

  • Patti Smith

    作者:Talbott, Susan; Smit

    This captivating selection of 70 intimate black and white photographs convey Patti Smith's singular experience as a photographer as it relates to many facets of her fascinating life and career. Exquisitely designed and produced, "Patti Smith: Camera Solo" accompanies the first museum exhibition of the artist's photography in the United States. Using either a vintage Land 100 or a Land 250 Polaroid camera, Smith photographs subjects inspired by her connections to poetry and literature as well as pictures that honour the personal effects of those she admires or loves. In the catalogue's interview, conducted by Susan Lubowsky Talbott, the artist talks about her "respect for the inanimate object" as well as the talismanic qualities of things in her life. We see, for instance, a picture of Mapplethorpe's slippers or a porcelain cup that belonged to her father, and are drawn into their intimacy and quiet power. Moreover, these images reveal how the camera has proven to be a means for Smith to retreat - undisturbed - to "a room of my own". From her explorations as a visual artist in the 1960s and 70s and her profound influence on the nascent punk rock scene in the late 1970s and 80s, to "Just Kids", her National Book Award-winning memoir of life with her beloved friend Robert Mapplethorpe, Smith continues to make an indelible mark on the American cultural landscape.
  • Patti Smith

    作者:Stafanko, Frank/ Smi

  • M Train

    作者:Patti Smith

    M Train is a journey through eighteen "stations." It begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. We then travel, through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations: from Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico, to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; from the ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith buys just before Hurricane Sandy hits, to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation, alongside signature memories including her life in Michigan with her husband, guitarist Fred Sonic Smith, whose untimely death was an irremediable loss. For it is loss, as well as the consolation we might salvage from it, that lies at the heart of this exquisitely told memoir, one augmented by stunning black-and-white Polaroids taken by Smith herself. M Train is a meditation on endings and on beginnings: a poetic tour de force by one of the most brilliant multiplatform artists at work today.
  • 時光列車

    作者:佩蒂·史密斯(Patti Smith)

    當人們都期待著看她怎麼超越上一本得獎傑作《只是孩子》,深諳自由真諦的佩蒂‧史密斯選擇率性為自己而寫。不寫續集,走出創新的文體。從公寓對街的伊諾咖啡館開始,回望對她個人重要的十八段旅程。惹內的牢、芙烈達卡羅的藍房、心愛的舊外套、村上春樹的發條鳥、已故的丈夫和漁船,還有影響過她的普拉絲、三島由紀夫、芥川龍之介… 擺脫時空侷限,搖滾詩人得以不老,紐約柏林倫敦坦吉爾,隨時在路上,只要有咖啡、書以及心愛的警探影集。經典的Horses專輯發行至今四十年,面對逝去的摯愛、一點一點離開的人事物,她用誠實和幽默來看待,外套、咖啡館、朋友與過往…總有留不住的,但總也有留得下來的。 能留下的是什麼?閱讀龐克教母佩蒂用無偽的真性情吟唱日常的神聖、純粹的不凡。我們一點一滴有了答案。
  • 只是孩子


