

  • Interactive Data Visualization for the Web

    作者:Scott Murray

    Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the Web, even if you have no experience with either web development or data visualization. It's easy with this hands-on guide. You'll start with an overview of data visualization concepts and simple web technologies, and then learn how to use D3, a JavaScript library that lets you express data as visual elements in a web page. Interactive Data Visualization for the Web makes these skills available at an introductory level for designers and visual artists without programming experience, journalists interested in the emerging data journalism processes, and others keenly interested in visualization and publicly available data sources. Get a practical introduction to data visualization, accessible for beginners Focus on web-based tools that help you publish your creations quickly to a wide audience Learn about interactivity so you can engage users in exploring your data
  • 编码

    作者:查尔斯•佩措尔德 (Charles Pe

    编码:隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言,ISBN:9787121181184,作者:(美)佩措尔德(Petzold,C.)著 左飞,薛佟佟译
  • 算法竞赛入门经典


  • 别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单

    作者:Excel之家 (Excel Home)

    《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》考虑到大多数读者没有编程基础的实际情况,用浅显易懂的语言和生动形象的比喻,并配合大量插画,介绍excel中看似复杂的概念和代码、从简单的宏录制、vba编程环境和基础语法的介绍,到常用对象的操作与控制、excel事件的调用与控制、用户界面设计、代码调试与优化、都进行了形象的介绍。 《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》适合想提高工作效率的办公人员,特别是经常需要处理、分析大量数据的相关人员,以及财经专业的高校师生阅读。
  • Practical Foundations for Programming Languages

    作者:Robert Harper

    In this innovative book, Professor Robert Harper offers a fresh perspective on the fundamentals of programming languages through the use of type theory. Whereas most textbooks on this subject emphasize taxonomy, Harper instead emphasizes genetics, examining the building blocks from which all programming languages are constructed. The result is an introduction to programming theory that is both accessible and practical.
  • 30天自制操作系统

    作者:[日] 川合秀实

    自己编写一个操作系统,是许多程序员的梦想。也许有人曾经挑战过,但因为太难而放弃了。其实你错了,你的失败并不是因为编写操作系统太难,而是因为没有人告诉你那其实是一件很简单的事。那么,你想不想再挑战一次呢? 这是一本兼具趣味性、实用性与学习性的书籍。作者从计算机的构造、汇编语言、C语言开始解说,让你在实践中掌握算法。在这本书的指导下,从零编写所有代码,30天后就可以制作出一个具有窗口系统的32位多任务操作系统。 本书以课题为主导,边做边玩,抛开晦涩难懂的语言,行文风格十分随性,还充满了各种欢乐的吐槽,适合操作系统爱好者和程序设计人员阅读。
  • 证析


  • Hacker's Delight

    作者:Henry S. Warren

    In Hacker's Delight, Second Edition, Hank Warren once again compiles an irresistible collection of programming hacks: timesaving techniques, algorithms, and tricks that help programmers build more elegant and efficient software, while also gaining deeper insights into their craft. Warren's hacks are eminently practical, but they're also intrinsically interesting, and sometimes unexpected, much like the solution to a great puzzle. They are, in a word, a delight to any programmer who is excited by the opportunity to improve. Extensive additions in this edition include * A new chapter on cyclic redundancy checking (CRC), including routines for the commonly used CRC-32 code * A new chapter on error correcting codes (ECC), including routines for the Hamming code * More coverage of integer division by constants, including methods using only shifts and adds * Computing remainders without computing a quotient * More coverage of population count and counting leading zeros * Array population count * New algorithms for compress and expand * An LRU algorithm * Floating-point to/from integer conversions * Approximate floating-point reciprocal square root routine * A gallery of graphs of discrete functions * Now with exercises and answers
  • Machine Learning for Hackers

    作者:Drew Conway,John Myl

    Now that storage and collection technologies are cheaper and more precise, methods for extracting relevant information from large datasets is within the reach any experienced programmer willing to crunch data. With this book, you'll learn machine learning and statistics tools in a practical fashion, using black-box solutions and case studies instead of a traditional math-heavy presentation. By exploring each problem in this book in depth - including both viable and hopeless approaches - you'll learn to recognize when your situation closely matches traditional problems. Then you'll discover how to apply classical statistics tools to your problem. Machine Learning for Hackers is ideal for programmers from private, public, and academic sectors.
  • Think Complexity

