

  • Lesbian Sex

    作者:Jude Schell

  • Lesbian Sex

    作者:Jude Schell

  • 振動的高潮-享受按摩棒健康安全的性愛情.


    電動按摩器激發、滿足了女性的感官情慾,甚至帶給女人前所未有的性高潮,使它在女人的性生活中逐漸佔有一席之地。如今有數百萬按摩器的愛好者--不管是男是女,將它視為性愛良伴,各式各樣不同造型、功能、大小、材質的按摩器不斷推陳出新,透過網路、郵購、情趣商店進入個人生活中。本書作者將多年來跟許多按摩器愛好者彼此分享心得、交換意見的成果,結集成這本知識與實用兼具的按摩器指南,內容含蓋了按摩器選購、保養,以及如何健康安全的使用以增進性愛情趣等重要章節,鼓勵男人跟女人勇於嘗試,開拓自己的情慾世界,探索性愛的歡愉。作者簡介 喬安妮.布蘭克(Joani Blank) 在一九七七年,喬安妮.布蘭克成立了全美國第一家電動按摩器專賣店,店名叫做「美好振動」(Good Vibrations)。身為電動按摩器的愛好者與收藏者,喬安妮時常開玩笑說,她握著按摩棒開發個人情慾的潛能,長年摸索得來的寶貴經驗,足以寫成一本書。這就是那本書。安.懷登(Ann Whidden) 是「美好振動」的資深員工,不僅賣出了好幾千支的電動按摩器,也發表了許多關於按摩器與其他性愛玩具的文章。
  • G点


    ◎紐約時報暢銷書.全球超過19個國家、逾數百萬女性都知道G點的重要性。 這個點,連醫師也未必搞得清楚;有人比喻為性敏感區域、有人形容為愛的觸紐! 以前妳或許不知道這個點叫什麼名字,但它真的存在。 聽說女人的G點就如同男人的攝護腺? 女人也會有自然射精現象? 女人可以有多次連續性高潮?… 一九五○年,德國醫師葛瑞芬柏格公布一個新發現──在陰道前壁有一個性敏感區域,能喚醒女性的情慾。可惜這個發現在當時並未引起重視,沒沒塵封了三十二年…… 直到一九八二年,三位心理學者共同出版了一本書,重提葛瑞芬柏格的發現,但是這次不一樣了……作者訪問女人,讓她們描述性愛時的感受,嘗試從女性的觀點出發,找出女人的性滿足,而不再是依照男性經驗建立的模式,告訴女人她們應該有什麼樣的感覺。 G點這本書,是第一本以臨床實證證實G點的位置,書中許多實用資訊,可以幫大家認識這個常被誤解的女性情慾地帶。新插圖清楚易懂,並提供展現性感潛力所需的實用指引。這本革命性的著作,將為你和你的性伴侶開啟通往如上雲端的新感官世界。 三十歲的醫師太太: 最能讓我感到興奮的是陰莖只進入陰道的一半或三分之一時。現在我知道為什麼了,因為進到一半或三分之一時,正好刺激到我的「神奇G點」。 三十多歲的研究生: 我因為脊椎受傷,胸部以下癱瘓。醫師一直告訴我我不可能有「正常」的高潮,但G點的研究幫我描述我的高潮,我很感興趣。 三十六歲、結婚十四年的女士: 我做愛時會射出液體,無論是前戲或是性交時都會,我一直覺得很奇怪。射出的液體聞起來沒有什麼味道,顏色透明,所以我認為射出的液體應該不是尿。我的確感受到你所說的那個點,丈夫依照我的反應找到它,謝謝幫我找回自信。 育有四子的二十七歲女士: 當我得知肌肉狀態的重要性以後,我回想自己的病史……第二胎難產後,我大笑或咳嗽時就會漏尿。謝謝你們絕佳的指導,我開始自己練習骨盆腔底肌肉運動,兩個月內,我可以放心咳嗽、打噴嚏或大笑。不再用衛生護墊以防萬一了。 一對老夫老妻: 我的天啊!你們這些人直到現在才發現G點嗎?我太太和我結婚五十一年了,新婚不到半年,就發現這個特殊的部位。我們為它取名為「兔鼻子」,現在也還是一樣。 三十二歲的女士: 我先生習慣在做愛時問我「你興奮嗎?你到高潮了嗎?」我實在不喜歡這樣。應該不用開口問就能感覺到才對。現在你猜他說什麼?「你射精了嗎?射了嗎?」我真想揍他……但我沒真的打下去。 鄭丞傑:「這是一本二十多年來難得的性學經典,提供了有關女性性解剖和性生理的新觀點,值得醫師、性諮商師、性教育者,以及所有希望追求美滿性生活的成年男女仔細閱讀並身體力行。」──(美國舊金山人類性學高級研究院性醫學博士)
  • Bites XXL


