experienced, independent married woman. Unable to watch his mother die slowly of cancer, Paul kills her with morphine. Despite losing her and rejecting both Miriam and Clara, Paul harbors hope for the future. From AudioFile Lawrence's first major novel is unstintingly, passionately autobiographical. Set in a Nottinghamshire mining town, it concerns the high-minded wife of a brutal miner who puts all hopes into her artistic son, Paul. Copley brings the workingclass milieu to life. His north country accent enhances the author's regional "sound," which may not be apparent on the page to American readers, but which is a prominent feature of the book's aesthetic. By shaving off a bit too much of the color, the abridgment reinforces the novel's starkness. Therefore, one should hear this recording before, not instead of, reading the full work. Y.R. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 点击链接进入中文版: 儿子与情人(全译本)
  • 恋爱中的女人


      本书是“世界经典情爱小说文丛”的一种。本书与《查泰莱夫人的情人》、《儿子与情人》、《虹》并称劳氏的四大长篇小说。书中以两对情人的爱恋线索套叠交织展开、异性的情爱,同性的友谊,旧情的纠缠,父女的冲突一一展开。   《恋爱中的女人》代表了劳伦斯小说创作的最高成就。它以非凡的热情与深度探索了有关恋爱的心理问题。小说以两姐妹为主人公,描述了她们不同的情感经历和恋爱体会。姐姐欧秀拉是一个温柔美丽的中学教师;妹妹古迪兰则是一个小有名气、恃才傲物的艺术家。古迪兰遇上了矿主的独生子杰拉德,原始的欲望点燃了爱的激情,然而在狂暴的激情过后,失望而痛苦的她与另一位艺术家又陷入了爱的狂欢。欧秀拉与本区督学伯基相爱了,她一心要让对方成为爱情的囚鸟,而对方却希望在灵与肉的交融中保持彼此心灵上的距离…… 劳伦斯毕生致力于男女性爱题材小说创作,他在揭示男女情爱的同时,将性爱描写上升到哲学和美学的高度,而那伴随着炽烈的性爱体验的,是对历史、政治、宗教、经济等社会问题的严肃思考。