

  • 重庆攻略


  • Rooftops of Paris

    作者:Fabrice Moireau,Carl

    In Rooftops of Paris, Fabrice Moireau - ho has illustrated such titles as Paris Sketchbook, Provence Sketchboo and Gardens of Paris - presents a collection of aerial views over Paris.
  • 冬日漫游 美国山川风物四记之一

    作者:艾温·威·蒂尔,Edwin Way Te

    书名原文:WANDERING THRONGH WINTER; 据香港今日世界出版社中文版排印

    作者:Joe Cummings

    在线阅读本书 Marco Polo thought Sri Lanka was the finest island of its size in all the world - and we agree. Explore the majestic ancient cities of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya. Stretch out on secluded palm-fringed beaches. Follow the glowing strings of lights on the pilgrim trail up Adam's Peak. Ride through hillside tea plantations in a rattling train. This guide gives you the inside information on Sri Lanka's richest experiences. o GET THE LOWDOWN - our dedicated Snapshot, Culture and History chapters are your ticket to understanding local life o GO ON SAFARI - get up close to Sri Lanka's birds, elephants and leopards: our detailed national parks information shows you how o DON'T JUST LIE THERE - we tempt you off the beach with Sri Lanka's best diving, hiking and surfing o KNOW YOUR KITUL FROM YOUR KIRI BATH - our Food & Drink chapter will help you gobble your way through the island's celebrated cuisine o FIND YOUR WAY - easy-to-read maps show you where to go
  • 再苦也要去旅行


    1999年开始背包旅行,到后来2001年正式上路,背上背包,从此走上了一条不归路。屈指一数,原来我在路上也有好几个年头了。这些年来,感觉上好像去了好多地方,搭过数不尽的飞机,巴士和火车,也走过了无数的街道,但看着世界地图,才发现其实也还有很多地方还没去,毕竟这世界是如此的大。 这些年来,背着背包,从这家客栈到另一家客栈,从这个车站到另一个车站,从这个城市到另一个城市,从这个国家到另一个国家。虽然我只是地球上的一个过客,但走过的每一条大街小巷,留下的不只是足迹,还有我的欢笑和眼泪。当中,有的记忆也会随着时光的流失而渐渐淡忘。 在路上,遇到数不尽的旅者,背包旅者当中也可分为很多等级,相比之下,我是属于最苦的一族,有时间,有自由的人,才能做到最苦的旅行。不管是豪华式还是乞丐式的旅行,几乎所有的旅者走了一段时间后,就会回到自己熟悉的地方,开始新的生活。当然也有不少旅者在旅途中找到了落脚处,从此安定下来。 前者,我习惯称他们为背包旅者。剩下的这群少数旅行疯子,我找到了一个比背包旅者更适合的称号,那就是长期旅者。长期旅者,其实就和游牧民族过着一样的生活。 当一个长期旅者,不是别人想像中的洒脱,更没有我想像中的容易。有时,看着世界地图,心里会默默地问自己,都走了那么多年,还不够吗?不累吗?该找个地方安定下来了吧?还有许许多多别人喜欢问我的问题,我都会在一个人的时候,不时反复地问自己。那么多年了,说不累是骗人的,没有想过要稳定下来也是假的。毕竟,一个人的体力是有限的。时间、金钱、毅力、体力、勇气,还有许多附属因素,只要少了一个,随时都会产生放弃的念头。当然,偶尔脑海里也会闪过想要过着安稳生活的冲动,只不过这冲动总是在一瞬间就消失了。 其实,一个人是蛮脆弱的,一个女子的力量更是很有限。每个人都有自己的极限,承受到了一个程度,再也撑不下去时,就会垮下去。其实,早已忘了自己垮了多少次,遇到挫折,狠狠地摔了一跤,痛过后,哭过了,最后还是一步一步慢慢地站了起来。跌倒了再爬起来,虽然有时伤痕累累的,这些埋葬在心里最深处的伤痕,也许时间久了,也会慢慢变淡,但却无法永远消失。尽管如此,我依然选择继续地走了下去。偶尔,也会怀疑自己这到底是哪来的勇气和毅力?不倒翁的性格,这也许跟我天生的固执有关?也因这样,“不死就好”成了我的座右铭。 经过重重的波折,曲曲折折的旅途,背着电脑和背包,从一个国度到另一个陌生的国度,要在不同的环境下,边走边写,一个一个字慢慢地整理出来,消耗的精神确实很大。在整理的过程中,那些美丽的回忆,总是不禁地让我会心一笑,窝心得很;写到伤心事时,也会边写边掉眼泪,在这个悲喜交错的情感中,花了一段很长时间,最后这本书终于在巴西诞生了。 虽然书中,没有优美的文字描述,更找不到让人啧啧称奇的文笔,但我深信,用真心写出来的故事,才是最感人的。
  • Lonely Planet Greece (Lonely Planet Greece)