    Giovanni, renowned photographer in Milan’s fashion industry, felt the deep need to produce something lasting along side of his extremely short-lived and fleeting fashion photography. Since his first publication of Bites in 2005 his artworks – hyms to the male sex organ – have sold many thousands times.
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask

    作者:David R. Reuben

    The original edition of Dr. David Reuben's Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask is the most famous and successful book on human sexuality ever published. A #1 bestseller in over fifty-one countries, it has been read and enjoyed by more than 100 million people in virtually every country in the world. For more than thirty years, this modern classic has become part of our lives. It has made our sexual experiences more satisfying, our marriages more robust, and given our children a healthy and realistic attitude toward sex. Now Dr. Reuben has written an All New Edition of this timeless work. Based on the latest medical and scientific discoveries drawn from thousands of medical journals and scientific research projects, this edition is the ideal source of up-to-the-second sexual knowledge for the twenty-first century. The same sparkling sense of humor, the same charming irreverence, and the same fearless honesty as the original edition are still there. But the same easy-to-read question-and-answer format includes96.9% totally new material--much of it never before published in book form. Discover new and useful information on every page--information that you can use immediately to make your sexual experiences more exciting, more fulfilling, and above all, safe, than ever before. You'll find everything you always wanted to know about Male Sexual Organs, Female Sexual Organs, Sexual Intercourse, Abortion, Birth Control, Homosexuality, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and much more. But that's not all. One of the appealing things about sex is that it's fun--really the most fun that you can have. Besides telling you what you want to know about sex, and what you need to know about sex, Dr. Reuben tells you how to make sex more fun more of the time. With good humor, good taste, and good sense, he shows you how to sweep away the mystery of sex and enjoy it to the fullest. At the same time, he shows you how to avoid the traps and snares of sexual life. He shows how "safe sex" doesn't have to be "dull sex" and explains exactly where the dangers are and how to steer around them. By the time you turn the last page of this All New Edition of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask, you will feel the reader who wrote, after reading the original edition: "The book made me laugh, it made me think, it made sex so much better for me. The only thing about the book that made me sad was that it ended too send!" Here are only a few of the thousands of exciting and useful items of interest about sex that you'll find in the All New Edition of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask The two sexually transmitted diseases that can give you cancer How a condom can give you AIDS--and how to avoid it How a man can actually grow a new foreskin and why he shouldn't The simple laboratory test that can indicate if a man is having sex with another woman How to avoid the famous "Honest Maid Letter" that can wreck your marriage Plastic surgery on the sexual organs--why millions of Americans line up for it Why those cute animal characters in shopping centers may be a sexual threat to your children Why you shouldn't brush your teeth within four hours of going out on a date!
  • Guide to Getting It On!

    作者:Paul Joannides

    There is no better how-to book on sex. Anywhere. We can say this with pride, because the book is that good. With six new chapters, 24 new illustrations and more than 4,500 updates and changes, this 7th edition of the category-leading Guide to Getting It On continues to earn its place as America's most up-to-date and informative book about sex. CHANGES WITH THIS EDITION INCLUDE: 24 new illustrations 192 new pages (1,184 pages total vs 992 for the prior edition)
  • She Comes First

