

  • China Pop

    作者:Jianying Zha

    China Pop is a highly original and lively look at the ways that contemporary China is changing. Jianying Zha, hailed by The Nation as "incisive, witty and eloquent all at once," examines a wide range of developments largely unknown to Western readers: the careful planning of television soap operas to placate popular unrest after Tiananmen, the growth of the sex tabloid and pornography industries, and the politics of censorship and commercial success of the film directors Chen Kaige (Farewell My Concubine) and Zhang Yimou (Ju Dou and Raise the Red Lantern). Review One of the twenty-five best books of 1995. -- Voice Literary Supplement Perceptive. . . What China Pop so brilliantly chronicles is the commercialization of China's cultural world and the anxiety that change is causing in China's intellectuals. -- Christian Science Monitor [A] photograph, a freeze-frame, of a country in rapid motion. . . [Zha is] a young writer with many arresting ideas and, from the evidence of China Pop, a bright literary future as well. -- The New York Times From Publishers Weekly Zha, who was born and raised in Beijing, examines the ways in which the proliferation of pop culture and mass media is changing traditional Chinese society. From The New Yorker This eye-opening book is a breezy and stimulating look at the explosive cultural changes that have followed recent economic reforms in China. From Library Journal As one who fundamentally believes that culture, not economics, will "save" China, Zha (a Chinese journalist who now lives in Chicago and works for the Center for Transcultural Studies) writes about how popular culture has developed in Beijing, China's cultural capital. She discusses the major individuals involved in the production of the nation's most popular soap opera, Yearning; the development of contemporary Chinese architecture; the production of such award-winning movies as Farewell My Concubine and Raise the Red Lantern; the transformation of the Ministry of Culture's China Culture Gazette; pervasive corruption in the journalistic world; the wholesale promotion of the novel The Abandoned Capital; and, from Hong Kong, the proliferation of the avante-garde via the CIM investment company. Much of what Zha discusses is supported in other recent accounts (e.g., Frank Viviano's Dispatches from the Pacific Century, LJ 4/1/93; Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's China Wakes, LJ 7/94; and Orville Schell's Mandate of Heaven, LJ 8/94). However, since her stated intention is to portray China in a "minute fashion," the result is that the book reads more like an extended gossip column than a serious analytical work. An optional purchase.
  • China pop


  • 说东道西


  • 丛林下的冰河


  • 留美故事


  • 弄潮兒


    ◎查建英以優美的方式,將局中人的痛切體悟與圈外人的道義坦率融為一體─The New Yorker ◎集深刻、機智與雄辯於一體,查建英可稱是中國女性史景遷─The Nation ◎這是一個引人入勝、清晰的剖面,反映了崛起中國的人物類型與文化關切─Kirkus 我們把在潮中戲水的弄潮兒,來比喻有勇敢進取精神的人。 本書分為兩個部分。第一部分的主人公是企業家。他們從貧窮到富有的故事多姿多彩,而且帶有明顯的中國特色:潘石屹、張欣是一對在外人看來不太可能成為夫妻的夫妻,攜手成為中國房地產界中的翹楚;孫立哲是一個善於順應時代潮流的天才,把自己從文革中毛澤東喜愛的「赤腳醫生」變成了特立獨行的出版商;張大中是一個矢志為母親洗清冤屈的家電連鎖企業巨頭,他的母親以「反革命分子」的罪名被當局用最殘忍的方式處決。 第二組人物以知識分子為主。文中涉及北京大學的教授們,他們如何捲入了一場關於教育改革的激烈論戰;作者哥哥查建國,一個因參與組建「中國民主黨」而獲罪並在監獄服刑九年的持不同政見者;最後是一位當過文化部長的作家王蒙,人們為他到底是共產黨的辯護士亦或是可能獲得諾貝爾文學獎的偉大作家而分成兩派。 追蹤並記錄這些鮮活的人物和他們的故事,讓這些故事加深讀者對當代中國的理解。這本書可以幫助讀者更好地瞭解目前發生在中國以及中國人身邊的、錯綜複雜、前景未明但卻生機勃勃的歷史轉變。
  • Tide Players

    作者:Jianying Zha

  • 八十年代訪談錄


  • 八十年代访谈录

    作者:查建英 主编

    这是一本围绕“八十年代”情境及问题意识的对话录,主持者选取的谈话对象多为八十年代引领潮流的风云人物:北岛、阿城、刘索拉、李陀、陈丹青、栗宪庭、陈平原、甘阳、崔健、林旭东、田壮壮、分别属于诗歌、小说、音乐、美术、电影、哲学及文学研究等领域。对话抽取相关领域里在今天仍有讨论价值的当年热点内容作为话题,试图重视这个在中国二十世纪史上具有特殊意义年代的场景和氛围,并且在回顾八十年代社会思想面貌的同时也对其进行反思。 20世纪80年代是当代中国历史上一个短暂、脆弱却颇具特质、令人心动的年代。谈话者以个人的身份和角度,从各自从事的工作出发,既回忆反省过去的那个时代,也评论分析现在,并且眺望臆想未来。书中虽然记录了许多珍贵的往事,却没有变成一个“怀旧项目”,大多数谈话者没有简单地将80年代浪漫化,尽管他们那时年轻气盛、出道成名。这些回忆者的态度不是一味怀旧或颂扬,而是尽可能坦率、客观地对自我和时代的局限,对不少当年轰动一时的现象、事件、人物及文化动因进行深入剖析、批评和反省。