

  • Chanel

    作者:Danièle Bott

    A lush visual selection from the Chanel archive—essential reading for fashionistas and design aficionados everywhere. Chanel's combination of tradition, originality, and style has always made it the most seductive of fashion labels. Here the House of Chanel opens its private archives, revealing a galaxy of brilliant designs created by Coco Chanel from 1920 onwards. Dazzling clothes, intricate accessories, beautiful models, and timeless design leave no doubt as to the lasting fame of her name and embody everything that has come to symbolize the magic of Chanel. The book explores five central themes—the suit, the camellia, jewelry, makeup and perfume, the little black dress—and follows the threads from past to present to show how these key items have been rediscovered and reinvented by new designers. It includes many previously unpublished archive photographs and original drawings by Karl Lagerfeld, as well as glorious images from some of the greatest names in fashion photography. 139 illustrations, 83 in color.
  • The Little Black Jacket

    作者:Karl Lagerfeld, Cari

    This book is Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld's reinterpretation of Chanel's iconic little black jacket. Lagerfeld has redesigned the jacket, transforming it into a modern, adaptable garment to be worn by both sexes of all ages. The Little Black Jacket contains Lagerfeld's photographs of celebrities wearing the jacket with individual flair - sometimes classic, sometimes irreverent, but always Chanel - and each styled by Carine Roitfeld. A range of accomplished actors, musicians, designers, models, writers and directors gets the little black jacket treatment, including Claudia Schiffer, Uma Thurman, Kanye West, Tilda Swinton, Baptiste Giabiconi, Yoko Ono and Sarah Jessica Parker. This book shows the astounding versatility of Chanel's vision in Lagerfeld's hands, and ensures the little black jacket's future as a timeless classic.
  • 香奈儿

    作者:Axel Madsen

    她,是毕加索眼中“欧洲最有灵气的女人” 她,是萧伯纳笔下“世界流行的掌门人” 她,是法国人心中“时尚界的拿破仑” 《时代周刊》“全球百年十大文化偶像”之一可可•香奈儿的传奇人生 香奈儿这个名字已成为时尚与香水的代名词。本书将呈现一个完整的“可可”,从她始于孤儿院的童年,到成为对女性着装产生革命性影响的时尚女王。她通过发明运动装、黑色小套装、珠宝套装等尝试,彻底改变了时尚界。香奈儿香水则是玛丽莲•梦露的最爱。文中亦深刻探讨了她作为女权主义先锋的角色:为了自己的高级定制事业,她牺牲了婚姻。在成为富有而颇具国际声誉的成功女性的历程中,她的名字曾与毕加索、邱吉尔、克雷孟梭等人联系在一起。在她88岁去世时依然孑然一身,但在长长的情人名单中包括有法国诗人、德国间谍、威斯敏斯特公爵、“小伙儿”卡佩尔等等。所有这一切都让她绚烂的人生更加传奇。
  • 香奈儿


    一直以来,香奈儿公司将传统元素、创新特色与时尚风格融为一体,使其成为世界最具号召魅力的时尚品牌。在这里,香奈儿公司开启了一份份此前轻易不肯示人的时尚档案,展现出一系列由可可·香奈儿女士自20世纪20年代以后亲自创意推出的时尚设计,灿若星河、光彩照人。这些设计一经当代重新阐释演绎,便可成为新款时装、装饰配件以及美容产品的创意设计主题。 丹尼尔·博特编著的《香奈儿——收藏与创新(精)》的写作灵感来自于香奈儿公司的标志性香水产品,即有着传奇色彩的香奈儿5号香水。《香奈儿——收藏与创新(精)》集中探讨5个中心主题:时装、山茶花图案、珠宝、香水与化妆品、小黑裙,并通过追踪对比今昔发展脉络进而向读者展示新一代时尚设计师如何追随前辈时尚风范,如何针对上述5大类顶级时尚产品不断地重新探寻奥秘,并且发扬光大。 卡尔·拉格菲尔德拍摄的从未发表的时尚档案照片,还有出自他本人之手的时尚设计原稿,以及时尚摄影界一些顶级大师拍摄的靓丽影像作品,着实为书中展现的视觉盛宴之旅增色不少。 光彩夺目的时装、精致美巧的配饰、漂亮的模特、永不过时的时尚设计使香奈儿这一时尚品牌大名无可挑剔,体现了象征香奈儿品牌魅力的全部时尚内涵。
  • The Karl Lagerfeld Diet

