

  • Down Under

    作者:Bill Bryson

    After tales from the USA and Britain, Bill Bryson turns his roving eye to Australia, the only island that is also a continent and the only continent that is also a country. It is the driest, flattest, most desiccated, infertile and climatically aggressive of all the inhabited continents. It has more things that can kill you in a very nasty way that anywhere else. Yet when Bill Bryson travelled to Australia he promptly fell in love with the country. And who can blame him? The people are cheerful, the cities safe and clean, the food is excellent, the beer is cold and the sun nearly always shines. He tries to find out why Aussies are so cool, digging up a past that reveals convicts, explorers, gold diggers and outlaws.
  • The Lost Continent

    作者:Bill Bryson

    An unsparing and hilarious account of one man's rediscovery of America and his search for the perfect small town.
  • Down Under

    作者:Bill Bryson

    It was as if I had privately discovered life on another planet, or a parallel universe where life was at once recognizably similar but entirely different. I can't tell you how exciting it was. Insofar as I had accumulated my expectations of Australia at all in the intervening years, I had thought of it as a kind of alternative southern California, a place of constant sunshine and the cheerful vapidity of a beach lifestyle, but with a slightly British bent - a sort of Baywatch with cricket…' Of course, what greeted Bill Bryson was something rather different. Australia is a country that exists on a vast scale. It is the world's sixth largest country and its largest island. It is the only island that is also a continent and the only continent that is also a country. It is the driest, flattest, hottest, most desiccated, infertile and climatically aggressive of all the inhabited continents and still it teems with life - a large proportion of it quite deadly. In fact, Australia has more things that can kill you in a very nasty way than anywhere else. This is a country where even the fluffiest of caterpillars can lay you out with a toxic nip, where seashells will not just sting you but actually sometimes go for you. If you are not stung or pronged to death in some unexpected manner, you may be fatally chomped by sharks or crocodiles, or carried helplessly out to sea by irresistable currents, or left to stagger to an unhappy death in the baking outback. Ignoring such dangers - yet curiously obsessed by them - Bill Bryson journeyed to Australia and promptly fell in love with the country. And who can blame him? The people are cheerful, extrovert, quick-witted and unfailingly obliging; their cities are safe and clean and nearly always built on water; the food is excellent; the beer is cold and the sun nearly always shines. Life doesn't get much better than this.
  • Neither Here Nor There

    作者:Bill Bryson

    Like many of his generation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies -- in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty years later he decided to retrace the journey he undertook in the halcyon days of his youth. The result is Neither Here Nor There, an affectionate and riotously funny pilgrimage from the frozen wastes of Scandinavia to the chaotic tumult of Istanbul, with stops along the way in Europe's most diverting and historic locales. Like many of his generation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies--in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty years later he decided to retrace the journey he undertook in the halcyon days of his youth. The result is Neither Here Nor There, an affectionate and riotously funny pilgrimage from the frozen wastes of Scandinavia to the chaotic tumult of Istanbul, with stops along the way in Europe's most diverting and historic locales.
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything

    作者:Bill Bryson

    Bill Bryson describes himself as a reluctant traveller: but even when he stays safely in his own study at home, he can't contain his curiosity about the world around him. A Short History of Nearly Everything is his quest to find out everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization - how we got from there, being nothing at all, to here, being us. Bill Bryson's challenge is to take subjects that normally bore the pants off most of us, like geology, chemistry and particle physics, and see if there isn't some way to render them comprehensible to people who have never thought they could be interested in science. It's not so much about what we know, as about how we know what we know. How do we know what is in the centre of the Earth, or what a black hole is, or where the continents were 600 million years ago? How did anyone ever figure these things out? On his travels through time and space, he encounters a splendid collection of astonishingly eccentric, competitive, obsessive and foolish scientists, like the painfully shy Henry Cavendish who worked out many conundrums like how much the Earth weighed, but never bothered to tell anybody about many of his findings. In the company of such extraordinary people, Bill Bryson takes us with him on the ultimate eye-opening journey, and reveals the world in a way most of us have never seen it before.
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything

