

  • Style

    作者:Kate Spade

    A few lucky women have been born with style -- think Diana Vreeland and Jacqueline Onassis -- but for most of us, style is something that comes with time and experience. Above all, style begins with a sense of who you are and your self-confidence. Style comes from opening yourself to the world around you -- to books and movies, art, music, travel, and especially to other people. In this upbeat and engaging book, designer Kate Spade talks about the many people and experiences that have inspired her. For Kate, movies as varied as The Swimmer and The Red Balloon have influenced her vision of style, as have such places as Mexico (where she and her husband, Andy, vacation each year), Napa Valley, and her hometown of Kansas City. In the pages of Style, you'll find a large section devoted to the colors Kate most loves and suggestions for combining them. Accessories, which are the backbone of her wardrobe, are given full treatment here, including shoes, handbags, hats, gloves, and jewelry; and a portfolio of Kate's personal favorites from her own closet is showcased. Style in the office, evening style, even ideas for style when you travel and when you play are all featured here. The last section of Style focuses on maintaining your wardrobe, including tips on organizing your closet, caring for vintage clothes, and keeping your jewelry in good condition. Style, with 230 watercolor illustrations, is a wonderfully personal and friendly book intended for readers of all ages and style temperaments. If there's one rule Kate espouses, it's that true style comes when you follow your own rules. Moreover, as the writers William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White once wrote, "To achieve style, begin by affecting none."
  • China Products + Hongkong + Macau

    作者:Ushioda Tokuko,Shima

  • The Little Black Book of Style

    作者:Nina Garcia

    《我的风格小黑皮书》“这是一堂基础课,它讲述风格的意义、内行的告诫,还有怎么避免成为时尚牺牲品。”尼娜•加西亚首度公开她浸淫时装界多年的感悟,以及时尚界殿堂级人物关于风格的一切秘密,让你可以化繁就简,顺利找到适合自己的着装风格。风格向来与规则无关,与金钱无关,尼娜•加西亚用她敏锐的时尚触觉激发和调动你身上与生俱来的潜力,培养你对时装的品味,帮助你树立对自己着装风格的信心,使追求风格成为一种乐趣。此外,在《我的风格小黑皮书》中,全球著名时尚插画家鲁本•托莱多为《我的风格小黑皮书》绘制了几百幅迷人的插图,使《我的风格小黑皮书》更具魅力。 “别做完美而乏味的女人。” Every time you dress, you assert your identity. With style, you tell the world your story. In that way, style affords you opportunities to think about your appearance as a quality of your creative character. The Little Black Book of Style helps you to explore your own fashion voice—the piece of you that joyously revels in the glamorous experience of creating your best self. From cultivating good taste to guarding against definite fashion faux pas, Nina Garcia offers readers the ultimate guide to follow when it comes to dressing their best. Including tips on how and when to wear an outfit, occasion-appropriate wear, advice on how to combine colors and textures, and inspiration on how to achieve your own signature look, you learn how to experiment, storyboard, archive, and play. Timeless and universal, this book seeks to remind women that eternal style is internal style, and that everyone has what it takes to discover themselves through the colorful palette that is fashion. 点击链接进入中文版: 我的风格小黑皮书
  • 纽约下城风格


    在纽约下城发现创意炼金术…… 在纽约,什么事都可能发生。无数的创意工作者选择来此,激出了这个城市的最大可能性、激出它源源不绝的能量…………而此创意之源,在纽约下城燃点出了最耀人的火花!在这里,街道较狭窄,心灵较宽广,音乐较大声,衣服较酷炫,大楼较低矮,梦想较远大!纽约下城拥有最前卫的创造力!在这里,想像力、活力及无止尽的追求创新的态度、行为和生活型态全都融合在一起。下城区主导了纽约前卫时尚的风格,它代表了活力、多元、及自由风气;它步调快速、爆发力十足;它就无限的可能! leif & Tooya 有机的手工剪裁风格、Siri Kuptamethee炫耀中又带点低调的理性风格服饰、 Michael Spirito透过银饰品打造出的哥德风、Jem Pilippi甜美及城市图像风格的提袋;WK Interact带有强烈旨意的街头黑白画作……本书记录十四位充满创意怀胆识的纽约下城设计师的经验与见识,同时记载了时尚界各种“对事物的观点”的有用资讯。这些设计师强调跟随直觉及达成目标的理要性,而他们作品的独特性在充满想像力及活动的下城区,更是抓住了人们的视线………… 本书目录: Leif and Tooya Marin Penvern Valentine Leung Susan Hable Smith Mary Ping Siri Kuptamethee Michael Spirito Victoria Keen Eiko Berkowitz Jem Filippi WK interact Juta Neumann David & Jody Rodriguez 该书在北京俊杰视点广告文化书店有售 www.junjiesd.com
  • Stylish Academic Writing

