

  • 蓝调


  • 游园惊梦


    细细翻过夏达的《游园惊梦》,再次有一个奢侈的机会,尝试着在这个并不算太寒冷的冬天掩卷,喝一杯热茶,想一些事情,想到一首《燕燕于飞》的诗。 夏达是个画画很随性的姑娘,曾经为我们的一本杂志绘制一张封面,画一个少女躺在盛夏的浅水莲叶中,极美丽,美术总监思谋良久,说实在太柔,不合杂志的意趣。夏达便也不生气,说没什么,那是她喜欢画的,用不用,并没什么关系。看了浅水中的仰卧的少女和莲花,只不过被分割在不同的画面中,还有桃花、静止的蝶月和沉睡的夏荫中的少年。 五个小故事都说神怪,可是并不多么神,更不奇怪,甚至我不能判断这些能否被补称“故事”,因为真是太简单了,只有很久的凝望、茫然的等待和一刹的相拥,到此这个故事就终结报。如果是在电影中,也许只要二十秒就可以结束的一个故事,但是夏达需要画很久,问她为什么要画这些,她大概也会照旧回答说这是她想画的。 作者简介 夏达,从高中开始创伤漫画。最早于《北京卡通》杂志发表短篇作品《成长》,毕业后赴京从事专业的漫画创伤工作,曾于《北京卡通》、《电漫》、《故事》、《漫友》等杂志发表过多部漫画作品。在《北京卡通》杂志连载的长篇漫画《米特兰的晨星》广受好评。主要作品:《成长》、《冬日的童话》、《夏天的味道》、《寂寞的地图》、《米特兰的晨星》、《同类》、《夏天》、《游园惊梦》、《安多莉娅》、《初夏》、《子不语》等。
  • 千年唐姬.


  • 御香缥缈


  • 湯浅政明大全 Sketchbook for Animation Projects


    独創的でイマジネーション溢れる作品世界をつくりだすアニメーション監督・湯浅政明。 そんな湯浅監督が、アニメ制作のためにスケッチブックに描き続けてきたイメージの中から、 代表作のデザイン&アイディアを網羅的にまとめたスケッチ集が今夏発売予定! 映画『クレヨンしんちゃん』は、第一作目から、今年公開の『ガチンコ! 逆襲のロボとーちゃん』まで、 参加作品を大ボリュームで収録。『ちびまる子ちゃん~わたしの好きな歌~』、『ねこぢる草』、『マインド・ゲーム』、 『ケモノヅメ』、『夢みるキカイ』、『カイバ』、『四畳半神話大系』、『キックハート』他、 約900点のスケッチから活動の軌跡を網羅。 作品の企画案や世界観設定、キャラクターデザイン、アクションシーンのアイディアなどを網羅的に収録。 さらに、未制作企画のスケッチ、イラスト、マンガも掲載し、各スケッチには制作当初を振り返った湯浅監督のコメント付き! 自由奔放な湯浅ワールドの秘密が詰まった、初作品集にして完全版!!
  • The Art of the Croods

    作者:Hueso, Noela

    "The Croods" takes us back to a previously undiscovered era known as the Croodaceous period, when Mother Nature was still experimenting. Trying to find their evolutionary niche are The Croods family. "The Art of The Croods" traces the evolution of the comedy adventure movie with over 400 pieces of concept art, character sketches, storyboards and digital paintings, and key talent interviews.
  • The Art of Spirited Away

    作者:Hayao Miyazaki

    The Art of Spirited Away collects colour illustrations of Spirited Away for the first time in an English edition. This book includes paintings and designs from the Academy Award winning animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Features commentary, colour stills, sketches, storyboards, and illustrations used to envision the rich fantasy world of the film. Also includes a complete English-language script.
  • 帝企鹅日记


  • カウボーイビバップ THE AFTER (ニュータイプ100%コレクション)


    内容主要有制作人访谈,关于COWBOY BEBOP世界的30个关键词,周边欣赏,26集动画片的介绍,关于COWBOY BEBOP的10张唱片和10部推荐电影等等。
  • The Art of Monsters, Inc.