    作者:Bill Bryson

    One of the world’s most beloved and bestselling writers takes his ultimate journey -- into the most intriguing and intractable questions that science seeks to answer. In A Walk in the Woods , Bill Bryson trekked the Appalachian Trail -- well, most of it. In In A Sunburned Country , he confronted some of the most lethal wildlife Australia has to offer. Now, in his biggest book, he confronts his greatest challenge: to understand -- and, if possible, answer -- the oldest, biggest questions we have posed about the universe and ourselves. Taking as territory everything from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization, Bryson seeks to understand how we got from there being nothing at all to there being us. To that end, he has attached himself to a host of the world’s most advanced (and often obsessed) archaeologists, anthropologists, and mathematicians, travelling to their offices, laboratories, and field camps. He has read (or tried to read) their books, pestered them with questions, apprenticed himself to their powerful minds. A Short History of Nearly Everything is the record of this quest, and it is a sometimes profound, sometimes funny, and always supremely clear and entertaining adventure in the realms of human knowledge, as only Bill Bryson can render it. Science has never been more involving or entertaining.
  • Notes from a Small Island

    作者:Bill Bryson

    此書是作者九○年代的不列顛獨行回顧。 記錄了作者對於居住在不列顛島上長達二?年的生活點滴。以其風趣幽默的筆調,讓讀者瞭解當地的風俗民情以及其經歷的各種奇特有趣的生活。文中對於人、事、物荒謬面的細膩觀察與生動的刻畫,引得書迷捧腹大笑不已。
  • I'm a Stranger Here Myself

    作者:Bill Bryson

    After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they had been abducted by aliens--as he later put it, "it was clear my people needed me"). They were greeted by a new and improved America that boasts microwave pancakes, twenty-four-hour dental-floss hotlines, and the staunch conviction that ice is not a luxury item. Delivering the brilliant comic musings that are a Bryson hallmark, I'm a Stranger Here Myself recounts his sometimes disconcerting reunion with the land of his birth. The result is a book filled with hysterical scenes of one man's attempt to reacquaint himself with his own country, but it is also an extended if at times bemused love letter to the homeland he has returned to after twenty years away.
  • 东西莫辨逛欧洲

    作者:[美] 比尔·布莱森

    比尔•布莱森曾于七十年代初期背着行囊横越欧洲, 二十年多之后,这位因《万物简史》和《“小不列颠”札记》而声名鹊起的畅销书作家,决定再一次经历他在青春岁月中所走过的旅途——于是他背起行囊,带上旧地图和旅行指南以及一份被二十多年的成人经验磨得像刀般锋利的尖刻机智,从奥斯陆出发到达欧陆最北端的城市哈默菲斯特,再一路经过法国、比利时、德国、荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、意大利、瑞士、列支敦士登、奥地利、南斯拉夫、保加利亚,最后抵达雄踞亚欧大陆的伊斯坦布尔。这段旅程成就了本书《东西莫辨逛欧洲》,也成为了比尔•布莱森的扛鼎之作。 书中,布莱森以他坦白得几近残酷、而且幽默绝顶的旅行者之眼,呈现出一个别样的欧陆世界。尽管他的文字风趣横生甚至有些粗俗,甚至丝毫不掩饰行程中的尴尬和低落——他眼里的欧洲一点儿也不完美,瑞典小镇的冬天冷清得要命;意大利极其吝啬出钱维护博物馆;奥地利人民完全忘了二战的血债;瑞士小城昂贵而没意思;南斯拉夫穷得揭不开锅;土耳其太脏太乱……可是他笔下的旅程却又如此令人神往,对布莱森而言,旅行的乐趣远远不止在每处名胜上打钩签到,而是在于陌生的城市、陌生人、陌生的语言所带来的一个崭新的世界。穿插文中记述的另外一段旅程,是他年轻时跟一个性格独特的朋友行历欧洲的纪录,时隔二十多年,虽然他字里行间偶尔也会缅怀旧事,但更多时候仍有孩子气的固执,让人发觉平凡事物和激动人心的东西之间,所差的只是好奇的眼光而已。 本书配有多幅精美照片。