

  • Collected Poems

    作者:W. H. Auden

    Between 1927 and his death in 1973, W. H. Auden endowed poetry in the English language with a new face.Or rather, with several faces, since his work ranged from the political to the religious, from the urbane to the pastoral, from the mandarin to the invigoratingly plain-spoken. This collection presents all the poems Auden wished to preserve, in the texts that received his final approval. It includes the full contents of his previous collected editions along with all the later volumes of his shorter poems. Together, these works display the astonishing range of Auden's voice and the breadth of his concerns, his deep knowledge of the traditions he inherited, and his ability to recast those traditions in modern times.
  • 安娜·布兰迪亚娜诗选

    作者:[罗] 安娜·布兰迪亚娜

  • The Poems of Emily Dickinson

    作者:Emily Dickinson

    Ralph Franklin, the foremost scholar of Dickinson's manuscripts, has prepared an authoritative one-volume edition of all extant poems by Emily Dickinson - 1,789 poems in all, the largest number ever assembled. This reading edition derives from his three-volume work, The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition (1998), which contains approximately 2,500 sources for the poems. In this one-volume edition, Franklin offers a single reading of each poem - usually the latest version of the entire poem - rendered with Dickinson's spelling, punctuation and capitalisation intact. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Reading Edition is a milestone in American literary scholarship and an indispensable addition to the personal library of poetry lovers everywhere
  • E.E. Cummings

    作者:Cummings, E. E./ Fir

    This centennial edition of E. E. Cumming's Complete Poems, published in celebration of his birth on October 14, 1894, contains all of the poems published or designated for publication by the poet in his lifetime. At the time of his death in 1962, E. E. Cummings was, next to Robert Frost, the most widely read poet in America. Combining Thoreau's controlled belligerence with the brash abandon of an uninhibited bohemian, Cummings, together with Pound, Eliot, and William Carlos Williams, helped bring about the twentieth-century revolution in literary expression. He is recognized on the one hand as the author of some of the most beautiful lyric poems written in the English language, and on the other as one of the most inventive American poets of his time—in the worlds of Richard Kostelanetz, "the major American poet of the middle-twentieth-century."
  • Leaves of Grass

    作者:Walt Whitman

    When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass in July 1855, he altered the course of literary history. One of the greatest masterpieces of American literature, it redefined the rules of poetry while describing the soul of the American character. Throughout his great career, Whitman continuously revised, expanded, and republished Leaves of Grass, but as Harold Bloom reminds us, the book that matters most is the 1855 original. In celebration of the poem's 150th anniversary, Penguin Classics proudly presents the 1855 text in its original and complete form, with a specially commissioned introductory essay by Harold Bloom. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. "Whitman, the great poet, has meant so much to me. Whitman the one man breaking a way ahead. Whitman the one pioneer . . . Ahead of Whitman, nothing. Ahead of all poets, pioneering into the wilderness of unopened life, Whitman. Beyond him, none." —D. H. Lawrence
  • 诗恋Pi


    关 於 诗 恋 Pi 你对诗人的想像,是否还是弱不禁风、奄奄一息?你对诗的印象,是否还是高不可攀又乏人问津?《网路与书》第二期<诗恋Pi>,将颠覆你对诗的看法,揭开诗的神秘面纱。 诗恋「Pi」,是派,是癖,也可能是某种腹部气体排放出来的声音。不论你是否已经染上吟诗作对的恶癖,还是纯粹喜欢聊诗打屁,想在漫漫寒冬裡烧美丽的文字取暖,都少不了这本火辣的<诗恋Pi>。它将告诉你,你今天的心情适合读哪一首诗?小说家笔下的诗人都是什麼德性?进入网路的盛世,有哪些人还在秘密写诗?有哪些是发生在音乐中的诗?想要读诗却苦无门道,我们还精心推荐你50本重量诗集。还有画家几米、评论家杨照、南方朔等八位恋诗的狂热分子,与你分享一首心目中的梦幻诗作。 精彩内容提要 关於书名 / Pi字,发音「派」、「癖」,或任何你愿意发出的类似声音 From Rex 不是绳索固定在地面的热汽球 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I 瞄準柏拉图的后脑勺 火箭坠落了,自然会有飞碟哼著歌经过 / 李康莉 诗与歌的不同 / 阿城 Poetry Maps / 编辑部 老闆,给我两本黑格尔和一杯黑咖啡﹗~依你的心情推荐你一首诗 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II 空出一个甜甜圈 多塞一本诗集 诗的□□~有关诗的案情、线索与证词 / 狐狸、凯伦兔 有关诗的50本书 有关诗的22个网站 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part III 看看今天的领带上写了什麼诗 一见钟情~辛波丝卡 / 几米推荐 花莲~杨牧 / 杨照推荐 有一个地方~E. E. 康明思 / 廖咸浩推荐 髮~波特莱尔 / 蔡淑铃 安那其 (男性的苦恋) ~夏宇 / 罗智成推荐 将进酒~李白 / 杨渡推荐 二度降临~叶慈 / 南方朔推荐 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part IV 揹著降落伞,跳到隔壁的书架 马奎斯小说中的诗意和想像魅惑 / 钟文音 小说中的诗人德行 / 张惠菁 摇滚乐界的拜伦~Leonard Cohen / 罗珊珊 发生在音乐中的诗 / Kai、李康莉 电影与诗意 / 鸿鸿 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part V 在咖啡杯与烟灰缸之间迫降 诗党人聚眾滋事祕密档案 / 鲸向海 用尽方法飞出规则的墙壁~专访陈綺贞 / 张惠菁 诗与索爱的练习 / 林婉瑜 每一首诗开始的地方 / 狐狸 台北诗一日游 / 邱稚宣
  • 雪莱抒情诗选


    爱尔兰人之歌(The Irishman`s Song,1809) 战争(War,1810) 魔鬼出行(The Devil`s Walk,1812) 麦布女王(Queen Mab,1813) 一个共和主义者有感于波拿巴的倾覆(Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte,1816) 玛丽安妮的梦(Marianne`s` Dream,1817) 致大法官(To The Lord Chancellor,1817) 奥西曼迭斯(Ozymandias,1817) 逝(The Past,1818) 一朵枯萎的紫罗兰(On A Faded Violet,1818) 召苦难(Invocation To Misery,1818) 致玛丽(To Mary,1818) 伊斯兰的反叛(The Revolt of Islam,1818) 西风颂(Ode To The West Wind,1819) 饥饿的母亲(A Starving Mother,1819) 罗萨林和海伦(Rosalind and Helen,1819) 含羞草(The Sensitive Plant,1820) 云(The Cloud,1820) 致云雀(To A Skylark,1820) 自由颂(Ode To Liberty,1820) 解放的普罗米修斯(Prometheus Unbound,1820) 阿多尼(Adonais,1821) 一盏破碎的明灯(Lines,1822)