    作者:Ian Kerner

    As women everywhere will attest, when it comes to understanding female sexuality, most guys know more about what's under the hood of a car than under the hood of a clitoris. And while it seems that men have struggled valiantly since the dawn of time to find ways to reliably elicit the female orgasm, rare is the guy who has the modesty to ask: "What do I do?" Ironically, the answer has always been right there on the tip of his tongue. Welcome to the world of SHE COMES FIRST, where the mystery of female satisfaction is solved and the tongue is proven mightier than the sword. According to Ian Kerner, clinical sexologist and evangelist of the female orgasm, oral sex has long been deemed an optional aspect of foreplay, but, in fact, it's coreplay -- simply the best way for leading a woman through the entire process of sexual response. Fun, informative, and easy to read, SHE COMES FIRST is a virtual encyclopedia of female pleasure, detailing dozens of tried-and-true techniques for consistently satisfying a woman and illustrated step-by-step instructions to ensure success. These simple methods represent a new era in sexual intimacy, one in which the exchange of pleasure occurs on a level playing field and fulfillment is mutual. SHE COMES FIRST exuberantly offers a fresh new sexual philosophy that inspires every man to make a mantra of Rhett Butler's infamous line to Scarlett O'Hara, "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how."
  • 享受吧!一個人的SEX

    作者:Sally Q

    這本書正在撼動全世界的性愛觀! 最激情!最赤裸!最活生生! 千萬網友狂力相「頂」, Sally Q的情趣體驗處女秀 「從小我就很清楚自己性慾很強!」 DON'T SHY~~~!! 就讓閱情趣用品無數的Sally Q老師帶你開發自己的敏感帶! 眼界大開!史上最完整的情趣用品蒐藏‧親身體驗報告 大家都需要情趣玩具!? 『我已經很強了,不需要這種東西。』『冷冰冰的東西,沒有溫度,太虛假了!』『我男朋友有大鵰(笑)、號稱一夜N次郎呢~』『我不能對不起我老婆!』『我提不起性慾…..』『我是出家人…..』食色性也!這些都不是理由! 透過情趣用品‧重新認識你的性感帶大聲面對自己的慾望吧!
  • Position Of The Day Playbook


    最受歡迎的專欄集結,不僅有趣,它更是一本最實用的工具書。 本書的作者Lorelei Sharkey說:「當我們決定把Nerve.com上面的每日一姿勢專欄〈Position of the Day〉集結的時候,我沒有想到兩人之間可以有那麼多種性愛的姿勢」。在每日一姿勢的專欄開始的時候,因為搭配了相當有趣的插圖讓這個專欄受到相當多人的閱讀與迴響,因此在這專欄告一段落後,Chronicle Books出版這本對男女之間性愛姿勢的生活趣味書。 當中不管你是性愛新手,或是識途老馬,當中都有相當多的建議姿勢提供,並且還有許多輔助工具的使用相關介紹與性愛小技巧。如果你覺得和你的另外一半的「性姿勢」枯燥乏味,那就趕快買一本吧!
  • 性愛聖經

    作者:Alex Comfort

    本書精采圖文試閱→【第二章:開胃菜】 性愛聖經,書中的所有姿勢,作者都親身驗證 這本書共分為六章,從性愛的原料、開胃菜、主餐、調味、場地、健康等章節逐一探索。作者強調性愛就像一場好玩的遊戲,要有淘氣的態度跟勇於嘗試的心情。作者大概就是最調皮的頑童,已經親身實驗過每一種遊戲,所以只要讀者肯放心下場玩,本書中所有招式全部行得通。 性愛聖經,是紐約圖書館失竊率第二高的書 美國《Library Journal》圖書雜誌調查,什麼樣的書在圖書館最容易失竊,在紐約市立圖書館,它的失竊率僅低於聖經。而根據全美74間市立圖書館統計,《性愛聖經》的失竊率始終高居榜上。的確,性愛書籍自有一定的吸引力,但是沒有一本比得過《性愛聖經》。 性愛聖經,在全球已經銷售八百萬本 1972年這本書出版後,引起社會轟動,在那保守的年代,作者不僅開風氣之先,在書中宣揚性愛的美好,還提供了詳細的圖文解說。在這30多年間,內容陸續更新,在全球已經銷售超過八百萬本,這項輝煌紀錄還沒有任何一本性書可以比擬。★16K,304頁,硬殼精裝,部分彩頁 作者簡介 Alex Comfort 是位人類學家兼醫學博士,除了在性學研究是先驅者之一,也發表過小說、詩集,還是醫學界抗老化領域的先鋒,出版了50多本著作以及多項科學論文。但是因為《性愛聖經》實在太紅了,以至於大家都忘了他其實還是位貨真價實的學者。
  • 你不可不做的爱爱101式