    作者:Docter, Pete (INT)/

    With the sophisticated graphics of Toy Story, A Bug's Life, and Toy Story 2 to their credit, Pixar has become the studio to watch for brilliant animation. Their next movie, Monsters, Inc., (releasing on November 2nd) stars John Goodman and Billy Crystal as two working-class monsters whose job it is to scare children. Graphically innovative and wildly imaginative, this book takes a sneak peek behind the scenes at the early developmental stages of this sure-to-be box office hit. Representing the pinnacle of concept art today, The Art of Monsters, Inc. is the only forthcoming title for the adult fan, and it will capture the attention of artists, film-goers, and special effects enthusiasts everywhere.
  • スタジオジブリ・レイアウト展


    2008年夏、東京都現代美術館で開催した「スタジオジブリ・レイアウト展」で公開された約1,300点の「レイアウト」が掲載されています。「風の谷のナウシカ」から最新作「崖の上のポニョ」まで、スタジオジブリ作品の「レイアウト」を宮崎駿監督直筆のものも含め収録、また、高畑勲、宮崎駿両監督がジブリ以前に手がけた作品のレイアウトも合わせて掲載された充実の内容です。 【掲載作品】「風の谷のナウシカ」「天空の城ラピュタ」「となりのトトロ」「火垂るの墓」「魔女の宅急便」「おもいでぽろぽろ」「紅の豚」「海がきこえる」「平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ」「耳をすませば」「On Your Mark」「もののけ姫」「ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん」「千と千尋の神隠し」「猫の恩返し」「ギブリーズeplsode2」「ハウルの動く城」「ゲド戦記」「崖の上のポニョ」「アルプルの少女ハイジ」「母をたずねて三千里」「未来少年コナン」「赤毛のアン」「ルパン三世」「じゃりン子チエ」「名探偵ホームズ」 【サイズ】294mm×230mm 408ページ 折込4枚 【重さ】1.6Kg (C)1997 二馬力・GND
  • The Art of Tim Burton

    作者:Tim Burton

    Tim Burton, known for his distinctive creative style, effortlessly blends the macabre with humor to create visually stunning films. Lesser known are their origins – his drawings. Tim Burton’s illustrations pull you into a world that for all of its strangeness feels somehow familiar. It captures the essence of life’s absurdites. There is comfort in the sad, weird little beings that populate his imagination - a silent statement that it is ok to be different, and that it is ok to laugh at the oddness life brings us from birth. But his need to draw reaches far beyond his films. It permeates his life, his thoughts and observations flowing from pen and brush into his sketchbooks, which pile up, stuffed into every corner. For the first time, Burton has allowed his fans a broad look inside his private pages. The Art of Tim Burton is the definitive compilation of forty years of Tim Burton’s artistry, including film concepts and hundreds of illustrations from his personal archives, edited under the creative guidance of Burton himself. This comprehensive 434 page book is grouped into thirteen chapters that examine common themes in Burton’s work, from his fascination with clowns to his passion for misunderstood monsters, to his delight in the oddities of people. Many of Burton’s friends and collaborators offer their thoughts, insight and anecdotes about Tim Burton’s style and artistic approach to life. Artwork from the following films are included in this book: Alice in Wonderland (2010), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Corpse Bride (both 2005), Big Fish (2003), Planet of the Apes (2001), Sleepy Hollow, (1999), Mars Attacks! (1996), Ed Wood (1994), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Batman Returns (1992), Edward Scissorhands (1990), Family Dog (1987), Batman (1989), Beetle Juice (1988), Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985), Frankenweenie (1984), Vincent (1982), & Hansel & Gretel (1982). The book also contains additional drawings from his illustrated book of poetry The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories (1997), and from The World of Stainboy web shorts (2000).
  • 收藏宫崎峻


  • Star Wars Complete Cross-Sections

    作者:Curtis Saxton,Kerrie

    This amazing title unites all four Incredible Cross-Sections books in one volume, enlarged and updated with brand-new illustrations-including the TIE bomber, Imperial shuttle, A-wing, and B-wing-along with revised technical introductions, behind-the-scenes pages, glossary, and index. (c) 2006 Lucasfilm Ltd. and TM AUTHOR BIO: Hans Jenssen Hans Jenssen has spent the last nine years in a galaxy far, far away, co-illustrating a total of ten Star Wars books with Richard Chasemore, with whom he has developed a close friendship. They have traveled across three continents, sampled exotic beverages with Boba Fett, and partied with R2-D2. He now lives a quiet life in Devon, England, with his partner and young son. RICHARD CHASEMORE Richard Chasemore has worked as an illustrator and 3-D computer artist in the United States and Europe, most notably on DK's Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections and, Inside the Worlds of the Star Wars series . Lately he has written educational books for budding digital artists. He lives on the south coast of England, where he enjoys sports involving boards and high speeds!
  • The Art of Avatar

    作者:Lisa Fitzpatrick

    Academy Award-winning writer/director James Cameron, the maker of Titanic and the creator of the Terminator series, has been crafting Avatar for over four years. The film follows the story of an ex-marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on a distant planet filled with exotic life forms. As an avatar, a human consciousness in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people. The Art of Avatar, the companion book to this epic 3-D action adventure, explores the developmental and conceptual art used by the creative team to create the original world of Avatar. With over 100 exclusive full-color images including sketches, matte paintings, drawings, and film stills, The Art of Avatar reveals the process behind the creation of set designs for the imaginative vistas, unique landscapes, aerial battle scenes, bioluminescent nights, and fantastical creatures. Interviews with art directors, visual effects designers, animators, costume designers, and creature makers bring insight into this creative process. The Art of Avatar brings readers behind the scenes of this unprecedented moviegoing experience.
  • Tim Burton