    作者:Carolyn Bain,David W

    在线阅读本书 Laze on sun-drenched beaches, wander through white-washed island villages, explore the ancient world or party like it's an Olympic event - Greece is the ultimate Mediterranean paradise. If you long to follow in the footsteps of the gods, let this inspirational guide show you the way. * HIT THE BEACH - the best spots to swim, snorkel and dive, or simply work on your tan * ESCAPE - get off the beaten track with our discerning insider tips * FIND YOUR WAY - island hop with ease, thanks to over 150 cross-referenced maps * SLEEP SOUNDLY - the pick of accommodation, from authentic village domatia to sophisticated island resorts * TALK THE TALK - impress the locals using our expert language guide
  • Lonely Planet China

    作者:Damian Harper,Steve

  • 一個人私奔


    50 篇旅遊小說,50 段浪蕩心跡 翻開本書,與我一起遊歷巴黎、南非、日本、摩洛哥、尼泊爾、柬埔寨……以至在中國的「5300里長征」,共嘗我一個人私奔的喜樂哀愁! -法國男人最公道。自己去滾,也原諒紅杏出牆的女人。不像其他民族的男人,只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈。 -酒店是漂泊的象徵。我喜歡漂泊,但不喜歡像乞丐那樣漂泊。住五星級酒店也可以是一種流浪,我Daisy稱那為「高級流浪」。 -印度人的婚禮真有意思!不像香港,要新郎表演戴bra或「心口碎腰果」那麼白癡。 -意大利少年拉著我的手,在巴洛克建築前隨心而行。我在出其不意的時候,在他臉上輕輕吻了一下。我們相愛了七天。就只七天。 -在北京,有女律師在會議室放一個痰罐,並保持每二十秒吐一次痰。究竟哪來這麼多痰? -在尼泊爾的森林遇上黑熊,而我們七個人所有的「武器」,就只有一根樹枝! -我在內地搭的士的次數,比我這輩子進食國產哮喘豬還要多。 還有 8 篇從未曝光的文章,我把它們命名為「在路上--王迪詩心情日記」,特別之處是這 8 篇東西全由我親筆手寫,再附上由我拍攝的照片,我要強調,那一字一句都是我親手寫的,可不是電腦打出來的「秀麗版」呀!
  • Neither Here Nor There