    史上最杀性林秘籍 最fun的体位 最野的挑逗 最激的高潮 100种招式+1种独门自创 =101爱爱大图解! 内容简介 你是否有十八般武艺和无限的精力无处发泄…还是觉得和另一半之间少了些情趣,本书集结了中国老祖宗的闺房秘籍素女经、传说中由印度神明流传下来的性爱宝典爱经和从古至今坊间口耳相传各种的男女爱爱招术…等等,如传教士式、因陀罗妻子式、取悦式、清喉式……等爱爱招术,招招爆笑、式式咸湿,同时搭配画风独树一格的BO2插画,图解各种精采体位,一看就懂,书中还有附上作者亲身解说的「爱的小天使」与「爱的小恶魔」,让你爱到深处无怨尤。
  • 雲端漫舞坦陀羅:狂喜性愛修行指南


    ├ 書 籍 簡 介 雲端漫舞坦陀羅= 簡單易學+保證有效+銷魂性愛 是一套結合身心靈修行的性愛瑜伽,數千年前起源於印度,為陰陽協調之道,深受亞洲王公貴族們喜愛,可以為愛侶帶來心靈平靜、放鬆身體並注入源源不絕的能量,體驗天人合一的銷魂性愛。 ├ 書 籍 詳 介 《雲端漫舞坦陀羅》是性愛權威瑪格.阿南德,將東方古老的坦陀羅精神,結合西方的臨床性學、人文主義和心理學,演繹而成的一本符合現代生活的性愛技巧修行指南。 書中15項精妙的雲端漫舞坦陀羅技巧練習,皆以詳細而明確的步驟及插圖加以說明,不僅簡單易學,效用還擴及身心靈三個層面。
  • 100下


    ◎衝擊全世界!十七歲女孩的真實性愛告白 ◎義大利最快速竄紅的少女作家席捲全世界的處女作 ◎超過20國出版,全球狂銷200萬冊! ◎義大利銷售超過100萬冊,德國上市一個月即熱賣20萬冊睡覺前,頭髮要梳一百下,就像所有的公主一樣。 我拿起梳子,仔細地梳一百下,我的秀髮將會恢復原有的光澤;我的雙唇,也將重現小女孩般的柔嫩;我的吻,充滿甜美的愛戀……雖然我渾身仍散發著性慾的味道。 「我缺少的是愛,希望你輕撫我的髮絲,我最想要的是能溫暖我心的視線。」你現在十七歲嗎?你曾經十七歲嗎? 你曾以為,肉體妥協就可以換來真愛嗎?十七歲的梅麗莎,青春宛如一朵嬌美的粉紅玫瑰,她選擇用鮮嫩的肉體,替苦悶的青春找出口。她對愛情充滿憧憬,她以為,肉體的妥協或許可以換來真愛…… 她說:從來沒有人了解過我的心思,我會大方讓所有的男人享受我的肉體,因為說不定他們可以嚐出我的憤怒與辛酸;又或許他們會因此施捨一點溫柔給我。然後,他們會迷戀我的熱情,終至無法自拔的地步。 其實,她的夢想和所有懷春少女一樣:遇到白馬王子,共譜浪漫戀曲。 獻出肉體之後,真愛是否就會降臨呢?梅麗莎是否因而能找到白馬王子呢? 2001年12月3日 凌晨4:30 我的口腔裡,混合了五種味道,五個男人的五個味道。一種味道,一個人生;每吞下一口,就多吞了一份恥辱……赤裸裸地置身在他們之中,我覺得自己屬於另一個陌生的世界。後來,當我走出那棟房子時,我那已經破碎的心裡,早已藏著不可告人的羞恥。 2002年2月19日 22:30 我們倆邊講電話邊自慰。我的下面從來沒有這麼飽滿過,我的手指,化作他的手指,慢慢插進我體內,雖然我們相隔遙遠,卻感覺如此接近,我甚至可以聞到他暖熱的古龍水香味,同時也想像他的「味道」。十點十五分一到,他準時喊停: 「晚安了,羅麗!」 「晚安,老師!」 2002年5月4日 蕾蒂西亞也過來了,她從我身後抱住我,雙唇吻著我的脖子。 我轉過身來,她的雙唇馬上迎上來:好柔、好軟、好細緻的雙唇啊!現在我終於了解,為什麼男人那麼癡迷女人的吻:女人的嘴唇是如此純潔、如此天真,偏偏我遇見的男人總是猴急地馬上伸進舌頭,讓我淌了滿嘴口水。紐約時報:「一本小書,卻帶來極大衝擊!……讀者們儘管狼吞虎嚥就是了。」 義大利《快報》:「義大利終於出現第一本自傳體情色小說,這本書不但足以媲美法國作家凱瑟琳•米雷的暢銷名作,引起的迴響甚至更廣泛。」 義大利書評Gazzeta del Sud:「震撼人心……沒錯,用來形容這本書,這是最完美的字眼。」 西班牙《前衛報》:「主角濫交後所承受的煎熬令人感傷,書中對青少年誤入歧途的真實描寫,同樣讓人不忍。」
  • Sex Position Sequences

