

  • The Language Instinct

    作者:Steven Pinker

    In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America. This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published.
  • Language in Thought and Action

    作者:S.I. Hayakawa,Alan R

    A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawas classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our thinking. Introduction by Robert MacNeil; Index.
  • How to Learn Any Language

    作者:Barry M. Farber

  • The Book on Writing

    作者:Paula LaRocque

    Many books attempt to teach the elements of good non-fiction writing, but only one does it in the gentle, humorous way of famous writing coach Paula LaRocque. LaRocque's new book is the result of a lifetime spent as a journalist and writing educator. This book contains 25 chapters in three sections. The first section spells out a dozen essential guidelines to good writing, from the importance of short sentences to the value of using a conversational tone. Section Two teaches the reader how to tell a story -- how to build suspense, how to effectively describe things, how to use literary devices. Section Three is a concise handbook on writing mechanics, such as grammar, usage, punctuation and style. Each section is loaded with illustrative examples of great non-fiction writing, and LaRocque's gentle humour makes reading a pleasure. This is LaRocque's gift to the writing world -- it is destined to become a classic.
  • 世界语言博览


  • 髒話文化史 - Language Most Foul

    作者:Ruth Wajnryb

    他媽是怎麼想出這定理的?──畢達哥拉斯 我想幹他媽的不會下雨吧,你說呢?──聖女貞德 這幅幹他媽的畫明明就很像她!──畢卡索 你要我在幹他媽的天花板上畫什麼?──米開蘭基羅 他媽的這麼多水是哪兒來的?──鐵達尼號船長 這不是幹他媽的真槍吧?──約翰?藍儂 十二髒肖──幹、屄∕雞巴、屎、尿(piss)、嬲(bugger)、天殺的(bloody)和屁股(arse),再加上該死(damn)、地獄(hell)、屁(fart)、大便(crap)和屌(dick)──為許多不同的言辭行動提供資源。這十二個字詞經常操勞過度,服侍許多不同的主子。 身為語言學家的作者曾說:「每當遇上新辭典,我都用幹這個字當基本測試。我首先直接翻到F字部,找出幹,看看辭典怎麼說。如果書上的定義不令人滿意,不符合我對這個字在現實生活中各種行動脈絡裡實際用法的了解,我就會放下那本辭典,另尋其他。」 是否不分古今中外,任誰都會滿口粗話、罵罵咧咧?創造性的詛咒之得以發展,是否只因為我們不能動手痛揍惹我們生氣的人?如果口語攻擊是放諸四海皆準的行為,那為什麼某些語言(比方日語)據說沒有不堪入耳的字詞? 一度僅限於足球場(或產房)的罵人話,如今已登堂入室,令若干優雅人士大為驚恐,但其他人則似乎都不甚介意。露絲韋津利以趣味十足的角度探究此一演變過程,解析我們語言中一些多采多姿詞句的起源。韋津利不以英語劃地自限,探討「壞」字詞是否也出現在其他語言,以及罵人話有哪些文化差異。為什麼在某些國家,暗示某人跟他的駱駝有超友誼關係還不至於惹出麻煩,但若對人家母親的道德水平表示鄙夷,就絕對會讓你被踢出國門? 這是一本詼諧風趣、獨樹一格的書,探究以字詞震驚、冒犯、侮辱、逗樂、誇大、發洩、傳遞深刻情緒的種種力量。任何對語言有興趣的人──或者曾經不小心踢痛腳趾的人──都不可錯過《髒話文化史》。 「露絲韋津利寫出了歷來語言學家之不敢言。本書對髒話研究詳盡,引人入勝,筆調幽默,充滿有趣的歷史和好笑的軼事。若要在此引用例句,恐將難以避免用上不雅之詞,所以各位還是快去買這本他X的書吧。」──《年代》 「本書帶你悠遊咒罵語的條條大路和窄巷曲徑。韋津利是最合乎理想的語法學家:明智,博學但態度輕鬆,以幽默雋語寓教於樂。」──《克科斯評論》
  • The Stories of English

