Alone Together
Consider Facebookit’s human contact, only easier to engage with and easier to avoid. Developing technology promises closeness. Sometimes it delivers, but much of our modern life leaves us less connected with people and more connected to simulations of them. In Alone Together , MIT technology and society professor Sherry Turkle explores the power of our new tools and toys to dramatically alter our social lives. It’s a nuanced exploration of what we are looking forand sacrificingin a world of electronic companions and social networking tools, and an argument that, despite the hand-waving of today’s self-described prophets of the future, it will be the next generation who will chart the path between isolation and connectivity. -
The Last Days of Old Beijing
Just in time for the Summer Olympics in Beijing, the Old City's narrow lanes and shops are being bulldozed and their residents displaced to make way for Wal-Marts, shopping centers and high-rise apartments. Part memoir, part history, part travelogue and part call to action, journalist Meyer's elegant first book yearns for old Beijing and mourns the loss of an older way of life. Having lived for two years in one of Beijing's oldest hutongs—mazes of lanes and courtyards bordered by single-story houses—Meyer chronicles the threat urban planning poses not only to the ancient history buried within these neighborhoods but also to the people of the hutong. The hutong, he says, builds community in a way that glistening glass and steel buildings cannot. His 81-year-old neighbor, whom he calls the Widow, had always been safe because neighbors watched out for her, as she watched out for others: the book opens with a delightful scene in which the Widow, a salty character who calls Meyer Little Plumblossom, brings him unsolicited dumplings for his breakfast. The ironies of the reconstruction of Beijing are clear in the building of Safe and Sound Boulevard, which, Meyer tells us, is neither. -
《不安的生活》是由《全球商业经典》杂志中精选出来的四十篇文章汇集而成,作者讲述了当今社会极具代表性的四十种生活状态,其中有在中国工作生活的外国人,有富二代,有民工,还有怀揣梦想的北漂一族,堪称“一幅当代中国都市生活的浮世绘。” 海报: -
在我们这个物欲横流的时代,食欲的养成更需要一点智慧和理性。 —谢忠道 吃美食谈美食,再也不可能纯粹光是风花雪月纵情享用;吃下每一道、每一口食物的同时,不可避免,我们开始思量,在这些美味的背后,我们所付出的代价,或说,我们应负的责任。 —叶怡兰 推荐 内容简介: 我们全心全意吃喝进胃里的,究竟是什么,对世界又有什么样的影响? 滥捕海洋鱼类将导致我们40年后不再有鱼可吃;全世界有四分之一的食物在尚未消费前,就直接被丢弃;一个平均仅被使用20 分钟的塑料袋,却需要大自然400 年的时间才能分解;生活里的工业产品越来越多,我们离大自然的食物链也越来越远;在我们这个物欲横流的时代,食欲的养成为什么更需要一点智慧和理性? 面对这种种迷思与问题,我们的态度是什么,责任又在哪里?《慢食之后》,从一个非美食的角度关注生活,思索教育,探索全新的饮食观。 -
《乡关何处:故乡•故人•故事》内容简介:感知故乡、故人、故事中的深沉情感。《乡关何处:故乡•故人•故事》所收录的文章中,母亲历尽人生苦难68岁失踪于长江(江上的母亲);外婆出身高贵,慈悲温暖,却一生遭遇悲惨(坟灯);大伯少年英姿勃发才华横溢投身革命,爱情也随之而来,但谁知阴差阳错,最终凄凉落寞孤独走完一生(大伯的革命与爱情)……在《乡关何处》中,这等亲朋好友,仿佛就这么站在你的面前,将他们的故事幽幽道来。在野夫的笔下,除了能读到他们个人或悲惨或传奇的经历,还能看到这几十年来大背景下的变革与变迁。《乡关何处》是作者野夫泣血的挽歌,至情至亲至哀,长久积累下的压抑的悲恸比爆发更有力量。 野夫如此解释《乡关何处:故乡•故人•故事》的乡愁:许多年来,我问过无数人的故乡何在,大多都不知所云。故乡于很多人来说,是必须要扔掉的裹脚布;仿佛不遗忘,他们便难以飞得更高走得更远。而我,若干年来却像一个遗老,总是沉浸在往事的泥淖中,在诗酒猖狂之余,常常失魂落魄地站成了一段乡愁。 思享家系列丛书: 半生为人 问道者 旧山河 价值的理由 海报:
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友