

  • Nonviolent Communication

    作者:Marshall B. Rosenber

    An enlightening look at how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections with family, friends, and other acquaintances. The book uses stories, examples, and sample dialogues to provide solutions to communication problems both at home and in the workplace. Guidance is provided on identifying and articulating feelings and needs, expressing anger fully, and exploring the power of empathy in order to speak honestly without creating hostility, break patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression, and communicate compassionately. These non-violent communication skills are fully explained and can be applied to personal, professional, and political differences. Included in this new edition is information on how to compassionately connect with oneself.
  • If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?

    作者:Susan Page

    If you want to find your soul mate, you first have to know yourself. If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? offers intelligent, practical, and engaging guidance to singles looking to improve their romantic relationships—by getting to know their own past patterns and relationship needs. Guided at every step by Page's 10 strategies for better self-knowledge, readers will find quizzes, case studies, and anecdotes from the author's decades of experience as a counselor to both couples and singles. Each aspect of the book is tailored to help readers figure out what they really want—and learn not to settle for less. If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? has been translated into 22 different languages, and this year celebrates the 25th anniversary of its debut. Offering advice that's positive, compassionate, and effective, this book will help readers understand their own romantic motivations and find the partner they're looking for.
  • Mating in Captivity

    作者:Esther Perel

    One of the world’s most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in long-term relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love.
  • Never Eat Alone

    作者:Keith Ferrazzi,Tahl

  • 我知道你在想什么


  • Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

    作者:Steve Harvey

    在线阅读本书 在情感关系中,女人比男人更缺乏安全感,原因是她不知道男人在想什么。在婚姻生活中,女人比男人更被动,原因是她不了解男人的行事方式。关于恋爱,关于婚姻,关于两性,女人一旦有了困惑,就会去问其他女人的意见。她们中很少有人知道,真正的答案在异性朋友那儿,因为只有男人才了解男人。《像女人一样行动,像男人一样思考》是男人对男人的深度解读。作者从一个男人的视角来告诉女人,男人通常是怎么思考问题的,他们对女人有怎样的期待;以及女人应该怎样解读男人,怎样行动才符合男人的期待。只有像男人一样思考,女人才能真正了解男人,走出情感困惑;只有像真正的女人一样行动,女人才能让自己和男人都站在正确的位置,经营好两性关系。 Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show , can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, whether it's through the "Strawberry Letters" segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. These are women who can run a small business, keep a household with three kids in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can't figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man , Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on concepts and questions such as: —The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man? —How to spot a mama's boy and what if anything you can do about it. —When to introduce the kids. And what to read into the first interaction between your date and your kids. —The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is. — And more... Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships.
  • Why Men Love Bitches

    作者:Sherry Argov

    Contending that some women are "too nice," comedian and radio show host Sherry Argov has written Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship. "I'm not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition," Argov writes, "The woman I'm describing is kind yet strong. She doesn't give up her life, and she won't chase a man." Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered. Argov's principles, which range from the farfetched to the downright absurd, include "If you give him a feeling of power, he'll want to protect you and he'll want to give you the world" and "A little distance combined with the appearance of self-control makes him nervous that he may be losing you." The book, which has already been featured on The View and The O'Reilly Factor, should make waves with its controversial view of relationships. Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
  • Why Men Marry Bitches

    作者:Sherry Argov

    As in her previous book, Why Men Love Bitches, Argov does not use the word "bitch" in a pejorative way, but rather "to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is." And while encouraging women to be strong, independent and inscrutable is sound advice, the motivation behind this advice-to keep his interest-makes for a headache-inspiring contradiction. Fortunately, Argov takes readers step-by-step through her process, including numerous "Relationship Principles" that keeps her concepts clear ("Relationship Principle 35: Men are intrigued by anything they do not completely control."). Though the generalizations Argov uses to describe her pre-bitch audience can at times be condescending, and her goals are more about acting-rather than believing-that you don't need a man to feel complete, the behavior she encourages is healthy and useful, even outside the realm of husband-hunting. Taken more as a Bitch's Guide to Life-the word "relationship," after all, doesn't necessarily imply romance-this is a solid self-help. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "We're talking about having so much self-respect Aretha Franklin would high-five you." -- Los Angeles Times "Sherry Argov encourages women who feel like doormats to develop a sense of independence." -- Playboy
  • Sex and the City

    作者:Candace Bushnell

    Here's the collection of columns that inspired the addictive and multiple award-winning HBO series! Sex and the City offers a tantalizing glimpse of the openings, launch parties, and celebrity affairs that keep society amused.
  • He's Just Not That Into You

    作者:Greg Behrendt,Liz Tu

    He's Just Not That Into You the six little words that changed dating forever For ages women have come together over coffee, cocktails, or late-night phone chats to analyze the puzzling behavior of men. Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo are here to say that -- despite good intentions -- you're wasting your time. Men are not complicated, although they'd like you to think they are. And there are no mixed messages. The truth may be he's just not that into you. Based on a popular episode of Sex and the City, He's Just Not That Into You educates otherwise smart women on how to tell when a guy just doesn't like them enough, so they can stop wasting time making excuses for a dead-end relationship. The newly expanded edition includes: A new foreword by Greg A new chapter providing an honest look at the stages of lifeafter He's Just Not That Into You, according to Liz: exaltation,loneliness, temptation, and balance Greg's and Liz's answers to the most frequently asked questionsfrom readers 注:两种封面,随机发货。