

  • 心理动机




















  • 如何成为不完美主义者

    作者:[美] 斯蒂芬·盖斯



    ◎ 编辑推荐

    ☆ 回家太晚了,运动服忘了洗,去健身房是没戏了,今天就不锻炼了;




    ☆ 找借口、拖延症、自我安慰……它们有一个共同的名字:完美主义,让你迈不出第一步的绊脚石。想法再好,计划再棒,不去做也没用。

    ☆ 销量30万册的“微习惯”系列新作,让你哪怕在状态不佳的时候,也轻松找到做事的力量。

    ☆ 针对完美主义5大表现,分类提出22种对策。利用微习惯策略,以不完美思维获得不完美但有意义的进步。完美主义会给你不做的理由,不完美主义却能加速你的行动。

    ◎ 内容简介



  • 文思泉涌


    无论是学生还是教授,都需要写作。然而,写作让许多人感到头痛。拖延症,是学术圈的流行病,是学术生涯中的顽症…… 心理学家席尔瓦的这本小册子,实用、励志而轻松。它告诉你写作不需要太多的天赋或特殊才能,而是需要策略、方法和行动。熟读此书,你不用熬夜,也能成为文思泉涌的学术牛人,既不耽误享受生活,又能获得高效率写作带来的成就感,走向学术生涯的高峰。
  • 无辜的挣扎

    作者:[美] 爱德华·豪罗威尔,[美] 约翰·

    你的身边有这样的人吗?他们暴躁、多动、情绪不稳却富有创造性;他们在学习或职业生涯中四处冲撞却四处碰壁:他们如果能“在状态”本可以做得更好:他们已处在人生的顶峰却仍旧感到被驱策感到生活乏味;…… 本书将告诉你,这些人可能患有注意力失调(简称ADD)。什么是注意力失调?注意力失调患者与正常人的行为方式有什么不同?注意力失调对患者本人及其家人的生活有什么样的影响?更为重要的是,该如何诊断和治疗注意力失调?对这一系列问题,本书给出了清晰的答案。 注意力失调(Attention DeficitDisorder,ADD),是一种缘于神经系统的疾病。它并非一种羞于启齿的疾病,而是普通得像近视一样。只不过这种近视不在我们的眼睛里,而在我们的思维中。实际上,儿童中的多动症行为就是这种疾病的最初描述。现在我们知道,这种疾病不仅仅表现为多动症行为,它也不仅仅发生在儿童身上,成年人也可能患有注意力失调。其主要症状包括:易受外界干扰,易冲动,说话做事欠考虑,对于挫折和单调生活缺乏容忍性,对于高负荷强刺激情有独钟。 本书将告诉你如何应对从儿童到成年时期的注意力失调问题。
  • 小强升职记


    《小强升职记:时间管理故事书(升级版)》是系畅销书《小强升职记》的升级版,第1版销量5万册,豆瓣评分8.4。 升级版32开,212页,双色,配20页的全彩实战手册。 契合“时间都去哪儿了”这一时下热点,提倡“高效率、慢生活,腾出更多时间陪伴家人”,符合时下主旋律。 打出番茄工作法、猴子法则、四象限法则等组合拳,击垮与生俱来的拖延顽症。 作者曾获邀进入微软中国、和记黄埔、神州数码、腾讯、交通银行等大型企业及众多高校进行时间管理培训,为数以万计的职场中人带来帮助。 强势推荐阵营——优米科技创始人王利芬女士、新精英总裁古典先生(《拆掉思维的墙》作者)携手大胖(《番茄工作法图解》译者)、张文霖(《谁说菜鸟不会数据分析》、作者)、warfalcon(刘洋)等知名人士联合力荐。 随书赠送21天时间管理实战手册,通过系统训练让方法落地,助你学会时间管理,成为人生赢家。
  • 改变