    作者:Allen B. Downey

    Dive into Python's advanced possibilities, including algorithm analysis, graphs, scale-free networks, and cellular automata with this in-depth, hands-on guide. Whether you're an intermediate-level Python programmer, or a student of computational modeling, you'll examine data structures, complexity science, and other fascinating topics through a series of exercises, easy-to-understand explanations, and case studies. Think Complexity presents features that make Python such a simple and powerful language. Author Allen Downey provides code to help you get started, along with a solution for each exercise. With this book, you will: Work with graphs and graph algorithms, NumPy arrays and SciPy methods, basic signal processing and Fast Fourier Transform, and hash tables. Discover complexity science, the field that studies abstract models of complex physical systems, including power laws, fractals and pink noise, and Turing machines. Explore the philosophy of science through the models and results in this book about the nature of scientific laws, theory choice, and realism and instrumentalism, and more.
  • Mining of Massive Datasets

    作者:Anand Rajaraman,Jeff

    The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and which can be used on even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. The PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web are covered next. Other chapters cover the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. The final chapters cover two applications: recommendation systems and Web advertising, each vital in e-commerce. Written by two authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike.
  • Scaling up Machine Learning

    作者:Bekkerman, Ron; Bile

    This book presents an integrated collection of representative approaches for scaling up machine learning and data mining methods on parallel and distributed computing platforms. Demand for parallelizing learning algorithms is highly task-specific: in some settings it is driven by the enormous dataset sizes, in others by model complexity or by real-time performance requirements. Making task-appropriate algorithm and platform choices for large-scale machine learning requires understanding the benefits, trade-offs and constraints of the available options. Solutions presented in the book cover a range of parallelization platforms from FPGAs and GPUs to multi-core systems and commodity clusters, concurrent programming frameworks including CUDA, MPI, MapReduce and DryadLINQ, and learning settings (supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and online learning). Extensive coverage of parallelization of boosted trees, SVMs, spectral clustering, belief propagation and other popular learning algorithms and deep dives into several applications make the book equally useful for researchers, students and practitioners.
  • 智能Web算法

    作者:Haralambos Marmanis,

    本书涵盖了五类重要的智能算法:搜索、推荐、聚类、分类和分类器组合,并结合具体的案例讨论了它们在Web应用中的角色及要注意的问题。除了第1章的概要性介绍以及第7章对所有技术的整合应用外,第2~6章以代码示例的形式分别对这五类算法进行了介绍。 本书面向的是广大普通读者,特别是对算法感兴趣的工程师与学生,所以对于读者的知识背景并没有过多的要求。本书中的例子和思想应用广泛,所以对于希望从业务角度更好地理解有关技术的技术经理、产品经理和管理层来说,本书也有一定的价值。
  • 算法设计与分析


    《算法设计与分析》为计算机科学技术专业核心课程“算法设计与分析”教材.全书以算法设计技术和分析方法为主线来组织各知识单元,主要内容包括基础知识、分治策略、动态规划、贪心法、回溯与分支限界、算法分析与问题的计算复杂度、NP完全性、近似算法、随机算法、处理难解问题的策略等。书中突出对问题本身的分析和求解方法的阐述,从问题建模、算法设计与分析、改进措施等方面给出适当的建议,同时也简要介绍了计算复杂性理论的核心内容和处理难解问题的一些新技术。 《算法设计与分析》有配套的学习指导与习题解析用书以及PPT电子教案。 《算法设计与分析》可作为大学计算机科学与技术、软件工程、信息安全、信息与计算机科学等专业本科生和研究生教学用书,也可以作为从事实际问题求解的算法设计与分析工作的参考书。
  • Learning Deep Architectures for AI

    作者:Bengio, Yoshua

    Theoretical results suggest that in order to learn the kind of complicated functions that can represent high-level abstractions (e.g., in vision, language, and other AI-level tasks), one may need deep architectures. Deep architectures are composed of multiple levels of non-linear operations, such as in neural nets with many hidden layers or in complicated propositional formulae re-using many sub-formulae. Searching the parameter space of deep architectures is a difficult task, but learning algorithms such as those for Deep Belief Networks have recently been proposed to tackle this problem with notable success, beating the stateof- the-art in certain areas. This monograph discusses the motivations and principles regarding learning algorithms for deep architectures, in particular those exploiting as building blocks unsupervised learning of single-layer models such as Restricted Boltzmann Machines, used to construct deeper models such as Deep Belief Networks.
  • R in Action