    作者:Karl Lagerfeld,Dr. J

    "One fine morning I woke up and decided that I was no longer happy with my physique. Although I was overweight, I had gotten along fine and had no health problems. But I suddenly wanted to dress differently, to wear clothes designed by Hedi Slimane….But these fashions, modeled by very, very slim boys—and not men of my age—required me to lose at least eighty pounds....I did not think that it was possible to lose so much weight in one year....[But] in fact, it took me exactly thirteen months." —Karl Lagerfeld "Karl Lagerfeld’s case is spectacular as it shows how it is possible, through determination and willpower, to return to a harmonious balance even when excess weight is of a long-standing, deeply ingrained nature. I hope that many will be inspired by the example of the slimmed-down, elegant, and indefatigable Karl Lagerfeld to lose either the few pounds they feel should be sacrificed for their happiness or the several dozen pounds that are detrimental to their survival." —Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret The Karl Lagerfeld Diet , developed exclusively for Karl Lagerfeld by Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret, reveals the secret techniques of Lagerfeld’s amazing weight loss regimen. By first addressing the mental and behavioral causes of varying degrees of obesity, this book provides valuable insights and useful tips for preparing the mind and developing the willpower necessary to commit to this diet. It then provides one hundred twenty gourmet recipes devised by Dr. Houdret, which cover breakfast, soups, starters and salads, eggs, seafood and fish, meat, pasta and pizza, vegetables, sauces, and desserts. Topping it off, Lagerfeld provides his personal tips for staying slim, attractive, and fit with additional chapters on skin care procedures, cosmetic treatments and surgery, general medical care, stress management, giving up tobacco, sleep, and exercise. Both an instructional guide and a motivational coach, The Karl Lagerfeld Diet is the ultimate accessory for healthy living.
  • Coco Chanel

    作者:Henry Gidel

    " J'ai rendu au corps des femmes sa liberté, dira Gabrielle. Ce corps suait dans des habits de parade, sous les dentelles, les corsets, les dessous, le rembourrage. " Ainsi, lorsque Chanel détruit une mode et crée une silhouette toute neuve, on entre dans un autre siècle, celui de la Belle Epoque. Il y a une certaine confusion des sexes dans la forme d'élégance qu'elle préconise, mais la coupe à la garçonne, les robes tubulaires, le N°5, c'est son style à elle, inimitable. Une quête incessante de la rigueur, du raffinement et du dépouillement. Janséniste de la couture, elle n'en est pas moins l'égérie des années folles et séduit l'intelligentsia de son temps, de Diaghilev à Cocteau, lequel ne tarit pas d'éloges sur ses lubies, ses colères, ses outrances et sa générosité. " Coco est un personnage unique, attachant, attirant, repoussant, excessif... humain enfin. "
  • 香奈儿


  • 香奈儿-(全3册)


  • Coco Chanel

    作者:Axel Madsen

    Coco Chanel's genius for fashion may have been distilled in simplicity, but her life was an extravaganza. A brilliant array of luminaries fell under her spell - Picasso, Churchill, Cocteau; lovers included the Grand Duke Dmitri; the English roue, Boy Capel; a French poet; and, a German spy and the Duke of Westminster, who offered to leave his wife for her permanently, if she would only bear him an heir. Paradoxically, though she might have been regarded in some lights as a pioneering feminist - sacrificing marriage to a revolutionary career in couture - Chanel was utterly baffled by the idea of women's politics. Educated women? 'A woman's education consists of two lessons: never leave the house without stockings, never go out without a hat'. Chanel's rise from penniless orphan to millionaire designer - 'inventing' sportswear, the little black dress and number 5 - makes compelling reading, not least because she was inclined to design her own life as deftly as she did her fashions. Axel Madsen negotiates Chanel's smoke screens with skill, bringing this tantalizing woman to life in all her alluring complexity.
  • 我沒時間討厭你

