

  • Daido Moriyama

    作者:Alexandra Munroe,San

  • 71 NEWYORK


  • 何かへの旅

    作者:森山 大道

    何かへの旅(1971年)、櫻花(1972年)、地上(1973年)、日本三景(1973年)ほか雑誌連載作品などを収録。 背のびして見る海峡を―何かへの旅(1)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年1月号) エクスプレス―何かへの旅(2)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年2月号) 撮影後記 背のびして見る海峡を、エクスプレス(「アサヒカメラ」1971年1月号、2月号) 犬の町―何かへの旅(3)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年3月号) ダムサイトの村―何かへの旅(4)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年4月号) 撮影後記 犬の町、ダムサイトの村(「アサヒカメラ」1971年3月号、4月号) “変異”の夜―第5象限63(「朝日ジャーナル」1971年4月2日号) 地帯―何かへの旅(5)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年5月号) 週末―何かへの旅(6)(「アサヒカメラ」1971年6月号) 撮影後記 地帯、週末(「アサヒカメラ」1971年5月号、6月号)〔ほか〕
  • Tales of Tono

    作者:Moriyama, Daido

  • カラ-


  • 記録14号 [単行本]


  • 森山大道的台灣街拍


    本書要帶著讀者了解,森山大道這名攝影家在拍攝的那一瞬間,所捕捉到的奇妙感受:森山先生對著眼前的事物舉起相機、透過鏡頭看出去的同時,他所看見的與眾不同的影像。 究竟他看到了什麼?為了找出這個答案,而有了這趟台灣的旅行。這本書是仲本剛與森山大道這名攝影家一同在台灣旅行,同時也是探索森山大道內心之旅的記錄。
  • Daido Moriyama

    作者:Daido Moriyama

    Moriyama once said, `my work is endless, as long as the world exists I want to take snapshots'. Here a collection of full page black and white photographs presented under the theme Tokyo have been brought together, a number of which have never previously been published.
  • GR Digital Box


  • にっぽん劇場写真帖 (単行本(ソフトカバー))


    内容(「BOOK」データベースより) 1968年、この一冊が日本写真を揺るがした。鬼才ふたりが火花を散らすイメージ地獄巡り。幻の名作、待望の復刻。 内容(「MARC」データベースより) 都市の闇をみつめる幻視力と強烈なスピード感。鬼才ふたりが火花を散らすイメージの地獄巡り。68年発表後、直ちに伝説となった幻の傑作、待望の復刻。〈ソフトカバー〉

    作者:森山 大道

  • Witness #2

    作者:Daido Moriyama,Emi A

  • Labyrinth

    作者:Daido Moriyama

    Throughout his career, Daido Moriyama has sought new ways of recasting his images through the use of different printing techniques, installation, or by re-editing and re-formatting them. For this volume, Moriyama has returned to his contact sheets from the past five decades, selecting both classic and previously unpublished images. Included here are reproductions of original contact sheets; sequences of new contact sheets made from recombined negative strips that juxtapose images from the 1950s with those from the past ten years; and selections of individual images, both familiar and newly discovered. Together, they offer a comprehensive assembly of Moriyama's oeuvre, tracing recurring motifs and proposing startling new interpretations of some of his most iconic photographs. In opening up this private process of reexamination to a wider public, Moriyama continues to challenge the viewer, his own practice and the larger mechanisms by which photography makes meaning. Daido Moriyama (born 1938) has been publishing and exhibiting his photography since the late 1960s, with a bibliography of more than 300 monographs to his name. A major retrospective, Daido Moriyama: Stray Dog, originated in 2000 at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and subsequently toured internationally to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Japan Society in New York, Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland and numerous other venues. He is a recipient of the Cultural Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie and the 2012 Infinity Award for Lifetime Achievement. Exhibitions include a major retrospective, On the Road, presented at the Osaka National Museum of Art from June to October 2011, and William Klein/Daido Moriyama at Tate Modern from October 2012 to January 2013.
  • 狩人


    伝説の写真集『狩人』新装・復刊!    名作『三沢の犬』が収録された伝説的写真集。写真という枠組みを超えた芸術的にも意味のある写真集で、日本写真史上に燦然と輝く金字塔的一冊。
  • サン・ルゥへの手紙

    作者:森山 大道

  • Daido Moriyama

    作者:Moriyama, Daido; Mor

    "Daido Moriyama" is one of two new books this season in Thames & Hudsons acclaimed "Photofile" series. Each book brings together the best work of the worlds greatest photographers in an attractive format and at an easily affordable price. Hailed by "The Times" as finely produced, the books are printed to the highest standards. Each one contains some sixty full-page reproductions, together with a critical introduction and a full bibliography.
  • 日本の写真家(37):森山大道


  • 上街去吧! -森山大道的街拍意見


    「捨棄一知半解的概念,總之就拍吧!」 攝影的原點就在「街頭」, 透過五個街拍精選主題的探索 森山大道破讀個人街拍歷程與心得,分享觀點與建議。 攝影的一切精髓就在於街拍! 60年代,攝影師.森山大道以「晃動.模糊.粗粒子」的風格受到矚目。爾後半個世紀,他依然佇立於街頭,使用傳統底片相機、數位相機進行主題街拍。不僅穿梭於東京的砂町、佃島、銀座、羽田等街頭,也縱橫於北關東各地取景,除了他一慣拍攝的黑白照,也多了彩色照片。本書談到了他對於街拍的想法與觀點,以及身為攝影師的態度及經驗談,是攝影學校學生、攝影愛好者必備的一本街拍入門書!