    作者:Jenny He,Ron Maglioz

    Published to accompany a major career retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art, this book considers Burton's career as an artist and filmmaker. It narrates the evolution of his creative practices, following the current of his visual imagination from his earliest childhood drawings through his mature oeuvre. Illustrated with works on paper, moving-image stills, drawn and painted concept art, puppets and maquettes, storyboards, and examples of his work as a graphic artist, this book sheds new light on Burton and presents previously unseen works from the artist's personal archive. Includes 64 color illustrations.
  • The Art of the Matrix

    作者:Larry Wachowski,Andy

    The Art of The Matrix goes beyond the film. But you cannot be told what this book is...you have to see it for yourself! The most unusual one-of-a-kind giftbook of the season, and the first and only book licensed by the creators of this awesome film--this is the complete pre-production archive of artwork and conceptual drawings, along with the script and commentary in the artists' own voices, in a beautifully printed, large format book, four-color throughout--long awaited by Matrix fans worldwide. Grossing more than $400 million worldwide, ranked as one of the all-time top-selling home video releases with over 2,000,000 DVDs sold, and winner of four Academy Awards--Best Visual Effects, Best Film Editing, Best Sound, Best Sound Effects Editing-- The Matrix has proven to be nothing short of a phenomenon. The tale of Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), a computer hacker forced to confront his special destiny in the salvation of mankind, challenged our perceptions of reality and expanded our expectations of what a movie could be. Spencer Lamm writes in his introduction: "This book was created to express some sense of the massive planning that went into the film. It showcases the bulk of the artwork, presenting a close approximation of what was shown to the studio...Combining all the art, the Wachowskis were able to walk people through the script [219 scenes] producing, essentially, a 400-page giant comic book. Initially a tool to sell the picture, it became a detailed map for production." Exclusive to this volume are: * The complete shooting script by writers/directors Larry & Andy Wachowski * The complete B&W storyboards (700+) by Steve Skroce ( Spider-Man, Wolverine ) * The complete color storyboards by Tani Kunitake ( Armageddon, 12 Monkeys ) * The complete and intensely intricate conceptual illustrations by Geof Darrow ( Hard Boiled, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot ), presented in four double-sided gatefolds * Introduction by Zach Staenberg, Oscar-winning Film Editor * Afterword by William Gibson, author of Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive , and All Tomorrow's Parties * 32-page color photo album of memorable stills and posters * Commentary by all the artists about their work on the film, interviewed especially for this book * Also: Thumbnail sketches by the Wachowski Brothers, deleted script excerpts, scene notes by Phil Oosterhouse (assistant to the Wachowski Brothers), three cut storyboard sequences, film credits. * 488 pages (including 4 double-sided gatefolds and 32 page photo section). 8 38" x 10 78". Over 1000 illustrations. Complete storyboards and conceptual drawings, screenplay, more than 30 movie photos, posters, credits. Four-color printing throughout. "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." --Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), from the shooting script of The Matrix The Matrix motion picture artwork and photography copyright (c) 2000 Warner Bros. All rights reserved.
  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles, Creatures & Characters


    The ultimate celebration of the first Hobbit movie reveals the culmination of the creative vision for the film through exclusive interviews with the designers, cast and crew, and more than 500 previously unpublished photographs, written and designed by the team at Weta Workshop. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles - Creatures and Characters explores the amazing cast of heroes and villains, beasts and beings that populate Middle-earth in the first chapter of Peter Jackson's film adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Richly illustrated with behind-the-scenes photographs, digital renders and film stills, this comprehensive book goes species by species, character by character, through the film's huge ensemble of characters and bustling menagerie of creatures, both physical and digital, telling the stories of how each came to be realized for the film. In first-hand quotes from the actors, make-up artists, digital effects artists, dialect coaches, prosthetics technicians, movement coach and many other crew, the stories of the production unfold, processes are described and insights into characters shared. As a bonus feature, unique to this book, there is a special fold-out Character Size Chart, which compares all the major creatures and characters of the film, from Radagast's hedgehog friend to the towering Stone Giants! Compiled by Weta Workshop designer Daniel Falconer, and featuring a wealth of stunning imagery, this book puts the reader face to face with the Dwarf heroes of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the dark denizens of Middle-earth, such as Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and Wargs, and of course, the hobbit himself, Bilbo Baggins.