    作者:保羅.莫朗 Morand, Paul

    時尚易逝,風格永存。 她用黑與白改變了女人,也改變了世界-- 她是可可‧香奈兒 想了解她的時尚生命? 第一本香奈兒親自口述,充滿力道的內心自剖 認識香奈兒的唯一經典! 以第一人稱方式書寫,猶如香奈兒在你面前呢喃道來犀利的語氣、傲然的態度,從本書窺見香奈兒,總算看了一個明白從此,看見Chanel 你懂得的,將不再只是一個雙環相扣的昂貴品牌。 二十世紀的法國,留給世界三個名字:戴高樂、畢卡索、香奈兒。 香奈兒憑著絕對的自信、敏銳的美感,強韌的個性和對極致的追求,創造出改變世界的時尚王國,開啟二十世紀的時尚風潮。 她對女裝風格的影響力,讓《時代雜誌》將她選為二十世紀影響最巨的百人之一。 一九二一年,在香奈兒康朋街三十一號樓上居所的耶誕餐會上,保羅‧莫朗結識了香奈兒,這位充滿傳奇故事的女人;當晚在共同友人的引介下,兩人成為好友,開始長達半世紀的友誼。二十五年後的某個冬天,兩人意外地在度假勝地聖莫里茲(St. Mortiz)的旅館重逢,兩人便在旅館徹夜促膝長談。保羅在旅館的便籤紙上,隨筆記下了談話的內容,然而這份手稿之後卻被擱置了近三十年。直到多年後,保羅因搬家之故找到了這份早已泛黃的手稿。於是,他回憶三十年前的那個冬夜,著手整理這份當年匆匆記下的筆記,以紀念他的好友。 一九七六年,就在香奈兒過世五年後,本書正式於法國出版。書一出版,法國媒體即讚譽本書為「一場閱讀的盛宴,一顆精緻奪目的寶石」。保羅在書中重現香奈兒獨特的神韻、以機智嘲諷的語句、優美如珠玉的文字,回顧香奈兒生命裡每個過程--她的孤獨、她的事業、她的愛情、她的人生,再現了這位傳奇女子神祕、迷人、難以捉摸的形象,以及這個形象背後對工作追求完美與極致的強韌個性。 然而透過書中文字,我們看到的不單是香奈兒的傳奇,更有她身邊的友人--畢卡索、史特拉汶斯基、狄亞吉列夫……等藝術家的形象鮮明再現,感受到當時興盛的歐洲文化氛圍。
  • Coco Chanel

    作者:Justine Picardie

    Justine Picardie has spent the last decade puzzling over the truth about Coco Chanel, attempting to peel away the accretions of romance and lies. In this full-scale biography we finally discover the history of the incredible woman who created the way we look now. Coco Chanel was an extraordinary inventor - she conjured up the little black dress, bobbed hair, trousers for women, contemporary chic, best-selling perfumes, and the most successful fashion brand of all time - but she also invented herself, fashioning the myth of her own life with the same dexterity as her couture. While Chanel was supreme innovator and vendor of all things elegant and beautiful, what lies beneath her own glossy myth is far darker. Throwing new light on her passionate and turbulent relationships, this beautifully constructed portrait gives a fresh and penetrating look at how Coco Chanel made herself into her own most powerful creation. Justine Picardie brings the mysterious Gabrielle Chanel out of hiding, to celebrate her great achievements. She examines Chanel's enduring afterlife, as well as her remarkable life, uncovering the consequences of what she covered up, unpicking the seams between truth and legend, yet keeping intact the real fabric of her past.
  • 时尚,就是我


    《时尚,就是我:可可·香奈儿传》以大量第一手资料展现了20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿极富传奇的一生。这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩,由她所引领的时尚革命风潮,将女性从千百年的服装牢狱中释放出来。她创造了一个举世皆知的品牌Chanel,生产了一款销量无数的香水Chanel N°5。她以灵敏的双手、过人的直觉,加上独树一帜的服装设计风格,为时装界写下了不朽的传奇。
  • Chanel (The Universe of Fashion)