    作者:乔纳森•阿尔珀特 (Jonathan A

  • On the Shortness of Life


    在线阅读本书 Publisher Comments : Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves — and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives — and destroyed them. Now, Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are. Penguin's Great Ideas series features twelve groundbreaking works by some of history's most prodigious thinkers, and each volume is beautifully packaged with a unique type — drive design that highlights the bookmaker's art. Offering great literature in great packages at great prices, this series is ideal for those readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped the world. The Stoic writings of the philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into the art of living, the importance of reason and morality, and continue to provide profound guidance to many through their eloquence, lucidity and timeless wisdom. About Author Lucius Annaeus Seneca, statesman, philosopher, advocate and man of letters, was born at Cordoba in Spain around 4 BC. He rose to prominence in Rome, pursuing a career in the courts and political life, for which he had been trained, while also acquiring celebrity as an author of tragedies and essays. Falling foul of successive emperors (Caligula in AD 39 and Claudius in AD 41), he spent eight years in exile, allegedly for an affair with Caligula's sister. Recalled in AD 49, he was made praetor and was appointed tutor to the boy who was to become, in AD 54, the emperor Nero. On Nero's succession, Seneca acted for some eight years as an unofficial chief minister. The early part of this reign was remembered as a period of sound government, for which the main credit seems due to Seneca. His control over Nero declined as enemies turned the emperor against him with representations that his popularity made him a danger, or with accusations of immorality or excessive wealth. Retiring from public life he devoted his last three years to philosophy and writing, particularly the Letters to Lucilius. In AD 65 following the discovery of a plot against the emperor, in which he was thought to be implicated, he and many others were compelled by Nero to commit suicide. His fame as an essayist and dramatist lasted until two or three centuries ago, when he passed into literary oblivion, from which the twentieth century has seen a considerable recovery. Book Dimension: length: (cm)18                 width:(cm)11.2
  • 思维太极

    作者:[英] 理查德·伊斯瑞尔(Rechard

  • Procrastination

    作者:Jane B Burka,Lenora

  • End Procrastination Now!

    作者:William Knaus

    Never miss another deadline! A proven method that defeats procrastination forever by conquering emotions, not time management Procrastination is a serious and costly problem. And time management isn't the solution. Author William Knaus exposes the deep-rooted emotional and cognitive reasons we procrastinate and provides solutions to overcome it. Where other books offer time-management techniques and organizational tips as superficial fixes that don't work in the long run, End Procrastination Now! goes deeper and shows you a three-pronged approach to get off and to stay off the procrastination treadmill. End Procrastination Now! provides you with expert advice on how to stay on track, stay focused, and meet deadlines. Psychologist William Knaus outlines a step-by- step plan to get over procrastination by recognizing its causes, building positive feelings towards what needs to get done, and implementing effective solutions that help you cut bad habits to successfully get more done in less time. You'll learn The natural "causes" for procrastination and how to track and then stop procrastination. New techniques that cut through procrastination barriers that affect work and productivity. To reduce stress caused by procrastination through the unique cognitive, emotional, and behavioral approach. How to build resilience to negative feelings you automatically have towards tasks
  • The Pomodoro Technique

    作者:Francesco Cirillo

    Vintage Limited Edition The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method. For many of us time is an enemy. The anxiety triggered by “the ticking clock” and deadlines to be met leads to ineffective work and study habits and procrastination. The Pomodoro Technique transforms time into a valuable ally. You'll be amazed to see how your everyday work improves, and how you can avoid anxiety by using a few simple rules. Find out more: you can learn the complete technique in just a few days—you'll see immediate results. Francesco Cirillo created the Pomodoro Technique in 1992 after a long search to improve his own study habits. Starting in the late '90s the technique was embraced by professional teams. It can help us accomplish what we want to do and chart continuous improvement in the way we do it. This vintage version is a limited edition in the original format of the 2006 Pomodoro Technique. It will be replaced with a version in a different format in the near future.
  • 再见,拖延症


  • The Procrastinator's Digest

    作者:Timothy A Pychyl

    The Procrastinator's Digest is a short and practical book. The focus is on understanding why and how we sabotage our own best intentions with needless delay, and how we can reduce this procrastination in our lives. Based on psychological research, and supplemented with short stories and comics to help make the content memorable, the digest format of the book provides a concise summary of key concepts and strategies for change. You will learn about the psychology of self-regulation failure and how to more successfully achieve your goals.
  • 分心的孩子这样教