    作者:Susan Austin

    HOT. HOTTER. EXPLOSIVE! Not all sex positions are equal. Some are great for increasing arousal but not a good way to finish. Others are difficult to perform but offer a sensation like nothing else. Classics like missionary, doggy and cowgirl are great for achieving an orgasm but can become boring if that’s all you do night after night. How can you experience the best elements of each and every sex position? Don’t do just one — do a whole sequence! This book’s revolutionary approach to sex guides you position-by-position from arousal to building excitement to orgasmic finish like nothing you have ever experienced before. Sex Position Sequences shows how to master 60 different positions and transition from one position to the next so the mood only gets hotter and hotter right up to the heart-pounding climax.
  • 搞定男人


    這一次,換男同志出馬…… 繼去年推出《搞定女人——女同志給男人的性愛指導》之後,這次立場對調,改由男同志出面指導女人的性愛技巧。 女人與男同志原本就是站在同一陣線的戰友,戰鬥目標一致,由此激發而來的性愛攻略,自然是彈無虛發。 因為男同志不僅清楚自己的性喜好,也知道其他男人的性喜好,男同志懂得的竅門與深入玩法,恐怕連異性戀男人都要嚇一跳。 抓住男人的胃絕對不夠,現在練就的功夫要是能抓住男人的下半身! 女人的全身都是快感來源,不過男性的快感百分之九十還是取決於他的小弟弟,所以這本書跟前一本《搞定女人》最大的差別就在於此,如何照顧好男人的「硬葛格」是本書的精髓所在,陰莖基礎教學自然不可免,口交與手技與蛋蛋玩法更是重點章節。 男人不好意思說出口的要求,女人不敢問的細節,都來本書找解決方法! 妳真的知道怎麼打手槍嗎? 手的力道該怎麼掌控呢? 妳常常冷落了他的蛋蛋嗎? 妳知道男人的奶頭也是有快感的嗎? 到底男人的高潮的生理與心理反應是怎麼回事? 這些細節,男人通常說不出口,女人也不好問得太徹底。 本書剛好可以成為溝通橋樑。 節自書中的絕妙技巧: ——「嗡嗡嗡」是另一種他可能會喜歡的輕度感官刺激。 「嗡嗡嗡」其實只不過是在妳口交的時候,發出呻吟或嗡嗡嗡的聲音。 它會在妳的喉嚨間產生震動,然後進一步將這震動傳到他的老二上。 妳不需要在口交的時候演唱世界名曲,只需要從喉嚨間發出低沉的呻吟震動,就已經很足夠了。 試著變化妳呻吟的音高,營造不同的刺激感。 ——龜頭背面的部位,或許是整根老二最敏感的地帶。龜頭的刺激摩擦,會讓男人處在一種戰慄的愉悅當中,讓他一面呻吟,一面發抖。 想像一下妳在跟小狗玩的時候,撫摸牠的肚子,牠的腿也會抽蓄。男人和小狗,性質是很接近的。
  • My Undoing