    作者:Francois Baudot

    A 3 volumes slipcase illustrating the history of the most famous brand of the world. Titles are: Chanel; Chanel Jewellery; Chanel Perfume. Chanel: More than any other designer of her time, Gabrielle Chanel had a genius for perceiving not only what would work in contemporary fashion but also what would last. Yet Chanel was a true adventuress, always on the cutting edge and sure of her likes and dislikes, which combined to make the 20th century look the way it did. Thus, Chanel thrives today, some eighty-plus years after the young convent-bred milliner opened her first salon. And this is in no small measure thanks to the creative talents of the chief designer - Karl Lagerfeld - who, in the paraphrased words of Goethe, "makes a better future with elements enlarged from the past."; Chanel Jewellery: One of the most visible personalties of her era, Gabrielle Chanel invented a style synonymous with modernity and chic. What is perhaps less well known is that the grande dame of 20th-century fashion also worked with silver and diamonds to create an exceptional collection of the finest jewelry. This daring experiment is currently a new source of inspiration for Chanel, which through its fine jewellery store on Place Vendome in Paris, is once again demonstrating the fine art of creating and wearing great jewellery. The adventure is both classic and contemporary, in keeping with the tradition of one of the great names of the 20th century; Chanel Perfume: "A woman who doesn't use perfume doesn't have a future." Pithy like a magic formula, the words fell from the lips of Paul Valery to be collected by Gabrielle Chanel to summarize the stakes of the battle. She needed a counterpoint to the little black dresses and cascades of gems that commanded the style of Chanel. No 5 was the first perfume to mix animal and plant extracts used in traditional perfume with synthetic products. Its birth truly led to a "before" and "after" in the world of perfume, which was no longer an inspired alchemy, romantic and volatile, but pure research. In this way, No 5 perpetuates the charm and influence of the type of personality attracted to this perfume, like bees are attracted to flowers.
  • 时尚先锋香奈儿


    本书为我们展现了一个明星面具之后的不为人知的可可•香奈儿,从她的传奇一生中我们可以获得关于女性时尚与修养的诸多启示。它将引导我们以独立的人生态度,通向绚丽的人生之路。这本书不仅是传记,更是人生哲学和生活方式。 本书也是香奈儿最为著名的传记,系美国《嘉人》杂志主编马赛尔•海德里希与香奈尔对谈录音长达12年后,得到的第一手资料。在这本书中,呈现了一个丰富、立体的香奈尔,她的传记也如此独树一帜:充满了矛盾、夸张、甚至还有谎言,但可以归结为一个女人的传奇。 奥黛丽 塔图主演同名电影赢得法国大热票房 比《蒂凡尼的早餐》更真实精彩的时尚传奇 她的极富传奇色彩的坦率、她的幽默、她的童年隐私、她的青春时代、她独步天下的创作方式,以及她的爱情,无不令这部远非普通传记可比的经典之作释放出铿锵律动,律动触香奈儿浪漫的一生。
  • 可可·香奈儿的传奇一生

    作者:[英] Justine Picardie

  • 香奈儿的态度

    作者:[法] 保罗·莫朗

    上个世纪五十年代,法国人戏称皮雅芙的歌曲、萨冈的小说和香奈儿五号是法国三大重要出口商品。如今皮雅芙的歌曲成为了怀旧的经典,萨冈及其小说亦化为不朽的传奇,只有香奈儿的名字依然站在时尚的前沿,激荡着一代又一代女人们的青春梦想。无怪乎对于很多人来说,香奈儿竟成为了法兰西的代名词。 1971年香奈儿逝世后,关于她的传记作品层出不穷。而保罗·莫朗独辟蹊径,记录了香奈儿众多坦诚的独白。阅读《香奈儿的态度》(L'Allure de Chanel),仿佛是在倾听香奈儿亲自讲述一生的精彩与跌宕。她的孤独、她的事业、她的爱情、她的人生都时时引起我们或歆羡或慨叹或敬畏的复杂情愫。香奈儿的世界仿如群星璀璨的银河。居于时尚与艺术之都巴黎,她所交往的朋友都是那个时代可圈可点的杰出人物:毕加索、科克多、斯特拉文斯基、威斯敏斯特公爵……香奈儿对这些人物的评论也成为这本书的一大特点。 我们不能简单地把《香奈儿的态度》归结为一个名人的传记,它叙述了一段万人瞩目却鲜为人知的人生、体现了一种睿智的思想、更勾勒出了一个时代的传奇与神话。 chanel公司现任创意总监karl Lagerfeld绘制了全书的插图,让这部名作更散发出经典和时尚共舞的魅力。