    作者:[美] 爱德华•哈洛韦尔,[美] 彼得•

    孩子,你能不能不丢三落四、不磨磨蹭蹭,老实坐一会儿? 你为什么不能像其他孩子那样乖乖的?我该拿你怎么办? 你是不是常常或总是听到别人这样投诉你的孩子?指责孩子不用心,或是要求孩子努力专注,不但对于行为的改善没有任何效果,反而会让亲子关系更加紧张。本书作者提倡务实的优势取向治疗,苦口婆心地告诉父母如何与分心儿童一起成长、协助他们顺利度过学校生活。 “飞鱼”菲尔普斯在9岁那年被发现有分心的问题。他的妈妈知道后很伤心,但是她并没有放弃他,而是通过自己的努力向人们证明了分心的孩子也可以有美好的未来。对于国内第一本“分心”的书,这本书一定能帮助更多的父母把分心变成福气。
  • Now It All Makes Sense

    作者:M.D. William J. Stoc

  • 戒了吧,拖延症


    迪克牛仔有一首歌这样唱道:“有多少爱可以重来,有多少人愿意等待,当懂得珍惜以后归来,却不知那份爱会不会还在?” 那份爱,或许还有可能再回来,但时间却无法倒退,生命也无法重来。 读书时,你以为青春永驻,岁月很长,大把的时间可以用来挥霍,该学的东西没有学会,该看的书也没有翻开,等到匆匆四年毕业了,没有一项技能、找不到工作时,才知道“书到用时方恨少”。 工作时,你以为时间还多,精力还够,大把的时间用在刷微博、聊QQ、侃八卦,白天的事拖到晚上,晚上的事拖到明天,直到Deadline就在眼前,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,敷衍了事交了差遭到一通狠批,才知道什么叫做“悲催”。 恋爱时,你以为山盟海誓,永远不变,答应了对方的事迟迟未做,好心的提醒也被当成了耳旁风,等到有一天你突然想明白了,想去做了,才知道什么叫做“可惜你早已远去消失在人海”。 难受时,你以为自己年轻,身强体壮,灾啊病啊不会找上你,等到疼得受不了了才跑到医院,却发现很多事后悔已经来不及了,躺在病床上,才知道什么叫做“身体是革命的本钱”。 一次又一次的拖延,一次又一次的错过,人生的差距,就是这样被拉开的。如果很多事你在第一时间就去做了,没有拖延,没有浪费时间,现在的你会在哪里?
  • The Now Habit

    作者:Neil Fiore

    A unique, comprehensive program designed to overcome the causes of procrastination. Dr. Fiore's powerful techniques will help the reader get work done and enjoy free time.
  • 我们都有拖延症


  • The Now Habit

    作者:Neil Fiore

  • 与自我和解

    作者:【美】奥马尔•马涅瓦拉(Omar Man

    当想得到某物的欲望足够强烈时,我们几乎会用尽一切办法来获得它——有时甚至不惜损害自己的身体、智力以及人际关系。我们为什么会无法抑制地感觉自己需要某些东西(比如,食物、香烟、酒、网络或性)?我们怎样才能恰到好处地满足它们而又避免放纵? 在《与自我和解:超越渴求、强迫和成瘾的治愈之旅》一书中,强迫行为领域的专家奥马尔•马涅瓦拉博士基于最新的脑科学、心理学、认知科学和神经生物学,从神经递质、认知偏差、大脑可塑性等视角出发,深入剖析了各种各样的渴求现象以及由此引发的强迫、成瘾和自毁行为,解释了我们总是陷入不满足和内在冲突的原因,并根据多年的临床经验提出了诸多实用的应对策略。 如果你无法克制自己的强迫行为,如果你因无法满足成瘾渴求而焦躁不安,如果你想帮助家人或朋友戒除恶习,那这本书将给你希望和激励,帮助你通过改变行为来重组大脑,从而彻底摆脱渴求,与自我和解。