

  • little thing


    主办:湖北人民出版社 期刊:双月刊杂志, 每期发刊日为当月5号 国内邮发代号38-336 国内统一刊号CN42-1560/C 国际标准刊号:ISSN1671-3052 官网:http://www.littlethingmagazine.com/ -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 为什么叫 Little Thing 是小事物的意思. 希望通过杂志,能引起读者的共鸣, 关注身边细小点滴的美丽事物, 关注自己, 在恋物的同时树立自己的时尚态度, 寻找和收集自己的喜爱. -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 风格 清新 自然 本真 玩味 时尚不失亲和力,关注潮流但不盲从 细腻的女性视角,独特的人文关怀 兼俱亲切感和文艺感 -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 主题 针对都市喜欢fashion和创意生活的年轻女性读者的杂志. 倡导大家关注身边细小的美丽的事物, 树立自己的时尚态度. 杂志结合读者对时尚创意生活需求提供时尚专题介绍, 品牌故事, 搭配, 服饰文化, 插画, 创意手工等专题内容, 通过针对性的内容创造亲切的阅读感受和恋物的共鸣.
  • Little Women

    作者:Louisa May Alcott

    在线阅读本书 Book Description In picturesque 19th-century New England, tomboyish Jo, beautiful Meg, fragile Beth, and romantic Amy come of age while their father is off to war. This reissue contains the novel in its entirety, including Parts I and II. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.5                 width:(cm)110.8
  • Little Women

    作者:Louisa May Alcott

    LITTLE WOMEN is one of the best-loved books of all time. Lovely Meg. talented Jo ,frail Beth, lpoiled Amy:these are the four March sisters, who learn the hard lessons of poverty and of growing up in new England during the Civil War, Through their dreams, Plays, pranks ,letters, illnesses, and courtships, women of all ages haave become a part of this remarkable family and have felt their deep sadness when Meg leaves the circle of sisters to be married at the end of partⅠ. PartⅡ chronicles Meg's joys and mishaps as a young wife and mother, Jo's struggle to become a writer, Beth's tragedy, and Amy's artistic pursuits and unexpected romance, Based on Louisa May Alcott's childhood, this lively portrait of nineteenth-century family life possesses a lasting vitality that has endeared it to generations of readers. This Bantam Classic edition contains PartsⅠ andⅡ in their entirety. With and Afterword by Nina Auerbach. 作者简介:Born in 1832, Louisa May Alcott was the second child of Bronson Alcott of Concord, Massachusetts, a self -taught philosopher, school reformer, and utopian who was much too immersed in the world of ideas to ever succeed in supporting his family. That task fell first to his wife and later to his enterprising daughter Louisa May. While her father lectured, wrote, and conversed with such famous friends as Emerson, Hawthorne, and Thoreau, Louisa taught school ,worked as a domestic servant at atge nineteen, The small sums she earned often kept the family from complete destitution, but it was through her writing that she finally brought them fina\ncial independence."I will make a battering-ram of my head ," she wrote in her journal, "and make a way through this rough-and tumble word." Now a famous writer, she continued to turn out novels and stories and to work for the women's suffrage and temperance movements, as her father had worked for the abolitionists, Bronson Alcott and Louisa May Alcott both died in Boston in the same month, march of 1888.