    作者:Aiden Shaw

    For the first time, porn legend Aiden Shaw takes fans behind-the-scenes to the gay adult film world that made him a star. My Undoing ventures from locales such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and London, to the sets of premiere studios like Falcon, Catalina, and Studio 200. Yet, this is not the typical adult film memoir, where stars drop names and titillate readers with explicit moments. Although My Undoing shares in unsparing detail all the hot stories about the sex and drugs that fueled Aiden's life, it more profoundly follows him through a course of rocky and unfulfilling relationships. As Aiden eloquently and often humorously points out, the romantic life of an adult film superstar is sometimes lonely and lacking in love. But not love only in the form of a relationship, rather also love from within himself. The book is equally moving for his revelations about his Irish Catholic family, his Positive HIV status in the sex industry, and his recovery from a near fatal car accident that left him temporarily paralyzed.
  • Sid Vicious

    作者:Malcolm Butt

    No one embodied the Sex Pistols raw, anarchic excesses like bassist Sid Vicious. Told from an insider's perspective, "Sid Vicious: Rock 'n' Roll Star covers the brief life of punk's original poster boy including everything from Vicious's lowly beginning as the only child of a drug-addicted parent to his obsession with violence and the notorious death of girlfriend Nancy Spungen. New material and numerous photographs capture the extremes of this charismatic rebel who crashed and burned at 21.
  • 性愛夜店


    這是一個真實的故事:德妮絲,一個來自鄉下的女孩,到了花都巴黎。她拍過真槍實彈的A片,是個聞名全法的色情片女星;她開了兩家伴侶交換俱樂部,是性愛自由主義者的教主;她在肉慾橫流的世界裡,找到了安身立命之處;這是不羈還是罪愆? 女主角德妮絲原本是一位鄉下女孩,長期為女性運動努力奮鬥,是法國色情電影界頂尖的著名女演員,而且經營巴黎地區最為聲名狼籍的兩間神祕性愛夜店──106俱樂部和41俱樂部長達二十年,許多政商名流和影視明星都是她的座上賓。 作者身為德妮絲的密友之一,透過靈動而鮮活的文字將她的一生詳細地描繪勾勒出來,並且讓大家了解到法國近代對於性與道德的演進開放過程,揭開在道貌岸然的社會規範下為人所不知的藏污納垢面。
  • How to Make Love Like a Porn Star

    作者:Jenna Jameson,Neil S

    When the stewardess brought me off the plane in a wheelchair, I lowered my head. I was too scared to even look at my father. I didn't want to see the disappointment and horror on his face. All that hate I had accumulated for him over the years, all the resentment against him for not understanding what I was going through, just released with the tears. "So, where are your parents?" the stewardess asked me after a few minutes. "I can't wait here with you much longer." I looked up and wiped my eyes. My father was standing ten feet away. He didn't even recognize me. In the underbelly of Las Vegas, a cesspool of warring biker gangs and seedy strip clubs transformed the gawky, brace-faced Jenna Massoli into the bombshell Jenna Jameson. Today, Jenna Jameson is the biggest star in the history of adult movies, consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful women alive. But behind the glamour and the meteoric rise to fame was a path paved with tragedy and heartbreak. As a teenager drawn into a chaotic world ruled by rape, abuse, and murder, Jenna plunged into a downward spiral of addiction, even as she became one of the most photographed women in adult magazines. Determined to overcome this past, Jenna rebounded in the adult-film business, where she encountered sadistic directors, experienced lovers of both sexes, amorous celebrities (from Howard Stern to Marilyn Manson to Tommy Lee), bitter rival starlets, and finally, glory, as she went on to become the biggest porn star the world has ever seen. But her struggle for happiness did not end when the accolades began. For years she wrestled with her resentment at her estranged father, the loneliness of growing up from the age of two without a mother, and her enduring childhood desire to find a man who could give her the security and love she never had. Her unforgettable memoir is many things at once: a shocking sexual history, an insider's guide to the secret workings of the billion-dollar adult-film industry, and a gripping thriller that probes deep into Jenna's dark past. An unparalleled exploration of sexual freedom, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star ventures far beyond the flesh, into the heart-shredding tragedies and adrenaline-pumping triumphs of a woman who has already lived a hundred lifetimes. Always witty and humorous even as she faces the demons of her past, Jenna offers hilarious anecdotes about one of the most controversial businesses in history, and shares outrageous advice, including her ten commandments of dating and sex, how to become a "suitcase pimp," and how to make it in the business as a female (or a male). Add to this never-before-seen photographs from Jenna's private collection and others taken exclusively for this book, and the result is certain to be one of the most talked-about books of the year.