    作者:Helen Sword

    Elegant data and ideas deserve elegant expression, argues Helen Sword in this lively guide to academic writing. For scholars frustrated with disciplinary conventions, and for specialists who want to write for a larger audience but are unsure where to begin, here are imaginative, practical, witty pointers that show how to make articles and books a pleasure to read - and to write. Dispelling the myth that you cannot get published without writing wordy, impersonal prose, Sword shows how much journal editors and readers welcome work that avoids excessive jargon and abstraction. Sword's analysis of more than a thousand peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of fields documents a startling gap between how academics typically describe good writing and the turgid prose they regularly produce. "Stylish Academic Writing" showcases a range of scholars from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences who write with vividness and panache. Individual chapters take up specific elements of style, such as titles and headings, chapter openings, and structure, and close with examples of transferable techniques that any writer can master.
  • Japan Style:


    柯珊珊 SHAN SHAN KO 淡江大學日文系畢,五年級生。1996年曾至東京研讀社會情報年餘,返國工作後仍多次往返日本。目前擔任日文口譯工作。足跡踏遍亞澳美歐十多個國家。興趣為電影、音樂、閱讀、料理、旅遊。曾任旅遊雜誌採訪編輯、旅遊出版物主編、珠寶公司行銷企劃副理等職務。曾發表日文作品於日本《Director’s》影像雜誌。著有《日本,SoDesu》一書。
  • The Economist Style Guide

    作者:The Economist

    Rare is the style guide that a person--even a word person--would want to read cover to cover. But The Economist Style Guide, designed, as the book says, to promote good writing, is so witty and rigorous as to be irresistible. The book consists of three parts. The first is the Economist's style book, which acts as a position paper of sorts in favor of clear, concise, correct usage. The big no-noes listed in the book's introduction are: "Do not be stuffy.... Do not be hectoring or arrogant.... Do not be too pleased with yourself.... Do not be too chatty.... Do not be too didactic.... [And] do not be sloppy." Before even getting to the letter B, we are reminded that aggravate "means make worse, not irritate or annoy"; that an alibi "is the proven fact of being elsewhere, not a false explanation"; and that anarchy "means the complete absence of law or government. It may be harmonious or chaotic." Part 2 of the book describes many of the spelling, grammar, and usage differences between British and American English. While many Briticisms are familiar to most Americans and vice versa, there are some words--such as homely, bomb, and table--that take on quite different meanings altogether when they cross the Atlantic. And part 3 offers a handy reference to such information as common business abbreviations, accountancy ratios, the Beaufort Scale, commodity-trade classifications, currencies, laws, measures, and stock-market indices. The U.S. reader should be aware (but not scared off by the fact) that some of the style issues addressed are specifically British. --Jane Steinberg --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 大酱女

    作者:(韩) 白英玉

    《大酱女Style》内容简介:我,31岁,剩女一枚,任职时尚杂志第八个年头,依然是“杂烩部”小记者。有一个魔鬼女上司(据说曾悍然把狗狗从十六层扔下),一群毒舌腹黑的刻薄同事(她们通常会这样“夸人”:是不是吃肉时把嘴唇一起吃掉了?);胖乎乎却被揪住写修身牛仔裤体验,忙活半年的采访被人撬走,相亲对象见面五分钟就开溜,55555,还能再倒霉一点吗? 还没完,极品女上司命令我去追踪一位神秘的Doctor Restaurant,一位令偌多餐厅恨之入骨的家伙。如果采访不到这位食评人,我一定会被主编活埋,她会一边拿着铁锹往我头上撒土一边说:“你还是专业人士吗?” 这个时代的设计师都是恶魔,而我却不是能抵制恶魔诱惑的天使,我只是一个平凡的俗女人。我如何能修炼成精?
  • Mr.Classic

    作者:Jeremy Hackett

    This book is as classy as his clothes, a fascinating book that all men with an interest in style should have. 潮人黎坚惠小姐的读后感想:‘三十四岁前别人常常取笑我是「 一个被困在女人身体的基佬」 , 读了Jeremy Hackett 的《 Mr. Classic 》 后真相大白, 我只是个喜欢英式靓衫的女人, 例如花恤衫上再穿花恤衫, 马球装、 校服、 骑马装、 猎装、 网球装通通精致得叫我落泪。 ...’
  • The Elements of Style

    作者:William Strunk Jr.,E

    这是一本薄薄的小书。首版于1918年由纽约一家出版社出版。作者William Strunk,康耐尔大学英语教授,E.B.怀特对此书加以了修正。此书短小精悍,容量巨大。涵盖了母语英语的人写作和用法上常出的错误,也清晰地解释了一些语法书中很难找到的语言现象。虽然是为说英语的学生所写,但对于任何需要进一步了解英文用法,进而学习书写英文的人,这本书必不可少的。