    作者:Robert Kabacoff

    The ability to interpret and act on the massive amounts of information locked in web and enterprise systems is critical to success in the modern business economy. R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, is a comprehensive package that empowers developers and analysts to capture, process, and respond intelligently to statistical information. R in Action is the first book to present both the R system and the use cases that make it such a compelling package for business developers. The book begins by introducing the R language, and then moves on to various examples illustrating R's features. Coverage includes data mining methodologies, approaches to messy data, R's extensive graphical environment, useful add-on modules, and how to interface R with other software platforms and data management systems.
  • 无线网络安全攻防实战进阶


    面对当前国内企事业单位及SOHO无线网络的飞速发展、智能手机等便携式设备的广泛使用、无线网络犯罪案例日益递增的发展现状,《无线网络安全攻防实战进阶》作为《无线网络安全攻防实战》一书的延续,依然以日趋严峻的无线网络安全为切入,从当前不为多数人所知的无线网络欺骗攻击案例讲起,由浅至深地剖析了无线网络安全及黑客技术涉及的各个深入方面,《无线网络安全攻防实战进阶》分为12章包括无线RADIUS认证体系搭建及攻防、蓝牙攻防实战、PDA/手机渗透及攻防实战、无线欺骗攻击深入实战、新技术高速破解、无线路由器攻防实战、无线网络犯罪取证、新型钓鱼等等。 全书内容衔接《无线网络安全攻防实战》一书,不再重复基础内容环节,而是以全新深入内容及全新案例来提升读者的实际水平。《无线网络安全攻防实战进阶》可以作为军警政机构无线安全人员、专业网络安全公司安全人员、无线评估及规划人员、企业及电子商务无线网络管理员、警务人员计算机犯罪鉴定及现场分析的有力参考,也可以作为高级黑客培训及网络安全认证机构的深入网络安全辅助教材,是安全技术爱好者、无线安全研究者、无线开发人员必备的参考宝典。
  • 与孩子一起学编程

    作者:[美] 桑德Warren Sande,C

    一本老少咸宜的编程入门奇书!一册在手,你完全可以带着自己的孩子,跟随Sande父子组合在轻松的氛围中熟悉那些编程概念,如内存、循环、输入和输出、数据结构和图形用户界面等。这些知识一点儿也不高深,听起来备感亲切,书中言语幽默风趣而不失真义,让学习过程充满乐趣。细心的作者还配上了孩子们都喜欢的可爱漫画和经过运行测试的程序示例,教你用最易编写和最易理解的Python语言,写出你梦想中的游戏程序。 “Hello, World!我来了!”编程乐趣无穷,起点就在脚下,请引导你的孩子走进这奇妙的世界。无论是中小学生还是其他初学者,都可以跟随本书学习Python编程,并过渡到任何其他语言,重要的是你将学会思考问题和解决问题的方法。
  • 数据结构与算法分析

    作者:韦斯(Mark Allen Weiss)

    《数据结构与算法分析:C语言描述》曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之一,作者在数据结构和算法分析方面卓有建树,他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到广泛好评,已被世界500余所大学选作教材。 在《数据结构与算法分析:C语言描述》中,作者精炼并强化了他对算法和数据结构方面创新的处理方法。通过C程序的实现,着重阐述了抽象数据类型的概念,并对算法的效率、性能和运行时间进行了分析。 《数据结构与算法分析:C语言描述》特色:着重讨论了算法设计技巧,包括贪婪算法、分治算法、动态规划、随机化算法以及回溯算法。系统介绍了当前流行的论题和新的数据结构,如斐波那契堆、斜堆、二项队列、跳跃表和伸展树。详细讨论了摊还分析,考查书中介绍的一些高级数据结构。增加了高级数据结构及其实现的内容,包括红黑树、自顶向下伸展树、treap树、k-d树、配对堆等。整合了堆排序平均情况分析的一些新结果。
  • 计算机程序设计艺术

    作者:Donald E.Knuth