    作者:David Crystal

    The Stories of English is a groundbreaking history of the language by David Crystal, the world-renowned writer and commentator on English. Other books have been written on the subject, but they focused on the educated, printed language called standard English. Crystal turns the history of the language on its head and provides a startlingly original view of where the richness, creativity, and diversity of the language truly lies--in the accents and dialects of nonstandard English users all over the globe. Interwoven within this central chronological story are accounts of uses of dialect around the world as well as in literary classics from The Canterbury Tales to The Lord of the Rings. For the first time, regional speech and writing is placed center stage. This significant shift in perspective enables the reader to understand the importance of everyday, previously marginalized, voices in our language, and provides an argument for the way English should be taught in the future.
  • 薄冰英语语法

    作者:薄冰 编著

    本书为实用英语语法,并为便于结合我国学生实际,皆采用传统语法体系,但也吸收了不少现代语法的新的成果。 这部英语语法的最大特点,除其完整性与系统性之外,就在于其“新”。首先,它具有不少新的内容;举其荦荦大者,即如“否定结构”。其次,有一些新的编排,如将“It的用法”编入“代词”一章,将“句型的转换”编入“句子的种类”一章。第三,例句丰富,并且比较新颖,大都是当代的有原汁原味的英语。但请注意,本书例句的译文只为理解服务。
  • Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition

    作者:Michael L. Scott

    Programming Language Pragmatics is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. Taking the perspective that language design and language implementation are tightly interconnected, and that neither can be fully understood in isolation, this critically acclaimed and bestselling book has been thoroughly updated to cover the most recent developments in programming language design. With a new chapter on run-time program management and expanded coverage of concurrency, this new edition provides both students and professionals alike with a solid understanding of the most important issues driving software development today. Classic programming foundations text now updated to familiarize students with the languages they are most likely to encounter in the workforce, including including Java 7, C++, C# 3.0, F#, Fortran 2008, Ada 2005, Scheme R6RS, and Perl 6. New and expanded coverage of concurrency and run-time systems ensures students and professionals understand the most important advances driving software today. Includes over 800 numbered examples to help the reader quickly cross-reference and access content.
  • Wheelock's Latin, 6th Edition Revised (Wheelock's Latin)

    作者:Frederic M. Wheelock

    WHEELOCK'S LATIN: AUDIO FILES When Professor Frederic M. Wheelock's Latin first appeared in 1956, the reviews extolled its thoroughness, organization, and conciseness; at least one reviewer predicted that the book "might well become the standard text" for introducing students to elementary Latin. Now, five decades later, that prediction has certainly proved accurate. The revised sixth edition of Wheelock's Latin has all the features that have made it the best-selling single-volume beginning Latin textbook, many of them improved and expanded: 40 chapters with grammatical explanations and readings based on ancient Roman authors Self-tutorial exercises with an answer key for independent study A newly enlarged English-Latin/Latin-English vocabulary A rich selection of original Latin readings -- unlike other textbooks, which contain primarily made-up Latin texts Etymological aids Also included are maps of the Mediterranean, Italy, and the Aegean area, as well as numerous photographs illustrating aspects of classical culture, mythology, and historical and literary figures presented in the chapter readings.
  • 翻译美学


  • Eats, Shoots & Leaves

    作者:Lynne Truss

    "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" has sold over 3 million copies world-wide. This illustrated version for children shows how the humble comma can change the meaning of a sentence completely. You might want to eat a huge hot dog, but a huge, hot dog would run away pretty quickly if you tried to take a bite out of him. 'Children Drive Slowly' on a road-sign doesn't quite sum up what kids do in their spare time. And we all know now that the comma in 'Eats shoots and leaves' is a crucial one. Lynne Truss and Bonnie Timmons illuminate the hilarious confusion that one mere dot with a tail can cause, in this follow-up to the number one best-seller "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" - which this time features lively and subversive pictures by one of America's leading illustrators. This picture book is sure to elicit gales of laughter and better punctuation from all who read it.
  • The Elements of Style

    作者:William Strunk Jr.,E

    这是一本薄薄的小书。首版于1918年由纽约一家出版社出版。作者William Strunk,康耐尔大学英语教授,E.B.怀特对此书加以了修正。此书短小精悍,容量巨大。涵盖了母语英语的人写作和用法上常出的错误,也清晰地解释了一些语法书中很难找到的语言现象。虽然是为说英语的学生所写,但对于任何需要进一步了解英文用法,进而学习书写英文的人,这本书必不可少的。