

  • 畏庐小品


  • 林纾家书


  • 畏庐琐记


     内容简介 清末民初的林纾是新旧思想文化交替过程中一个标志性的人物。《畏庐琐记》是他的一本杂记,书中以笔记体裁,记下了或于读书、或于闲聊、或亲身经历的奇闻与轶事,其中涉及清末民初官场和民间社会的遗风流俗。该书既可补正史之缺失,也能广读者之闻见,融知识性与文学性于一体。全书由230余则组成,文章短小精悍,语言简练洒脱,对文史读者具有重要的参考价值。  编辑推荐 《畏庐琐记》是近代译界泰斗林纾的一本笔记,书中记录了他耳闻目睹的文学典故与奇闻轶事。具有重要的文学价值和史料价值。 本书原属报纸连载文章,一九二二年首次由商务印书馆结集出版,后曾收入上海文艺出版社出版的《近代笔记大观》,皆为竖排繁体。 本版以一九三四年商务印书馆本为底本,加以校注,首次以简体字横排印行。
  • Lin Shu, Inc.

    作者:Michael Gibbs Hill

    Lin Shu, Inc. explores the dynamic interactions between literary translation, commercial publishing, and the politics of "traditional" Chinese culture in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It breaks new ground as the first full-length study in any Western language on the career and works of Lin Shu and his many collaborators in the publishing, academic, and business worlds. Integrating literary scholarship, translation studies, and print history, this book provides new insights into a controversial figure in world literature and his place in the profound transformations in authorship and cultural production in modern China. Well before Ezra Pound and Bertolt Brecht transformed Western-language poetry and theater with their inventions of Chinese culture, Lin Shu and his collaborators had already embarked on a translation project unique in modern literature. Although he knew no foreign languages, in a 20-year period Lin Shu worked with 19 different assistants schooled in English, French, and other tongues to complete more than 180 book-length translations into classical Chinese. Through burgeoning print outlets such as the Commercial Press (Shangwu yinshuguan), Lin and his collaborators offered many readers in China their first taste of "Western literature" - usually 19th-century novels and short stories from the United States, England, and France. At the same time, Lin Shu leveraged his labors as a translator to make himself into a leading authority on "traditional" Chinese literature and cultural values. From what one publisher called his "factory of words," Lin issued scores of textbooks and anthologies of classical-language literature, along with short stories, poems, essays, and a handful of full-length novels.
  • 论文偶记 初月楼古文绪论 春觉斋论文

    作者:刘大櫆吴德旋 林纾

  • 林纾评传


    本书客观评价近代历史名人林纾在五四文化论争中的观点、作用,提出:他在“新旧思潮之激战”中所表达的对中国传统文化和文学的挚爱,他所彰显的必须坚守本民族 的文化身份的信念,他所阐述的具有一定合理性因素的“保守”观点,对于纠正“五四”新文化运动中的偏颇,都是大有裨益的。 由于林纾在五四新旧思潮对峙时代,作为旧学及传统文化的坚守者,既是西方文学、文化的介绍者,又在新旧文化论争中保守一方的代表,他集诸多矛盾于一身,兼有译著、译文、古文理论、古文创作等多类多种作品,后人对其评价可谓毁誉参半,今人对之多有关注。