    作者:Bill Bryson

  • 美国

    作者:(澳大利亚)Lonely Planet公

    蜿蜒的公路是这个国家的命脉,每个横穿这个国家的旅行者都会这么说。既然如此,为何似乎难以找到美国的心脏?美国不乏林立的路标和壮观的景色,许多景观令人十分向往,并立志一游。但是,在旅程刚刚开始的时候,你就会看到许多路牌,上面写着:“你在这里!”、“尽情欣赏吧!”、“不可不买!”……更不用说那看上去令人心惊肉跳的标志:“下一个加油站在1524英里外。” 一些人试图寻找真正的美国,他们首先当然是寻找心脏地带——那是麦浪起伏的中部地区,居住者被学者们称为“普通美国人”。但是,是什么使一个斜眼的艾奥瓦州老农比纽约或旧金山的混居民族,奥斯汀下等酒馆里的小流氓或亲切高雅的查尔斯顿美女更能体现出这个国家的特点呢? 有些人拿出这个国家引以为傲的“文物和资料”——有时自然景观不像介绍图片上那么有趣。但美国的确也有耀眼的霓虹灯广告牌和巡回马戏团的大广告。另一些人一头扎进广袤的原野,在沿地平线一望无际的荒野中寻找答案。当人们凝视着西南部的沙漠或加利福尼亚的太平洋海岸线或落基山脉时,他们感到心跳加速,很快就会爱上那充满野性的美国。 图书目录 作者 旅行准备 路线 速览 历史 文化 艺术 环境 美国户外 餐饮 东部 纽约、新泽西和宾夕法尼亚 历史 地理与气候 国家公园、州立公园和地区公园 信息 到达与离开 纽约州 纽约市 长岛 哈得孙河谷和卡茨基尔山区 奥尔巴尼 射源尔巴尼周边 阿迪朗达克山脉 千岛群岛地区 芬格湖群地区 纽约西部 新泽西州 新泽西北部 新泽西中心 泽西海岸 南泽西 宾夕法尼亚州 费城 费城周边 费城德国村 …… 新英格兰 华盛顿-哥伦比亚特区和首都地区 南部 佛罗里达州 中部 大湖区 大平原 得克萨斯州 西部 加利福尼亚州 西南部 落基山脉 西北太平洋海岸 阿拉斯加州 夏威夷州 交通指南 保健 术语表 日常用语 幕后 世界时区 索引 地图图例
  • Lonely Planet China

    作者:Damian Harper,Andrew

  • 旅行小贴士

    作者:澳大利亚Lonely Planet|

    通过这本小册子,Lonely Planet公司和生活·读书·新知三联书店试图帮助旅行者们迈出认识和发现这个辽阔广大、精彩美丽的世界的第一步,让你了解到在出发前和上路后你该做些什么,才能尽可能地确保旅行最安全最快乐,特别是当你是自助旅行时。这里充满了旅行诀窍,无论你是初次上路的新手,还是经验丰富的“老驴”,都将从中获益。将告诉你出发前该准备什么,随身应携带什么,旅途中须注意什么,怎样更好地与家人保持联系,怎样照看好自己的贵重物品,在需要帮助时该与谁联系,等等。同时,你也会了解到与当地人打交道时如何避免犯忌。并将向你展示,怎样确保自己的旅行对于旅游目的地产生积极的影响。还将简略介绍,我们这个星球不同的地理环境能为我们奉献些什么。

    作者:John Ryan,George Dun

    Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations is a travel guidebook published by Lonely Planet. It has also been published under the name Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Self-Proclaimed Nations. Though it is conceived as a non-fiction guidebook to places that readers can potentially actually visit, and includes fact-checked data on both the micronations themselves and nearby commercial hotel, restaurant and transport establishments and facilities, it is written in a reasonably light-hearted and entertaining tone. --from wikipedia
  • Lonely Planet Europe On A Shoestring

    作者:Sarah Johnstone,Chin

    This comprehensive guide to Europe covers 43 countries and assists travelers with effortless planning through easy-to-use language sections and more budget focus than ever before. of color. 174 maps.
  • 巴黎

    作者:(澳)Lonely Planet公司

    你在巴黎会有什么奇遇?在中世纪玛黑深处的露天咖啡馆里小酌几杯?黄昏时分漫步在迷人的绿荫步道上?在标新立异的蓬皮杜中心里讨论现代艺术?观赏夜幕下埃菲尔铁塔四周闪烁的灯火?夜游贝尔维尔后乘最后一班地铁回家?在巴士底集市挑选你喜爱的美食和葡萄酒? 本书在手,事半功倍:全色活页地图和详细的区域地图令你如鱼得水;独具慧眼的作者为你推荐最好的街区、景点、餐馆、商店和娱乐场所;独特的线路设计和亮点介绍使你在短暂的停留中不留遗憾。 本土专家揭示秘密:有卢浮宫纪录片制作人介绍的欣赏艺术的最佳地点,也有时装设计师的购物小贴士。
  • 西班牙