    「我們會怎麼樣呢?」佩蒂問。 「我們會永遠在一起。」羅柏答。 這是關於一個男孩和一個女孩,在紐約從相遇到相愛, 從日日掙扎、絕不放棄到各自勇敢站上舞台的傳奇故事 她的歌聲簡單有力,震撼了一整代人,開啟了搖滾革命 她的文字坦白細膩,寫活了一個終生摯愛卻無緣相守的人, 這是佩蒂獻給終生愛人的情書,也是她向純真熱情的紐約致敬之書。 榮獲「2010年美國國家書卷獎」。 《出版人周報》年度十大好書、《紐約時報》年度十大好書、《村聲雜誌》年度最佳出版品、《People雜誌》年度十大好書 1989年3月9日,佩蒂.史密斯(Patti Smith)的終生好友也是曾經的愛人羅柏.梅普索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)走了,佩蒂在好友臨終前,答應他有一天要寫下兩人二十歲在紐約相識相戀並投身創作,掀起時代風雲的故事。 但失落的疼痛,讓佩蒂難以下筆。她停頓了十年。 2000年,佩蒂終於提筆開始寫,整本書開始於兩人愛的故事,結束於生死道別。全書也是向六○年代七○年代的紐約文化致敬,在那裡,在那個充斥富人、窮漢、騙子及壞人的大雜燴城市裡,兩個年輕藝術家,像童話故事裡的孩子一樣在紐約受磨難並成長,她們攜手走向成名,走向創作的巔峰。 2010年1月,歷經二十年的跋涉,本書終於出版。立即橫掃全美排行榜,包括紐約時報、出版者周刊、獨立書商協會、波士頓環球報、北加州獨立書商協會、今日美國報、丹佛郵報、洛杉磯時報、華爾街日報等。這位搖滾龐克教母佩蒂史密斯這回用文字,寫出純真追求者的內心,正如她在書末所說:我把我們的故事說出來,完成我的承諾。這不是一個成名或賺錢的故事,它是我們的人生、藝術、青春掙扎、希望與夢想的完整呈現。 《只是孩子》是身兼作家、詩人、搖滾歌手和藝術家的傳奇人物佩蒂.史密斯首部回憶錄,評論家和讀者一致推崇本書是繼2004年巴布.狄倫《搖滾記》之後最偉大的搖滾歌手回憶錄。本書內附佩蒂.史密斯及羅柏.梅普索普的珍貴攝影及創作照片。
  • Just Kids

    作者:Patti Smith

    Smith's beautifully crafted love letter to her friend Robert Mapplethorpe functions as a memento mori of a relationship fueled by a passion for art and writing. Her elegant eulogy lays bare the chaos and the creativity so embedded in that earlier time and in Mapplethorpe's life and work.
  • Just Kids

    作者:Patti Smith

    In Just Kids, Patti Smith’s first book of prose, the legendary American artist offers a never-before-seen glimpse of her remarkable relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe in the epochal days of New York City and the Chelsea Hotel in the late sixties and seventies. An honest and moving story of youth and friendship, Smith brings the same unique, lyrical quality to Just Kids as she has to the rest of her formidable body of work—from her influential 1975 album Horses to her visual art and poetry.
  • 只是孩子

    作者:[美] 帕蒂•史密斯

    2010年美国最高图书奖“美国国家图书奖”获奖作品 帕蒂•史密斯与罗伯特•梅普尔索普,二十世纪纽约最传奇、最美好的爱情。他们共同的人生,她以此书回忆。 1967年,他们在布鲁克林偶遇,她是离家流浪的女孩,他是荒废学业的男孩; 1969年,他们在切尔西酒店蜗居,她是爱写诗的书店店员,他是爱画画的午夜牛郎; 1971年,在摇滚乐中她越陷越深,在前卫摄影中他逐渐发现自我; 1973年,在CBGB舞台,在摄影暗房,他们于不同的领域各自开创了一个伟大的时代; 1989年,她已成一代朋克摇滚女王,他却因艾滋病离开了这个世界。 1968年的夏天,那是柯川去世的夏天,是爱与骚乱的夏天,也正是在那个夏天,两个刚刚踏上艺术之路的热血青年相遇在布鲁克林。 帕蒂•史密斯会成长为诗人和音乐家,罗伯特•梅普尔索普会将他高度挑衅的个人风格瞄准摄影艺术。他们单纯而热忱,从科尼岛到第42街,最终到“马克斯的堪萨斯城”著名的圆桌、安迪•沃霍尔王朝听政的地方。他们的足迹遍及纽约。1969年,这对情侣在切尔西酒店驻扎下来,迅速融入了那个赫赫有名也声名狼藉者的团体――当时最具影响力的艺术家及其千奇百怪各色族群。那是一个意识格外敏锐的时代,诗歌、摇滚、美术和性政治的世界,相互碰撞、爆发。在这样的环境里,两个孩子般的青年立下了相濡以沫的约定。他们的生活混乱而浪漫,他们献身创作,被共同的梦想所推动,在那段如饥似渴的年月里彼此激励、相互扶持。 《只是孩子》像爱情故事一样开始,如挽歌一般结束。它是向20世纪60年代末至70年代的纽约,向它的贫与富、它的牛郎与恶棍的一次致敬。这是一个真实的神话,两个青年艺术家共同奋斗的写照,一段成名前的序曲。