    作者:(澳)Lonely Planet公司

    长达9页的朝圣指南,追寻圣地亚哥朝圣之路 7位作者,59年的西班牙生活体验,铸就7146幅详实的地图 凝聚了300多位旅行者的提醒和建议 唯一一本涵盖了安道尔的西班牙旅行指南
  • Investment Biker

    作者:Jim Rogers

    Legendary investor Jim Rogers gives us his view of the world on a twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey in his bestselling business/adventure book, Investment Biker , which has already sold more than 200,000 copies. Before you invest another dollar anywhere in the world (including the United States), read this book by the man Time magazine calls “the Indiana Jones of finance.” Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded the Quantum Fund. Investment Biker is the fascinating story of Rogers’s global motorcycle journey/investing trip, with hardheaded advice on the current state and future direction of international economies that will guide and inspire investors interested in foreign markets.
  • China Road

    作者:Rob Gifford

    Route 312 is the Chinese Route 66. It flows three thousand miles from east to west, passing through the factory towns of the coastal areas, through the rural heart of China, then up into the Gobi Desert, where it merges with the Old Silk Road. The highway witnesses every part of the social and economic revolution that is turning China upside down. In this utterly surprising and deeply personal book, acclaimed National Public Radio reporter Rob Gifford, a fluent Mandarin speaker, takes the dramatic journey along Route 312 from its start in the boomtown of Shanghai to its end on the border with Kazakhstan. Gifford reveals the rich mosaic of modern Chinese life in all its contradictions, as he poses the crucial questions that all of us are asking about China: Will it really be the next global superpower? Is it as solid and as powerful as it looks from the outside? And who are the ordinary Chinese people, to whom the twenty-first century is supposed to belong? Gifford is not alone on his journey. The largest migration in human history is taking place along highways such as Route 312, as tens of millions of people leave their homes in search of work. He sees signs of the booming urban economy everywhere, but he also uncovers many of the country’s frailties, and some of the deep-seated problems that could derail China’s rise. The whole compelling adventure is told through the cast of colorful characters Gifford meets: garrulous talk-show hosts and ambitious yuppies, impoverished peasants and tragic prostitutes, cell-phone salesmen, AIDS patients, and Tibetan monks. He rides with members of a Shanghai jeep club, hitchhikes across the Gobi desert, and sings karaoke with migrant workers at truck stops along the way. As he recounts his travels along Route 312, Rob Gifford gives a face to what has historically, for Westerners, been a faceless country and breathes life into a nation that is so often reduced to economic statistics. Finally, he sounds a warning that all is not well in the Chinese heartlands, that serious problems lie ahead, and that the future of the West has become inextricably linked with the fate of 1.3 billion Chinese people. “Informative, delightful, and powerfully moving . . . Rob Gifford’s acute powers of observation, his sense of humor and adventure, and his determination to explore the wrenching dilemmas of China’s explosive development open readers’ eyes and reward their minds.” –Robert A. Kapp, president, U.S.-China Business Council, 1994-2004
  • Vagabonding

    作者:Rolf Potts

    Vagabonding is about taking time off from your normal life—from six weeks to four months to two years—to discover and experience the world on your own terms. Veteran shoestring traveler Rolf Potts shows how anyone armed with an independent spirit can achieve the dream of extended overseas travel. Potts gives the necessary information on: • financing your travel time • determining your destination • adjusting to life on the road • working and volunteering overseas • handling travel adversity • re-assimilating back into ordinary life Not just a plan of action, vagabonding is an outlook on life that emphasizes creativity, discovery, and the growth of the spirit.
  • 左右瑞士

